What your chocolate choice says about you (2024)

on October 14 | in What's On | by The Westbridge Hotel | with Comments Off on CHOCOLATE DARK? MILK? WHITE? HOW YOUR CHOCOLATE CHOICE REFLECTS YOUR PERSONALITY

We’re in the midst of one of the most exciting times of the yearChocolate Week. Yes, it means we can happily eat as much of it as we like and not feel an ounce of guilt as we’re simply supporting the UK’s biggest chocolate celebration!

With chocolate well and truly on our minds 24/7, we found that some of us are firmly in the milk camp, others like the sweetness of white and a few won’t touch anything that’s less than 70% cocoa solids. But what does our chocolate choice reveal about our personalities?

What your chocolate choice says about you (1)


It’s thought that lovers of milk chocolate are calm and collected they aren’t easily fazed and like to go with the flow. If you opt for milk chocolate chances are you are also something of a clever-clogs and you love to be in the limelight. You have a romantic side to your personality and don’t shy away from commitment: when it comes to relationships, you’re in it for the long-haul.


If you like dark chocolate, chances are you will be cultured, classy and sophisticated. You also don’t sit on the fence when it comes to opinions you stand your ground and tend to get a tad dramatic. Full of energy, you make strong decisions. Your relationships are also strong, and you love being around other people.


Fans of white chocolate tend to be artistic and creative. You are often caught daydreaming, and some people on first impressions could describe you as “flaky”. You are happy in your own company and are more of an introvert than an extrovert.


You know what you want, and you have your sights set on getting it. Being successful is your ultimate goal in life. However, this doesn’t mean you are insensitive; you always take other peoples’ feelings into account. Tradition is also very important to you, but you’re certainly no sheep and don’t just follow what others are doing for the sake of it.


You feel comfortable in your own skin and are generally happy and content. You’re also an adrenaline junkie at times, but are kind in nature and easily pleased.


Nutty chocolate lovers tend to have some old-fashioned qualities but are always the ones to put themselves and others down. Rather than having lots of friends, you have a small network of close chums and can view other people harshly, at times.

So, be honest do any of these personality traits ring true with you?

What your chocolate choice says about you (2)

The Westbridge Hotel Stratford London


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    What your chocolate choice says about you (2024)
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