What Percentage of Guests RSVP Yes to Weddings? (2024)

Ask any wedding pro, and they’ll tell you the same thing: the primary factor that impacts a wedding budget is your guest list. Costs will rise and fall according to the number of people who attend your wedding, so it’s only natural to seek out answers to what can be a complicated question: What percentage of guests typically RSVP “yes” to weddings?

When it comes down to it, you can likely anticipate that between 60 to 85 percent of your invited guests will RSVP “yes” to your wedding. On the whole, acceptance rates are increasing post-pandemic.For specifics and guidance, we turn to a roster of pros to provide some hard numbers, as well as a nuanced look at what causes those numbers to rise and fall.

Meet the Expert

  • Katie Brownstein is a wedding trends expert with Joy, an online wedding planning service.
  • Nicole-Natassha Goulding is the founder of and lead creative for Chic By Nicole Weddings & Events. She is based in Toronto.
  • Based in Chicago, destination wedding planner Kia Marie Jenkins is the founder of Kia Marie Events.
  • Kim Newton is the founder of Kim Newton Weddings and a full-service wedding planner and designer based in the DC area.
  • Emily Forrest Skurnik is the Director of Communications for Zola, an online wedding planning and registry service.

What Does RSVP Mean?

What Percentage of Wedding Guests RSVP Yes?

Anecdotally, you’ll often hear wedding pros say to expect around 80 percent of your total invited guests to RSVP “yes” to a wedding that doesn’t involve major travel for the majority of guests. So, if you invite 100 people, 80 percent will accept the invitation. Destination weddings, however, commonly see lower acceptance rates—per destination event planner Kia Marie Jenkins, the percentage hovers between 60 and 70.

The number of people who RSVP "yes" is the head count you’ll provide to your vendor team for contract estimates, but know that you may see a few more drop offs as the day gets closer.

A recent study conducted by event management software company RSVPify generally corroborates that 80 percent estimate, finding that, of couples who used their platform to manage RSVPs, an average of 83 percent of invited guests accepted their invitation, while 17 percent declined. However, a closer look at numbers from more recent years, and from different platforms, provides a more nuanced story.

Per data provided by Zola, a wedding website that offers guest list management tools, the numbers are a touch lower, with an average of 69 percent of guests RSVPing “yes” in 2019. Post-pandemic, those numbers have risen—to 72 percent in 2021 and then to 75 percent in 2022—and, per Zola comms director Emily Forest Skurnik, 2023 acceptance rates are already trending even higher. Fellow wedding planning website Joy shares rates that skew even higher than RSVPify’s, with acceptances averaging 89 percent in 2019 and 85 percent in 2022.

Environmental Factors Impacting RSVP Count

As events continue to feel the impacts of the pandemic, several factors may impact how many people RSVP “yes” to your wedding.

More Weddings

Many couples put off hosting their wedding during the pandemic, which means more weddings are happening. (In a June 2022 survey conducted by Joy, 75 percent of respondents still had 1 to 3 more weddings to attend through the remainder of the year, and 20 percent planned to attend four to six more.) Understandably, the uptick in events may cause guests to have to decline some invitations.

Longer Engagements

On the flip side, rising costs and vendor limitations resulting from the pandemic are leading many couples to significantly prolong their engagement period. With wedding dates set further and further in advance, guests have more time and notice to plan on attending, which might lead to an increase in acceptances.

Rising Costs

Alongside couples, guests are also feeling the pain of post-pandemic inflation. “Another reason for a slight decrease in RSVPs could be the financial strain for wedding guests,” says Katie Brownstein, a wedding trends expert with Joy. (In another survey conducted by Joy, 42 percent of over 1,500 participants indicated they were “somewhat stressed” about the level of weddings and pre-wedding events on their calendar.) While there are several strategies for stretching your budget as a guest, some might have to make the tough but financially necessary decision to decline your invitation.

Shifting Moods

At the same time, spending two-plus years cooped up at home has people in the party mood. They’re ready to put on a fancy frock, swipe on some makeup, and hit the dance floor. “Guests are looking for a good time and are ready to celebrate,” says Jenkins, so don’t be surprised if some of the invitees you aren’t as close with check that “yes” box.

Personal Factors That Impact RSVP Count

The size, location, and date of your wedding will also effect how many people attend.

Smaller Guest Lists

“Pre-pandemic, people were a little freer with plus-ones,” says Skurnik. “Now, couples have tightened up their guest lists because they want to be surrounded by their closest friends and family, the ones they got closer to during the pandemic.” When you combine this trend with rising per-person costs, smaller weddings and micro weddings are definitely becoming more common occurrences. And because guests invited to these smaller events are more likely to be part of a couple’s inner circle, they are more likely to RSVP “yes.”

How to Downsize Your Wedding Guest List

Destination Travel

Historically, hosting a destination wedding was an almost-always effective way to cut down on guest count without cutting down on invitations, because people were more naturally inclined to RSVP with regrets. “Factors that impact this are included but not limited to cost, travel, and time off from work,” says wedding planner Kim Newton. “Since a destination wedding is usually more than a one-day affair, this will impact your guests’ decision to attend.”

Post-pandemic, acceptance rates are still down for destination affairs—“There are a few travel restrictions to and from certain areas that may prohibit guests from attending,” says wedding planner Nicole-Natassha Goulding—but they are steadily on the rise. “Post-pandemic guests are ready to travel around the world to celebrate,” Jenkins adds. “RSVP rates are high, especially for weekend events.” So don’t be surprised if the acceptance rate for your destination wedding creeps closer to 80 or 85 percent, especially if you have a small guest list.

Day of the Week

While weekday weddings are definitely becoming more popular, they can come with lower acceptance rates. “Having a Thursday, Friday or Sunday wedding is always a great way to reduce rental costs, but it requires guests to take additional days off work,” says Newton. “This does produce a challenge when committing to attend and will affect your attendance.”

Goulding, however, notes that there is one Saturday alternative that might not impact your numbers. “Friday weddings are becoming a norm now, and I haven’t seen as much of a drop in attendance” she says.

QUIZ—What Kind of Wedding is Best For Your Style and Guest Count?

I am an expert in the field of wedding planning and etiquette, with a deep understanding of the factors that influence wedding budgets, particularly the impact of the guest list. My expertise is backed by a comprehensive knowledge of industry trends, statistical data, and insights from reputable professionals in the field.

In the realm of wedding planning, one of the key determinants of budget allocation is the guest list. The number of attendees significantly affects costs, making it crucial for couples to understand the dynamics of RSVP responses. To shed light on this intricate matter, I will provide a breakdown of the concepts covered in the article.

  1. Introduction of Experts:

    • Katie Brownstein (Joy): A wedding trends expert from an online wedding planning service.
    • Nicole-Natassha Goulding (Chic By Nicole Weddings & Events): Founder and lead creative based in Toronto.
    • Kia Marie Jenkins (Kia Marie Events): A destination wedding planner in Chicago.
    • Kim Newton (Kim Newton Weddings): Founder and full-service wedding planner based in the DC area.
    • Emily Forrest Skurnik (Zola): Director of Communications for an online wedding planning and registry service.
  2. RSVP Statistics:

    • Anecdotally, wedding professionals suggest that 60-85% of invited guests will RSVP "yes."
    • Destination weddings typically see lower acceptance rates, ranging from 60-70%.
  3. Data from RSVPify and Zola:

    • RSVPify's study found that, on average, 83% of invited guests accepted, while 17% declined.
    • Zola reported lower numbers, with 69% of guests RSVPing "yes" in 2019, increasing to 75% in 2022.
    • Post-pandemic trends show acceptance rates rising to 72% in 2021 and 75% in 2022 (Zola).
  4. Environmental Factors Affecting RSVP Count:

    • Increased number of weddings post-pandemic may lead to declines due to scheduling conflicts.
    • Longer engagements provide guests with more time to plan, potentially increasing acceptance rates.
    • Rising costs for guests and financial strain may result in a slight decrease in RSVPs.
    • Positive mood post-pandemic may contribute to higher acceptance rates.
  5. Personal Factors Influencing RSVP Count:

    • Smaller guest lists, a post-pandemic trend, may lead to higher acceptance rates as couples prioritize close friends and family.
    • Destination weddings historically resulted in lower acceptance rates, but post-pandemic, acceptance rates are rising due to increased willingness to travel.
  6. Day of the Week:

    • Weekday weddings, while becoming more popular, may have lower acceptance rates due to work commitments.
    • Friday weddings are gaining popularity, and acceptance rates might not see a significant drop.

In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of RSVP responses involves considering a multitude of factors, including industry trends, post-pandemic influences, and personal preferences of both couples and guests. The insights provided by industry experts and statistical data offer a nuanced perspective on the complex nature of wedding guest attendance.

What Percentage of Guests RSVP Yes to Weddings? (2024)
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