What is the term for using the senses to study the world, using tools to collect measurements, and examining previous research results? | Homework.Study.com (2024)

Science Scientific method


What is the term for using the senses to study the world, using tools to collect measurements, and examining previous research results?

Experimental Data:

Experimental data is defined as the information collected from the observation and measurement of the different methods. Different types of experimental data are quantitative experimental data and qualitative experimental data.

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The term for using the senses to study the world, using tools to collect measurements, and examining previous research results is known as observation ...

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Qualitative Observation | Definition and Examples


Chapter 6/ Lesson 8


What does qualitative observation mean? Learn what a qualitative observation is and see qualitative observation examples and types in scientific practice.

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What is the term for using the senses to study the world, using tools to collect measurements, and examining previous research results? | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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