What is the difference between red peppers and green peppers? (2024)

The age old question: What is the difference between red peppers and green peppers? Before we can differentiate between these two classic peppers, let’s define what exactly a pepper is.

Peppers are a popular vegetable (or fruit?) that can be used in a variety of dishes. They can be eaten raw, roasted, sauteed, or grilled. Peppers can also be used as an ingredient in sauces, soups, and stews. Peppers come in many different colors, including red, green, yellow, and orange. While all peppers have a slightly sweet taste, there is a difference in flavor between red and green peppers.

Red Peppers

Red peppers are actually just green peppers that have been allowed to ripen on the vine for a longer period of time. Why? Well, it’s because they have been allowed to fully mature on the vine. Red peppers are sweeter and milder than green ones. They are often used in salads and as a garnish. Red peppers can also be used in cooking, although They also have a thicker flesh, which can make them more difficult to cook evenly. They may lose their color when they are cooked for too long. When it comes to taste, red peppers are typically described as being earthy with fruity undertones.

Green Peppers

Green peppers, on the other hand, are picked before they are fully ripe. Cmmonly known as bell peppers, they are not as ripe as red counterparts. They have a sharper flavor and are often used in savory dishes. This is why they are less sweet and more bitter than red peppers. Green peppers also have a thinner flesh, which makes them easier to cook evenly. In terms of taste, green peppers are often described as being grassy or herbaceous. Green peppers can be cooked or sauteed, but they will turn yellow or brown if they are overcooked.

What is the difference between Bronx Hot Sauce Green and Bronx Hot Sauce Red?

When we started making hot sauce, we wanted to work with community gardens to grow as many pounds of peppers as possible. This meant that we specifically chose to use a green pepper in order to maximize the total amount of peppers each garden could grow. Green peppers allow for three or four harvests in a short growing season like New York, while red peppers could probably only get one or two. So when we started testing recipes for our green Bronx Hot Sauce we made sure to add sugar and garlic to cut through the bitterness of the green peppers.

However, during our first growing season, some gardens left the peppers on the vine too long accidentally and the green peppers turned red! So rather than waste the peppers, or make a brown sauce by combining the red and green peppers, we decided to separate them and do two sauces, one Bronx Hot Sauce Red, one Bronx Hot Sauce green. We sold the first batch as a special green and red holiday two pack. But the new red recipe developed its own partisan following, and became popular all on its own. So we decided to make both flavors available year round.

While both have a slightly sweet taste, there is a difference in flavor between the two types of peppers. Red peppers are sweeter and milder than green peppers. Green peppers have a sharper flavor. When cooking with peppers, it is important to keep in mind the difference in flavor so that you can choose the type of pepper that is best suited for the dish you are making.

What is the difference between red peppers and green peppers? (2024)
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