What Happens When You Go Into A Higher Tax Bracket? (2024)

What Happens When You Go Into A Higher Tax Bracket? (1)

Have you ever heard of anyone complaining aboutmaking more money? If you have, they probably grumbled about moving up a tax bracket. Many people assume that when they “move up a tax bracket” every dollar they earn is taxed at a new, higher rate leading to lower take-home pay overall.

Thankfully, that isn’t the case. When you “move up a tax bracket” you only pay a higher tax rate on the income above a threshold. The rest of your income is taxed at the same rate (or rates) as before.

In this article we explain what it really means to move up a tax bracket, how to calculate your tax bill, and the possible downsides of earning more.

Table of Contents

Bad News: You May No Longer Qualify for Certain Benefits!

Why Does Your Tax Bracket Matter?

What Does Moving Up a Tax Bracket Mean?

The United States has a “progressive” income tax code. That means the first dollar you earn is taxed at a lower rate than the last dollar you earn. It’s important to note that the United States taxes your adjusted gross income (AGI).

Adjusted gross income is all your income subject to income tax (wages, business profits, dividends, interest from high-yield accounts, etc.) less any deductions and adjustments you’re entitled to. For example, if you don’t itemize your taxes, you’ll still qualify for the “standard” deduction of $12,950 for a single filer or $25,900 for a married couple filing jointly.

An individual claiming the standard deduction gets $12,950 in income-tax-free money. If she earns exactly $12,950, her adjusted gross income is $0, so she pays no taxes. If she earns more than $12,950, her adjusted gross income is taxed. Her first dollar earned above $12,950 is taxed at 10%. But the rate gets progressively higher as she earns a higher adjusted gross income.

Below you can see exactly how this works out for various single filers. The income in these examples assume that the person takes no other tax breaks other than the individual deduction.

The income brackets change if you’re married filing jointly, married filing separately, or a head of household filer.

Tax Rate

Income Bracket — This is only your taxable income or your adjusted gross income (AGI)

Tax Owed



$0 to $10,275

10% of taxable income

Sally, a single filer who claims the standard deduction, earns $20,950 in a year.

Her adjusted gross income is $8,000.

Her tax bill is 10% of $8,000 or $800 for the year.

Her tax bracket is 10% but her effective tax rate is 3.8%.


$10,275 to $41,775

$1,027.50 plus 12% of the amount over $10,275

Edward, a single filer who claims the standard deduction earns $50,000 per year.

His adjusted gross income is $37,050.

His income tax bill is $1,027.50 + ($37,050 − $10,275) x 12% (or $3,213) = $4,240.50.

His tax bracket is 12% but his effective tax rate is 8.4%.


$41,776 to $89,075

$4,807.50 plus 22% of the amount over $41,775

Tian, a single filer who claims the standard deduction earns $90,000 per year.

His adjusted gross income is $77,050.

His income tax bill is $4,807.50 + ($77,050 − $41,775) x 22% ($7,760.50) = $12,568.

His income tax bracket is 22% but his effective tax rate is 14.0%.


$89,076 to $170,050

$15,213.50 plus 24% of the amount over $89,075

Rocky, a single filer who claims the standard deduction earns $150,000 per year.

His adjusted gross income is $137,050.

His income tax bill is $15,213.50 + ($137,050 − $89,075) x 24% ($11,514) = $26,727.50.

His income tax bracket is 24% but his effective tax rate is 17.8%.


$170,051 to $215,950

$34,647.50 plus 32% of the amount over $170,050

Athena, a single filer who claims the standard deduction earns $200,000 per year.

Her adjusted gross income is $187,050.

Her income tax bill is $34,647.50 + ($187,050 − $170,050) x 34% ($5,780) = $40,427.50.

Her income tax bracket is 32% but her effective tax is 20.2%.


$215,951 to $539,900

$49,335.50 plus 35% of the amount over $215,950

Nikhil earns $300,000 and is a single filer who claims the standard deduction.

His adjusted gross income is $287,050.

His tax bill is $49,335.50 + ($287,050 − $215,950) x 35% ($24,885) = $74,220.50.

His tax bracket is 35% but his effective tax rate is 24.7%.


*At this point an alternative minimum tax may apply which is more complicated.

$539,901 or more

$162,718 plus 37% of the amount over $539,900

Kaia earns $600,000 and is a single filer who claims the standard deduction.

Her adjusted gross income is $587,050.

Her tax bill is $162,718 + ($587,050 − $539,900) x 37% ($17,445.50) = $180,163.50.

Her tax bracket is 37% but her effective tax rate is 30.0%.

Related:Effective Tax Rates: How Much You Really Pay In Taxes

Good News: Earning More Means Taking Home More Money!

As you earn more money, you will pay more in taxes. And when you cross into a new tax bracket, some of the money you earn will be taxed at a higher rate. But not all your money will be taxed at that higher rate. When you earn more money, you should see a bigger paycheck.

The one caveat to this is that many raises coincide the start of the year. That’s also the time when your benefits change. In some cases the rising cost of health insurance (or other changes you make) could cause you to see less money in your check even though you’re earning more.

Bad News: You May No Longer Qualify for Certain Benefits!

While you’re almost always going to see a bigger paycheck when you earn more money, earning more isn’t always a panacea. In some cases, earning more money means you “fall off” a benefits cliff. That means that by earning more, you may suddenly be disqualified for certain benefits.

This issue is particularly pronounced for many working people who earn less-than-average wages for their area. Here are a few examples:

  • Before his most recent promotion, Robert qualified for $60 per week in SNAP benefits. With his most recent raise (he earns $3 per hour more than he did previously), he loses his SNAP benefits. Assuming he works 40 hours per week, his pre-tax pay rises by $120 per week, but he loses $60 in benefits. Once taxes are taken out, his earning is just a touch higher than it was before.
  • Before her promotion, Nina’s children qualified for CHIP or the state-run health insurance program. After her $5,200 annual raise, the children no longer qualify for the program. She has to pay for their insurance through her employer. The cost of adding the kids is $300 per month. That means that $3,600 of her raise goes straight towards replacing a benefit that she previously received for free.
  • Hannah qualifies for a Section 8 housing voucher. Under the terms of her voucher, exactly 30% of her income goes to housing. When she gets a raise of $2 per hour, she will earn $350 more per month on average. Her portion of the rent increases by $105. If her earnings go too high, she may be disqualified from the housing voucher program completely.

Self-employed people who buy insurance through the healthcare exchange (Healthcare.gov) may see their “premium tax credits” fall as their income rises. The result may be that earning more money could translate to paying more for health insurance. Or worse, paying back some of the premium tax credits when you file your taxes.

It can be discouraging to work hard to earn more only to have the extra money be eaten up by paying for benefits. It’s especially discouraging when you can barely afford the new expense.

In spite of losing out on these benefits in the short term, I would encourage to continue working to earn more over time. Once you’re accustomed to paying for certain things out of your paycheck, each extra dollar you earn will move you forward financially.

Why Does Your Tax Bracket Matter?

Since most people slowly inch up from one tax bracket to the next, it may not seem like tax brackets are particularly meaningful. After all, you’re going to pay taxes no matter what your bracket is. However, understanding your normal tax bracket can help you take advantage of years when you earn less than average.

For example, if your business takes a loss one year, you may want to take advantage of being in a low tax bracket to convert some money from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. That way you get the advantage of paying tax at a low rate now, and then avoiding any tax on it in the future.

You could also consider making moves like “capitalizing” business expenses rather than expensing them. Or, in a year when you have a particularly high tax rate, consider making large charitable contributions during the calendar year rather than putting them off.

Your expected tax bracket may also influence you to increase or decrease your withholdings at work.

What Happens When You Go Into A Higher Tax Bracket? (2024)


What Happens When You Go Into A Higher Tax Bracket? ›

When your income jumps to a higher tax bracket, you don't pay the higher rate on your entire income. You pay the higher rate only on the part that's in the new tax bracket.

Is it bad to move into a higher tax bracket? ›

A higher tax bracket typically means you'll pay more in taxes, while the inverse is true for a lower tax bracket. However, how much you end up paying will depend on your personal financial situation and how you structure your assets.

Should you take a raise if it puts you into a higher tax bracket? ›

❌ Myth: if you're on the cusp of the next tax bracket you shouldn't accept a raise because you'll be making less money. ✅ Fact: the US uses a progressive tax system, so you'll never be making less when you're making more.

How does tax bracket affect tax return? ›

Tax brackets specify the tax rate you will pay on each portion of your taxable income. Your tax rate typically increases as your taxable income increases. The overall effect is that higher-income taxpayers usually pay a higher rate of income tax than lower-income taxpayers.

What salary puts you in a higher tax bracket? ›

2019 Tax Brackets (Due July, 15 2020)
Tax rateSingle filersHead of household
10%$0 – $9,700$0 – $13,850
12%$9,701 – $39,475$13,851 – $52,850
22%$39,476 – $84,200$52,851 – $84,200
24%$84,201 – $160,725$84,201 – $160,700
3 more rows

Can you lose money in a higher tax bracket? ›

You really will take home more money in each paycheck. When an increase in income moves you into a higher tax bracket, you only pay the higher tax rate on the part of your income that falls into that bracket. You don't pay a higher rate on all of your income.

What is the average tax return for a single person making $60,000? ›

If you make $60,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $13,653. That means that your net pay will be $46,347 per year, or $3,862 per month.

Why do I owe taxes when I get a raise? ›

The more money you earn, the more taxes you will have to pay, increasing your tax bill. For example, if the income tax is 10% and you earn $5,000, your tax bill is $500. If you get a raise to $8,000, your tax bill is now $800.

How much will a raise affect my paycheck? ›

To calculate a 5% pay raise, you only have to multiply the percentage of the increase (in decimals) by your current salary and add your current salary. So, assuming your monthly salary is $1,000, a 5% increase will be 0.05 multiplied by $1,000 plus the current salary, resulting in $1,050.

Will a bonus put me in a higher tax bracket? ›

Bonuses are taxable income, but the IRS considers them supplemental wages, which means taxes may be withheld on your bonus differently than they are on your ordinary wages. Employers can either tax your bonus at a flat 22% rate or use a more complex withholding calculation.

What tax bracket gets the biggest refund? ›

According to Lending Tree, high-income taxpayers in the $500,000 to $999,999 bracket received the biggest total dollar amount refund—an average refund of $35,128 in tax year 2020. Low-income taxpayers in the $10,000 to $24,999 bracket received the biggest refund as a percentage of their income.

How much will my tax return be if I made $70,000? ›

If you make $70,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $17,665. That means that your net pay will be $52,335 per year, or $4,361 per month. Your average tax rate is 25.2% and your marginal tax rate is 41.0%.

How do tax brackets work for dummies? ›

Tax brackets are how the IRS determines which income levels get taxed at which federal income tax rates. The higher the income you report on your tax return, the higher your tax rate.

Why do I get less tax return when I make more money? ›

Changes to your income last year may play a role in receiving a smaller refund this tax season. Here are some examples: Salary increase: If you got a salary increase last year but neglected to increase your tax withholding, this could lead to a smaller tax refund when you file.

What bracket gets taxed the most? ›

The U.S. currently has seven federal income tax brackets, with rates of 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. If you're one of the lucky few to earn enough to fall into the 37% bracket, that doesn't mean that the entirety of your taxable income will be subject to a 37% tax. Instead, 37% is your top marginal tax rate.

What is my tax bracket if I make $80,000? ›

If you make $80,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $21,763. That means that your net pay will be $58,237 per year, or $4,853 per month.

What does it mean to be in the highest tax bracket? ›

The U.S. currently has seven federal income tax brackets, with rates of 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. If you're one of the lucky few to earn enough to fall into the 37% bracket, that doesn't mean that the entirety of your taxable income will be subject to a 37% tax. Instead, 37% is your top marginal tax rate.

How do I pay less taxes in a higher tax bracket? ›

How to lower taxable income
  1. Contribute more to retirement accounts.
  2. Push asset sales to next year.
  3. Batch itemized deductions.
  4. Sell losing investments.
  5. Choose tax-efficient investments.
Oct 17, 2022

Do you get a smaller tax return if you make more money? ›

Here are a few more of the many reasons that can cause lower tax refunds (or higher tax bills): Making more money (or a spouse making more money, if filing jointly) can reduce the amount of the EITC you qualify for and might even disqualify you from claiming it altogether.

Do most people retire in a higher tax bracket? ›

Add in pension income, taxable investments, rental income and part-time work, and a retiree may find themself in a higher tax bracket than during their primary earning years. Inheriting pre-tax money can also drive up income in retirement since inherited IRAs have a 10-year window to be fully distributed.

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