What does your shoe size say about you? (2024)

We all know the rumours to do with its role as indicator of a certain other endowment (doubtlessly spread by members of the clowning community), but what can really be told by one's shoe size? Well, according to scientists and surveys, lots.

Pleasingly, the results show positives for all shapes and sizes. So whether you're a child's size 12, a literal bigfoot or somewhere in between, here's what the experts have to say:

It can tell you your life expectancy

In 2009, a team of Swedish epidemiologists conducted a study into the relationship between shoe size and length of life, even releasing a helpful table to frighten people.

What does your shoe size say about you? (1)

The results generally showed that men with average-sized feet have the best chances, while those at either extreme could find themselves heading for an early grave. Despite that, they did accept a margin of error.

“We have no doubt people can live longer than their shoe size would indicate,” they reassured us in the research paper. “But this would be true only if they adopt an unusually health-oriented lifestyle, with careful attention to diet and exercise.”

Below are their findings; don't say we didn't warn you:

Size 5 – a life expectancy of 63-66
Size 6 – 64-69
Size 7 – 66-69
Size 8 – 67-72
Size 9 – 72-75
Size 10 – 73-77
Size 11 – 75-82
Size 12 – 74-79
Size 13 – 67-72
Size 14 – 66-69

What does your shoe size say about you? (2)

It isn't related to penis size

Small-hoofed men breathe a sigh of relief: there is no truth to reports that men with big feet have a large manhood, and countless studies dispelled the myth. One, conducted by University College London, involved 104 men and measured penises both when soft and "gently stretched". It concluded the assumed relationship was "a common misconception".

Research in Turkey in 2011, however, was less certain. It found a vague correlation between height, weight, BMI (body mass index) and penis size, but not enough evidence to suggest feet alone can determine it.

Instead, it could be your fingers that give away your secrets. South Korean academics last year published a study suggesting men whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers are likely to have longer penises. Now you're looking at your hands, aren't you?

It says whether you're a love cheat

The cliché may have been debunked, but there does seem to be some link between shoe size and sex: those with bigger feet are more likely to be adulterous.

According to a poll conducted by Illicit Encounters, the UK's largest dating website for people looking for affairs, the most faithful foot sizes are between 7 and 9, while those wearing 10s (and above) are three times more likely to cheat.

What does your shoe size say about you? (3)

It can predict a growth spurt

It won't come as a surprise to learn that height and foot size are related – after all, the largest feet in Britain belong to a 6ft 8in rugby player – but there is little evidence to say that it's a direct correlation. What big feet can predict, however, is an imminent growth spurt in teenagers.

"During puberty, the hands and feet enlarge before the long bones," states the Harvard Medical School. "So for many, one of the first indicators that rapid growth is about to begin is an increase in shoe size."

What does your shoe size say about you? (4)

It shows if you're a good sprinter

...but only if the length is in your toes. Relatively long toes compared to the rest of your foot puts a spring in your step when it comes to running fast.

"Sprinters have a stronger, more elastic push off with the toes. And long toes make the overall length of the foot bigger, which means longer contact with the ground, which is where the acceleration happens," David Houlihan-Burne, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon said.

For reference, Usain Bolt has size 13 feet: big even for his 6ft 5in frame. The 6ft 1in Justin Gatlin, meanwhile, wears size 12 running spikes, but Tyson Gay? Just a 9. The jury's out on that one, then.

What does your shoe size say about you? (2024)


Does shoe size indicate anything? ›

There's no official data on the average shoe size for men in the United States, but anecdotal evidence indicates it's around size 10.5 with a medium width. Shoe size doesn't indicate overall health. It also doesn't indicate penis size, which is a common misconception.

What do shoe sizes represent? ›

While all shoe sizes use a number to indicate the length of the shoe, they differ in exactly what they measure, what unit of measurement they use, and where the size 0 (or 1) is positioned. Some systems also indicate the shoe width, sometimes also as a number, but in many cases by one or more letters.

Is shoe size a good predictor of height? ›

For adults, height is usually about 6.5 times the length of the foot, but foot size during puberty is not considered a very accurate height predictor of adult height.

Does foot size come from mom or dad? ›

There aren't specific traits that come from a particular parent regarding foot size, but Miller said the size of your parents' feet is a good indication of what your foot size will be.

Is size 7 feet big for a girl? ›

Even though on average women's feet are between 8.5 and 9, the most commonly sold shoe size is a 7, but just because this is the size that most women purchase does not mean that they are wearing the correct size.

Do big feet mean tall? ›

Some people say that big feet indicate a child will be tall. But people of the same height often have different size feet. But feet size can tell you one thing: When you notice your kiddo's feet grow larger, it's a sign they're about to get taller. According to one study, foot growth happens before spinal growth.

What size shoe is a 10 inch foot? ›

Women's Size Conversions
13 more rows

Is a size 7 shoe small for a woman? ›

In the United States, the average foot size of a woman was 6.5 in the 1960s. It rose to 7.5 in the '70s. While there are no official statistics available, anecdotal evidence received from shoe sales personnel indicates that the current women's average shoe size is around a U.S. 7 to 8.

What size shoe is 11 inches? ›

US SizesEuro SizesInches
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Is a size 9 shoe small for a guy? ›

A shoe size smaller than 8 is considered a small shoe size for men. It might be challenging to locate the ideal shoe in the adult area if you sport a size below 8. There's a chance you'll need to buy sneakers from the kids' department. In general, the average shoe size for men ranges from 9 to 12 around the world.

How tall is someone with size 9 feet? ›

Average shoe size by height
AgeHeightShoe size
Over 204'9″ to 5'3″5 to 8.5
Over 205'4″ to 5'7″6.5 to 10
Over 205'8″ to 6′ or taller9 to 15
Aug 7, 2019

What age do feet stop growing? ›

Your feet usually stop growing a few years after puberty, typically around 14 for girls and 16 for boys. However, the final closure of growth plates in the feet doesn't occur until 18-20 years of age, so your feet will still continue to grow until then.

What foot shape is most attractive? ›

What type of foot is the most beautiful ? The Egyptian foot is without a doubt the most beautiful foot shape, although people with the Greek foot will tell you otherwise.

What does a girl inherit from her mother? ›

Physical features such as hair color, hair texture, hairline, skin, and varicose veins are inherited from your mother.

Which parent passes height? ›

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, people may wish to try the following formula for predicting how tall a child will be: Measure the height of both biological parents. For male children, add 5 inches (in) to the father's height, add the mother's height, then divide by 2.

Is it better to wear shoes of a bigger size or your actual size? ›

It's best to wear your actual shoes size. However for running shoes, I do wear them half a size bigger because my feet will swell up after 2 miles of running, that extra room helps with the blood flow.

Does weight determine shoe size? ›

How weight affects the size of your feet. Most people gain weight as they get older — and those extra pounds press down on the ligaments and tendons that support your foot. As a result, your foot can widen or lengthen.

Does 0.5 shoe size make a difference? ›

Is a Half Size in Shoes a Big Difference? A half-size represents a 1/8” difference. It may not seem significant but is enough to distinguish between comfort and discomfort. Because there is no standardisation for shoe sizing, a half size difference will also depend on the brand of shoe.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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