What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 13, 2024

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Setting clear expectations


Delegating effectively


Giving and receiving feedback


Managing conflict


Developing your team


Balancing your priorities


Here’s what else to consider

Becoming a People Manager is a rewarding but challenging career move. You are not only responsible for your own work, but also for the performance, development, and well-being of your team members. In your first year as a People Manager, you may face some common challenges that can test your skills, confidence, and resilience. Here are six of them and some tips on how to overcome them.

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  • Mukta Arya Managing Director, Chief Human Resources Officer (APAC) at Societe Generale, Associate Certified Coach (ACC, ICF), with…

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  • Scott Huson Driving Business Impact through Skills Development | 25-Year Commercial Veteran

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What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (11) What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (12) What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (13)

1 Setting clear expectations

One of the first tasks of a People Manager is to establish clear and realistic expectations for your team. This includes defining the roles, responsibilities, goals, and standards of each team member, as well as communicating how you will measure and reward their performance. Setting clear expectations helps you align your team with the organizational vision and strategy, avoid confusion and conflict, and foster trust and accountability. To set clear expectations, you need to be specific, consistent, and transparent, and involve your team in the process.

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    It's indeed a big shift to go from a high-performing individual contributor to a people manager. Providing clarity to the team becomes one of your most important priorities. - Invest extra time in understanding the priorities you are responsible for yourself. (Get yourself to a point where you can pitch it like a start-up founder)- Set principles to follow, such as "Understand Business Economics"- Set the priorities for your team with a well-established system such as OKRs and/or Smart Goals.- Re-iterate goals, motivate the team, and share the importance of what we do at every opportunity.- Establish a system of working for your teams that makes it easy for them to prioritize the right activities and help clear roadblocks.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (22) 10

  • Claude Silver Chief Heart Officer at VaynerMedia (CHRO)/Chief People Officer)
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    First-year People Managers often encounter challenges that require a blend of compassion and strategic thinking. One primary hurdle is fostering trust within the team. Building authentic connections and demonstrating genuine care for individuals can be time-consuming but lays the foundation for a strong, united workforce. Additionally, navigating through conflicts and addressing diverse personalities demands emotional intelligence and a nuanced approach to conflict resolution. Striking the right balance between being approachable and maintaining authority is another challenge, as managers must establish their leadership style while remaining open to feedback. Remember, it's a journey of growth for both you and your team.


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  • Venkat Subramanian Seasoned Technology Leader
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    The toughest thing I dealt with was “letting go”. There was always this “itch” to get the job done myself. I had to train myself to coach/mentor team to get it done, and focus my energies on big picture/strategic items to help the team.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (42) 9


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2 Delegating effectively

Another key skill of a People Manager is to delegate tasks and projects to your team members according to their strengths, interests, and development needs. Delegating effectively helps you optimize your time and resources, empower your team members, and create a culture of ownership and collaboration. However, delegating effectively can be challenging, especially if you are used to doing everything yourself, or if you have trouble trusting or letting go of your team. To delegate effectively, you need to clarify the scope, deadline, and outcome of each task, provide support and feedback, and recognize and appreciate your team's efforts.

  • Yemmie Olaleye (CMSA®,FMVA®,FTIP™) ✪ 🎖️ 125x LinkedIn Top Voice💡 🔸 Financial Market Analyst/Educator🔸 Executive Coach🔸Futurist🔸Thought Leader🔸FPWM™🔸BIDA®🔸CBCA®🔸PMEC🔸BMEC🔸ESGP🔸 Fellow @ African Leadership Group
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    Delegation of tasks should not be biased.It is not a good management practice to delegate tasks and position based on loyalty instead of merit.The better people's managers understand this, the better we become as an organization/brand.The round peg should go in a round hole, do not comprise excellence for management. Do not compromise quality for quantity. It is important.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (51) 5

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    Remember your job now is to ensure your team gets the work done, NOT YOU. You are now accountable for the work your team does, NOT responsible directly.Ensure to provide your team clarity, autonomy, and ownership. This can be done by properly implementing systems such as agile and becoming the keeper of the system and accountable for the outcomes.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (60) 4


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3 Giving and receiving feedback

As a People Manager, you need to give and receive feedback regularly to improve your team's performance and your own. Giving feedback helps you motivate, coach, and develop your team members, as well as address any issues or concerns. Receiving feedback helps you learn from your mistakes, grow as a leader, and build rapport with your team. However, giving and receiving feedback can be challenging, especially if you are not comfortable with criticism, or if you have to deal with sensitive or difficult situations. To give and receive feedback effectively, you need to be specific, constructive, timely, and respectful, and listen actively and empathetically.

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  • Mukta Arya Managing Director, Chief Human Resources Officer (APAC) at Societe Generale, Associate Certified Coach (ACC, ICF), with expertise in Talent Management, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and People Engagement
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    In my experience, the challenges faced by people managers in their first year are:1) Difficulty to let go and delegate2) Being too hands-off or too hands-on3) Assuming everyone in the team is on the same level of perfection as them4) Trying to do everything themselves as they believe they can do it much faster than training someone - linked to the 1st point5) Be too harsh on themselves as they think they need to prove their managerial abilities6) Not asking for help/support when needed


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  • Dr. Jaya Mishra Entrepreneur| HR Strategy| Organization Development| Cultural evangelist| Behavioral Psychology| Talent Brand Building| Employer Branding| Product and People Focused|
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    Establishing trust with team members can be challenging in the first year. Understanding and adapting to the dynamics of a new team along with adjusting to the expectations of a leadership position is crucial during early days.I have even observed people managers juggling immediate priorities with the need to set and achieve long-term objectives.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (80) 4

  • Yemmie Olaleye (CMSA®,FMVA®,FTIP™) ✪ 🎖️ 125x LinkedIn Top Voice💡 🔸 Financial Market Analyst/Educator🔸 Executive Coach🔸Futurist🔸Thought Leader🔸FPWM™🔸BIDA®🔸CBCA®🔸PMEC🔸BMEC🔸ESGP🔸 Fellow @ African Leadership Group
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    As a people's manager, it is crucial to admit that at your best of service, you can not satisfy everyone under your management structure.Some would think in a different direction from the majority and that is to tell you there is a high chance for feedbacks from some people and criticism as well.It is important for a manager to know how to manage such feedbacks and criticism, constructive or destructive.On the other hand, people's manager should as well give feedback on the people's performance and suggest a better way to make work and life much more easier.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (89) 1


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4 Managing conflict

Conflict is inevitable in any team, and as a People Manager, you need to manage it constructively and proactively. Conflict can arise from different opinions, personalities, values, or goals, and it can have positive or negative effects on your team's performance, morale, and cohesion. Managing conflict effectively helps you resolve issues, promote diversity and innovation, and strengthen relationships and trust. However, managing conflict effectively can be challenging, especially if you are not confident, skilled, or experienced in handling difficult conversations or emotions. To manage conflict effectively, you need to identify the root causes, acknowledge the perspectives and feelings of each party, facilitate dialogue and collaboration, and seek win-win solutions.

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  • Cristián Kolubakin Ex-Gerente Corporativo de Personas en Empresas Carozzi S.A.
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    Como gerente de personas deberás involucrarte muchas veces en conflictos de otros, deberás mediar y ayudar a las partes a encontrarse en algún punto en el medio.Busca los conflictos, sobretodo los que yacen ocultos, abórdalos y ayuda a tu organización a destrabar su funcionamiento.



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    from my experience i have always vouced for the below step by step approach for any kind of confict management.Address the concern/prob>>Active listen >> Understand and facilitate diverse prespectives>>> stay neutral >> gather facts & Document >>Mediate Constructively>>Provide Constructive Feedback/Implement Changes>>>Learn and Adapt>>involve higher management if necessary>>> document entire resolution.


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5 Developing your team

One of the main responsibilities of a People Manager is to develop your team's skills, knowledge, and potential. Developing your team helps you increase their productivity, quality, and satisfaction, as well as prepare them for future opportunities and challenges. However, developing your team can be challenging, especially if you have limited time, budget, or resources, or if you have to deal with different learning styles, needs, and goals. To develop your team effectively, you need to assess their strengths and areas for improvement, provide coaching and mentoring, create learning and growth opportunities, and celebrate their achievements.

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  • Scott Huson Driving Business Impact through Skills Development | 25-Year Commercial Veteran
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    Establish an "always learning culture". Left to chance, your team's time will be filled 100% with work. As manager, it is up to you to carve out time for learning and development and to actively ensure your team is encouraged to use time in this way. You also must ensure you are actively removing workload to ensure this time is truly available and not just "extra work". This can be really hard, and you should also work with your leadership to set clear parameters and expectations around what a culture of learning means. Role modeling is critical - you need to practice what you preach. Let your team see you allocating time to your own learning. Use team meetings and other touch points to encourage people to talk about their learning.


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  • Yemmie Olaleye (CMSA®,FMVA®,FTIP™) ✪ 🎖️ 125x LinkedIn Top Voice💡 🔸 Financial Market Analyst/Educator🔸 Executive Coach🔸Futurist🔸Thought Leader🔸FPWM™🔸BIDA®🔸CBCA®🔸PMEC🔸BMEC🔸ESGP🔸 Fellow @ African Leadership Group
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    The growth of the team members is the growth of the company/brand.If the company is well represented to the general public, then that is traceable to the team members of the company making it work. This is where the goal is and why the people's manager should prioritize team development in his curriculum.Effective and deliberate commitment to growing and developing within a team is a thing of concern for all the team members as well therefore.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (127) What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (128) 3

  • Bob Adams Helping organizations field their winning team | Talent Management Consulting | Employee Experience Consulting
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    One thing I always advise is to take the help of others - especially subject matter experts - to build a development plan for your team. In Year 1 you cannot expect yourself to have all the answers. You likely won't have them all in Year 25 either! Reserve some of your effort and energy by bringing in the SMEs to help.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (137) 2


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6 Balancing your priorities

The last but not the least challenge of a People Manager is to balance your own priorities with those of your team and your organization. Balancing your priorities helps you manage your time, energy, and stress, as well as achieve your personal and professional goals. However, balancing your priorities can be challenging, especially if you have to deal with multiple demands, deadlines, and stakeholders, or if you have to cope with change and uncertainty. To balance your priorities effectively, you need to prioritize and plan your tasks, delegate and outsource when possible, set boundaries and limits, and practice self-care and wellness.

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  • Sandra Costéja Bos Senior Manager - People Consulting at EY
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    If team members are working on multiple activities, be clear about what is more urgent and when you expect an update.Check in with people to understand their workload, check on progress and see if they need help.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (146) 2

  • Abhisht M Manager - Creative Project Management || Delivery Lead - Creative Service || Head of Video Production || Associate Manager - Video Producer || Radio / Senior News Packaging Producer
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    Absolutely, balancing priorities is a crucial skill for people managers to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear boundaries, and practicing self-care, managers can optimize their productivity and well-being while ensuring alignment with team and organizational goals. This balanced approach fosters resilience, clarity, and effectiveness, ultimately contributing to both personal and organizational success.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    To change yourself from Individual Contributor to manager is a biggest challenge by itself as from now onwards you have to make that decorum with them as well, with whom earlier you have worked closely. - To make sure that your team completes the task before the given deadline.-Challenge of understanding each team member's strength and capability of doing work. -To implement new policies on existing employees.


    What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (163) What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (164) 4

  • Muzafar Rafi People Leader | Agile Practitioner | Expert in Project Management, Business Operations, and Governance | Fortune 500 Experience
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    In their first year, people managers often face challenges such as gaining the trust and respect of their team, learning how to navigate organizational politics, understanding company culture, and effectively managing their time and priorities. It can also be difficult to balance the needs of individual team members with the overall goals of the organization, as well as addressing any conflicts or performance issues that may arise. Building strong communication skills and seeking mentorship and support from more experienced leaders can help new people managers navigate these challenges successfully.


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What are the most common challenges faced by People Managers in their first year? (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.