Warden (2024)

This article is about a hostile monster mob in Minecraft. For the unseen illager in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Warden. For the ancient mob in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Frostwarden. For the character in Minecraft: Story Mode, see Minecraft Story Mode:The Warden.

Warden (1)

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A warden is an extremely powerful but easily avoidable hostile mob summoned by sculk shriekers in the deep dark biome. It attacks by swinging its arms downward, dealing the strongest melee damage of all mobs, and can also release a sonic boom attack that immediately strikes the target, pierceing through obstacles and deals damage that cannot be reduced except by the Resistance effect. Wardens are completely blind and rely on vibrations, smell, and touch to detect players and mobs to attack, and can therefore be evaded via sneaking, diversions (snowballs, arrows, etc.) and wool.


  • 1 Spawning
  • 2 Drops
  • 3 Behavior
    • 3.1 Idle
    • 3.2 Suspense
    • 3.3 Attacks
  • 4 Sounds
  • 5 Data values
    • 5.1 ID
    • 5.2 Entity data
  • 6 Achievements
  • 7 Advancements
  • 8 History
  • 9 Issues
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 Gallery
    • 11.1 Promotional videos
    • 11.2 Warden renders
    • 11.3 Animations
    • 11.4 Render Animations
    • 11.5 Screenshots
    • 11.6 Development screenshots
    • 11.7 Development videos
    • 11.8 Miscellaneous Screenshots
    • 11.9 Official artwork
    • 11.10 Concept artwork
    • 11.11 Merchandise
  • 12 References
  • 13 External Links


Warden (2)

Wardens do not use standard mob spawning mechanics. They are instead spawned when a player activates naturally generated sculk shriekers four times and if there isn't already another warden within 24 blocks of it. A warden spawns by emerging from the ground near the shrieker that summoned it, taking about 6.7 seconds to do so and being completely invulnerable until fully emerged.

The warning count for sculk shriekers is specific to each player rather than each sculk shrieker. This means that the player can activate four different shriekers in different locations and a warden emerges after the fourth activation. The light level does not have an effect on warden spawning.

Up to 20 attempts are made to spawn a warden within an 11×13×11 cubic area, which is centered on the shrieker. During each attempt, the game picks a random column from the y axis, then the game picks the topmost block in that column with a top surface with full collision and the block above must have no collision (the spawning warden cannot collide with any existing entities or liquids; wardens must not have water inside their spawn block, where their feet go, but they can spawn with water in the second and third block. For example, a pressure plate with water flowing on top is still a valid location).

In Java Edition, warden spawning can be toggled on or off with the game rule doWardenSpawning.


A warden drops a single sculk catalyst upon death, unaffected by Looting. It also drops 5 experience if killed by either a player or a tamed wolf.


Warden (3)

After spawning, wardens wander randomly around the world and move toward nearby vibrations originating from players, mobs and non-mob sources including projectiles and minecarts. A warden also periodically sniffs the area around it, allowing it to zero in on targets even if they don't create vibrations. As wardens sniff, pick up vibrations or are touched by other players or mobs, wardens become increasingly agitated.


A warden can fit inside any space that is 1 block wide and 3 blocks tall, allowing it to chase players and mobs through small corridors.

Wardens are immune to damage from fire or lava and do not take knockback. They pursue through blocks that are usually avoided by other mobs, including rails[1], cacti, or magma blocks.

A warden, whether angered or not, gives 12 seconds of Darkness to all players within a 20 block radius of it every 6 seconds. The souls in its chest make a low heartbeat that occurs in tandem with the Darkness effect. The heartbeat speeds up as the warden becomes increasingly agitated.[2] A warden prefers to track down the most suspicious targets, rather than the ones closest to it.[3]

A warden listens to all vibrations within a 16 block radius, except those from other wardens, armor stands, dying mobs and players in Creative or Spectator mode. Like with sculk sensors, they cannot detect vibrations from a sneaking player that is moving, jumping, falling or shooting a projectile. A warden has a 2-second cooldown between detecting vibrations.

A warden is aware of all targetable entities within a 49×51×49 box around itself. If the warden has a targetable entity, is not investigating any disturbances, and is otherwise idle, it pathfinds toward the closest entity, prioritizing players over mobs. While pathfinding, the warden can begin a 'sniff' behavior and animation. This takes around 4.2 seconds and has a 5-10 seconds cooldown. A warden can still sniff out sneaking players, despite that they cannot detect vibrations from them.


Wardens keep track of how angry they are at each suspect as a number from 0 to 150. When a warden notices a vibration, it adds anger to the player or mob that caused the vibration. It adds 10 anger if the vibration was from a projectile or 35 anger for other vibrations. However, if two projectiles from the same player/mob are heard by the warden within five seconds, it instead adds the full 35 anger toward that player/mob. Wardens do not add anger toward a mob/player if the projectile was shot from more than 30 blocks away, although the projectile does count toward the counter of two projectiles. Anger decays at a rate of 1 per second and immediately clears if the targeted player switches to Creative or Spectator modes, the target or warden leaves the dimension, or if the target dies.

A warden adds 35 anger toward any mob that directly touches it. This effect has a 1-second cooldown.

When it finishes sniffing, a warden adds 35 anger to the nearest mob or player within 6 blocks horizontally and 20 blocks vertically, a cylindrical volume centered on the warden.

Once a warden reaches 80 anger with a target, it roars for 4.2 seconds, adds another 20 anger, and pursues the target. In this angered state, the warden chases the target normally despite being blind. A warden also enters its hostile state and adds 100 anger if directly attacked by a mob. If the attacking player or mob is within 5 blocks, it skips its roaring animation altogether and immediately gives chase.

A warden is biased toward player vibrations, attacks, and contact - even if a warden is angrier at another mob, it still attacks the player first as long as they have angered the warden as well. This is not true of any other mob.[4]

After 60 seconds of being "calm" and not detecting any vibrations or sniffing any mobs, a warden burrows back into the ground and despawns, unless it has been named. If the warden is floating on a liquid, it instead immediately despawns without any burrowing animation. During its emerging/burrowing animation, a warden cannot detect any vibrations, and can take damage only from /kill, though it can still be pushed by entities, pistons, or liquids. Named wardens do not dig or despawn. The only exception to this rule are wardens spawned as part of a team‌[Java Edition only] through the /summon command immediately digs and despawn upon spawning, ignoring everything else in the process regardless of whether it spawned with a name, with PersistenceRequired:1 or not.


A warden's melee attack has a cooldown of 0.9 seconds and disables shields for 5 seconds, dealing 16Warden (4) × 8 to 45Warden (5) × 22.5 health points depending on the difficulty.

Warden (6)

If a warden cannot reach its target, it switches to its ranged attack: a sonic boom. It does so when the following are true:

  • It has been 10 seconds since the warden detected the target
  • It has been 5 seconds since the warden last used a melee or ranged attack
  • The target is within 15 blocks horizontally and 20 blocks vertically of the warden.

The sonic boom aims directly at the target, making it impossible to dodge, passing through blocks and other mobs without damaging them. A warden takes 1.7 seconds to charge and unleashes the attack, which instantly hits the target as long as the target is within attack range. The attack takes an additional 1.3 seconds to cool down before the warden can use melee attacks again for a total of 3 seconds. The sonic boom is visible via green-blue particles that are projected out of the warden's chest. This attack bypasses shields, armor, enchantments, blocks and even the wither armor of the wither. Only the Resistance status effect can reduce this attack's damage.


Java Edition:
Wardens use the Hostile Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Warden whinesHostile CreaturesRandomly while calmentity.warden.ambientsubtitles.entity.warden.ambient4.00.8-1.216
Warden groans angrilyHostile CreaturesRandomly while agitatedentity.warden.agitatedsubtitles.entity.warden.agitated4.00.8-1.216
Warden ragesHostile CreaturesRandomly while angryentity.warden.angrysubtitles.entity.warden.angry4.00.8-1.216
Warden groans angrilyHostile CreaturesWhen a warden fails to spawn underwaterentity.warden.agitatedsubtitles.entity.warden.agitated5.01.016
Warden takes notice angrilyHostile CreaturesWhen all of a warden's spawn attempts failentity.warden.listening_angrysubtitles.entity.warden.listening_angry5.01.0?
Warden lands hitHostile CreaturesWhen a warden attacks somethingentity.warden.attack_impactsubtitles.entity.warden.attack_impact10.00.8-1.216
Warden diesHostile CreaturesWhen a warden diesentity.warden.deathsubtitles.entity.warden.death4.00.8-1.216
Warden hurtsHostile CreaturesWhen a warden is damagedentity.warden.hurtsubtitles.entity.warden.hurt4.00.8-1.216
Warden emergesHostile CreaturesWhen a warden spawnsentity.warden.emergesubtitles.entity.warden.emerge5.01.016
Warden digsHostile CreaturesWhen a warden despawnsentity.warden.digsubtitles.entity.warden.dig5.01.016
Warden's heart beatsHostile CreaturesPeriodically depending on angerentity.warden.heartbeatsubtitles.entity.warden.heartbeat5.00.8-1.216
Warden takes noticeHostile CreaturesWhen a warden notices a vibration or smell while calmentity.warden.listeningsubtitles.entity.warden.listening10.00.8-1.216
Warden takes notice angrilyHostile CreaturesWhen a warden notices a vibration or smell while agitated or angryentity.warden.listening_angrysubtitles.entity.warden.listening_angry10.00.8-1.216
Warden approachesHostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker onceentity.warden.nearby_closesubtitles.entity.warden.nearby_close5.01.016
Warden advancesHostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker twiceentity.warden.nearby_closersubtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closer5.01.016
Warden draws closeHostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker thriceentity.warden.nearby_closestsubtitles.entity.warden.nearby_closest5.01.016
Warden tendrils clickHostile CreaturesWhen a warden detects a vibrationentity.warden.tendril_clickssubtitles.entity.warden.tendril_clicks5.00.8-1.216
Warden roarsHostile CreaturesWhen a warden targets a mobentity.warden.roarsubtitles.entity.warden.roar3.01.016
Warden sniffsHostile CreaturesWhen a warden sniffs for nearby entitiesentity.warden.sniffsubtitles.entity.warden.sniff3.751.016
Warden boomsHostile CreaturesWhen a warden casts a sonic boomentity.warden.sonic_boomsubtitles.entity.warden.sonic_boom3.01.016
Warden chargesHostile CreaturesWhen a warden prepares a sonic boomentity.warden.sonic_chargesubtitles.entity.warden.sonic_charge3.01.016
FootstepsHostile CreaturesWhile a warden is walkingentity.warden.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps3.01.016

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Hostile CreaturesRandomlymob.warden.idle1.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesRandomly [more information needed]mob.warden.idle3.01.0
Hostile CreaturesRandomly when a warden notices somethingmob.warden.agitated10.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesRandomly when a warden targets an enemymob.warden.angry10.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen all of a warden's spawn attempts fail [more information needed]mob.warden.listening_angry10.0 [verify]0.8-1.2 [verify]
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden attacks somethingmob.warden.attack10.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden spawnsmob.warden.emerge5.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden diesmob.warden.death1.00.8-1.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden is damagedmob.warden.hurt1.00.8-1.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden despawnsmob.warden.dig5.01.0
Hostile CreaturesPeriodically depending on angermob.warden.heartbeat5.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden notices a vibration or smell while calmmob.warden.listening10.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden fails to spawn or notices a vibration or smell from a target while agitated or angrymob.warden.listening_angry10.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker oncemob.warden.nearby_close5.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker twicemob.warden.nearby_closer5.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden is called by a sculk shrieker thricemob.warden.nearby_closest5.00.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden detects a vibrationmob.warden.clicking1.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden targets a mob while being faced by the player[sound 1]mob.warden.roar10.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden sniffs for nearby entitiesmob.warden.sniff5.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden casts a sonic boommob.warden.sonic_boom3.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhen a warden prepares a sonic boommob.warden.sonic_charge3.01.0
Hostile CreaturesWhile a warden is walkingmob.warden.step1.00.8-1.2
NoneNoneUnused sound eventnearby_close.warden1.00.8-1.2
NoneUnused sound eventnearby_closer.warden1.00.8-1.2
NoneUnused sound eventnearby_closest.warden1.00.8-1.2
NoneUnused sound eventslightly_angry.warden1.00.8-1.2

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key

Entity data[]

Wardens have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format

  • Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    • anger: Anger management of the warden.
      • suspects: List of suspects that have angered the warden.
        • A suspect.
          • anger The level of anger. It has a maximum value of 150 and decreases by 1 every second.
          • uuid: The UUID of the entity that is associated with the anger, stored as four ints.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


IconAchievementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)Gamerscore earnedTrophy type (PS4)
Sneak 100Sneaking [sic] next to a Sculk Sensor without triggering itSneak next to a Sculk Sensor or Warden without triggering or aggravating it.10GBronze


Killing a warden doesn't count for the Monster Hunter advancement nor is it needed to receive the Monsters Hunted advancement.[5][6]

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Warden (7)How Did We Get Here?
Have every effect applied at the same time A Furious co*cktailHave all of these 27 status effects applied to the player at the same time:The source of the effects is irrelevant for the purposes of this advancement. Other status effects may be applied to the player, but are ignored for this advancement.
This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can be viewed by the player only after completing it, regardless of if its child advancement(s), if any, have been completed.
Warden (8)Warden (9)Sneak 100
Sneak near a Sculk Sensor or Warden to prevent it from detecting youAdventureSneak within 8 blocks from a sculk sensor, or 16 blocks from a warden.adventure/avoid_vibration
Warden (10)It Spreads
Kill a mob near a Sculk CatalystMonster HunterKill one of these 70 mobs near a sculk catalyst:Mobs that drop no experience are ignored for this advancement.adventure/kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst


2020Several pieces of concept art were created for the warden, known at the time as the stalker.
Warden (11) A prototype of the original stalker design was programmed into the game.
Warden (12) A second version of the stalker could transform into a form that was less wide and tall when chasing an entity or player, while its regular form was meant to disguise as a treasure totem. This iteration got scrapped as it was considered too goofy and insufficiently scary.
The stalker was renamed to hollowed.
Several pieces of concept art were also created for the hollowed design iteration.
Warden (13) A prototype of the hollowed design was programmed into the game.
This iteration was ultimately scrapped, as it was considered too gory for Minecraft.
October 3, 2020Warden (14) The warden is announced at Minecraft Live 2020.
October 6, 2020A set of teaser images regarding the warden's size and behavior were posted on Brandon Pearce's Twitter.
October 16, 2021Warden (15) New spawning conditions and textures for the warden were revealed at Minecraft Live 2021.
November 26, 2021The warden is revealed to have a sense of smell; it can detect and pathfind toward the general location of a player or mob through a "smelling" action. It also prioritizes smelling the player or mob that it is most suspicious of, rather than the one closest to it.[7][8]
December 18, 2021The warden's emerging animations were showcased.
Java Edition
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[:Category:Planned items|Category:Planned items]]<br/>All pages relating to items that have been officially announced, but are not yet in the game.__EXPECTUNUSEDCATEGORY__[[Category:Items]][[Category:Planned]][[pt:Itens planejados]]</li><li>[[Glistering Melon Slice|Glistering Melon Slice]]<br/>{{Item| image = Glistering Melon Slice.png‎| renewable = Yes| stackable = Yes (64)}}A '''glistering melon slice'''{{fn|Known as '''Glistering Melon Slice''' {{in|java}} and '''Glistering Melon''' {{in|bedrock}}.}} is an inedible [[item]] used for brewing [[potion]]s of [[Healing]]. It is also one of the many potion ingredients that can be used to make mundane potions.== Obtaining ===== Chest loot ==={{LootChestItem|glistering-melon-slice}}=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A1= Gold Nugget|B1= Gold Nugget|C1= Gold Nugget|A2= Gold Nugget|B2= Melon Slice |C2= Gold Nugget|A3= Gold Nugget|B3= Gold Nugget|C3= Gold Nugget|Output= Glistering Melon Slice|type= Brewing}}=== Trading ===Master-level farmer [[villager]]s sell 3 glistering melon for 4 [[emerald]]s.== Usage ==Despite being crafted with a [[melon slice]], a glistering melon slice cannot be eaten, unlike a [[golden apple]] or [[golden carrot]].=== Brewing ingredient ==={{Brewing|head=1|Glistering Melon Slice|Mundane Potion|base=Water Bottle}}{{Brewing|Glistering Melon Slice|Potion of Healing|foot=1}}===Piglins===[[Piglin]]s are attracted to glistering melon slices. They run toward any glistering melon slice on the ground, and inspect it for 6 to 8 seconds before putting it in their inventory.== Achievements =={{load achievements|Oooh, shiny!}}== Advancements =={{load advancements|Oh Shiny}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Glistering Melon Slice|spritetype=item|nameid=glistering_melon_slice|form=item|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|showaliasids=y|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Glistering Melon|spritetype=item|nameid=glistering_melon_slice|aliasid=speckled_melon|id=434|form=item|translationkey=item.speckled_melon.name|foot=1}}== History =={{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glistering melons.|The [[crafting]] recipe of glistering melons is one [[melon slice]] and one [[gold nugget]].|Glistering melons have replaced [[ghast tear]]s as the ingredient to produce [[potions of Healing]] due to the difficulty in getting tears.<ref>{{tweet|jeb_|123671273904680960}}</ref> They also now brew with [[water bottle]]s to create [[mundane potion]]s.}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w23a|The [[crafting]] recipe of glistering melons is changed from one [[gold nugget]] to eight.}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w49a|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE2.png|32px]] The rotation of glistering melon [[item]]s has been changed to be consistent with [[melon slice]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-85963}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=15w49b|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] The rotation of glistering melons has been reverted and is no longer consistent with melon slices.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 382.}}{{History|||snap=18w20b|"Glistering Melon" has been renamed to "Glistering Melon Slice".|The ID of glistering melon slices has been changed from <code>speckled_melon</code> to <code>glistering_melon_slice</code>.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glistering melon slices has been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Farmer [[villager]]s now [[trading|sell]] glistering melon slices.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Glistering melon slices are now admired by [[piglin]]s.<ref>{{bug|MC-172363}}</ref>}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Glistering melon slices now generate in[[ruined portal]]chests.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glistering melons.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glistering melons has been changed.}}{{History||1.11.0|snap=beta|Glistering melons can now be [[trading|bought]] from farmer [[villager]]s.}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|[[Trading]] has been changed. Master-level farmer villagers now have a {{frac|1|3}} chance to [[trading|sell]] glistering melon slices.}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Glistering melons are [[trading|sold]] from farmer villagers under a 50% chance, once again.|Glistering melons now generate in[[ruined portal]]chests.}}{{History||1.16.100|snap=beta|[[Ruined Portal]]s can now generate with 4–12 glistering melons instead of only one.}}{{History|||snap=beta|The ID of glistering melon slices has been changed from <code>speckled_melon</code> to <code>glistering_melon_slice</code>.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU7|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glistering melons.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of glistering melons has been changed.}}{{History|New 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Glistering Melon Slice JE1 BE1.png|32px]] Added glistering melons.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== See also ==* [[Melon Slice]]* [[Melon]]== Notes =={{fnlist}}== References =={{reflist}}{{Items}}[[Category:Renewable resources]][[cs:Zlatavý kousek melounu]][[de:Glitzernde Melonenscheibe]][[es:Rodaja de sandía reluciente]][[fr:Tranche de pastèque scintillante]][[hu:Ragyogó dinnye]][[ja:きらめくスイカの薄切り]][[ko:반짝이는 수박 조각]][[nl:Glinsterende meloenschijf]][[pl:Błyszczący arbuz]][[pt:Fatia de melancia reluzente]][[ru:Сверкающий ломтик арбуза]][[uk:Блискуча скибка кавуна]][[zh:闪烁的西瓜片]]</li></ul>
Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1Warden (16) Added wardens.
22w11aWardens have not yet been officially added.
22w12aAdded wardens.
Wardens are no longer considered undead.
Warden (17)Wardens have been given a new attacking animation.
Increased warden's vertical reach from 3 blocks to 4 blocks.
Wardens no longer slow down in water.
Wardens are now immune to fire and lava.
Warden (18)Warden textures have been changed. The tusks on the chest have been separated and new overlays have been added.
22w13aWardens can now pass over rails.[1]
22w14aWardens now gets angry at all living mobs that bump into it, not just players.
Wardens now slow down in water and are affected by bubble columns again.
22w15aWarden (19) Wardens now charge and release a ranged attack when the target is found to be well beyond the melee attack's range. This attack can penetrate walls.
Wardens can now smell players from further away.
The vertical range in which wardens get angry has been increased from 6 to 20 blocks.
Reverted the warden's vertical reach back to how it was before 22w12a.[9]
22w16aDecreased the warden's vertical reach again, from 3 to 2 blocks.
Added the game rule doWardenSpawning.
22w17aWardens now drop one sculk catalyst upon death.
The amount of damage dealt by its ranged attack has been decreased from 30Warden (20) × 15 to 10Warden (21)Warden (22)Warden (23)Warden (24)Warden (25).
The cooldown for their ranged attack has been decreased from 5 to 2 seconds.
The ranged attack can bypass shields and armor.
22w18aWarden (26) Updated the textures of the sonic boom particle.
22w19aThe warden's ranged attack is now affected by difficulty.
Sculk shriekers now need to be activated four times to summon the warden.
Pre-release 3Sonic boom attack damage is no longer reduced by the Protection enchantment.
Bedrock Edition
December 9, 2021Warden (27)Development of deep dark content, including the warden, was revealed for Bedrock.
December 17, 2021A new burrowing animation was showcased.
Wild Update
beta wardens behind the "Wild Update" experimental toggle.
Currently, there are no hit or death sound effects, and some of its features are outdated compared to the latest Java Edition snapshots.
{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Fish|Fish]]<br/>{{About|the type of mob|the action|Fishing}}'''Fish''' are aquatic creatures that are found in [[river]] and [[ocean]] biomes.== Mobs ==There are four categories of fish mobs in ''Minecraft'': *{{EntityLink|Cod}}*{{EntityLink|Salmon}}*{{EntityLink|Pufferfish}}*{{EntityLink|Tropical Fish}} - many color and pattern varietiesIn addition, there are other fish-like mobs that have different characteristics from fish: {{EntityLink|Axolotl}}, {{EntityLink|Guardian}}, and {{EntityLink|Elder Guardian}}.==Obtaining and transporting==A live fish can be captured by using a [[water bucket]] on a fish, to obtain a [[bucket of fish]], which is the only way to obtain the live mob in item form. Using the bucket of fish on a water source block transfers the fish from the bucket to the body of water. A water bucket may also be used on [[axolotl]]s in this manner.==Items==Fish exist in several different item forms. Upon death, fish drop their item form equivalent (cooked if on fire), with a chance to drop a [[bone]]{{only|bedrock}} or [[bone meal]].{{only|java}};Non-living*{{ItemLink|Raw Cod}}*{{ItemLink|Cooked Cod}}*{{ItemLink|Raw Salmon}}*{{ItemLink|Cooked Salmon}}*{{ItemLink|Pufferfish|link=Pufferfish (item)}}*{{ItemLink|Tropical Fish|link=Tropical Fish (item)}};Living*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Cod}}*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Salmon}}*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Pufferfish}}*{{ItemLink|Bucket of Tropical Fish}}== Spawning ==Various fish can be found in different [[ocean]] [[biomes]], but only [[salmon]] appear in rivers. Fish can also spawn in player-created bodies of water, as long as they are within a river or ocean biome.{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:left" data-description="Fish biomes"!'''Fish'''! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Warm Ocean}}! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Lukewarm Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Lukewarm Ocean}}! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Ocean}}! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Cold Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Cold Ocean}}! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|Frozen Ocean}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Deep Frozen Ocean}}! style="text-align:left" |{{BiomeLink|River}}<br>{{BiomeLink|Frozen River}}|-! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Cod}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}|-| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}|-! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Salmon}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}|-| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}|-! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Pufferfish}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|je|short=1}}}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}|-| {{tc|no|No{{only|be|short=1}}}}|-! style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Tropical Fish}}<ref group="note">Also spawns in {{BiomeLink|Lush Caves}} at any Y-level.</ref>| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|no}}| {{tc|no}}| {{tc|no}}| {{tc|no}}|-! style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Squid}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|yes}}|-! rowspan=2 style="text-align:left" |{{EntityLink|Dolphin}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|yes}}| {{tc|no|No{{only|je|short=1}}}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}| rowspan=2 {{tc|no}}|-| {{tc|yes|Yes{{only|be|short=1}}}}|}{{notelist}}In ''Java Edition'', fish can spawn inside a water block at Y-level 50 to 63 (from 13 blocks below sea level up to inside the block one above it), that also has water above and below it. The spawn block and the block below can be any kind of water, such as a source block, falling water, bubble column, kelp, or even a waterlogged block (as long as the fish can be placed at the bottom center of the spawn block without colliding with anything solid). The block above must be pure water, such as a source block, falling water, or flowing water of any depth. Particularly, the block above cannot also be a bubble column, so fish no longer spawn inside bubble elevators.<ref>{{cite bug|MC|244683|Tropical fish spawn in bubble columns (fixed in 22w07a)}}</ref> ''Bedrock Edition'' does permit fish to spawn in bubble columns.<ref>{{cite bug|MCPE|73967|Squids, Dolphins, and fish not spawning in bubble columns (fixed in 1.16.20)}}</ref>Fish can spawn between 24 and 64 block spherical range away from the player.{{only|java}} === Despawning ===As of [[1.16]], fish can despawn at range of 40 blocks or more from the player, and will instantly despawn more than 64 blocks away, except when spawned using a [[bucket of fish]].{{Items}}{{Entities}}[[cs:Ryba]][[de:Fisch (Begriffsklärung)]][[es:Pez]][[fr:Poisson]][[it:Pesce]][[ja:魚]][[ko:물고기]][[nl:Vis]][[pl:Ryba (ujednoznacznienie)]][[pt:Peixe]][[ru:Рыба]][[th:ปลา (แก้ความกำกวม)]][[uk:Риба]][[zh:鱼]]</li><li>[[:Category:Minecraft Legends resources|Category:Minecraft Legends resources]]<br/>[[Category:Minecraft Legends]][[Category:Items]][[pt:Categoria:Recursos do Minecraft Legends]]</li></ul>
beta are now available without having to enable experimental gameplay.
Added hurt, death, and angry listening sound effects.
Wardens can now preserve anger levels toward despawned entities.
Wardens no longer get angry toward other wardens or inanimate objects.
beta now charge and release a ranged attack when the target is found to be well beyond the melee attack's range. This attack can penetrate walls.
Wardens can now smell players from further away.
The vertical range in which wardens get angry has been increased to 6 to 20 blocks.
Wardens now gets angry at all living mobs that bump into it, not just players.
Wardens now prioritize attacking players over other mobs.
beta now drop one sculk catalyst upon death.
The amount of damage dealt by its ranged attack has been decreased from 30Warden (28) × 15 to 10Warden (29)Warden (30)Warden (31)Warden (32)Warden (33).
The cooldown for their ranged attack has been decreased from 5 to 2 seconds.
The ranged attack can bypass shields and armor.


Issues relating to "Warden" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Although the warden is supposed to be blind, spectating it reveals that it still has normal vision.[10]
  • Once warden has smelled a target 3 times, it will be angered and chases the target. So, sneaking and hiding is not a good way to avoid it since it could smell you.
  • The concept for the warden was originally planned for the Nether Update as a "blind piglin that could only respond to sounds" that could be found within a "new biome".[11]
  • Brandon Pearce considers the warden as something entirely new as it isn't a boss or a mini boss or a regular enemy but a force of nature: "when a tornado is barreling towards you, you don't try to kill it - you run away! The warden is exactly the same."[12]
  • Brandon's thought process on finally giving the warden a drop after he was heavily against it was the warden should never drop something that is important or hard to get that would be worth going through the trouble of fighting it. In this case, fighting a warden is not worth a sculk catalyst. This change was made for renewability farms and tech players.[13]
  • When Chi Wong was working the warden's digging animation he wanted to make sure the timing was right and make sure while it was going down, it's not going down like an elevator, but it actually digs, and the feeling Chi wanted to convey with it is it has tons of rage, it is annoyed, and it wants to go down.[14]
  • The warden is the most concepted and worked through mob in Minecraft in terms of sound design.[15] When Brandon was first developing the warden, sound design was important to him, and the warden was designed with that in mind.[16]
  • While designing the warden, Brandon wanted to hear the player's "heartbeat" as the warden got closer for anticipation but he thought that it felt out or place and didn't make sense to hear the player's heartbeat. His solution was for something else to make the heartbeat, and thus the warden gained a heartbeat. It was also a design choice to mimic some really interesting sound design without breaking immersion. It also adds more to the warden itself and lore reasons as to why a warden has a heartbeat.[17][18]
  • Some previous names being considered for the warden were the shade,[19] the stalker and the hollowed.[20]
    • The shade was a vaguely humanoid translucent mob with glowing eyes. It was meant to be a more ambient mob, which would stand in darkness with only its eyes visible and would slowly fade away as the player approached it. It would also imitate the noise of other mobs, making it sound as though they were right behind the player. Rather than an iteration on the warden, by then called the "stalker", the shade had come to be a completely separate mob to the stalker, though in some concepts it was meant to be sort of complementary, living in the ancient cities and helping the stalker by tricking players into alerting it. It was eventually scrapped due to a feeling that it would grow to become annoying rather than creepy, and so the team could better focus on developing the stalker.[21]
    • The stalker iteration was tall and asymmetrical with a glowing core, sometimes referred to as a chest crystal.[22] It occurred in totems throughout the deep dark. The stalker would stand completely still to trick players into taking its core and aggravating it, and could transform into a form one block high form to prevent players from escaping through small tunnels. This iteration, specifically its appearance and transformation mechanic, felt clunky and was deemed more goofy than scary, so it was scrapped by the Mojang Studios gameplay developers. The vibration-sensing aspect, which was developed in this version, however, was passed down to and refined in the later iterations.[23][24]
    • The hollowed was designed with the intent of inciting trypophobia and had white flesh with holes in it. According to Brandon Pearce, its design was an experiment to see how far the boundaries of Minecraft could be pushed and to try and draw a line as to what would be acceptable. The design had to ultimately be toned down multiple times due to said metaphorical line being crossed and after many back-and-forths between the developers, the directors and art team, a design similar to the current one was landed on.[25][26]
  • The warden also had a number of other mechanics and abilities planned:
    • If the player managed to get out of the warden's attack and pathfinding range but still be within its detection range, the warden would use a "mind-altering" attack that would cause the player to move erratically (walking forward would cause the player to go backwards, etc.) and deal damage overtime. The mechanic was eventually scrapped due to being deemed too complicated.[27][28]
    • The warden would destroy blocks or burrow through them. The former was rejected due to the developers wanting to limit the number of "destructive" mobs there are in the game and the latter was rejected due to being too difficult to implement.[28]
    • The warden could hide the player's hunger bar and health bar.[29]
    • Brandon Pearce wanted the warden to be immune to damage to discourage players from fighting it, but he didn't think that would work for a sandbox game.[30]
  • The warden would originally burn when exposed to daylight.[31]
  • In the Bedrock Beta/Preview the warden would dig back down when exposed in daylight but it was changed so the warden doesn't dig back down but stays when exposed to daylight in Beta/Preview
  • The warden and sculk were inspired by Lovecraftian horror as the developers wanted to make something that wasn't in the traditional scary like jumpscares and etc. but in a mysterious and unknown scary.[32]
  • In the fifth episode of Minecraft Now, it was revealed by Jasper Boerstra that the warden went through over 175 different concept iterations and they have explored everything because they wanted the warden to be something really special and also for it to be scary, beautiful, ugly cute and have some empathy.[33]
  • In the sixth episode of The Secrets of Minecraft, it was jokingly revealed that the warden's personal names are "Jonathan" and "William", depending on the scene, similar to how the player, the ender dragon or the wither all have personal joke names.[20] "Warden" itself was also jokingly broken down into "War! Dens!" in the description.
    • "Jonathan" can be seen on a blackboard for name suggestions alongside "the stalker" and "the hollowed".
    • It jokingly explained that the name "warden" was the result of calling it "William" and spelling it wrong.
    • In the tenth episode, both names were used when Narrator spotted the warden behind him.[34] He mistakenly called the warden Jonathan before correcting himself as William, foreshadowing Jonathan Minecraft, who appears in the eleventh and final episode leading into Around the Minecraft World in 80 Biomes.[35]
  • Brandon Pearce stated in a tweet that the souls in the warden's chest is important to its lore.[36]
    • He also stated that the warden is inspired by the mystery heard at the end of the music disc "11".[37]
  • Coincidentally, in the spin-off game, Minecraft: Story Mode, there is an unrelated character also named the warden.
  • Even if the player wears a full set of Netherite armor and all four gears contain Protection IV resulting in a 80% damage reduction cap, the player will still more likely to die first as the Warden only needs to hit the aforementioned player exactly four times, assuming no potion effect is in play.


Promotional videos[]

The Secrets of Minecraft: How We're Making the Warden, Minecraft, January 21, 2022.

Warden renders[]

  • Warden (34)

    A warden.

  • Warden (35)

    A warden with all its layers.

  • Warden (36)

    A warden's glowing texture layer.

  • Warden (37)

    A warden's pulsating spots.


  • Warden (38)

    A newly-spawned warden emerging from the ground

  • Warden (39)

    A warden burrowing into the ground before despawning

  • Warden (40)

    A warden idling

  • Warden (41)

    A warden walking

  • Warden (42)

    A warden sniffing

  • Warden (43)

    A warden hearing a vibration

  • Warden (44)

    A warden roaring

  • Warden (45)

    A warden performing its melee attack

  • Warden (46)

    A warden hurt rotating in a 12 degree angle.

  • Warden (48)

    A warden performing its ranged sonic boom attack 22w18a

  • Warden (49)

    A glitched warden hurt in Bedrock Edition, this no longer happens[38]

  • Warden (50)

    Warden's old melee attack animation from Java Edition Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1.

  • Warden (51)

    Warden's old animations from mc live 2020.

  • Warden (52)

    Warden's old digging animation revealed by Marcio.[39]

  • Warden (53)

    The warden's sniffing animation on Bedrock Edition (left) and Java Edition (right) have different head movement in the last few seconds.

  • Warden (54)

    Warden chasing target, faster than normal walking

Render Animations[]


Development screenshots[]

  • Warden (59)

    A warden in Minecraft Live 2020.

  • Warden (60)

    A warden in Minecraft Live 2020.

  • Warden (61)

    The first model of an early iteration of the warden referred to as the stalker.[40]

  • Warden (62)

    An early iteration of the warden, referred to as the stalker, with both it and the sculk using brown textures similar to soul sand.[41]

  • Warden (63)

    A stalker, one standing and two in 1 block tall mode.[42]

  • Warden (64)

    A stalker warden.

  • Warden (65)

    The hollowed.

  • Warden (66)

    Vibration particles of the hollowed. First starting off as one pixel then four pixels encircled by a ring then bigger circles.

  • Warden (67)

    A warden in the deep dark.

  • Warden (68)

    A warden approaching the player.

  • Warden (70)

    Warden and rabbit.

  • Warden (71)

    Player and warden next to each other.

  • Warden (72)

    Warden emerging from the ground of the deep dark.

  • Warden (73)

    A warden within an ancient city.[44]

  • Warden (74)

    The showcase of the new warden subtitles.[45]

  • Warden (75)

    An alternative sonic boom animation made by Chi Wong as a joke.[46]

  • Warden (76)

    Chi Wong making the warden scarier by giving it a fishing rod referencing 1.8 PvP as a joke.[47]

  • Warden (77)

    Chi animating the warden in Blender.

Development videos[]

Miscellaneous Screenshots[]

  • Warden (78)

    A warden burrowing through blocks.[49]

  • Warden (79)

    The Warden inspecting Efe and a chicken.

  • Warden (80)

    A warden.

  • Warden (81)

    Warden in the Minecraft Live announcement trailer.

  • Warden (82)

    Warden shooting a sonic boom.

  • Warden (83)

    A warden riding a minecart in the Minecraft Live announcement trailer.

  • Warden (84)

    Behind the scenes of a warden in the Minecraft Live trailer. [50]

Official artwork[]

  • Warden (85)

    A warden in official artwork for The Wild Update.

  • Warden (86)

    A warden in an ancient city.

  • Warden (87)

    Warden artwork.

  • Warden (88)

    Warden with different rib cage design from merch.

  • Warden (89)

    Suprised warden from official Minecraft Discord.

  • Warden (90)

    Pixel art version of the warden made by Nekofresa.[51]

  • Warden (91)

    Warden chasing Alex holding the silence armor trim.

  • Warden (92)

    Pixel art of the Warden used on a banner for the Minecraft Marketplace.

Concept artwork[]

  • Warden (93)

    Sketches of the axolotl and warden.

  • Warden (94)

    A "scale of cuteness" depicting the axolotl, goat, and warden.

  • Warden (95)

    One of the early concept of the warden, referred to as the shade.

  • Warden (96)

    The shade with a rearranged form.

  • Warden (97)

    One of the early concept of the warden, referred to as the stalker.

  • Warden (98)

    Various concepts of the warden before sculk's appearance was fully-decided on. Two concepts resembled a wither.

  • Warden (99)

    Early concepts of the warden, featuring a smile on it.

  • Warden (100)

    More early concepts of the warden, involving particles.

  • Warden (101)

    Early concepts of the warden, having white as a main color with sculk referred to as the hollowed.

  • Warden (102)

    An early concept of the warden with an ethereal style.

  • Warden (103)

    An early concept of the warden, using the current sculk colors. This one floated or hovered.

  • Warden (104)

    Early iterations of the warden, using the current sculk colors.

  • Warden (105)

    Mood concept art for the warden.

  • Warden (106)

    Sketches of the final iteration of the warden, as well as other iterations for its ears.

  • Warden (107)

    Ditto but warden is roaring at bunny instead of looking at it.

  • Warden (108)

    Early iterations of the warden's tendrils.

  • Warden (109)

    Ditto but the third warden has a different tendril shape.

  • Warden (110)

    Ditto but the middle has another different tendril shape and color.

  • Warden (111)

    Early concepts of the warden's animations.

  • Warden (112)

    A warden in an ancient city standing with Alex.

  • Warden (113)

    A warden in an ancient city.

  • Warden (114)


  • Warden (115)

    Concept art of mojang's mojavatar maker with a warden head.



  1. a b MC-249642—"Wardens can't pass over rails"—resolved as "Fixed".
  2. "Currently the Warden's heartbeat gets faster the angrier or "close" it is to find its prey. In real time, this has really felt like it mimics the panic level of the player itself — the closer the Warden is to finding you, the more anxious you're probably going to be."@kingbdogz on X, October 17, 2021
  3. "Also currently it sniffs out the mob/player that it is most suspicious of, rather than the nearest mob/player."@kingbdogz on X, November 26, 2021
  4. MC-251045—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  5. "No"@kingbdogz on X, July 7, 2021
  6. MC-249515—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  7. "Kinda. Wardens have no capability to detect players through vision. It technically has no idea where the player is, a system tells the Warden a general location that the player MIGHT be, not exactly. Only when the warden suspects a mob enough that it knows their exact position"@kingbdogz on X, November 26, 2021
  8. "Also currently it sniffs out the mob/player that it is most suspicious of, rather than the nearest mob/player."@kingbdogz on X, November 26, 2021
  9. MC-250192
  10. MC-249500—resolved as "Works As Intended".
  11. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-warden
  12. "I'd actually consider it something entirely new. The Warden is a force of a nature, not a boss. When a tornado is barreling towards you, you don't try to kill it - you run away! The Warden is exactly the same."@kingbdogz on X, October 4, 2020
  13. "The key is that the Warden should never drop something that is important or hard to get that would be worth going through the trouble of fighting it. In this case though, fighting a Warden is not worth a Sculk Catalyst. This change is only made for renewability farms/tech players"@kingbdogz on X, April 28, 2022
  14. "Minecraft 1.19: Secret Sounds & Fabulous Frogs" – Minecraft on YouTube
  15. "Hey thats a looooong story. Probably the most concepted and worked through entity(s) in Minecraft, in sound design. Hoping to share some WIPs and behind the scenes in the future."@slamp0000 on X, June 26, 2022
  16. "I want to talk about the heartbeat in the Warden videos: when developing the Warden for the first time, sound design was super important to me and the mob was designed with that in mind. Part of me wanted to hear the player's "heartbeat" as the Warden got closer, for anticipation"@kingbdogz on X, October 18, 2021
  17. "I want to talk about the heartbeat in the Warden videos: when developing the Warden for the first time, sound design was super important to me and the mob was designed with that in mind. Part of me wanted to hear the player's "heartbeat" as the Warden got closer, for anticipation"@kingbdogz on X, October 18, 2021
  18. "That would be the opposite of immersive though. Do Steve or Alex have heartbeats? Would it even make sense to hear it? In my opinion no. It feels too out of place.My solution instead was, what if something else made that heartbeat sound? Thus the Warden gained a heartbeat."@kingbdogz on X, October 18, 2021
  19. "Minecraft Now: Wild Update and Farlands ft AntVenom!" – Minecraft on YouTube, May 19, 2022
  20. a b "The Secrets of How We're Making the Warden" – Minecraft on YouTube, January 21, 2022
  21. "Podcast: Warden Iterations with kingbdogz" – Minecraft Ideas Academy on YouTube, November 22, 2022
  22. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-warden
  23. "Some ideas we had for early iterations of the Warden. Stalkers were going to have a glowing item in the middle of its chest that you would also randomly find throughout the biome floating on totems. The idea was stalkers would stand perfectly still to "fake" those glowing items."@kingbdogz on X, January 22, 2022
  24. "Podcast: Warden Iterations with kingbdogz" – Minecraft Ideas Academy on YouTube, November 22, 2022
  25. "146 - From Modding to Mojang with Kingbdogz // The Spawn Chunks: A Minecraft Podcast" – The Spawn Chunks @ 2:55 on YouTube, June 21, 2021
  26. "Podcast: Warden Iterations with kingbdogz" – Minecraft Ideas Academy on YouTube, November 22, 2022
  27. "I think something a little more.. mind altering."@kingbdogz on X, October 26, 2020
  28. a b "Podcast: Warden Iterations with kingbdogz" – Minecraft Ideas Academy on YouTube, November 22, 2022
  29. "Fun fact: One warden prototype hid your hunger and health bar. That would have been scary Source: Minecraft Ideas Academy"@CagilMartin on X, August 3, 2022
  30. "Fun fact: Kingbdogz originally wanted the warden to be invincible to discourage combat but he scrapped that idea. Source: Minecraft Ideas Academy"@CagilMartin on X, August 8, 2022
  31. "1. It will not. This is both for design reasons (we want it to be something more "physical", like motion), and for technical reasons. 2. It will probably investigate the location it "felt/heard" the vibration. 3. Nope, but in the current design it will burn in sunlight."@kingbdogz on X, May 22, 2021
  32. "Minecraft 1.19: The Deep Dark – Not So Scary After All! (If You’re The Warden)" – Minecraft on YouTube
  33. "Minecraft Now: The Warden and Mangroves" – Minecraft on YouTube, June 30, 2022
  34. "The Secrets of Minecraft's Deep Dark" – Minecraft on YouTube, June 24, 2022
  35. "The FINAL Secrets of Minecraft!!" – Minecraft on YouTube, July 22, 2022
  36. "In terms of character, the souls in its chest were incredibly important to its lore and, likewise with the color palette. It all comes together to tell a story that I think can be really more unsettling than any of these previous iterations, despite it being less "gory"."@kingbdogz on X, January 23, 2022
  37. "Ask Mojang #11: All About Caves & Cliffs" – Minecraft on YouTube, October 30, 2020
  38. MCPE-153967
  39. "Vacation time. See you next year little friend"@marcio_os on X, December 18, 2021
  40. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-warden
  41. "That Sculk with a version of the Stalker"@kingbdogz on X, January 22, 2022
  42. "And here was the Stalker at one point, testing out it transforming into its form that could squeeze into smaller tunnels. It's really interesting looking back at iterations like this and seeing where the Warden actually ended up. Very proud of the work we did as a team."@kingbdogz on X, January 23, 2022
  43. "Looking kinda short there, Iron Golem."@kingbdogz on X, October 6, 2020
  44. "warden x ancient city sneak peak"@Cojomax99 on X, February 15, 2022
  45. "Warden whines"@kingbdogz on X, February 17, 2022
  46. "Minecraft Now: Wild Update and Farlands ft AntVenom!" – Minecraft on YouTube, May 19, 2022
  47. "I've made the Warden scarier"@wChiwi on X, February 18, 2022
  48. "And here was the Stalker at one point, testing out it transforming into its form that could squeeze into smaller tunnels. It's really interesting looking back at iterations like this and seeing where the Warden actually ended up. Very proud of the work we did as a team."@kingbdogz on X, January 23, 2022
  49. "Minecraft Live 2022: A Warden’s Song" – Minecraft on YouTube
  50. "Everything WRONG with our videos: MINECRAFT LIVE! (PART 1)" – Element Animation on YouTube
  51. "Remember the silly frogs? Remember the precious baby parrots? Well now you can get them on things at Uniqlo, among other new stuff!"@nekofresa on X, August 11, 2022

External Links[]

Warden (2024)


What does Warden mean? ›

verb. wade [verb] to go or walk (through water, mud etc) with some difficulty.

What does it mean when someone calls you a Warden? ›

warden1. / (ˈwɔːdən) / noun. a person who has the charge or care of something, esp a building, or someone. any of various public officials, esp one responsible for the enforcement of certain regulations.

Is the Warden a boss? ›

A hostile and incredibly powerful being that resides in the secluded and all-new deep dark biome... sounds like it should be a boss mob like the Ender Dragon or the Wither. But according to Brandon, it isn't.

Is a Warden a guard? ›

The person who works at a jail as the boss of all the prison guards is called the warden. A warden's job is to manage a prison — so while she may be uniformed and armed like a guard, her actual tasks may look more like a desk job.

What kind of person is Warden? ›

a person charged with the care or custody of persons, animals, or things; keeper. the chief administrative officer in charge of a prison.

What type of person is a warden? ›

1. countable noun. A warden is a person who is responsible for a particular place or thing, and for making sure that the laws or regulations that relate to it are obeyed. He was a warden at the local parish church.

What is a female Warden called? ›

wardeness (plural wardenesses)

Can a Warden be a woman? ›

Females did not become wardens of men's and coed correctional institutions until the civil rights legislation of the early 1970's. A survey by Corrections Compendium revealed that by July 1990, a total of 53 women wardens, superintendents, or administrators oversaw men's correctional institutions.

What does Warden mean in the Bible? ›

Warden a keeper, a guardian; a term sometimes applied to the head of a college, and sometimes to the superior of the chapters in conventual churches. ⇒"War." topical outline. ⇒Bible concordance for WAR. ⇒Definition of warned. ⇒See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

What does warden mean in Minecraft? ›

Appearing like an upright, oddly-colored Cow, the Warden is actually a hostile mob that is blind and seeks out the player by detecting noise and vibrations from the player moving or performing actions.

What does warden mean in the Bible? ›

Warden a keeper, a guardian; a term sometimes applied to the head of a college, and sometimes to the superior of the chapters in conventual churches. ⇒"War." topical outline. ⇒Bible concordance for WAR. ⇒Definition of warned. ⇒See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

Can a warden be a woman? ›

Females did not become wardens of men's and coed correctional institutions until the civil rights legislation of the early 1970's. A survey by Corrections Compendium revealed that by July 1990, a total of 53 women wardens, superintendents, or administrators oversaw men's correctional institutions.

Who is higher than a warden? ›

Wardens are the chief executive officer in all federal prisons. They report to their respective Regional Directors, who report to the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Director.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.