Vegan vs. Dairy-Free: What's the Difference? (2024)

Vegan and dairy-free diets place limitations on which animal-derived products — if any — you can consume.

Although these diets share several similarities and are often confused with one another, they aren’t the same thing. As such, you may want to know about their differences.

This article compares vegan and dairy-free diets, explaining how to tell which foods fall into these categories.

Vegan vs. Dairy-Free: What's the Difference? (1)Share on Pinterest

Although vegan and dairy-free diets share some basic concepts and restrict your intake of some of the same foods, they aren’t the same.

What is a vegan diet?

Veganism encompasses both dietary and lifestyle choices. Someone who decides to become vegan avoids products that use or exploit animals to the best of their ability.

A vegan diet is based on plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains. It excludes meat, fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, and often other animal-derived ingredients like honey.

A person might choose veganism for environmental, animal welfare, personal health, and/or ethical concerns.

Vegan lifestyles also tend to exclude consumer products that contain animal-derived ingredients or have been tested on animals. These include certain cosmetics, clothing, and personal care items.

What is a dairy-free diet?

A dairy-free diet excludes all dairy products. This category includes milk from any animal, as well as any product made from this milk, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream.

Yet, people who follow this eating pattern may still eat other animal foods like meat, fish, shellfish, and eggs.

Dairy-free diets are commonly chosen for health reasons, such as a cow’s milk allergy or lactose intolerance — a condition in which your body can’t digest the milk sugar lactose, leading to diarrhea and gas after dairy is consumed (1, 2).

Some people may also follow a dairy-free diet for ethical reasons.


Vegan diets ban all animal-derived products, such as dairy, eggs, meat, and fish. Dairy-free diets exclude dairy but may allow other animal foods. While all vegan food is dairy-free, not all dairy-free food is vegan.

When grocery shopping, you may want to know whether a food is vegan and/or dairy-free.

Look for a label

Products suitable for either diet are often labeled vegan or dairy-free. Plus, some may have a “certified vegan” seal, ensuring that they haven’t undergone animal testing and don’t contain any animal-derived ingredients or byproducts (3).

Furthermore, the kosher label pareve (or parve) can help you identify dairy-free items. This Yiddish term indicates that a food contains neither meat nor dairy (4).

However, a food with this label may still contain eggs and other animal-derived ingredients, so not all pareve foods are vegan.

Read the ingredient list

If a label isn’t apparent, you can check the ingredient list.

Milk is one of the top eight allergens, along with peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish, and eggs. Manufacturers are required to identify these clearly on their products’ ingredient lists to alert consumers of their presence. They’re often printed in bold (5).

If a product is free of milk or milk derivatives, it’s dairy-free.

Although vegan products shouldn’t contain any animal foods, it’s still best to read the ingredient list to make sure a product meets your criteria.

Some vegan foods may be manufactured in facilities that handle non-vegan products. Thus, you may see a disclaimer that the food may contain trace amounts of animal products, such as milk, seafood, or eggs, due to the risk of cross-contamination.


The best way to determine whether a food is vegan and/or dairy-free is to read the label carefully and check the ingredient list.

Today, vegan dairy alternatives are widely available. These include milk made from soy, oats, and peas, as well as cheeses made from cashews or coconut.

These foods are appropriate for both vegan and dairy-free diets, and their flavor and texture are comparable to those of their dairy-containing counterparts.

Some of the most popular vegan dairy alternatives include:

  • Cheese: shreds and slices made using coconut, almonds, cashews, soy, or pea protein
  • Milk: made from oats, hemp, rice, soy, peas, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, or cashews
  • Cream cheese and sour cream: made from beans or cashews
  • Butter: made using vegetable oil, cashews, or pea protein
  • Ice cream: made from soy, oats, cashews, or coconut milk

You can find many of these products on the same shelves as regular dairy products.


A growing number of vegan dairy alternatives are available, including nondairy options for milk, cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, butter, and ice cream. These are suitable for people on a dairy-free or vegan diet.

While vegan and dairy-free diets have some similarities, they aren’t synonymous.

A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including dairy, eggs, meat, and fish, whereas a dairy-free diet bans all milk products but not necessarily any other animal products.

While all vegan foods are inherently dairy-free, not all dairy-free foods are vegan.

The best way to determine whether a food is vegan and/or dairy-free is to read the label and ingredient list carefully.

Moreover, many vegan dairy alternatives are suitable for both diets.

Vegan vs. Dairy-Free: What's the Difference? (2024)


Vegan vs. Dairy-Free: What's the Difference? ›

A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including dairy, eggs, meat, and fish, whereas a dairy-free diet bans all milk products but not necessarily any other animal products. While all vegan foods are inherently dairy-free, not all dairy-free foods are vegan.

Is dairy-free the same as vegan? ›

Is Dairy-Free Food Vegan? Not always. Dairy-free food can still contain ingredients derived from an animal source such as honey or eggs. For a product to be truly vegan, it must be completely plant-based without any ingredient derived from animals.

Does 100% vegan mean dairy-free? ›

If it's labelled 'vegan' it doesn't contain any animal products at all, including dairy. However, it may have been made in a factory that handles milk. If you have a severe dairy allergy, look for products that are labelled 'dairy-free' rather than just 'vegan'.

What is considered dairy-free? ›

What's a Dairy-Free Diet? A dairy-free diet is one that has no animal milk in it, or any products made from milk.

Can vegans have milk? ›

Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

Do vegans eat eggs? ›

A vegan diet includes only plant foods—fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and seeds. People who follow a vegan diet don't eat any animal foods, including dairy, eggs, and honey. About 3% of Americans follow a vegan diet.

Can vegans have cheese? ›

Given that dairy — including cheese — does not require the slaughtering of an animal, it's usually permitted by lacto- and lacto-ovo-vegetarians, as well as some pescatarians. On the other hand, vegans avoid all animal products or animal byproducts, including dairy and milk.

Can a vegan eat butter? ›

Traditional butter is made with churned milk or cream, which usually comes from cows (but it can also come from other animals like goats), and that's why it's not vegan. Many people also use margarine, which is similar to butter in texture and color, but it's usually made with plant-based fat instead of animal fat.

Are eggs dairy-free? ›

Eggs are often mistakenly categorized as dairy, but eggs are not dairy products. Eggs are laid by birds, which do not have mammary glands. Dairy products are items like yogurt, cheese and milk. You can eat eggs if you follow a dairy-free diet or if you have lactose intolerance.

Do vegans eat yogurt? ›

Though it's traditionally made from cow's milk, vegan versions use nondairy plant sources like almonds, soy, coconuts, peas, oats, or cashews. Notably, most vegan yogurts include live active cultures, which are probiotics — or beneficial gut bacteria — that support healthy digestion ( 1 , 2 ).

What does cutting out dairy do to your body? ›

Eliminating dairy may improve your skin health and reduce bloating. Dairy products have several essential nutrients that support your bone health. Try to incorporate foods rich in calcium, protein, and vitamin D if you avoid dairy foods.

What to avoid if you are dairy-free? ›

Simply put, a dairy-free diet excludes all (or most) dairy products. This includes milk from any animal in addition to foods and drinks that contain milk, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, and cream.

What to eat if I'm dairy-free? ›

Dairy-free foods to eat
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Meat & poultry.
  • Fish & seafood.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts & seeds.
  • Soy products, such as tofu and tempeh.
  • Beans & legumes.
  • Whole grains, such as quinoa and couscous.

Do vegans eat potatoes? ›

A vegetarian and vegan diet consists of: grains, beans and pulses. carbohydrates – such as pasta, rice and potatoes.

Is peanut butter vegan? ›

As with many food items, in its simplest form, peanut butter should always be vegan. The vast majority of peanut butters you find in grocery stores will therefore be fully plant-based. Traditional peanut butter is made from peanuts and often a small amount of salt or oil.

Can vegans eat pizza? ›

Can vegans still enjoy pizza? Yes, but it depends exclusively on the pizzaiola's skill and the ingredients being used. A great Marinara pizza (made at places at Una Pizza Napoletana in SF, Pizzeria Bianco in Phoenix. and Motorino in NYC), which has no cheese, is a wonder to behold and a treat to eat.

How can something be vegan but not dairy-free? ›

Vegan products might have been manufactured in an environment where dairy is also used, vegan products can therefore still have a “may contain” labeling when there is an allergen that can occur through cross-contact in the production environment. Hence they are not safe for dairy allergy sufferers.

What is it called when you are vegan but eat dairy? ›

A lacto-vegetarian diet is a plant-based diet that includes dairy products, as the “lacto” prefix suggests. This variation includes dairy products like cow's milk and foods made with it. These can include cheese, butter, sour cream, yogurt, and ice cream. It excludes all meats, like beef, pork, chicken, and fish.

Is Greek yogurt dairy-free? ›

If you're lactose intolerant, you might wonder: Does Greek yogurt have dairy? Made from cow's milk, it does. However, Greek yogurt has less than 1 gram of lactose per ounce—less lactose than milk and about half the lactose of some other yogurts.

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