U.S. News & World Report's Best and Worst Diets for 2023 (2024)

That said, the overall rankings didn't shift that much in 2022. The top three diets remain in the top three spots. “I’m not at all surprised to see the Mediterranean diet once again top the list of best diets,” says Kelly Kennedy, RDN, the staff nutritionist at Everyday Health. “As a more plant-focused diet, the Mediterranean diet decreases the risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Plus, there’s a lot of scientific research to back these benefits, unlike with many of the fad diets of the moment.” Kennedy likes that the Mediterranean diet focuses on fruits, veggies, and whole grains, and that it doesn’t eliminate whole food groups or vilify specific foods. “As a result,” she says, “this is a more maintainable lifestyle rather than a ‘quick fix’ diet.”

U.S. News added two new categories this year: Best Family-Friendly Diets and Best Diets for Bone & Joint Health. “The pandemic made it especially clear how important it is for people to be able to prepare meals at home and enjoy those meals together with their loved ones,” says Gretel Schueller, the managing editor of health at U.S. News & World Report. (The term “family-friendly,” she points out, can include meals enjoyed socially with friends and other nonrelatives, and accommodates those with varying cultural, religious, dietary preferences, or nutritional needs.)

When it comes to bone and joint health, a new category was warranted, because diet influences the health of your bones and joints, says Schueller. What’s more, she says, calcium and vitamin D have been named as dietary components of public health concern, according to the most recent U.S. Dietary Guidelines; many people are falling short on these nutrients, which are essential for good bone health. “A diet that is ranked as ‘good for bone and joint health’ will provide adequate calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K, as well as promote physical activity,” she explains.

Kennedy is excited about both new categories, particularly Family-Friendly Diets, as she often sees families struggle to prepare multiple meals to cater to everyone’s individual needs and diets. “It’s great that there is now a list to help people select a plan that’s healthy and realistic, not only for themselves, but for their entire family,” she says.

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Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet, and Flexitarian Diets Remain the Best Diets of 2023

All three diets are highly recommended by doctors because of their known health benefits. “The Mediterranean eating plan doesn’t have a set calorie range or portion guidelines, which is why it can fit almost anyone’s needs. Eating in this way may promote weight loss, but the main goal of this eating style is the health benefits it can offer, such as improvements in cardiovascular health,” says Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDCES, the author of Belly Fat Diet for Dummies.

For instance, the Mediterranean diet beat low-fat diets for weight loss after one year and improved measures of heart health, research has shown. Switching from an omnivore diet to a plant-based diet was found to help the majority of people lose weight, possibly because of the boost in fiber intake and the reduction of animal proteins in favor of plant proteins, among other reasons, per a systematic review published in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy in 2020.

In a JAMA Network Open study of nearly 26,000 women, published in 2018, those who followed the Mediterranean diet closely had up to a 28 percent lower risk of heart disease than those who didn’t follow the diet, likely because the diet helped lower inflammation, improve insulin function, and reduce body mass index (BMI). A large-scale review called the evidence for the Mediterranean diet's ability to decrease risk of heart disease and stroke “large, strong, and consistent.”

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded several studies examining the health benefits of DASH, and found that it can lower blood pressure and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, as well as help people lose weight, when compared with diets such as the standard American diet (SAD). The SAD is high in salt, added sugar, and saturated fat, notes the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

What’s more, a meta-analysis published in Medicine in September 2018 of 12 studies including more than half a million participants concluded that people who followed the DASH diet closely had a 12 percent lower risk of stroke than those who were more lax in their diet. Experts say this diet is applicable to a wide population. “People tend to think of DASH as a diet only for those with high blood pressure, but the truth is that anyone could benefit from a well-balanced, reduced-sodium diet like DASH,” says Kennedy.

As for the flexitarian diet, in a review of 25 studies, the eating style was shown to help with weight loss, improve blood pressure, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Its presence at No. 3 is well deserved, says Kennedy. “The flexitarian diet is an easy way for anyone to cut back on the calories and saturated fat in their diet without having to do a complete diet overhaul. This flexibility makes the diet more easily maintainable in the long term. It also increases the number of servings of fruits and vegetables you'll be eating, which is really key for a healthy diet,” she says.

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The Diets That ‘U.S. News’ Says Are the Best for Weight Loss

There has been some pushback against the list, as it also includes diets that would be considered fad diets, which tend to be notoriously unsustainable and in some cases unhealthy. But listing a broad range of diets can actually be helpful to consumers, says Kennedy. Registered dietitians guide people toward eating plans based on nutritious whole foods but also get asked about trending diets all the time, she says. “I think it’s important for people to realize that these rankings aren’t recommending any fad diets, but rather, [they’re] a tool to determine if a diet you’re considering is a good fit for you or if there’s a healthier option that would be more maintainable in the long term.” Also, Kennedy points out that some of the most nutritious diets might not rank as high as a weight loss diet or for fast weight loss, as they were designed with health — not weight loss — in mind.

If you’re looking to lose weight, WW (formerlyWeight Watchers) or DASH may be a better bet. Both were ranked at No. 1 and 2, respectively, among weight loss diets, followed by TLC and Mayo Clinic, which tied for third place. “I have personally seen [WW] help quite a few people lose weight in a healthy way. Again, the focus is on lots of fruits and veggies, as it is with all the top diets,” Kennedy says. She adds that this is a diet where even desserts aren’t off-limits. “This flexibility makes it easier to follow long term without feeling deprived.” What’s more, by making fruits and vegetables “free” on the points system, this may help people transition to a more plant-based style of eating, she notes.

One popular diet, Noom, ranked at No. 11 in Best Diets Overall and climbed from last year’s No. 12 spot to the No. 5 in the Best Weight Loss Diets category, which it shares with the Mediterranean, flexitarian, and volumetrics diets. “Noom focuses on behavior change along with nutrition education, which in my opinion is an effective combination in bringing about lasting change,” says Palinski-Wade. She notes that the community support, positive reinforcement, and accountability in the app can set the stage for long-term results.

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Which Fad Diets Ranked Low on the 2023 ‘U.S. News’ List?

In 2022, the list ranked 30 diets, and in 2023, 28 are featured, which naturally shook up some of the rankings. This year, many diets were incorporated into others. For example, vegetarian and vegan (integrated into all diets), Nordic and traditional Asian diet (integrated into the Mediterranean diet), and modified keto (integrated into the keto diet). Others, such as HMR, were removed because they are no longer available, while still others — the fertility diet, macrobiotic, intermittent fasting, Sirtfood, and Whole30 were removed entirely.

“We decided to cut some transient diets that are popular only for a month or two, or that are similar to already covered diets, and others, such as commercial diets that are no longer supported by the company or founder,” says Schueller. Plant-based diets will continue to be popular, and they can be adapted into any of the diets on this list, she explains. The result was that the expert panelists had more room to really dive into diets that have stood the test of time or have evidence behind them that they improve health. “We chose quality over quantity,” says Schueller.

That said, some of the most popular diets today didn’t fare as well. Near the bottom? Paleo (No. 19), keto (No. 20); Atkins, SlimFast, and Optavia (tied at No. 21), and the raw food diet (No. 24). Rather than focus on lifestyle changes with staying power, these plans present “a quick fix that’s not maintainable,” says Kennedy. “Those trendy diets that eliminate entire food groups or call for extreme changes or deprivation will not rank well with wellness professionals, and this is represented in these rankings,” she says.

Though keto remains a popular diet, outside of a medical need for the diet, such asepilepsy, this high-fat plan can backfire. “These diets are incredibly high in fat and very low in carbohydrates. As a result, they encourage limiting or eliminating healthy foods such as whole grains, legumes, dairy, and many types of fruit. To me, this is a red flag,” says Kennedy. She points out that though keto ranks No. 1 as the “Best Fast Weight Loss Diet,” “fast doesn’t usually translate to long-lasting. Keto is difficult to do correctly and many people end up going off the diet as a result,” she adds. That ultimately can lead to weight regain.

Palinski-Wade agrees. “I'm not surprised to see some of the most popular diet trends rank near the bottom of the list.” These diets have made a name for themselves by being restrictive and cutting out entire food groups. “Although there is some positive research on the health benefits of following a ketogenic diet on improving insulin resistance and helping to manage diabetes, the diet itself is very restrictive and hard to maintain long term,” she says.

Two diets are new to the list: Keyto diet and Pritikin diet. Keyto is a combination of the Mediterranean and low-carb keto diet. Pritikin is a whole food–based low-fat, high-fiber diet. As for their rankings, keyto debuted at No. 18 and Pritikin at No. 11 in Best Overall Diets. Generally, both these diets fall around the middle in each of the separate categories.

Ultimately, for a diet to successfully help you improve your health, it needs to be sustainable for the long haul — as in, for life. “Fad diets and ultra-restrictive plans may promote fast weight loss initially, but for improved health and disease prevention, weight loss is not a race,” says Palinski-Wade. “Choose the approach that you can foresee yourself sticking with effortlessly for years to come, and that is what will bring you success,” she says.

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A Broad Look at the Best Diets Overall in 2023

You'll find the full list at U.S. News & World Report, but here’s a broad glance at the results.

Best Diets Overall

  1. Mediterranean diet
  2. DASH diet and flexitarian diet (tie)
  3. N/A
  4. MIND diet
  5. TLC diet

Best Diet Programs

  1. WW (Weight Watchers) diet
  2. Noom and Jenny Craig (tie)
  3. N/A
  4. Mayo Clinic
  5. Nutrisystem and Optavia (tie)

Best Weight Loss Diets

  1. WW (Weight Watchers) diet
  2. DASH
  3. TLC and Mayo Clinic (tie)
  4. N/A
  5. Mediterranean, flexitarian, volumetrics, and Noom (tie)

Best Fast Weight Loss Diets

  1. Keto diet
  2. Nutrisystem, Optavia, SlimFast, and Atkins (tie)
  3. N/A
  4. N/A
  5. N/A

Best Diets for Healthy Eating

  1. Mediterranean diet
  2. DASH diet
  3. Flexitarian diet
  4. TLC
  5. MIND diet, Mayo Clinic, volumetrics, and Dr. Weil’s (tie)

Easiest Diets to Follow

  1. Flexitarian and TLC (tie)
  2. N/A
  3. Mediterranean and DASH (tie)
  4. N/A
  5. Mayo Clinic

Best Diets for Diabetes

  1. DASH
  2. Mediterranean
  3. Flexitarian
  4. Ornish
  5. MIND

Best Diets for Heart Health

  1. DASH
  2. Mediterranean
  3. Flexitarian and Ornish (tie)
  4. N/A
  5. MIND and TLC (tie)

Best Plant-Based Diets

  1. Mediterranean
  2. Flexitarian diet
  3. MIND diet
  4. Mayo Clinic and volumetrics
  5. N/A

Best Family-Friendly Diets

  1. Mediterranean, flexitarian, and TLC (tie)
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. DASH and MIND (tie)
  5. N/A

Best Diets for Bone and Joint Health

  1. Mediterranean and DASH
  2. N/A
  3. Flexitarian
  4. MIND, Dr. Weil’s, and Ornish (tie)
  5. N/A

As a seasoned nutrition expert with a comprehensive understanding of various diets and their impact on health, I can confidently analyze the information presented in the article and provide insights into the key concepts discussed.

Firstly, the article emphasizes the annual rankings of diets by U.S. News & World Report for the year 2023. The Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, and Flexitarian diet continue to hold the top three spots. The Mediterranean diet, in particular, is praised for its plant-focused approach, which is supported by extensive scientific research linking it to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers.

The article introduces two new categories in the 2023 rankings: Best Family-Friendly Diets and Best Diets for Bone & Joint Health. The inclusion of these categories reflects the growing importance of considering the practical aspects of diet, such as family meal preparation, and the impact of diet on bone and joint health.

The Family-Friendly Diets category is especially welcomed by nutritionists, including Kelly Kennedy, RDN, who appreciates the focus on helping families adopt healthy and realistic eating plans. The Best Diets for Bone & Joint Health category acknowledges the influence of diet on bone health and emphasizes the importance of nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K, along with promoting physical activity.

The article then delves into the specific attributes of the top-ranked diets. The Mediterranean diet is lauded for its plant-centric approach, which includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It is highlighted as a sustainable lifestyle rather than a quick-fix diet. Scientific evidence supporting the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, such as its positive effects on heart health, is cited from studies and reviews.

The DASH diet, recommended by doctors for its health benefits, is recognized for its ability to lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels. The Flexitarian diet, ranking third, is praised for its flexibility, making it easier for individuals to cut back on calories and saturated fat while increasing fruit and vegetable intake.

The article also addresses diets specifically focused on weight loss. WW (formerly Weight Watchers) and DASH are recommended for those seeking to lose weight. Noom, a behavior change and nutrition education-focused app, is noted for its positive reinforcement and community support.

Conversely, the article points out the lower rankings of certain fad diets in the 2023 list, including Paleo, keto, Atkins, SlimFast, and Optavia. These diets are criticized for being unsustainable and potentially unhealthy due to their restrictive nature. The article emphasizes the importance of choosing a diet that is sustainable for the long term to achieve lasting health benefits.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the 2023 U.S. News & World Report diet rankings, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of various diets based on scientific evidence and expert opinions. As an expert in the field, I concur with the emphasis on sustainability and evidence-based approaches for achieving long-term health outcomes.

U.S. News & World Report's Best and Worst Diets for 2023 (2024)
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