Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (2024)

This post is written by Jet Toyco, a trader and trading coach.

Have you ever experienced a time where no matter what you do in trading, nothing works?

Where you keep on revenge trading even though “you know” that what you’re doing is not right?

And by the time you know it, you’ve lost more than half of your portfolio already?


You’re not alone, as it has happened to me before.

So, the question now is:

What are the root causes of these bad trading habits?

What are the concrete steps you can take to conquer them?

Don’t worry.

Because the answer lies in today’s comprehensive trading guide where you’ll learn how to start making changes almost instantly.

Sounds good?

Then read on…

Trading Psychology Tip #1: Detach yourself from the results and attach yourself to the process

I get it…

You want to make money from the markets (who doesn’t?).

To quit your 9-5 job and be your boss.

To make trading your main source of income.

To help you pay off your debts and medical expenses.

Now let me tell you as early as now…

All of those things are entirely possible!

But being attached to those goals too much will give you the false impression that the markets have an obligation to fulfill them.

That you think the markets must hit all of your take profits and avoid your stop losses!


Having such expectations is incompatible in a trading environment.

This will move money further away from your pocket and limit your growth as a trader.

Don’t believe me?

Let me prove to you…

Let’s say that you’re currently on a losing streak and that you’ve entered a trade on Silver on the 4-hour timeframe:

This time, you’ve done your due diligence.

You’ve made sure that the:

  • Technical analysis
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Statistical analysis
  • Sentiment analysis

All goes in favor of your trade.

So of course, you’d expect the markets to shoot up like this and give you all the gains, right?

Now, what if the market immediately goes against your favor…

What would you do?

How would you feel?

If you lost the trade, would you increase your risk on the next trade?

Will you move your stop loss lower, or will you remove it altogether and become an “investor?”

Do you see what I mean?

Imposing your expectations in the markets makes you focus only on potential gains:

While trying to put yourself a blind eye to potential losses:

Some traders even insult and attack other traders whenever they are being met with information against their position, and it doesn’t make any sense why!

So, how do you trade without expectations?

Will I tell you to make sure you have a well-defined trading plan with an edge?

Sure, but not for today, because you can learn more about it in this article here.

Instead, one solution that you should look into is to…

Reduce your trading balance relative to your networth

Just because you have $10,000 in your pocket doesn’t mean that you have a $10,000 mindset when trading such an account size.

Let me show you what I mean:

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (6)

Imagine this…

You have a $10,000 trading portfolio which is more than half of your networth.

However, you’ve only entered less than 30 good trades (low skill) with discipline with little results to show.

So, you’re trading with confidence you don’t have yet.

What do you think’s going to happen?


You will have this IMMENSE pressure while trading the markets, of course!

Going almost all-in on trading the markets means that you’re expecting to grow your account.

There’s also an emotional attachment to your portfolio.

Since you know that expectations in the market don’t work…

What’s likely going to happen is that your portfolio would decline along with your networth while you’re also not improving as a trader:

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (7)

See what I mean?

So as a trader who hasn’t found consistency yet, what should you do instead?


Start trading with a small account size relative to your networth.

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (8)

This time…

You’re trading almost without any attachment to your portfolio.

You’re not afraid to take a couple of small losses in the markets.

You’re focused on improving your skill and your growth as a trader by taking one good trade at a time.

You’re now treating trading as a business and not a hobby.

Now, what would happen once you’ve consistently played your edge and executed more than a hundred trades?

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (9)

Your confidence as a trader would be at its peak!

Since you now have high trading confidence, who’s to say you can’t continuously deposit more funds into your portfolio?

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (10)

Can you see how exciting this is?

Once you’ve detached yourself from the results and attached yourself to the process…

You’ll start thinking about how to expand your trading business beyond your imagination.

You’ll start to out-grow your goals and have bigger goals.

And you’ll start to see charts objectively:

Now, wherever the market goes, you’ll have a plan ready to execute.

P.S. All of the illustrations shown recently are for educational purposes only and not financial advice, however, I do request that you extract the principles that I have shared with you.



I know that I’ve shared with you a robust concept of how you can grow your trading business.

But the next thing that I’m about to share with you will be your foundation to reach the end of that trading business plan…

Trading Psychology Tip #2: Be Financially healthy

Here’s the truth:

Trading amplifies your money problems, it doesn’t solve them. – Rayner Teo

If you have a gambling addiction with a get-rich-quick mindset (only to lose all your money)…

What more if you were to pick markets to trade?

If you have a habit of going into debt by racking up installment plans only to realize that you can’t afford the monthly payments…

What more if you keep on over trading not knowing your trading balance (or available margin), is close to zero?

You see…

Being financially healthy is a major contribution to your success as a trader.

That’s right.

Being a profitable trader should not dictate your financial health.

It’s the other way around!

Now, the definition of being financially healthy depends on each person.

But it boils down to this:

You’re aware of where your money flows and you live less than what you make.

How do we accomplish this?

Have a well-written budget plan

Having a budget plan means that you know exactly what to do with your paycheck the moment it arrives, plus how to manage and prolong it until the next one comes.

Every government and company in the world has some sort of budget plan that could make or break the organization.

So, why shouldn’t you?

Let’s break it down into three steps on how you can make one yourself, shall we?

STEP 1: List down all types of expenses and potential savings

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (12)

The priority expenses are the ones you need to pay to continue with your current lifestyle.

This could be your:

  • Children’s education expenses
  • Taxes
  • Medical bills (maintenance)

Your priorities expenses could be non-existent if your responsibilities are few.

This is where your money goes first as soon as you receive your income.


The future savings are the ones you try to save up to preserve (emergency fund) or elevate your current lifestyle into the future.

This could be:

  • Funding your trading account to boost its compounding effect
  • Saving up for a trip to see your family from another country once again (or to stay there for good)

This is where your money goes next as soon as you finished paying the important expenses.


The leisure expenses are your discretionary fund.

This could be your time to:

  • Go to the spa
  • Meet up with your friends
  • Donate to your local charity (which can be placed on the priority expense if you wish)

This is where your money should go to LAST after you’ve accomplished the first two, and yes, this is the part where you set a maximum budget and try not to go over it!

STEP 2: List down your exact expenses and savings amount

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (13)

Now that you already know what your potential expenses and savings are in the weeks to come, you go down to the details on how much they would be.

This time…

You’d also need to take your monthly income into account and make sure that your budget plan does not exceed your monthly income.

Let me explain…

Looking at the example above, here’s what the budget plan consists of.

  • Priority expenses: $750
  • Future savings: $1,500
  • Leisure: $750

Now, if you add them all up…

They amount to $3,000

Which is equal to your monthly income!

Again, the budget plan should be tailored based on your lifestyle.

These numbers do not represent the cost of living in your area and your income.

So, if you’re a freelancer (or a full-time trader) who makes irregular income…

Then you’d need to average your income for the past 3-6 months and make a budget plan on a longer time horizon.

Makes sense?

Last step….

STEP 3: Prioritize and follow your budget plan

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (14)

This part is simple, yet it can be quite challenging to follow.

But what this step means is, before you start buying the finest gadgets or reserving a room in a fancy hotel (leisure expenses)…

You must first tackle your priority expenses and set-aside funds for your savings which can be placed in a separate bank account or low-risk investments.


I know that this is the last thing you want to learn in an article about trading.

But how you grow your trading business could heavily depend on how you manage your finances.

Believe it!

So let’s do a quick checklist…

Trading with almost no expectations?


Currently, have a budget plan in place?


Making consistent profits in the markets?


Now that’s a more challenging checklist to fulfill.

So let’s talk about this.

What if all that’s left is for you to have a profitable trading strategy?

You manage your risk pretty well but everything you try doesn’t seem to work.

Have you ever been in that scenario?

If so, then here’s the issue:

You see as traders, it’s normal for us to question things from trading ideas to trading indicators.

We like to experiment by combining different indicators and tweaking their values.

But here’s the biggest problem we’re not seeing here…

We’re spending more time experimenting than verifying.

So, what’s a cost-effective method of verifying what you know to save your money and time?

Here’s how…

Technique #3: Focus on finding trading concepts & strategies that work

That’s right.

You must not reinvent the wheel when you’re first starting out.


Because you don’t have a high level of confidence as a trader yet!

So, how do you find trading concepts and strategies that work?

There are two ways you can go about this:

  1. Read trading books with backtested results and execute the trading strategy (systematic trading)
  2. Model a consistently profitable trader (discretionary trading)

Let me explain…

Read backtested trading books and execute the trading strategy (systematic trading)

Reading backtested trading books is the closest you can get to a “shortcut” in trading.

Reading a trading book with backtest results shows you what an “edge” looks like and also shares with you the principles of why they work continuously.

So, what are some of these trading books you may ask?

Check these out:

Of course, don’t just blindly follow the strategies taught in a book.

You must know the ins and outs of the systems as if you were the one who invented them!

Now, what if you want to be a discretionary trader?

You want to learn and trade price action, Elliot waves, advanced harmonic patterns, or any trading style that involves technical analysis?

Then the next option may be for you.

Model a consistently profitable trader (discretionary trading)

Compared to systematic trading, discretionary trading cannot be backtested accurately, and you might be just wasting your time if you do.

Don’t believe me?

Let me prove it to you…

On my first backtest using pure price action on EURUSD from 2022, I gained a total of +9.21%

Now, what if I test the same market for the same period again.

Will the numbers still be the same?


My perception of the market is different when I performed the same test on the same market, and you are free to try yourself if you’ve got time!

This is why as a discretionary trader…

Your focus should be on the trader whom you wish to learn from.

You’ll have to determine whether or not what that trader does, works!

So, how do we determine this?

Here are a few, concrete metrics that you can consider:

  • Must have consistently live traded for at least two years straight (track record)
  • Must have a track record of beating the markets consistently (achieved an average annual return of at least 10%)
  • Respects other traders and is humble enough to learn new things and from mistakes (isn’t toxic)
  • Is consistently teaching traders passionately (passing down the torch)

If a certain trader meets those metrics…

The only thing that’s left is for you to dive into his teachings and continuously practice them on your end.

This can be through buying their book, enrolling in their trading program, or simply investing your time watching their videos.

Here are some traders I know who have proven themselves throughout the year over and over that meet ALL of those criteria I mentioned above:

That’s pretty much it!

So with that said, let’s do a quick recap…


  • Eliminate expectations in the markets and have patience by focusing on improving your skills as a trader
  • Being financially healthy is a major contributing factor to whether or not your trading business will last
  • Invest your time in finding trading concepts that work by reading books with backtested results, or following consistently profitable traders

Now here’s what I want to know…

Have you learned something new from today’s guide?

What trading psychology tips can you add?

Let me know what you think in the comments section below!

Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success (2024)


Trading Psychology: 3 Profitable Tips To Trading Success? ›

According to experts, successful trading is a result of 30% strategy and 70% of understanding Trading Psychology. So, if you are capable of handling your emotions and making full use of Trading, progress is not far for you in the Trading world.

What is the most profitable way of trading? ›

Three most profitable Forex trading strategies
  1. Scalping strategy “Bali” This strategy is quite popular, at least, you can find its description on many trading websites. ...
  2. Candlestick strategy “Fight the tiger” ...
  3. “Profit Parabolic” trading strategy based on a Moving Average.
Jan 19, 2024

Is trading 70% psychology? ›

According to experts, successful trading is a result of 30% strategy and 70% of understanding Trading Psychology. So, if you are capable of handling your emotions and making full use of Trading, progress is not far for you in the Trading world.

What is the psychology of winning trades? ›

Discipline and risk-taking are two of the most critical aspects of trading psychology since a trader's implementation of these aspects is critical to the success of their trading plan. Fear and greed are commonly associated with trading psychology, while things like hope and regret also play roles in trading behavior.

What is the psychology of trading strategy? ›

Mastering trading psychology is a crucial component of achieving consistent success in the financial markets. By understanding and managing emotions, avoiding common pitfalls, and embracing individual strengths and weaknesses, traders can elevate their decision-making process.

What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? ›

What is the 3 5 7 rule in trading? A risk management principle known as the “3-5-7” rule in trading advises diversifying one's financial holdings to reduce risk. The 3% rule states that you should never risk more than 3% of your whole trading capital on a single deal.

What are the golden rules of trading? ›

Let profits run and cut losses short Stop losses should never be moved away from the market. Be disciplined with yourself, when your stop loss level is touched, get out. If a trade is proving profitable, don't be afraid to track the market.

What is the 70 30 trading strategy? ›

The 70/30 RSI trading strategy has two threshold levels

The RSI, which has a range from 0 to 100, is commonly used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in a market. The 70/30 RSI strategy involves setting two threshold levels on the RSI indicator: 70 for overbought conditions and 30 for oversold conditions.

Are traders very smart? ›

Profitable Individual traders probably have a high degree of emotional intelligence (they can keep cool and reasonable when things go belly up), that's number one. Without it it's just a matter of time to go bankrupt. They have a good intuition in predicting a trend before it starts.

How to read trading psychology? ›

Trading psychology examines the psychological and emotional states of traders. It all comes down to how your actions and outlook affect your trading. Your self-control and risk-taking are also mentioned. Your capacity for long-term trading success greatly depends on your mind.

What is the best mindset for trading? ›

Key Characteristics of a Winning Trader
  • They are all comfortable with taking risks. ...
  • They are capable of quickly adjusting to changing market conditions. ...
  • They are disciplined in their trading and can view the market objectively, regardless of how current market action is affecting their account balance.

How do you succeed in trading? ›

There are seven easy steps to follow when creating a successful trading plan:
  1. Outline your motivation.
  2. Decide how much time you can commit to trading.
  3. Define your goals.
  4. Choose a risk-reward ratio.
  5. Decide how much capital you have for trading.
  6. Assess your market knowledge.
  7. Start a trading diary.

How people are successful in trading? ›

Successful traders identify their profit and loss parameters, before they enter a trade. They set their stops and stick to their parameters. They cut their losses and let the profits run their course ruthlessly.

How do I master my trading psychology? ›

Conquer The Mental Game With These Time-tested Trading Psychology Tips
  1. #11 Don't Get Lost in the Numbers. ...
  2. #10 Accept That the Market Will Do What the Market Wants to Do. ...
  3. #9 Zoom Out In Review. ...
  4. #8 Cut Out the Noise. ...
  5. #7 Embrace the Risk. ...
  6. #6 Know When to Cash Out. ...
  7. #5 Know When You're Wrong. ...
  8. #4 If It Fits, Take It.

What are the 4 types of trading strategies? ›

What is a trading style?
Trading styleTimeframeCommon holding period
1. Position tradingLong termMonths to years
2. Swing tradingShort to medium termDays to weeks
3. Day tradingShort termIntraday only
4. Scalp tradingVery short termSeconds to minutes

How to control emotions in trading? ›

Here are five ways to feel more in control of your emotions while trading.
  1. Create personal rules. Setting your own rules to follow when you trade can help you control your emotions. ...
  2. Trade the right market conditions. ...
  3. Lower your trade size. ...
  4. Establish a trading plan and trading journal. ...
  5. Relax!
Dec 21, 2022

What is the fastest way to make money in trading? ›

Day Trade. If you're a nimble and proficient trader, probably the “easiest” way to make fast money in the stock market is to become a day trader. A day trader moves in and out of a stock rapidly within a single day, sometimes making multiple transactions in the same security on the same day.

What is the simplest most profitable trading strategy? ›

One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

How do traders make big money? ›

Traders make money through their speculations about the price fluctuations of financial instruments. They then make trades to back their speculations. The trading analysis methods are fundamental, technical, sentiment and flow based trading methods.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.