Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (2024)

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Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (2) Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (3) Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (4) Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (5) Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (6)

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Anyone can be hit by an illness or injury that leaves them with a permanent disability. If this happens to you or your loved one, are you prepared for the financial consequences?

Consider these statistics.

  • More than 94,000 working-age individuals are currently receiving supported living payments as a result of a disability, injury, or medical condition that restricts their capacity to work long-term.
  • Unemployment figures for disabled individuals aged 15-64 are almost twice as high as for same aged non-disabled people. Disabled individuals also tend to earn lower wages and have poor job security.
  • Each year, around 10,000 New Zealanders suffer from a stroke that can cause significant disability.
  • About a third of stroke survivors are younger than 65 years old.
  • One-third of stroke survivors need daily assistance with everyday tasks.

A total permanent disability (TPD) cover can provide financial support as you navigate the challenging and painful transition to living with a disability. So, what are the benefits of TPD? How do you calculate the cover you need? And where can you find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about TPD insurance.

What is total permanent disablement (TPD) insurance? Do I really need it?

Total permanent disability insurance or total disablement cover provides a non-taxable lump sum amount if a total and permanent disability prevents you from going back to your occupation. Your occupation can be:

  • Your work or business
  • Being a student, or
  • Performing unpaid household or family duties.

A permanent disability can badly affectyour earning capacity and potential for advancement in your career. It also increases your living expenses, further hurting your finances.

TPD insurance is designed to soften the financial impact of a permanent disability on you and your loved ones. It also includes benefits aimed at reducing your stress and helping you adjust to your new circ*mstances.

Your lump sum benefit is yours to spend as you see fit. You can use it to:

  • Pay for private healthcare and medications

New Zealand’s public healthcare system covers treatment for chronic conditions. But each year, thousands of patients face lengthy waiting lists to see a specialist, have vital diagnostic tests, or get treatment at public hospitals.

While private medical care is available, it isn’t cheap. If you don’t have health insurance, you can use your TPD cover to pay for private healthcare. You can also use your benefit to cover the cost of rehabilitation as well as transportation and accommodation if you need to travel for treatment.

Several insurers also provide psychiatrist or psychologist counselling benefits to help you and your family cope with major life changes.

  • Hire a carer or replace the income lost by a family caregiver

Your family may experience additional financial setbacks if your spouse has to take unpaid leave or work reduced hours to care for you. Or you may have to hire a caregiver to help you with daily living activities. If your children are still young, you will need to budget for childcare.

With total permanent disablement insurance, you can use your benefit to replace your family caregiver’s lost income or to pay for other types of assistance you and your family need.

  • Cover household expenses like rent, food, electricity, transportation, communication, and water bills

New Zealand is not a cheap place to live. Typical monthly living costs range from $3,000 to $6,000 for those living alone and $5,000-$6,000 for a family of four.

If you are permanently disabled due to an injury or illness, you can use your benefit to cover your living expenses. You won’t have to worry about where you’ll get the money to pay your monthly bills.

  • Stay up-to-date on your financial obligations like your mortgage, credit card bills, car loan payments, and insurance premiums

Losing your capacity to work and meet your financial obligations doesn’t just wreck your credit record. You may also face the loss of assets you’ve been building for years. You or your family members may also lose insurance cover just when you need it the most.

Having TPD cover helps shield you from further losses. You can use your benefit to continue paying your loans and secure your assets.

  • Make home or vehicle modifications or buy specialised equipment

Your TPD benefit can help cover the cost of equipment and modifications to make your home and vehicle disabled-friendly. You can use it to purchase a wheelchair, communication devices, seating and hand controls for your vehicle, or lifts, handrails, wheelchair ramps, and bathroom modifications for your home.

  • Help you transition to a new career

If your disability prompts you to switch to a new occupation, you can use your TPD benefit to enrol in a course or build your own business. This way, you can gradually get back on your feet and be able to support yourself and your loved ones.

What is considered a total or complete disability?

The definition of total permanent disability depends on the type of TPD cover you have.

  • Own occupation: You will receive a lump sum benefit if a permanent disability caused by an illness or injury prevents you from going back to your pre-disability occupation.
  • Any occupation: You will receive a lump sum benefit if a permanent disability due to an illness or injury prevents you from resuming your pre-disability occupation or any job that’s appropriate for your work experience or education.
  • For both own occupation and any occupation TPD cover: You will receive a lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a condition that will prevent you from working ever again. Some of these covered conditions include Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, paralysis, major head trauma, and severe rheumatoid arthritis. Check the insurer’s policy for a complete list of these conditions.
  • Modified TPD/Non-occupational cover: Some insurers offer this cover for homemakers, stay-at-home parents, and other individuals who are not in paid employment or not eligible for own occupation or any occupation cover.

Depending on the insurer you choose, modified TPD/non-occupational cover will provide a lump sum under the following circ*mstances:

  • Homemakers’ permanent disability prevents them from resuming their full-time household duties
  • Loss of limbs
  • Blindness
  • Permanent cognitive impairment
  • Inability to perform at least two activities of daily living without physical support from another person. These activities include bathing, eating and drinking, dressing, ambulation/walking, and toileting.

How much disability insurance cover do I need?

When determining the amount of cover you need, consider how much income you may lose if you are unable to work from now until you retire.

Another way to estimate how much TPD cover you require is to calculate:

  • How much money you and your family will need for living expenses, debt payments, other financial commitments, your medical treatment, and for your retirement
  • The resources you have (health insurance, trauma insurance, savings, other income sources) that can help cover these expenses.

Calculating the difference between your projected expenses and your financial resources gives you an idea of how much TPD cover you may need. A Policywise adviser can also help you determine how much TPD cover is sufficient for your circ*mstances.

Who can get total permanent disablement insurance?

You can get TPD insurance whether you have paid or unpaid work. You can apply for cover whether you’re employed, self-employed, a business owner, a student or a homemaker.

Benefits (built-in and optional)

TPD insurance products have built-in and optional benefits specially designed to provide clients with the types of assistance they’ll need in case of a total and permanent disability.

Note that insurance products have different built-in and optional benefits. Download our comparison table to get an overview of TPD products offered by our partner insurers.

Sample Benefits

(Note: Total permanent disability insurance products have varying built-in and optional benefits. Refer to your insurer’s policy document to know which benefits they offer.)

Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance

  • Your insurer pays the full cover amount if you are permanently disabled because of an injury or illness.

Partial Permanent Disablement Benefit

  • Your insurer provides a partial payment if you lose sight in one eye or lose a limb.

Assistance Benefit

  • Your insurer may reimburse your expenses for specialised equipment as well as vehicle and home modifications.

Financial and Legal Advice Benefit

  • Insurers may reimburse fees you’ve incurred for legal and financial advice on the best way to use your TPD benefit.

Counselling Benefit/Grief Support

  • Insurers may reimburse the cost of psychologist or psychiatrist consultations for you and/or your family if these sessions are related to your claim.

Support Person Accommodation Grant and Transfer Benefit

  • If you need to travel for treatment and need a support person to come with you, some insurers may cover your support person’s transportation and accommodation expenses.

Return to Home

  • If you become permanently disabled while living in another country, some insurers will cover the cost of your transportation back to New Zealand.

Suspension of Cover

  • You can request to have your cover suspended for a specific period if an unexpected event affects your finances. Such events may include taking parental or unpaid leave, being dismissed from your job due to redundancy, becoming unemployed, a significant pay reduction (or drop in revenue for the self-employed), and travelling overseas. Note that you won’t receive benefits on claim events that happen while your cover is suspended.

Waiver of Premium (optional)

  • If you suffer a total disability, your insurer will waive your premium payments. Your policy remains in force.

Kids Cover (optional)

  • Some insurers pay the Kids Cover lump sum if children or grandchildren you’ve added under the Kids Cover section of your application become terminally ill or suffer from a medical event covered by the insurer.

Inflation Protection (optional)

  • This optional benefit allows your TPD cover amount to keep up with inflation.

Needlestick (optional)

  • Medical workers who contract Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV due to their work will receive the needlestick sum insured.

Specific Injury Support Benefit (optional)

  • You will receive a lump sum if you suffer from one of the injuries listed by the insurer. This benefit will be given to you even if you can still go back to work.

The benefits of comparing TPD insurance products

Comparing total permanent disability products allows you to:

  • Pick the policy that’s most appropriate for your situation, and
  • Buy the best cover that fits your budget

Here are a few things to consider when buying TPD insurance.

  • Will it cover your occupation or any occupation?
  • What are the built-in benefits?
  • What optional benefits are important to you?
  • What are the exclusions?
  • What are the waiting periods before you can make a claim?
  • What are the cover limits?
  • How much premium will you pay today and in the future?

With all these factors to consider, picking the right TPD cover can become confusing and overwhelming.

At Policywise, we’ve streamlined this process to make quote comparisons fast, easy, and free! Here’s how we help you find the best cover.

How Policywise works in 3 easy steps

  1. Tell us about yourself

    Click the button below to get started by entering some basic details. (Takes less than 30 seconds.)
  2. Get your FREE, no-obligationquotecomparison

    We’ll provide a straightforward run-down of your best options. It will show you the tophealthinsurance policies that match your needs, with research and rankings on eachhealthinsurance provider. You can see aquotesummary of the lowest market prices available for these policies. We provide all this completely free, with NO ADDED COST on the premiums, because the insurer pays our fees.
  3. We take care of everything for you

    If you like our recommendations, our experiencedhealthinsurance heroes will set up everything. Eliminate the pain of organising your health insurance. We handle all the time-consuming back-and-forth with the insurer, on your behalf. This is FREE for you because the insurer pays our fees as a commission on the policy you buy.

Why choose Policywise as your TPD insurance adviser

Get the following when you choose Policywise:

  • Personalised TPD quote comparisons: Using some basic details about you, Policywise advisers shortlist TPD products from multiple insurers that fit your needs, priorities, and budget. This process ensures that:
  • You’re only comparing TPD products that are most relevant to your situation
  • you’re buying only the cover you need and not overpaying for benefits that are not necessary for your circ*mstances
  • you’re getting the best cover for your budget
  • Free consultation and advice from insurance experts: Policywise advisers help you determine what cover you need, how TPD insurance fits into your financial plans, and which insurance products can best support those plans.

They can help you:

  • Choose the right cover amount
  • Understand product benefits and exclusions
  • Find ways to get lower premiums
  • Get answers to all your questions about TPD insurance. This way, you can feel more confident about your insurance purchase.

And if you need to make a claim, Policywise will go into bat for you. Dealing directly with the insurance company can be challenging and stressful and you may not get the result you were hoping for. We can make the whole process much smoother.

How Policywise generally compares to other online quote providers

Policywise™Other comparison sitesTraditional brokersBanksInsurers
(going direct)
Completely free serviceYesYesYesYesYes
Quotes from 8 of NZ’s leading insurersYesSome*Some*No*No
Tailored recommendations fitted to your needsYesNoYesNo*No
Detailed quote comparisonsYesNoSome*NoNo
Comparisons based on third-party researchYesSomeYesNoNo
Fast & efficient processYesYesSome*YesSome
Independent claims support & advocacyYesSomeYesNoNo*
Laser focused on health, life & disabilityYesYesSome*NoYes*
Experts at negotiating pre-existing conditionsYesSomeSomeNoNo
Help you review your existing coverYesNoYesNoNo
Avoid ungenerous policies that make claiming hardYesYesYesNoSome
Ongoing supportYesYesYesYesYes
Nicest guys in New ZealandYesNoNoNoNo
Will it cost me money to get your expert advice and assistance?Absolutely not. Policywise offers FREE advice and assistance. The price we quote you is the same price you’ll get when you get a quote directly from the insurer.
What are the age limits?The minimum entry age for TPD cover is 16 years old. The maximum commencement age ranges from 55 to 64, depending on the insurer.
When will a TPD cover expire?The expiry age varies across insurers. Some TPD products expire when you reach 65 years old, while others will cover you until you turn 100.For occupational TPD covers that extend beyond retirement age, the definition of total permanent disability will change to a non-occupational one.
When should I apply for total permanent disability insurance?There is no “right” or “perfect” time to apply for TPD cover. But be aware that if you wait until you’re older before getting TPD insurance, you may develop health issues that can result in an exclusion or a declined application.
Are there occupations which are excluded from TPD cover?Yes. High-risk occupations are not eligible for cover. These include pilots, police, armed forces personnel, and firemen.

Not sure if your occupation is eligible? Send us a message or talk to a Policywise adviser to get more information on eligibility.

Can self-employed individuals get disability insurance?Definitely. Book a call with a Policywise adviser to know more about TPD cover for self-employed individuals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.
Can homemakers and other individuals with unpaid duties still get TPD cover?Definitely. Contact us to know more about TPD insurance for unpaid occupations.
I have a pre-existing condition. Can I still get TPD insurance?Having a pre-existing condition does not automatically disqualify you from getting TPD cover. Insurers will assess your condition before making a decision on your application.
How much will I pay for total permanent disability cover?Your premium will depend on several factors like your occupation, age, gender, health, smoking status, and sum insured. Request a free quote comparison today to know how much different insurers will charge for your cover.
Will my premium stay the same or will it increase each year?This depends on the premium payment type you selected:
  • Level term:Your premiums will stay the same until your policy ends.
  • Yearly renewable term (or stepped premiums):Your premium will increase each year

Some insurers offer a combination of level and stepped premium payment types. Talk to a Policywise adviser to know which payment type may be best for your circ*mstances.
What are my payment options?Most insurers accept payments via direct debit, credit cards, and debit cards.

In terms of payment frequency, insurers have varying options like weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annually.

Do insurers offer money-back guarantees?Yes. Insurers usually offer a free-look period of 14 days or longer. If you cancel your policy within their designated free-look period, your insurer will refund all your premium payments.
What’s the maximum cover amount?Some insurers offer a maximum sum insured amount of $2.5 million while others offer up to $5 million.
Is it possible to inflation-proof my cover?Yes. Some insurers offer an optional inflation protection benefit. Inform your Policywise adviser that this is an option you’d like to explore so they can include this in your quote.
What’s the difference between a policy owner and a life assured?The policy owner owns the policy and can make changes to it. He/she is also responsible for paying the premiums to keep the policy in force. Meanwhile, the life assured is the person covered by the policy.

For example, a parent may opt to get insurance cover for her child. The parent is the policy owner, while her child is the life assured.

Can I add total permanent disability cover to my life insurance policy?Yes. You can opt to have your TPD cover added to your life cover. You can have it as an:
  • Accelerated benefit:Your TPD claims will be deducted from your life cover. You may have the option of buying back the deducted amount to reinstate your cover amount.

    Interested in this option? Schedule a callback with a Policywise adviser to get more information.

  • Standalone benefit:YYour TPD benefits are separate from your life cover and any TPD claims you file will not be deducted from your life insurance sum assured.
Am I still covered if I travel or work abroad?Yes, you remain covered even if you leave New Zealand for work, travel, studies, or any other reason.
Am I allowed to incrase my cover after I’ve taken out my policy?Yes, and you have several options for increasing your sum insured. You can use your policy’s:
  • Special events facility:You can increase your cover without providing additional medical information if you:
  • Get married or enter a civil union
  • Get divorced
  • Have a child
  • Adopt a child
  • Stop working to provide full-time care to a relative
  • Other special events as determined by your insurer
  • Future insurability benefit:Some insurers allow you to increase your cover by a certain percentage every few years.

Talk to a Policywise adviser to learn more about the limits and conditions for these cover increases and how they will affect your premium.
Can TPD policies change owners?Yes, as long as the current and new policy owners agree to this change of ownership.
Can I reduce my TPD cover amount after taking out my policy?Yes, you can reduce your cover if your obligations and circ*mstances have changed.
Can I suspend my cover if I lose my job or have to stop working?Under special circ*mstances, some insurers allow you to put your TPD cover on hold for a period of time. These circ*mstances include travelling or studying abroad, being made redundant, and bankruptcy.

Note that if you suspend your cover, you cannot claim any benefits during the suspension period.

What happens if I can’t pay my premiums on time?Many insurers provide a grace period, giving you time to update your payments. Your cover remains in force during the grace period. However, if you fail to pay within the allotted time, the insurer may opt to cancel your policy.
Can I cancel my TPD cover anytime?Yes, you can cancel your TPD cover anytime. However, we strongly recommend keeping it for your own and your family’s protection. You can also talk with a Policywise adviser to discuss how this decision may potentially impact your financial plans and explore your options.
Should I update you if there are changes in my circ*mstances?Yes. Please send us a message so we can update your insurer as well.
I’m not satisfied with my current TPD cover. Can you find a better TPD product for me?Definitely! We specialise in comparing insurance products and helping clients find the best cover for their circ*mstances.

Just let us know what your existing cover is, why you’re not satisfied with it, and what you’re looking for in your new cover. Our Policywise advisers will find something that’s better suited for your situation and matches your preferences.

How do I file a total permanent disability claim?You can file a claim directly to your insurer. If you’re a Policywise client, you can opt to file your claim through us and we will contact your insurer for you. We will be here to assist you throughout the entire claims process.
How are total permanent disability benefits paid out?If you can no longer work due to a permanent disability, your insurer will issue a lump sum payment.

Some benefits, such as financial and legal advice costs, will be reimbursed by your insurer.

Will TPD insurance provide a regular income if a permanent disability prevents me from going back to work?No. TPD insurance will only provide a one-time lump sum benefit.

If you’re looking for an insurance cover that can replace a portion of your monthly income, consider getting income protection insurance.

What can prevent a claim?Insurers won’t pay a benefit if the life insured’s disability is caused directly or indirectly by deliberate self-harm or participation in criminal activity. If the life insured dies within three months after being totally disabled, no benefit will be paid as well.
Is the total permanent disability insurance payout taxable?No. The lump sum total permanent disability payout is tax-free.
What if I have other questions not covered here?Just send us a message and we will respond to your queries as soon as possible.

You can also schedule a callback and a Policywise adviser will contact you at your most convenient day and time.


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Total Permanent Disablement (TPD) Insurance in New Zealand (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.