Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (2024)

Last updated on November 7th, 2023

Are you perplexed about tipping in Italy? You’re not alone! Tipping in Italy can be quite confusing and controversial, so I’m here to help you sort it out.

Yes, there are plenty of people who will insist, “we don’t tip in Italy!” and “tipping isn’t part of our culture!” You can listen to them if you want.

However, I’ve worked in the service industry in the United States and here in Italy, and I can tell you people do tip here, and tips are appreciated!

But, it’s important to know that tipping in Italy is not the same as tipping in the United States.

Italians don’t always leave a tip, and if they do, it’s not a large amount.

In other words, here in Italy, an automatic, generous tip isn’t given like it is in the United States.

But, if you’ve received exceptional service, feel free to leave a tip!

Obviously, I’ll go into more detail, but if you’re ever unsure about whether or not to leave a tip, keep that in mind.

The advice below is based on my experience living here, working as a guide here, on how my Italian husband tips, and on conversations with friends and acquaintances that work in Italy as:

  • Taxi drivers
  • Private drivers
  • Cycling/hiking guides
  • Waiters
  • Cultural guides
  • Hotel porters
  • Hotel housekeeping staff

Table of Contents

Tipping in Italy – The Basics

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (1)
  • As a general rule, tips aren’t automatically given like they are in the United States and aren’t included in the bill.
  • You will hear “we don’t tip in Italy!” and “tipping isn’t part of our culture!” but that doesn’t mean you can’t leave a tip. The amount is definitely less, but tipping for good service is always appreciated.
  • Tip with cash, not a credit card. It’s usually not an option to tip on the credit card slip, and if you do, that tip is unlikely to make its way back to your server.
  • Don’t tip with small coins. While the €1 and €2 coins are fine to tip with, it’s best to avoid tipping with smaller change. You probably wouldn’t leave a tip in pennies and nickels in the US, so don’t do it here.
  • You don’t need to tip the owner of a company, restaurant, etc. If you would like to leave a tip in this situation, leave it with someone else who helped make your experience great (an assistant, a waitress, etc).
  • Tips are not required! If someone is asking you or bothering you for a tip, don’t give one. It sets a bad precedent and encourages him/her to continue the impolite behavior (with tourists).

Quick Guide to Tipping in Italy

waiter (restaurant)A few €; 10% in high-end restaurantsLeave € on the table or with the cashier
barista (taking coffee standing up)Round up to nearest €Leave the coin on your receipt at the counter
waiter (café), sitting downRound up to nearest €Leave € on the table
taxi driverRound up Tell driver to keep change
private driver€5 pickup/dropoff; 10% full dayGive € at end of service
tour guide€5-10 per personGive € at end of tour
porter€1/bag or €5 flat tipGive € after delivery
concierge€5-10Hand € to concierge on departure
housekeeper€1/dayLeave € on nightstand daily or at end of stay
bartender (aperitivo)Round up to nearest €Tell bartender to keep change
massage therapist10%*Leave € with cashier
hairdresser10%*Leave € with cashier
parking lot attendant€1Unofficial; hand € to him
private chef10% of food billHand € in envelope at end of evening/trip
food delivery person€3-5, more for large ordersHand € to delivery person when food is received
gas station attendantNo tipGas price higher for serviced pump
ownerNo tipWe don’t tip owners in Italy

*Full disclosure – I’m in the minority here. Most people do not tip for these services. I tip for exceptional service, especially if I will be returning.

Printable Quick Guide to Tipping in Italy

Tipping at a Restaurant in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (3)

You may hear the argument, “Italian waiters don’t need to be tipped – they make a great living wage.”

While a small group of Italian waiters are professionally trained and able to make a career out of being a waiter (you’ll usually find them at high-end restaurants), most are not well paid. True, they don’t make $2/hour like some American waiters, but the wages are not high. And, the cost of living in Italy isn’t low! So, don’t believe the internet chatter that all waiters in Italy are paid well. A tip for great service will be appreciated and well-received.

How do Italians tip at restaurants? If the service is excellent, an Italian will usually leave a few euros. Otherwise, he won’t leave a tip.

What should you do? Feel free to reward exceptional service with a tip of a few Euros if the servizio isn’t already included (more on that below). At higher-end restaurants, a tip for great service can be closer to 10% of the bill.

Remember, you should never feel obligated to leave a tip (out of habit or guilt).

Good To Know: Excellent restaurant service in Italy doesn’t include hovering over your table and asking if you need anything every 5 minutes.

The polite way to leave a tip for your waiter is to leave it on your table when you get up to leave. You do not need to hand it to the waiter (which most will find rather awkward). If you pay your bill at the register, you can leave your tip with the cashier.

Good To Know: I always try to have some €1 and €2 coins with me to use for tips. It’s a pain to have to get change in order to make a tip (and sometimes they won’t have the right change).

You will probably see the coperto and servizio charges on the menu and bill during your time in Italy:


The coperto or pane e coperto is a charge to sit at a table (and sometimes for bread), usually in the range of €1-4.

You will find it at many restaurants in Italy, especially those that see tourists. This is a charge for the use of the table, linens, and silverware, and it often includes bread. It must be listed on the menu (required by law).

Fun Fact: The coperto (which means, ‘cover’) actually originated in medieval times, when weary travelers would enter a locale to take ‘cover’ from the cold or rain. They would often eat their own food, so innkeepers would charge for bread and use of the table, tablecloth, napkins, and utensils.


Servizio is a service charge (an included tip), which is on the bill for large tables or in areas with many tourists. It’s often 15-20% of the bill. If there is a servizio charge on your bill, you do not need to leave an additional tip.

Each restaurant decides if it wants to include the coperto and servizio on its bills.

Tipping at a Bar or Cafè in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (4)

If you order a coffee at a bar or a café in Italy, a tip is not expected.

However, if you pay €0.80 for your coffee at the bar, feel free to leave your €0.20 coin on top of your receipt when you go to collect it.

If you sit at a table, you’re already paying a service fee, so you shouldn’t feel obliged to leave more. If you receive exceptional service, you can round up to the nearest Euro.

Good To Know: The cost of consuming a coffee at the bar is considerably lower than drinking your coffee at a table. Your coffee bill will swell from about €0.80 to upwards of €5 for the chance to sip slowly at the table. It’s worth it if you want to relax and soak up the scene, but if you’re just looking for a quick espresso shot, you’ll want to stick to standing at the bar!

Tipping at a Hotel in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (5)

Tipping for hotel staff is appreciated (and common) in luxury hotels.

In smaller hotels, pensions, and B&Bs, tipping is not expected, but is definitely appreciated.

You do not need to tip for stays in apartments, AirBnBs, or long-term stays.

Housekeeping Staff

A general guideline is €1/day. It’s best to leave it daily (to ensure good service during your stay), but you can also leave the total in your room at the end of your stay.


If the concierge has helped you during your stay (restaurant recommendations, booking tickets for you), a tip is appreciated. You can give €5-10, depending on the help given.


Tipping the hotel porter is not required but is always appreciated. €1 per bag, or €5 total.


A common tip for the doorman is €1 for calling a taxi.


A tip (as a percentage of your total meal bill OR a per meal amount) is appreciated, but not expected. If we are staying somewhere and have the same waiter throughout our stay, we leave a tip at the end of our last meal (recommended). Otherwise, leave a tip at the front desk to be divided amongst the kitchen staff.

Room Service Waiter

€1-2 left on the tray when you’re finished is appreciated, but not expected.


Bartenders do not typically receive tips in Italy, but you can round up if you’d like (leave €10 for your €9.50 negroni).

Tipping Tour Guides in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (6)

Paid Tours

If you’ve taken a paid tour, a tip is not expected but is very much appreciated. Guides often only receive a small portion of the fee you paid. Exception – if you take a guided tour with the owner, you do not need to leave a tip.

A common tip is €5-10 per person.

If you have taken a large group or private day tour, a tip of 10% is common, and even more if you are thrilled with the experience.

If you are taking a longer tour (for example, a week-long cycling trip), the tour cost often includes tips for hotel staff, restaurant waiters, and drivers. Gratuities for your guide are usually not included in the trip price (that’s the industry standard). If you’re happy with your guide’s service, you can leave a tip between 3-5% of the tour cost, per person. So, if you and your wife take a 3000€ per person cycling trip in Tuscany, a great tip would be 90-150€ x two people, for a total of 180-300€ for the guide (or guide team). If you’re looking for a specific range, look at the trip materials or ask the tour company.

Free Tours

If you’ve taken a free tour, it is common courtesy to tip the guide, €5-10 per person.

Tipping Private Drivers in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (7)

Private drivers are sometimes a great alternative to renting a car.

Depending on the service, I will tip €5 for a pick up/drop off or 10% for a full day of driving.

Tipping Taxi Drivers in Italy

Tipping a taxi driver is not expected, but I’ve found that most people do leave a small amount. The general rule is to round up to leave €1-2. So, if your cab fare is €13.10, leave €14.

You can also leave an additional tip if they help with luggage (€1 per bag).

Tipping at a Spa in Italy

Are you getting a massage, manicure, or haircut? If you visit a spa, salon or wellness center in Italy, you may be wondering if you should leave a tip.

Italians generally do not leave tips for these services. Some do, and I usually leave a 10% tip for exceptional service.

Exception: You do not need to tip if the service is performed by the owner.

Tipping a Private Chef in Italy

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (8)

If you’re staying at a private villa and have a chef cook for you once, or nightly, 10% of the total food bill is a standard tip.

Helpful Words & Phrases for Tipping in Italy

tenga il restokeep the change
Mi può cambiare i venti euro per cortesia?Can you please change this €20 banknote?

I hope you found this real-world advice helpful and that you’ll feel confident tipping (or not tipping) during your time in Italy!

Are you planning a trip to Italy? Check out our posts:
200+ Essential Italy Travel Tips for Your First (or 10th!) Visit
100+ Useful Italian Travel Phrases + Printable Cheat Sheet!

Tipping in Italy FAQ

Do children get charged the coperto?

Yes, children who sit at the table and eat a meal will be charged the coperto.

Do I have to pay the coperto even if I don’t eat the bread?

Yes, you still need to pay the coperto, even if you don’t eat the bread.

One exception – in Lazio (which includes Rome), charging a coperto is illegal, but the restaurant may try to charge you for pane (bread). You can refuse the pane and avoid the charge.

Do I tip my Uber driver in Italy?

Uber operates differently in Italy. You use the Uber app to book a private driver (NCC) or a taxi – not a driver using his or her own personal car. You can tip the private driver or taxi driver like you would any other in Italy. Learn more about Uber in Italy.

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (9)

Candice Criscione

Candice, a mamma of three, is an Italy trip planner and travel guide who has been living, traveling, and working in Italy for over two decades. She uses her extensive experience in Italy to help travelers plan their first (or tenth!) trip to bella Italia. She lives in Tuscany with her husband and three boys and when she’s not writing for Mom in Italy or The Tuscan Mom, you can find her cycling the Tuscan hills and exploring Italy with her boys!

As an experienced professional who has lived and worked in both the United States and Italy, I bring firsthand expertise to the complex topic of tipping in Italy. My background includes working in the service industry in both countries, providing valuable insights into the cultural nuances and expectations surrounding tipping practices. Additionally, my experience as a guide in Italy, observations of how my Italian husband tips, and conversations with friends and acquaintances in various service roles contribute to a well-rounded understanding of the tipping landscape in Italy.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts and information covered in the provided article:

Tipping in Italy – The Basics

General Guidelines:

  • Tips aren't automatic: Unlike the United States, tips are not automatically included in the bill, and Italians don't always leave a tip.
  • Cash is preferred: It's advisable to tip with cash, as tipping on a credit card slip may not make its way back to the server.
  • Avoid small coins: While €1 and €2 coins are acceptable, tipping with smaller change is discouraged.
  • No obligation: Tips are not required, and if someone pressures you for a tip, it's okay to decline.

Quick Guide to Tipping in Italy:

  • Who to tip, how much, and how to leave the tip is detailed for various service professionals, including waiters, baristas, taxi drivers, hotel staff, tour guides, and more.

Tipping at a Restaurant in Italy:

  • Discussion on the misconception that all Italian waiters are well paid and clarification that tipping is appreciated for good service.
  • The presence of "coperto" and "servizio" charges explained.

Tipping at a Bar or Café in Italy:

  • Tipping at the bar is not expected, but rounding up for exceptional service is acceptable.

Tipping at a Hotel in Italy:

  • Guidance on tipping housekeeping staff, concierge, porters, doorman, waiters, and room service.

Tipping Tour Guides in Italy:

  • Distinction between paid tours and free tours, along with recommended tips for different scenarios.

Tipping Private Drivers in Italy:

  • Suggestions for tipping private drivers, both for pick-up/drop-off and full-day services.

Tipping Taxi Drivers in Italy:

  • General rules for rounding up and additional tips for luggage assistance.

Tipping at a Spa in Italy:

  • Discussion on whether to tip for services like massages, manicures, or haircuts.

Tipping a Private Chef in Italy:

  • Standard tip for a private chef, particularly when staying at a villa.

Helpful Words & Phrases for Tipping in Italy:

  • Useful phrases for tipping situations in Italian.

Tipping in Italy FAQ:

  • Answers to common questions, such as whether children get charged the coperto or if you should pay the coperto even if you don't eat the bread.

By providing this comprehensive guide, I aim to assist readers in navigating the nuances of tipping in Italy with confidence and cultural sensitivity.

Tipping In Italy – A 2024 Guide to When and How Much (+Printable Quick Guide) (2024)


How much do you tip tour guide in Italy? ›

But definitely tip your tour guide

If you're part of a large group tour, then a tip of five euros for a half day or 10 euros for a full day, per person, is recommended. If you're on a small or individual guided tour, then the tip should be 10 percent of the tour's total cost.

When should I tip in Italy? ›

Tipping isn't the norm in Italy like it may be in North America and some other countries in Europe, but it is still appreciated. Feel free to leave a small amount if the service has been particularly good. In taxis, tipping is not expected, but if rounding up the charge makes life easier, go for it.

Can you tip in US dollars in Italy? ›

Whenever you tip during your trip to Italy it is important to use the local currency, that is - Euros. Otherwise you'll leave your service providers with cash they can't use without paying high fees on currency exchange.

How much should I tip a private driver in Italy? ›

It's better to leave nothing. Tipping a private driver in Italy depends on the quality of the service and the amount of time involved. If it's a short drive to the hotel, than tip like you would a taxi. If it's a full day's tour where you driver is also a guide, then 10% is good.

Are you supposed to tip tour guides in Italy? ›

Tipping tour guides in Italy

Tipping your tour guide is probably the only exception to tipping rules in Italy. Whether it's a paid excursion or a free tour, you should tip your guide. We recommend adding a gratuity of €5 ($5.50) per person for a half-day tour and €10 ($11) per person for a full-day tour.

How many Euros do you tip a tour guide? ›

For something longer, you might add a few more euros. For a full-day guided tour in Europe: Tip €10-€20 per person — or about 5%-10% of the total tour price — for a full-day guided tour. If it's a bus tour, like our Normandy beach tour from Paris, it's customary to include a tip for the bus driver as well.

Do I tip at hotels in Italy? ›

In hotels if the concierge has been of assistance to you and made your stay a pleasant one a tip of 10 - 20 € is customary, while the chambermaids are happy with a 1 or 2€. For tour guides it depends on the kind of service provided, but again typical 5 - 10% is sufficient.

Do you tip bathroom attendants in Italy? ›

In very upscale hotels (and some nicer restaurants) there are Restroom Attendants, and it is polite to leave them €0.50. In most hotels, service charges are already included in your bill but for bell staff.

Should I carry cash in Italy? ›

What you do need cash for will be: most taxis, markets, cafés, and small convenience stores. Bear in mind that many of these outlets have problems in breaking large bills (€50s or even sometimes €20s), so preferably carry as many small notes (€10s and €5s) and as much loose change with you as you can.

How much do you tip a gondola driver? ›

(While not required or even expected, if your gondolier does the full 35 minutes and entertains you en route, a 5–10 percent tip is appreciated; if he's surly or rushes through the trip, skip it.)

How do I ask for a bill in Italy? ›

Make a hand gesture similar to signing. The waiter won't even come to you and he will immediately understand you are asking for the bill. This custom originates from the act of signing cheques. Alternatively, simply signal the waiter/waitress with your hand and ask “Il conto per favore”.

How much do you tip a driver from airport to hotel in Italy? ›

It is considered a kind gesture and proper etiquette to leave “a little something extra” depending on the level of service you receive. Here are some tipping guidelines for various services: Private drivers: 10 euros for an airport transfer. 30 – 50 euros for a full day excursion depending on the length of the service.

Do you tip at Michelin star restaurants in Italy? ›

If you're concerned about only leaving a 10% tip or no tip at all, servers in Italy don't rely on tips in order to make a living wage. However, if you're dining at a fancier restaurant like a Michelin-star restaurant or having a tasting menu then a 10% tip is expected.

How much do you tip in Rome? ›

Plan to tip around 10-15% in Rome restaurants. However, the exact tip amount when eating out in Rome depends on the place, occasion, and order size. It's customary to give your waiter or waitress a slightly higher tip than you would a bartender, as they are likely sharing their tip with the kitchen staff.

What is an appropriate tip for a tour guide? ›

For a tour that only lasts a few hours, tip your guide 10 percent to 20 percent the cost of the tour. How much you tip also depends on the size of your tour, so you should tip more for a more personalized experience. For a multi-day tour, you should tip your guide $5 to $10 per day on the last day.

How much do you typically tip a tour guide? ›

Most etiquette experts suggest a tip of 10-20% of the cost of a tour for outdoor guides like ours. A typical gratuity on a full-day tour is $20-$40 per person, and on a half-day trip, $15-$20 per guest. Exceptional service often earns more: Did they go out of their way to show you something you're interested in?

Is it rude not to tip a tour guide? ›

Generally, it's appropriate to tip your private guide $10-$15 per day and another $5-$10 for drivers. For large group tours, you'd tip half of that.

How much do you tip a private tour guide in Venice? ›

Tipping tour guides in Venice

Your tour guide can make or break your experience when travelling - so when you find a great guide in Venice do tip them the standard 10%. Tips are equally welcome whether you're taking a private, multi-day, or walking tour. If you join a free tour in Venice it's worth tipping too.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.