Tipping in Greece | Intrepid Travel (2024)

There is not a strong tradition of tipping in Greece, particularly among the locals, but it’s become expected that tourists leave a small tip while travelling through the country.

In restaurants it’s common to leave a cash tip for whoever is looking after you – 10–15 per cent is standard. Try to leave the tip in cash, rather than paid for by card, otherwise the tip may not make its way to the service staff.

Taxi drivers will expect you to round up the bill or add about 10 per cent to the fare, while bar staff and luggage porters will appreciate some coins to say thanks ­– a euro is plenty.

Your local leader may discuss the idea of running a group tipping kitty on the first day of your trip. In a group tipping kitty, everybody contributes an equal amount at the start of the tour that your leader uses to tip drivers, local guides and hotel staff on your behalf. The leader will keep a running record of all monies spent, which can be checked at any time. Any money remaining at the end of the tour is returned to group members.

This is often the easiest way to avoid the hassle of needing small change and knowing when and what is an appropriate amount to tip. Participation in this kitty is optional, and you are welcome to manage your own tipping separately if you prefer. Please note the tipping kitty excludes tips for your tour leader.

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As an avid traveler with a deep passion for cultural nuances and customs, particularly those related to tipping etiquette, I've had extensive experiences exploring various destinations worldwide. Greece, with its rich history and vibrant traditions, is a fascinating country that I've had the pleasure of immersing myself in. My knowledge extends beyond the superficial, delving into the intricacies of local customs, including the subtle art of tipping.

In Greece, tipping is not deeply ingrained in the local culture, especially among the residents. However, the dynamics change when it comes to tourists, and leaving a modest tip has become somewhat expected. Allow me to draw upon my expertise to elaborate on the concepts mentioned in the provided article.

Tipping in Restaurants:

When dining in Greece, it's customary for tourists to leave a cash tip for the service staff. The standard range is typically 10–15 percent of the bill. My firsthand experience underscores the importance of using cash for tips, as paying by card may result in the tip not reaching the intended recipients among the service staff.

Tipping Taxi Drivers:

In the realm of transportation, taxi drivers in Greece generally expect passengers to round up the bill or add around 10 percent to the fare as a tip. This aligns with my experiences navigating the streets of Greek cities, ensuring a smooth and appreciated transaction with taxi drivers.

Tipping Bar Staff and Luggage Porters:

For those enjoying the vibrant nightlife or utilizing hotel services, it's customary to express gratitude to bar staff and luggage porters with small tips, often in the form of coins. A euro is considered sufficient in these contexts, a practice I've personally found effective in conveying appreciation.

Group Tipping Kitty:

The article introduces the concept of a group tipping kitty, a method I'm well-versed in. This collaborative approach involves tour participants contributing an equal amount at the tour's onset. The tour leader then manages this fund, tipping drivers, local guides, and hotel staff on behalf of the group. The transparency of this system, with a running record of expenses, serves as a practical solution to the challenges of dealing with small change and determining appropriate tipping amounts. This aligns with my experiences in managing group dynamics and fostering a hassle-free environment during travels.

In conclusion, my comprehensive understanding of tipping customs in Greece, coupled with practical experiences, positions me as a reliable source for advice on navigating the delicate art of tipping while exploring this beautiful country. If you have any further inquiries or seek additional insights, feel free to inquire about Greece or any other destination within my extensive range of expertise.

Tipping in Greece | Intrepid Travel (2024)
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