Thickening your Sauces | Dinner Tonight (2024)

by Dinner Tonight

Thickening your Sauces | Dinner Tonight (1)Ever have trouble with your gravies or liquid based foods being too runny? Here are four methods for thickening your sauces:

  1. Reducing – reducing liquid to thicken it simply involves letting excess water boil out of the dish. Bring dish and liquid to a low to medium boil and watch carefully, stirring as needed to let excess liquid evaporate.
  2. Cornstarch – using cornstarch is an excellent way to thicken a sauce in a pinch. Mix together 1 part corn starch to 2 parts water, typically 1 tablespoon cornstarch to 2 tablespoons cool water will do the trick. Stir well then add to your dish, stir well and watch your sauce thicken quickly.
  3. Beurre Manie – this is a method for you, if you don’t mind adding butter to your dish. Mix equal parts butter and flour together until well combined. A good combination to start with would be 2 tablespoons unsalted room temperature butter with 2 tablespoons flour, then add to your dish and cook until thickened. Keep in mind, adding butter to your healthy recipes will add fat and calories!
  4. Roux – making a roux is similar to a Beurre Manie, it involves combining equal parts butter (or other fat) and flour, but this time you begin cooking the mixture before you add in other liquids. In a sauce pan heat butter (or other fat) over medium heat, add in flour and mix well until thick and cooked, then add in other liquids. Keep in mind, this method also includes adding fat and calories to your meal as well!

Thickening your Sauces | Dinner Tonight (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.