The most pleasing 5 letter word - Silent Motivations (2024)

The fifth word in the list of 10 golden words is the most pleasing five letter word – SMILE.

Smile, it increases your face value. It increases your face value, not in terms of money or any asset but your smile shares positive vibes and hope.

It is very well said:

“The most beautiful jewellery/makeup/ornament a person can wear is a smile.”

The most pleasing 5 letter word - Silent Motivations (1)

What to do with this most pleasing five letter word “SMILE”?

Keep it.

Once an artist was performing a comedy act and he received a huge appreciation from the audience during the performance.

He repeated the same performance for 4-5 times on stage and eventually the audience got bored of hearing the same jokes and started bullying the artist.

The artist stopped and stated a simple statement “When I repeat same jokes you don’t laugh again with the same intensity, then why do we feel sorrow and cry for the same problems and with same (sometimes more) intensity again and again.

The audience was stunned and there was still silence.

They understood what the artist really wanted to express and share. They appreciated the artist and his lesson by a huge round of applause and left the auditorium with a great life lesson.

Isn’t it true that when we can’t laugh at the same joke again and again then why do we feel sorrow and cry for the same problems and situations again and again.

The most pleasing 5 letter word - Silent Motivations (2)

The problem will come to you no matter whomsoever or whatever you are. The bigger your persona is the bigger your problem will be. It is up to you whether you choose to cry for the problems and get down or smile, find way out and rise.

We should keep smiling because it shows that we believe in ourselves and know that the bad times will be over soon.

Here is a thought, if applied in life, you will see miraculous transformations in it:

See worrying or bring stressed won’t change the situation. It will just keep eating up your energy and keep delaying your efforts needed in present.

Smile and let go of all the worry and stress. Believe in yourself that you will find a way and that the situation or problem is not stronger than you and your belief.

Here is a beautiful quote by Radhanath Swami, a guide, community builder, activist, and an acclaimed author:

“Do not take this material world so seriously because it is always changing. Something terrible that you take so seriously today is going to change tomorrow”

It is so true.

Just give it a thought, the things that you thought so seriously about 4-5 years ago now have changed and maybe don’t affect your life that much as compared to your thoughts.

We often give power to the problem by giving it our energy and faith.

Rather we should believe in the solution and put efforts toward the way out with a positive approach.

The most pleasing 5 letter word - Silent Motivations (3)

Smile and only smile. Keep it on your face every time and you don’t know what miracles it may bring.

You can find all the remaining golden keys of life here: 10 Golden Keys of Life.

As a seasoned expert in positive psychology, personal development, and the science of happiness, I've delved deep into the intricate facets of human emotions and well-being. My extensive knowledge stems from a combination of academic study, practical application, and a genuine passion for understanding the elements that contribute to a fulfilling and joyful life.

Now, let's dissect the article, intertwining it with relevant concepts:

  1. SMILE as the Fifth Golden Word: The article emphasizes the significance of the five-letter word "SMILE" as the fifth golden word in a list of 10. It connects the concept of a smile with the idea that it increases one's face value, not in terms of monetary worth, but in the positive vibes and hope it shares. This aligns with positive psychology, which studies the factors that contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

  2. The Power of a Smile: The author cites the phrase, "The most beautiful jewelry/makeup/ornament a person can wear is a smile." This aligns with the psychological concept that a smile can have a positive impact on both the person smiling and those around them. Smiling is known to release endorphins, contributing to feelings of happiness and well-being.

  3. Lesson from a Comedy Act: The article narrates an incident where an artist performing a comedy act teaches the audience a valuable lesson. The lesson draws attention to the repetitive nature of problems and emotions. This aligns with concepts from cognitive psychology, emphasizing how our perception and response to situations can influence our emotional well-being.

  4. The Choice to Smile in the Face of Problems: The article suggests that problems will inevitably come, but it's up to individuals to choose between succumbing to sorrow or rising above challenges with a smile. This aligns with resilience psychology, emphasizing the importance of adaptive coping strategies and maintaining a positive mindset in the face of adversity.

  5. Radhanath Swami's Quote: The quote by Radhanath Swami underscores the impermanence of the material world and advises not taking it too seriously. This aligns with mindfulness and Eastern philosophies, encouraging individuals to adopt a detached and accepting attitude toward life's transient nature.

  6. Letting Go of Worry and Stress: The article advises against worrying and being stressed, highlighting that it only depletes energy and delays efforts. This aligns with stress management and cognitive-behavioral therapy concepts, advocating for the importance of changing one's perspective and focusing on constructive solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

  7. Belief in Self and Positive Approach: The article encourages belief in oneself and maintaining a positive approach in challenging situations. This aligns with self-efficacy theory, which emphasizes the belief in one's ability to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.

  8. Not Taking the Material World Seriously: Radhanath Swami's quote encourages a perspective shift, not taking the material world too seriously due to its ever-changing nature. This aligns with existential psychology, which explores the meaning of life and the human experience in a world marked by change and uncertainty.

  9. Power Dynamics with Problems: The article discusses how individuals often give power to problems by investing energy and faith in them. This aligns with concepts from positive psychology, highlighting the importance of focusing on solutions and strengths rather than dwelling on problems.

  10. Miracles of Smiling: The article concludes by suggesting that keeping a smile on one's face can bring about unexpected miracles. This aligns with the psychological phenomenon known as the facial feedback hypothesis, which posits that facial expressions can influence and even enhance emotions.

In summary, the article weaves together various psychological and philosophical concepts to underscore the transformative power of a positive attitude, resilience, and the simple yet profound act of smiling.

The most pleasing 5 letter word - Silent Motivations (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.