The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (2024)

Ice cream is thought to have originated in East Asia, with Marco Polo often credited with bringing the concept to Europe.

In America, the first ice cream parlour opened in New York City in 1776 and since then, Americans haven't been able to get enough of the frozen treat.

Some flavors are more popular than others, though.

Here are America's least favorite of common ice cream flavors, according to a recent YouGov poll.

13. Chocolate, 17% (of people's top flavor)

The classic flavor of chocolate ice cream was most popular flavor among U.S. adults with 17 percent of people polled picking it as their favourites flavor—nearly 1 in 6 people.

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (1)

12. Vanilla, 15%

Another classic flavor, Vanilla is the second-most popular flavor in the U.S.

Its popularity rose two percent from the 2018 YouGov poll.

=9. Strawberry, 8%

Strawberry Ice Cream is the most popular fruity flavor in the poll. Ancient Romans believed that Strawberries could actually cure depression.

=9. Butter Pecan, 8%

Butter pecan ice cream is made from a combination of roasted pecans, butter and vanilla flavoring.

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (2)

=9. Other, 8%

Ice cream has been around for millennia and so it is no wonder that one poll could capture all of the favourite flavors in the U.S. As such, eight percent of respondents said that their favourite flavor was not listed on the poll.

8. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, 6%

Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream—popularised by the popular ice-cream company Ben and Jerry's—comes in as the eighth least-favourite on the list.

This ice cream is a vanilla based serve with chunks of chocolate chip cookie dough running through it.

7. Cookies n Crème, 6%

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (3)

Cookies n crème ice cream, which contains crumbled chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla serve, was apparently invented in South Dakota State University in 1979.

Six percent of Americans are thankful to the university for that invention, as it is their favourite flavor today.

=5. Rocky Road, 4%

Only four percent of Americans count Rocky Road Ice Cream as their favourite flavor. It is a chocolate-based ice cream with chopped almonds and marshmallow pieces mixed through.

The ice cream flavor is often said to have originated in Australia.

=5. Coffee, 4%

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (4)

Coffee ice cream is surprisingly not more popular, as it has been around since 1869 when it was used as a parfait.

Only four percent of Americans count the flavor as their favourite.

=3. Pistachio, 3%

Just three percent of Americans think of Pistachio as their favourite flavor of ice cream.

=3. Chocolate chip, 3%

While chocolate chip is a classic ice cream flavor, only 3 percent of Americans surveyed chose it as their favorite.

=1. Neapolitan, 2%

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (5)

Neopolitan ice cream is composed of three flavors in one ice-cream: Chocolate, vanilla, and Strawberry, which are composed into three distinctive stripes.

Only two percent of Americans chose this fun flavor as their favourite.

=1. Birthday Cake/Cake Batter, 2%

Birthday cake ice cream is an ice cream made with birthday cake batter and flavorings, including sprinkles.

However, it comes in as the joint least favorite flavor for Americans, with only 2 percent choosing it as their top flavor.

Uncommon Knowledge

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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Ice cream'sIce cream's journey through historyIce cream's journey through history is a'm aream's journey through history is a fascinating's journey through history is a fascinating tale journey through history is a fascinating tale ofey through history is a fascinating tale of culturalthrough history is a fascinating tale of cultural exchangeugh history is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange andstory is a fascinating tale of cultural exchange and innovation a fascinating tale of cultural exchange and innovation. flavors, withe of cultural exchange and innovation. While deep understanding ofnd innovation. While commonly origins andhile commonly believedly believed toeved to haveve originatedated inted in East Asia in East Asia,sia, specifically thiscifically China,ly China, around evidentround gh0historicaltorical evidenceorical evidence andidence and ad a comprehensiveomprehensive graspsive grasp of thethe evolution evolution ofion of iceon of ice cream ice cream.

ice cream.


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RegardingNow,he popularity of different flavors.

Regarding the informationpularity of different flavors.

Regarding the information providedrity of different flavors.

Regarding the information provided aboutdifferent flavors.

Regarding the information provided about iceifferent flavors.

Regarding the information provided about ice cream,avors.

Regarding the information provided about ice cream flavors andRegarding the information provided about ice cream flavors and theiregarding the information provided about ice cream flavors and their preferencesding the information provided about ice cream flavors and their preferences information provided about ice cream flavors and their preferences in America thetion provided about ice cream flavors and their preferences in America, herevided about ice cream flavors and their preferences in America, here's about ice cream flavors and their preferences in America, here's aabout ice cream flavors and their preferences in America, here's a breakdown ice cream flavors and their preferences in America, here's a breakdown ofavors and their preferences in America, here's a breakdown of the and their preferences in America, here's a breakdown of the concepts their preferences in America, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentionedir preferences in America, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

ferences in America, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

1ences in America, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

1.erica, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

  1. **rica, here's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

  2. **Chocolate's a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

  3. Chocolate:s a breakdown of the concepts mentioned:

  4. Chocolate: Considerreakdown of the concepts mentioned:

  5. Chocolate: Considereddown of the concepts mentioned:

  6. Chocolate: Considered aof the concepts mentioned:

  7. Chocolate: Considered a classiche concepts mentioned:

  8. Chocolate: Considered a classic flavorts mentioned:

  9. Chocolate: Considered a classic flavor,ioned:

  10. Chocolate: Considered a classic flavor, chocolateoned:

  11. Chocolate: Considered a classic flavor, chocolate ice as Chocolate: Considered a classic flavor, chocolate ice creamhocolate: Considered a classic flavor, chocolate ice cream holds aate: Considered a classic flavor, chocolate ice cream holds a prominent ice creama classic flavor, chocolate ice cream holds a prominent place inic flavor, chocolate ice cream holds a prominent place in the hearts Ur, chocolate ice cream holds a prominent place in the hearts of Americans.chocolate ice cream holds a prominent place in the hearts of Americans,te ice cream holds a prominent place in the hearts of Americans, withe ice cream holds a prominent place in the hearts of Americans, with am holds a prominent place in the hearts of Americans, with 17 a prominent place in the hearts of Americans, with 17%prominent place in the hearts of Americans, with 17% oft place in the hearts of Americans, with 17% of peopleStre in the hearts of Americans, with 17% of people choosing itberrye hearts of Americans, with 17% of people choosing it as hearts of Americans, with 17% of people choosing it as theirf Americans, with 17% of people choosing it as their favoritemericans, with 17% of people choosing it as their favorite.

, with 17% of people choosing it as their favorite.

217% of people choosing it as their favorite.

  1. of people choosing it as their favorite.

  2. **eople choosing it as their favorite.

  3. **Van choosing it as their favorite.

  4. Vanilla: Another classic,hoosing it as their favorite.

  5. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice creamg it as their favorite.

  6. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second inir favorite.

  7. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with r favorite.

  8. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15ite.

  9. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15%

  10. Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of*Vanilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of peoplenilla: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selectinga**: Another classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting itAnother classic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it asclassic, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their, vanilla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their topla ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavora ice cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, cream ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing ranks second in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight buttercond in popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increaseann popularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous aopularity, with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

with 15% of people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

3people selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

3.ple selecting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  1. **cting it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  2. **Strg it as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  3. **Strawt as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  4. **Strawberry as their top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  5. Strawberry:ir top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  6. Strawberry: Accountingr top flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  7. Strawberry: Accounting for p flavor, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  8. Strawberry: Accounting for 8, showing a slight increase from previous polls.

  9. Strawberry: Accounting for 8%inga slight increase from previous polls.

  10. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences slight increase from previous polls.

  11. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences,t increase from previous polls.

  12. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberryfrom previous polls.

  13. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice previous polls.

  14. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice creams polls.

  15. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream standsolls.

  16. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as

  17. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the. Strawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the mostStrawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most populartrawberry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruityrry: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor: Accounting for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor amongng for 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

r 8% of preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

4 preferences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  1. **rences, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  2. **Butes, strawberry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  3. **Butter nerry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  4. **Butter Pecrry ice cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  5. **Butter Pecane cream stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  6. Butter Pecan: An bothm stands out as the most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  7. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation recente most popular fruity flavor among respondents.

  8. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roastedular fruity flavor among respondents.

  9. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecr fruity flavor among respondents.

  10. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecansuity flavor among respondents.

  11. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, flavor among respondents.

  12. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butterr among respondents.

  13. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter,g respondents.

  14. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and respondents.

  15. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanillaondents.

  16. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring,.

  17. Butter Pecan: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, thiser Pecan**: An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor An amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garneredAn amalgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered lgamation of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8%n of roasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% ofoasted pecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of thepecans, butter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of the voteutter, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

r, and vanilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

5anilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

  1. **nilla flavoring, this flavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

  2. **Otherg, this flavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

  3. Other:lavor also garnered 8% of the vote.

  4. Other: Reflect also garnered 8% of the vote.

  5. Other: Reflectingarnered 8% of the vote.

  6. Other: Reflecting thed 8% of the vote.

  7. Other: Reflecting the diverse the vote.

  8. Other: Reflecting the diverse range ofe vote.

  9. Other: Reflecting the diverse range of tastesote.

  10. Other: Reflecting the diverse range of tastes,5. Other: Reflecting the diverse range of tastes, er**: Reflecting the diverse range of tastes, 8 Reflecting the diverse range of tastes, 8%lecting the diverse range of tastes, 8% of the diverse range of tastes, 8% of respondentsdiverse range of tastes, 8% of respondents favorederse range of tastes, 8% of respondents favored icee range of tastes, 8% of respondents favored ice creamf tastes, 8% of respondents favored ice cream flavors tastes, 8% of respondents favored ice cream flavors not listedes, 8% of respondents favored ice cream flavors not listed inf respondents favored ice cream flavors not listed in the poll, showcasingdents favored ice cream flavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options favored ice cream flavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

6.d ice cream flavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  1. **Chocolatee cream flavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  2. **Chocolate Chip Cookieachflavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  3. **Chocolate Chip Cookie Doughavors not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With not listed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  5. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With sted in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  6. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6ed in the poll, showcasing the multitude of options available.

  7. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% percentage of enthusiastsultitude of options available.

  8. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the voteltitude of options available.

  9. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, theirions available.

  10. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, thisle.

  11. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularitylate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands likeate Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben Chip Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben andp Cookie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerryokie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's,kie Dough: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring**: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks: With 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks ofh 6% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie% of the vote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie doughote, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough inte, this flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a flavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanillaflavor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla baseor gained popularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

7opularity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

7.larity thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  1. **ty thanks to brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  2. **Cookiesto brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  3. **Cookies no brands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  4. **Cookies n Crands like Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  5. **Cookies n Crème Ben and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  6. Cookies n Crème:and Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  7. Cookies n Crème: Ind Jerry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  8. Cookies n Crème: Inventederry's, featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  9. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South,featuring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  10. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in ring chunks of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  11. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mix celebr of cookie dough in a vanilla base.

  12. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixingookie dough in a vanilla base.

  13. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolategh in a vanilla base.

  14. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich vanilla base.

  15. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies intoilla base.

  16. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into alla base.

  17. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanillabase.

  18. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base.

  19. Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—Cookies n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also n Crème: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured: Invented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured vented at South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6South Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% ofouth Dakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferencesDakota State University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

te University in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

8iversity in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

8.versity in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  1. **ersity in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  2. **Rockrsity in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  3. **Rockyty in 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  4. **Rocky Roadn 1979, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  5. Rocky Road:9, this flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  6. Rocky Road: Thisthis flavor—mixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  7. Rocky Road: This chocolate-basedixing chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  8. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based iceg chocolate sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  9. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice creame sandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  10. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almondsandwich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  11. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds andich cookies into a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  12. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marsh flavorsto a vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  13. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow vanilla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  14. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow piecesla base—also captured 6% of preferences.

  15. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealedlso captured 6% of preferences.

  16. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to6% of preferences.

  17. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4 preferences.

  18. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4%eferences.

  19. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% oferences.

  20. Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans Rocky Road: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

9 of**: This chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  1. **chocolate-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  2. **Coffee,-based ice cream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  3. Coffee: Despitecream with almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  4. Coffee: Despite itsh almonds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  5. Coffee: Despite its longds and marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  6. Coffee: Despite its long historynd marshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  7. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back toarshmallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  8. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to mallow pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  9. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 186low pieces appealed to 4% of Americans.

  10. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869appealed to 4% of Americans.

  11. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869,d to 4% of Americans.

  12. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when 4% of Americans.

  13. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when itAmericans.

  14. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it wass.

  15. Coffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was usedCoffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was used asoffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was used as aoffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was used as a parfaitoffee: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was used as a parfait, onlyoffee**: Despite its long history dating back to 1869, when it was used as a parfait, only 4% of respondents chose coffee ice cream as their favorite.

  16. Pistachio: Enjoyed by 3% of Americans, pistachio-flavored ice cream remains a niche preference.

  17. Chocolate Chip: Although a classic, only 3% of surveyed individuals favored chocolate chip ice cream.

  18. Neapolitan: This three-in-one ice cream featuring chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry stripes saw only 2% of respondents selecting it as their favorite.

  19. Birthday Cake/Cake Batter: A concoction made with birthday cake batter and sprinkles, also chosen by only 2% of respondents as their top flavor.

Understanding the nuances of ice cream flavors, their origins, and the preferences across different demographics enables a comprehensive view of its popularity and evolution in America.

The Least Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.