That Red Liquid in Your Meat Packaging Is Not What You Think It Is (2024)

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Guess what? There's no blood in your rare steak either.


After learning what white striping on chicken breasts really means (yeah, it's pretty gross), we're relieved to discover that the answer to life's other big raw meat mystery is less nausea-inducing.

When purchasing red meat, including steaks, many grocery shoppers often find red liquid in the bottom of the packaging, which you probably assumed was blood. It turns out, it's not actually blood, but rather a protein called myoglobin, according to Buzzfeed. The protein is what gives the meat and its juices a red hue, and it's perfectly normal to find in packaging.

Similar to the hemoglobin found in our blood, myoglobin carries oxygen to the animal's muscles, according to the New York Times. The protein changes color when it's exposed to air and heat, which is why your meat transforms from red to brown when it's cooked or sits in packaging for too long.

That Red Liquid in Your Meat Packaging Is Not What You Think It Is (5)That Red Liquid in Your Meat Packaging Is Not What You Think It Is (6)

What's more, the red juice that oozes from your medium-rare steak isn't blood, either. It's the same protein found at the bottom of your packaging, according to The Huffington Post. Rare steaks and burgers aren't exposed to heat for as long as well-done meats, causing more red myoglobin to be present. So the next time someone gawks at your rare and juicy sirloin steak, you can tell them to relax—it's just protein!

(h/t Buzzfeed)

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That Red Liquid in Your Meat Packaging Is Not What You Think It Is (2024)
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