Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (2024)

Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (1)

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Make a Cloud in a Bottle

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1. Form the water vapor

2. Form smoke particles

3. Cool it

4. Watch the cloud appear

5. Make it disappear

6. The real deal


Have you ever wondered how clouds form? In this activity, you can make your own cloud to see for yourself!

Clouds form from the condensation or freezing of water vapor. Condensation is the process of a gas changing into a liquid. In this activity, the gas is water vapor and the liquid is the cloud you create. When water vapor cools, it turns into a liquid – or condenses – onto a surface.

For example, take a cold water bottle outside on a warm day. You will notice that water droplets form on the outside of the bottle. These droplets are water vapor from the atmosphere condensing on the surface of the bottle. They do this because the surrounding air cools when it touches the bottle. Clouds form the same way. Water vapor in the atmosphere cools and condenses on particles in the air, creating a cloud.

Follow the steps below to create your own cloud and see this process in action!

Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (10)


Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (11)

1. Form the water vapor

Fill a jar with 2 inches (5 cm) of warm water and stir. The warm water will form water vapor through a process called evaporation. Evaporation is the process of liquid changing into gas. The water vapor will begin to rise inside the jar. You will not be able to see the water vapor. It is an invisible gas.

2. Form smoke particles

Ask an adult to light a match, blow it out and quickly drop it into the jar. The smoke particles will provide a surface for the water to condense on.

Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (12)

3. Cool it

Immediately place an ice-filled metal tray or hard-plastic frozen ice pack on top of the jar.

Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (13)

4. Watch the cloud appear

Observe the inside of the jar carefully. A misty cloud should appear near the top of the jar. Why does this happen? The warm water vapor mixes with air and smoke particles. It rises inside the jar and then cools when it comes near the tray of ice. As the water vapor cools, it condenses into very tiny droplets on the smoke particles. When enough condensation occurs, we see it as a cloud. If you have a hard time seeing the cloud, slightly lift the metal tray or ice pack from one side of the jar and look for wisps of cloud escaping the jar.

5. Make it disappear

Remove the metal tray or ice pack. What happens? The cloud disappears. Why? As the cold cloud warms up, the condensed water droplets evaporate once again and turn into water vapor.

6. The real deal

This exact process occurs naturally in our environment. The particles aren’t always from smoke. They can be particles of various materials, including dust and pollution. Evaporated water condenses to form clouds. These clouds may later produce rain or snow, which is commonly called precipitation. Together, evaporation, condensation and precipitation play an important role in the water cycle.

As a seasoned atmospheric science enthusiast with a deep understanding of meteorological phenomena, let's delve into the concepts embedded in the article about making a cloud in a bottle, showcasing my expertise in this field.

1. Condensation: The article mentions that clouds form through the condensation or freezing of water vapor. Condensation is the process by which a gas changes into a liquid. I can affirm that condensation is a fundamental concept in meteorology, occurring when air containing water vapor cools and the vapor transitions into tiny liquid droplets, forming clouds.

2. Water Vapor and Evaporation: The activity involves the formation of water vapor through evaporation. Evaporation, as highlighted in the article, is the process of liquid changing into a gas. Warm water in the jar undergoes evaporation, producing invisible water vapor that rises and plays a crucial role in cloud formation.

3. Cloud Formation Process: The step-by-step process outlined in the article mirrors the natural process of cloud formation in the atmosphere. The warm water vapor mixes with air and smoke particles, rises, and then cools near the ice-filled tray. As the water vapor cools, it condenses into tiny droplets on the smoke particles, resulting in the appearance of a cloud.

4. Role of Particles: The article emphasizes the role of smoke particles in providing a surface for water vapor to condense on. It's important to note that in the natural environment, particles can vary and may include dust, pollution, and other aerosols. These particles serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), essential for the formation of cloud droplets.

5. Cloud Disappearance and Water Cycle: The article explains that removing the cold source makes the cloud disappear, illustrating how the condensed water droplets evaporate once again and transform back into water vapor. This mirrors a phase in the water cycle where clouds may dissipate as they warm up. The broader context is the interconnected processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, which play a vital role in the Earth's water cycle.

In conclusion, the concepts presented in the article align with the principles of atmospheric science, showcasing the intricate processes involved in cloud formation and the broader dynamics of the water cycle.

Student Project: Make a Cloud in a Bottle | NASA/JPL Edu (2024)
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