Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (2024)

Simple past tense (past simple tense) is a verb tense that describes completed actions or past habits before now. It is also used to talk about a series of events in the past. “Did” is the helping verb of simple past tense. For affirmative (positive) sentences we use past simple form of a verb.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ Formation of simple past tense
  • ⬤ Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple past tense?
  • ⬤ Positive (Affirmative) sentences
  • ⬤ Negative sentences
  • ⬤ Interrogative sentences
  • ⬤ Sentence forms in simple past tense
  • ⬤ What are the regular verbs?
  • ⬤ What are the irregular verbs?
  • ⬤ Explanations and usages of Simple Past Tense
  • ⬤Using “was”, “were” to talk about past states.
  • ⬤ What are the time expressions in simple past tense?
  • ⬤ Time adverbs exercise
  • ⬤ Images and example sentences
  • ⬤ A conversation example
  • ⬤ Translate these sentences
  • ⬤ Sentence scramble game
  • ⬤ Example sentences about simple past tense
  • ⬤ Questions and with answers

Formation of simple past tense

For affirmative sentences we use the formation of “verb + ed”. For negative sentences and questions we use the auxiliary “did” or “did not”. See the chart below to learn the structure of simple past tense.

DidWhy didWhere did


arrivedworkedhelpdid not playplaygo


Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (1)


Simple Past Tense Formation
(+) Affirmative form(-) Negative form(?) Question form
I watched.I didn’t watch.Did you watch?
You watched.You didn’t watch.Did you watch?

Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple past tense?

The auxiliary verb in simple past tense is “did“. However we use “was-were” to talk about a state in the past.

  • I walked in the park.
  • I didn’t walk in the park.
  • Did you walk in the park?
  • I was in the park.
  • I wasn’t in the park.
  • Were you in the park?

Positive (Affirmative) sentences

For the formation of positive sentences in simple past tense we add “-ed“, “-ied” or just “-d” to the verb. We do not use “did” for the positive sentences.

  • I asked a question.
  • She studied maths.
  • She cleaned her room.
  • Jack repaired the car last week.
  • A traffic accident happened yesterday.

Negative sentences

For the formation of negative sentences in simple past tense we use “not” together with “did“. The short form is “didn’t

  • He did not want tea.
  • We didn’t wait for the bus.
  • I didn’t use your pen.
  • Susan didn’t lie.

Interrogative sentences

For the formation of question sentences (interrogative) in simple past tense we put “did” before the subject.

  • Did you enjoy your holiday.
  • Did she write an email.
  • Where did Yuto go?
  • What did Ali want?

Sentence forms in simple past tense

Simple Past Tense Formula with example sentences
(+) Affirmative sentences(-) Negative sentences(?) Interrogative sentences
I playedI didn’t playDid I play?
You playedYou didn’t playDid you play?
He playedHe didn’t playDid he play?
She playedShe didn’t playDid she play?
It playedIt didn’t playDid it play?
We playedWe didn’t playDid we play?
They playedThey didn’t playDid they play?

What are the regular verbs?

Regular verbs are the verbs that gets “-ed“, “-ied” or “-d” for the the past simple forms.

Regular verbs
InfinitivePast simplePast participle
clean cleanedcleaned
play playedplayed
study studiedstudied

What are the irregular verbs?

Irregular verbs are the verbs which don’t get “-ed“, “-ied” or “-d” to form past simple form or past participle form. There are a number of irregular verbs which needs to be memorized. Because the formation has no standard rule. Some verbs have the same form as bare form, past simple form or past participle form. For example “cut, put, let, hit”.

Irregular verbs
InfinitivePast simple formPast participle form
find foundfound
go wentgone
break brokebroken
speak spokespoken
put putput


  • (+)Ivisitedmy uncle.
  • (-) Ididn’t visitmy uncle yesterday.
  • (?) Did you visit your uncle yesterday?
  • (+) They found the cat.
  • (-) They didn’t find the cat.
  • (?) Did they find the cat?

❯❯ Learn verb to be here
❯❯ Learn simple present tense here
❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here
❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here
❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here

Explanations and usages of Simple Past Tense

Let’s go on with the explanations, usages and time adverbs of simple past tense:

1- Finished actions in the past

Simple Past Tense is used to describe a finished action in a specific time in the past.
Iwatcheda film yesterday.
Ididn’t watch a film yesterday.
Last year, Itraveledto Italy.
Last year, Ididn’t travel to Italy.
Shewashedher hands.
Shedidn’t wash her hands.
I bought a hat yesterday.
Did you like your cake?
Where did you go?
What did Ethan say?
How did she get 100 points in the exam?

2- A series of finished actions.

Simple Past Tense is also used to describe past actions that happen one after the other. The series of actions are all expressed in simple past tense.
Iwent out,walkedto the park, andwatchedthe sky silently.

Hearrivedfrom the airport at 11:00,lookedfor someone to ask the way, and calleda taxi.

3- Past habits

We can also use simple past tense to talk about habits in the past.
Ialways playedbasketball when I was a child.
Heoften playedthe guitar.
They neverwentto school, they alwaysskipped.
Sheworkedat the hospital after school.

Using “was”, “were” to talk about past states.

If you want to talk about a past state or condition we use “was, were”. The negative form is “was not, were not” or “wasn’t weren’t”. To make questions we use “was/were” before the subject.

I lived in London.
I was in London.

Examples (did)
Sally worked at the hospital.
Sally didn’t work at the hospital.
Did Sally work at the hospital?
Where did Sally work?

Examples (was-were)
Sally was at the hospital.
Sally wasn’t at the hospital.
Was Sally at the hospital?
Where was Sally?

What are the time expressions in simple past tense?

I went to the cinema yesterday.
lastweek, lastyear, lastSunday, last month etc.
He bought a car last week.
two years ago, four days ago, three minutesago etc.
I saw her five minutes ago.
in 1995, in 2003 etc.
I had an accident in 2014.

Time adverbs exercise

You can see the simple past tense time adverbs below. Click on the cards and tell the meaning of them in your native language..

Images and example sentences

You can learn simple past tense with images and example sentences below.

A conversation example

Here is a dialogue to learn simple past tense. You can make similar conversations.

  1. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (11)

    Hi? Harry

    Did you win the match yesterday?

  2. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (12)

    Yes, we did.

  3. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (13)

    How was the game?

  4. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (14)

    I don’t know.

  5. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (15)

    What do you mean?

    Didn’t you play?

  6. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (16)

    Actually I didn’t.

    I had a traffic accident

    so I spent the night at a hospital.

    We won the match.

    My teammates dedicated the goals to me.

  7. Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (17)

    How nice!

    Well. Your team needs you. Get well soon.

Translate these sentences

You will see random examples of simple past tense below. Try to translate them into your own language.

Sentence scramble game

You will see scrambled words of simple past tense sentences. Click on them in order to make a sentence.


Example sentences about simple past tense

You can see many sentences below to learn simple past tense.

10 examples of about simple past tense

  1. I listened to the new pop album yesterday. It’s great.
  2. She liked the film but she didn’t like the music.
  3. There was a problem with the plug.
  4. I was happy to see her with a smile in her face.
  5. Her parents travelled by train from Istanbul to Moscow.
  6. I phoned you four times last night but you were out.
  7. There were many workers waiting outside.
  8. We walked along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.
  9. I had a problem. So I asked to my mother about it.
  10. Last week I was in Paris. I stayed in a hotel.

Questions and with answers

Read the questions and the answers below to learn how to use about simple past tense.

10 questions and answers about simple past tense

  1. Did you like the film?
    Yes, I liked it very much.
  2. Did they give her a present after the ceremony?
    Yes, they gave her a new camera.
  3. When did you start playing the guitar?
    I started playing the guitar when I was nine.
  4. Was there a guard at the door?
    No. They let us in.
  5. When did you leave school?
    I left school when I was sixteen.
  6. Who invented the radio?
    Guglielmo Marconi invented it.
  7. When did you give your first concert?
    We gave our first concert in a wedding in Liverpool.
  8. How many sandwiches did he eat?
    He ate 3 sandwiches.
  9. Were you with Sally when she had an accident?
    Yes, I was.
  10. What did she do with the book?
    She sat on a bench and started reading.

External resources:
You can go to British Council page and study simple past tense, or watch a video from the popular movies about past simple tense.

5/5 - (9 votes)

Simple Past Tense (Did) - With Explanations Pictures and Exercises (2024)


What is simple past tense from answers? ›

Answered is the simple past tense of the verb answer.

What is the example of simple past tense with explanation? ›

Simple past tense is used to show that an action happened at a specific time in the past. For regular verbs the simple past tense is formed by adding -d or -ed to the simple form of the verb. For example, the past tense of the verb wash is wash + ed = washed, and the past tense of the verb state is state + d = stated.

How to use did in simple past tense? ›

For the negative and interrogative simple past form of "to do" as an ordinary verb, use the auxiliary "did", e.g. We didn't do our homework last night. The negative of "have" in the simple past is usually formed using the auxiliary "did", but sometimes by simply adding not or the contraction "n't".

What is the past tense with 10 examples? ›

The simple past tense is a verb form used to refer to an action or series of actions that were completed in the past. The simple past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding “-ed” to the infinitive form of the verb (e.g., “cook” becomes “cooked”).

What is past tense in short answer? ›

Definition of Past Tense

The Oxford Learner's Dictionary defines the term 'past tense' as “the form of a verb used to describe actions in the past.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the past tense form of the verb is “used to describe verb forms in many languages used for actions that have now finished.”

How to teach simple past tense for beginners? ›

Contrast the examples with simple past tense.

Use your same examples to give your students an introduction to the past tense. Write down the different versions of your examples on the board to really solidify it in their minds. Change your examples to, “I walked home,” “She worked,” “We made cookies.”

What is the rule of simple past tense? ›

The 'simple past tense', according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is defined as “the form of a verb used to describe an action that happened before the present time and is no longer happening. It is usually made by adding -ed.”

What is simple past tense examples say? ›

The past tense of 'say is 'said'. For example: I said goodbye to my friends before leaving to go home. He said he would be more productive at work.

Why can't we use past tense with did? ›

The auxiliary verb (did) is marked for past tense, but the main verb is not. It appears in its base form. A helpful way to remember this is that when there is an auxiliary verb, the main verb does not need to be marked for tense, because the tense is shown in the auxiliary.

Which is past tense did or done? ›

'did' is the past tense of 'do'. 'done' is the past participle of 'do'. 'did' is used only in the simple past tense. But 'done' is used in the present perfect, past perfect and the future perfect tense.

When to use do, does, did? ›

Use "does" for present tense third person singular. Use "do" for present tense first and second person singular and plural, and third person plural. Use "did" for past tense of all persons and numbers.

What is the simple past tense to answer? ›

The past tense of "answer" is "answered."

What are simple past tense questions? ›

1. Match them up!
  • Did you go to the cinema yesterday? She watched cartoons.
  • Did you have a nice weekend? Yes, I did. The film was great!
  • What did your sister watch on TV last night? Yes, they did. ...
  • Did your friends come to your party? He went to the park.
  • Where did your brother go last weekend? No, I didn't.

What is the difference between past tense and simple past tense? ›

The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has already happened. Unlike the past continuous tense, which is used to talk about past events that happened over a period of time, the simple past tense indicates that the action occurred at a certain time and then was completed.

What is the past simple tense form? ›

The past simple is usually formed by adding d, ed, or ied to the base form of the verb, however, in English there are many irregular verbs that take on a completely different form in the past tense.

What is the simple past tense question form? ›

Use did and the verb, but don't change the verb to the past form. Did you have a nice weekend? What did he learn at school yesterday? When did they see the film?

What is the past simple of the verb answer? ›

answered - Simple English Wiktionary.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.