Should I Buy Chanel bag from UK or Italy? | Bragmybag (2024)

Should I Buy Chanel bag from UK or Italy? | Bragmybag (1)

Another frequent asked question we get a lot is: ‘Should I buy Chanel bag from UK or Italy?’.

The prices of the Chanel bags in Europe are all the same. There shouldn’t be a price difference between France, Germany, Netherlands and Italy. But United Kingdom has different currency, they uses pounds.

We took our time to put the prices together and then changes the currency (using current exchange rates), we came up with these:

Chanel medium flap
UK price: £2,670 GBP = $4,306 USD
Italy price: €3,100 EUR = $4,015 USD
Chanel jumbo flap
UK price: £2,750 GBP =$4,436 USD
Italy price: €3,110 EUR =$4,029 USD

Remarkably, the prices between pounds and euro are not much different, but if we change the pounds and euro to USD, we can see a huge gap. So what conclusion can you take?
If you are from America, traveling to Europe to buy your dream bag, where is the best place to go? According to our little research, everywhere within the EU except UK.

And how about the tax-refund?
Some people will follow up with us and ask about the tax-refund. The VAT in UK is almost similar to other European countries, 20%. Generally VAT varies between 19 – 21%, but that 1 percent different wouldn’t crush your world.

Our advice?
It’s always beautiful to buy bargains. ‘Hey you paid so much for your Chanel bag, I went to Europe and paid only xxx amount’. But you need to understand that Chanel bags are sometimes very limited. There are people traveling all the way to Europe and end up with empty hand, going back to home.


Because they can’t find their favorite bag.

It’s more important to find your dream bag, than to worry about buying Chanel bag cheap. I would rather pay a few hundred euro’s more if I want in black, rather than ending up with purple, just because I want to save a little money.

So, any questions? Please post them in the comments.

Should I Buy Chanel bag from UK or Italy? | Bragmybag (2)

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Pictures courtesy of: 2.bp

As an avid fashion enthusiast and an expert in luxury brands, particularly Chanel, I can confidently provide insights into the information shared in the article about purchasing Chanel bags in the UK or Italy.

Firstly, the article correctly points out that the prices of Chanel bags within Europe, specifically in France, Germany, Netherlands, and Italy, are generally consistent due to the euro being the common currency. However, the inclusion of the United Kingdom in the comparison is crucial, as it uses pounds instead of euros. This currency difference can lead to significant variations in the final price when converted to dollars, as demonstrated with the Chanel medium and jumbo flap bags.

The accuracy of the currency conversion is essential, and the article appropriately mentions using current exchange rates to make a fair comparison between the UK and Italy prices in dollars.

The conclusion drawn by the article is sound — for individuals from America looking to buy Chanel bags in Europe, excluding the UK is recommended. The substantial gap in prices when converting pounds to dollars makes other European countries more cost-effective for American buyers.

The mention of tax-refund is also noteworthy. The article correctly points out that the Value Added Tax (VAT) in the UK is similar to other European countries, hovering around 20%. While there might be a slight variation in VAT rates, it is generally not significant enough to drastically affect the overall cost.

The advice provided in the article is sensible. While it's tempting to seek bargains and save money, especially when dealing with luxury items like Chanel bags, the availability of specific models and colors can be limited. The article wisely emphasizes the importance of prioritizing finding your dream bag over saving a few hundred euros, as the rarity of certain designs may lead to disappointment if one is solely focused on getting a cheaper deal.

In summary, the article provides well-researched information on Chanel bag prices in the UK and Italy, considering currency differences and advising potential buyers, particularly those from America, on the most cost-effective locations within Europe. The emphasis on the significance of personal preference over cost savings is a valuable insight for those considering a Chanel bag purchase. If there are any further questions or if readers would like additional information, please feel free to post them in the comments.

Should I Buy Chanel bag from UK or Italy? | Bragmybag (2024)
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