Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (2024)

Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (1)

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First preserved dinosaur tail found

00:58 - Source: CNN

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The tail of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur has been found entombed in amber, an unprecedented discovery that has blown away scientists.

Xing Lida, a Chinese paleontologist found the specimen, the size of a dried apricot, at an amber market in northern Myanmar near the Chinese border.

The remarkable piece was destined to end up as a curiosity or piece of jewelry, with Burmese traders believing a plant fragment was trapped inside.

“I realized that the content was a vertebrate, probably theropod, rather than any plant,” Xing told CNN.

“I was not sure that (the trader) really understood how important this specimen was, but he did not raise the price.”

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Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (2)

A small coelurosaur on the forest floor.

‘Once in a lifetime find’

The findings, which shed fresh light on how dinosaurs looked, are published in the December issue of Current Biology.

Ryan McKellar, a paleontologist at the Royal Saskatchwan Museum in Canada and co-author of the paper, says he was blown away when Xing first showed him the piece of amber.

“It’s a once in a lifetime find. The finest details are visible and in three dimensions.”

Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (3)

The amber adds to fossil evidence that many dinosaurs sported feathers rather than scales.

Fragments of dinosaur-era bird wings have been found preserved in amber before but this is the first time part of a mummified dinosaur skeleton has been discovered, McKellar said.

The tail section belongs to a young coelurosaurian – from the same group of dinosaurs as the predatory velociraptors and the tyrannosaurus.

The sparrow-sized creature could have danced in the palm of your hand.

The amber, which weighs 6.5 grams, contains bone fragments and feathers, adding to mounting fossil evidence that many dinosaurs sported primitive plumage rather than scales.

Feathered friends: Dinosaur discoveries

Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (4)

The amber field in Myanmar where the amber containing the dinosaur tail was found.

No scaly monster

McKellar said the creature would have had a whip-like tail like a mouse but covered with contour feathers similar to those that give shape and color to birds.

“The more we see these feathered dinosaurs and how widespread the feathers are, things like a scaly velociraptor seem less and less likely and they’ve become a lot more bird like in the overall view,” he said.

“They’re not quite the Godzilla-style scaly monsters we once thought.”

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The amber preserved pigmentation from the feathers allowing the scientists to assess with some certainty how it looked.

Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (5)

Lida and Ryan holding amber pieces from the study site.

Seen under a microscope, the feathers suggest the creature was chestnut brown and white.

“It really underlines the importance of amber as an anchor for future study. We’re picking up features we couldn’t see in compressed sedimentary fossils, ” said McKellar.

Previous studies on dinosaur coloring have had to rely on the difficult task of capturing information from melansomes – tiny structures buried within feathers that give them color – and comparing them with bird feathers.

In the “Jurassic Park” movie franchise, scientists extract dinosaur DNA from blood found inside insects preserved in amber.

McKellar said that soft tissue and decayed blood from the tail were found in the amber but no genetic material was preserved.

“Unfortunately, the Jurassic Park answer is still a ‘no’ – this is firmly in the realm of science fiction,” he said.

Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN (2024)


Scientists discover dinosaur trapped in amber in unprecedented find | CNN? ›

A tiny lizard was entombed in this 99 million-year-old piece of amber. With pointy teeth and bulging eyes, this tiny prehistoric animal trapped in a chunk of amber made a big splash when it hit the headlines last year. Paleontologists reckoned the little guy was a hummingbird-size dinosaur.

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An international team, including scientists affiliated with NHM, discovered the skull of a tiny dinosaur trapped in 99-million-year-old amber from Myanmar. It was about the size of a bee hummingbird, making it the smallest dinosaur discovered yet.

Has dinosaur DNA been found in amber? ›

"Because these fossils were captured in amber, there was a possibility that their DNA might resist degradation and be available to extract," says study leader David Penney, PhD, a biologist at the University of Manchester. "Unfortunately, we've shown that this is not the case."

Where did scientists find the amber with a dinosaur tail in it? ›

The amber sample was discovered in a mine in the Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar, an area that likely contains a rich diversity of animal and plant life from the Cretaceous period, much of it preserved in amber.

What formerly living items have scientists discovered trapped inside amber? ›

Collectors and scientists have found not just bugs entombed in tree resin, but even animals as large as lizards, frogs and salamanders can be preserved in impressive detail. Skin, scales, fur and feathers are just some of the incredibly detailed features found in amber.

What creatures have been found in amber? ›

Scientists have found more than 1,000 fossil species within its amber, including more than 400 species of insect and 150 species of spider. Occasionally vertebrate fossils also pop up, including anoles and even a salamander. Fossil anole lizards preserved in amber.

Can amber still be found? ›

Deposits of amber occur throughout both the Old and the New Worlds, and many varieties are recognized. Of the many kinds of amber found in the Old World, the most plentiful today, as in antiquity, is Baltic amber (figure 12), or succinite (so called because it has a high concentration of succinic acid).

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It's the same place where Hammer and colleagues found Antarctica's first dinosaur in 1990 — the 22-foot, meat-eating Cryolophosaurus, or "frozen crested reptile." Hammer found more parts of that dinosaur as well as a large sauropod, or plant-eater, resembling a diplodocus, and the new, as-yet-undescribed ornithischian.

Is there any dinosaur alive? ›

The non-avian dinosaur part of the evolutionary tree went extinct about 66 million years ago, likely due to a catastrophic event such as an asteroid impact, leaving no real dinosaurs alive today except for their bird descendants.

Is there any dinosaur DNA left? ›

Recent studies show DNA deteriorates and ultimately disintegrates after about 7 million years. That sounds like a long time, but the last dinosaur died at the end of the Cretaceous Period. That's more than 65 million years ago. Dig up a fossil today, and any dino-DNA within would have long since fallen apart.

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A group of scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with paleontologists, has discovered for the first time a dinosaur fossil buried in amber. They examined the fossil's concealed osteological and sof...

Did scientists discover a dinosaur tail preserved in amber? ›

Experts determined that the feathery find belonged to dinosaur and not an ancient bird as the bones inside it were not fused together, like they are in today's birds. It's likely that the ancient creature met a sticky end when his tail got caught in the resin that later formed the amber.

Was the baby dinosaur tail preserved in amber? ›

Scientists discovered a fragment of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur tail (bones, tissue, feathers and all) preserved in amber. The amber sample had already been polished for jewellery when scientists discovered that it held a bigger treasure: the first dinosaur feathers preserved in amber.

What is the oldest thing found in amber? ›

Even though arthropods are more than 400 million years old, until now, the oldest record of the animals in amber only dates to about 130 million years. The newly discovered specimens are about 100 million years older, the first amber arthropods ever found from the Triassic Period.

Can humans be trapped in amber? ›

The sap hardens over time to become amber, and the body of the animal is preserved intact. Large animals such as humans cannot become stuck in tree sap, so they do not form amber fossils.

What was the largest thing trapped in amber? ›

The fossil flower of the newly identified plant Symplocos kowalewskii is contained in Baltic amber. “I was more than surprised to see such a large flower inclusion.” At 28 millimeters (1.1 inches) across, it's the largest known flower to be fossilized in amber – three times the size of similar fossils.

What prehistoric animal was trapped in amber? ›

Entombed in amber for nearly 100 million years, the creature belonged to the group of dinosaurs that gave rise to modern birds. The animal was probably about the size of the bee hummingbird, the smallest living bird.

What prehistoric things were found in amber? ›

The insects can be dated back to the Cretaceous period, which occurred 99 million years ago. The animals were all preserved in pieces of amber from a mine in northern Myanmar. The insects—a beetle, a fly, and a wasp—are so well-preserved in the amber that their true color could be identified.

Can humans be fossilized in amber? ›

Eventually, the resin will turn to amber. The only problem is that you would need to find a very large tree, because… the amount of amber created by this process is generally quite small. It might be possible to fossilise your head, but probably not your whole body.

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