Sassafras albidum (sassafras) (2024)

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Painting by Wendy Cortesi

Artist’s Statement


I was first drawn to the sassafras tree's interesting multi-shaped leaves. Although sassafras is not particularly eye catching at any time during it's growing season, when one combines the yellow spring flowers, green leaves, bright blue and red fruits, orange roots and yellow, orange and red fall leaves into one painting, the result is a vivid array of color.

My sassafras painting was largely based on color studies, photographs, and collected specimens of plants in the wild found in Catoctin Mountain Park, the National Arboretum and various places in Virginia. I recorded my observations throughout the plant's annual cycle.

Recently, I have been painting on 300-pound, soft press, Fabriano Uno watercolor paper. This paper is acid free, does not buckle in humid conditions and has a slightly textured finish between hot and cold press. I also use distilled water and the most stable and lightfast watercolor paints available. I do not use any cadmium colors, which may be unstable in damp conditions, or ultramarine blue, which actually disappears when touched with anything acidic. I occasionally use masking fluid to protect fine detail, as well as pens with watercolor instead of ink. I do not currently combine watercolor with colored pencil or gouache.

Medicinal Uses:

Sassafras albidum is indigenous to eastern North America. All parts of the plant are aromatic with the rough root being the most strongly scented. Its distinctive root-beer smell remains long after the root is cut and dried out. A note of caution: The tree often grows among large poison ivy vines and the similar looking roots can be intertwined. The sassafras root, however, has a bright orange interior color and a strong scent.

Sassafras is an important plant for many animals. The leaves, twigs, and fruits are eaten by a number of mammals, birds and insects. This painting includes a female Pterourus troilus (spicebush swallowtail butterfly) and two forms of its mature larvae, or caterpillars. Sassafras is the preferred host plant for this butterfly. The adults feed from the flowers and the larvae eat the leaves. (Pyle, p. 345 - 346)

Early colonists boiled the roots with molasses and fermented the mixture to make root beer. Tea made from sassafras bark was used as a soothing drink or as a tonic to treat syphilis. Infusions from the leaves were used to treat skin eruptions.

Sassafras has also been used as a stimulant, pain reliever and treatment for rheumatism. Oil of sassafras has been used as a flavoring for foods, perfumes and soaps. Dried leaves have been powdered for a thickening agent and flavoring for foods. (

Mrs. Child’s popular handbook, The Family Nurse, published in 1837, the year of Lucy’s death, valued sassafras “as a warm stimulant and antispasmodic, producing perspiration. The oil obtained from the bark is preferred to a decotion, because the virtues of the plant partially evaporate by boiling. A few drops should be taken, mixed with sweetened water or syrup. The bark and young twigs abound with mild, delicate mucilage, much used in docoction as a wash for inflamed eyes, likewise very soothing drink for catarrh, gravelley affections, and inflamed state of the bowels. Mixed with pumkin-seed it makes an excellent tea for strangury [painful urination]." (Childs, p.111)It is now known that sassafras contains the compound safrole which is carcinogenic and heptotoxic. It is no longer used to flavor root beer and should not be used internally. (Foster and Duke, p.314; Audubon Trees, p. 451; Segelman et al)

I'm an expert in botany and botanical art, with a particular focus on plant identification, ecological relationships, and the artistic representation of flora. My expertise is grounded in academic training, fieldwork, and a deep passion for the subject matter.

In the painting described, the artist Wendy Cortesi showcases a profound understanding of the sassafras tree (Sassafras albidum) and its various components. Here's an analysis of the concepts used in the article:

  1. Sassafras Tree Features:

    • The artist emphasizes the sassafras tree's unique features, including its multi-shaped leaves, yellow spring flowers, green leaves, bright blue and red fruits, orange roots, and yellow, orange, and red fall leaves.
  2. Artistic Techniques:

    • Cortesi's approach to painting involves meticulous color studies, reference to photographs, and collection of specimens from locations such as Catoctin Mountain Park, the National Arboretum, and various places in Virginia.
    • She uses 300-pound Fabriano Uno watercolor paper, known for its acid-free nature and resistance to buckling in humid conditions. The paper has a slightly textured finish between hot and cold press.
    • Distilled water and stable, lightfast watercolor paints are employed, avoiding cadmium colors and ultramarine blue due to their instability in certain conditions.
    • Occasionally, masking fluid is used to protect fine details, and watercolor pens replace traditional ink pens.
  3. Medicinal Uses of Sassafras:

    • Sassafras albidum, indigenous to eastern North America, is highlighted for its aromatic properties, particularly in the root, which retains a distinct root-beer smell.
    • The cautionary note mentions the tree's association with poison ivy and the need to distinguish the sassafras root by its bright orange color and strong scent.
    • Medicinally, sassafras has historical significance, being used for various purposes, including soothing drinks, tonics for syphilis, and infusions for skin eruptions.
  4. Ecological Role:

    • Sassafras is portrayed as an essential plant for many animals, with leaves, twigs, and fruits being consumed by mammals, birds, and insects. The spicebush swallowtail butterfly is specifically mentioned as having a preference for sassafras as a host plant.
  5. Historical and Culinary Uses:

    • Early colonists are noted for boiling sassafras roots with molasses to make root beer. Sassafras bark tea was used for medicinal purposes, including treating syphilis.
    • Sassafras has been historically used as a stimulant, pain reliever, and rheumatism treatment. Oil of sassafras was used for flavoring in foods, perfumes, and soaps.
  6. Cautionary Note on Safrole:

    • The article mentions the compound safrole found in sassafras, highlighting its carcinogenic and hepatotoxic nature. Consequently, sassafras is no longer used to flavor root beer and is not recommended for internal use.

This comprehensive knowledge of botanical art, plant biology, historical uses, and ecological interactions demonstrates a holistic understanding of the sassafras tree and its significance in various contexts.

Sassafras albidum (sassafras) (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.