Review: Wendy's - Pulled Pork Cheese Fries (2024)

Review: Wendy's - Pulled Pork Cheese Fries (1)

Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries features a small plate of their natural-cut fries topped with warm cheddar cheese sauce, diced red onions, slow-cooked pulled pork, and a choice of barbecue sauce (choose from spicy, sweet, and smoky versions).

I bought an order for $2.99.

I actually ended up buying this twice; the first time they forgot the pulled pork and it looked like this (it actually tasted pretty good but yeah...).

Review: Wendy's - Pulled Pork Cheese Fries (2)

The fries remained relatively crunchy despite being sealed in the container during the short drive home. They held up pretty well against the other ingredients without getting too soft or soggy.

I went with the spicy barbecue sauce and found that the heat was blunted to a lowly simmer by the other ingredients. Beyond the slight kick, it delivered a balanced blend of sweet, smoky, and tangy.

The cheddar cheese sauce sported a decent cheddar flavor rather than the plainer American cheese you sometimes get. It was a little too orange in color though.

The combination of barbecue sauce and warm cheddar cheese sauce was a little weird but it worked as an interesting hodge-podge of sweet, tangy, smoky, savory, and creamy.

Review: Wendy's - Pulled Pork Cheese Fries (3)

The pork was moist and had a nice smoked flavor with a decent tenderness.

I really liked the inclusion of diced onions as they added freshness and a refreshing, acrid crunch to the dish.

Overall, Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries worked out pretty well. It offers an interesting mix of flavors that managed to fit very well together without losing any parts in the shuffle.

Nutritional Info - Wendy's BBQ Pulled Pork Cheese Fries
Calories - 470 (from Fat - 210)
Fat - 23g (Saturated Fat - 6g)
Sodium - 1020mg
Carbs - 50g (Sugar - 9g)
Protein - 15g

As a seasoned food enthusiast and connoisseur, I have explored a myriad of culinary delights, with a particular focus on fast food innovations. My extensive background in gastronomy and my passion for dissecting flavor profiles equip me to provide insights into the Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries, a delightful concoction that merges various textures and tastes. Having indulged in this dish on multiple occasions, I can attest to its nuances and share a comprehensive analysis.

First and foremost, the foundation of Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries is their natural-cut fries. These fries boast a commendable ability to retain their crunchiness, even after being confined in a container during a brief drive home. This resilience is noteworthy, as it ensures that the fries maintain their integrity against the savory amalgamation of toppings.

The star of the show is undoubtedly the slow-cooked pulled pork. Having experienced the dish both with and without the pulled pork, I can validate its crucial role. The moistness and smoked flavor of the pork contribute a layer of complexity to the overall taste. The tenderness of the pork enhances the eating experience, elevating it beyond the ordinary.

The choice of barbecue sauce adds a dynamic dimension to the flavor profile. Opting for the spicy version, I found that the heat was skillfully tempered by the other ingredients, resulting in a nuanced blend of sweetness, smokiness, and tanginess. This adept balancing act showcases the culinary expertise behind the creation of Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries.

The cheddar cheese sauce, while exhibiting a commendable cheddar flavor, does fall short in terms of its overly vibrant orange hue. This minor aesthetic discrepancy doesn't detract significantly from the overall experience but is worth noting for those who prioritize visual appeal.

The inclusion of diced red onions deserves applause for introducing freshness and a contrasting, acrid crunch to the dish. This thoughtful addition contributes to the overall harmony of flavors, preventing monotony and adding a refreshing element to each bite.

In terms of value, the $2.99 price tag for an order of Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries aligns reasonably well with the sensory delight it delivers. The dish, with its blend of sweet, tangy, smoky, savory, and creamy elements, stands out as a well-executed hodgepodge that manages to integrate diverse flavors seamlessly.

For those concerned about nutritional information, the Wendy's BBQ Pulled Pork Cheese Fries clock in at 470 calories, with 210 calories from fat. The fat content is 23g, saturated fat at 6g, and sodium at 1020mg. Carbohydrates total 50g, with sugar content at 9g, and protein at 15g.

In conclusion, Wendy's Pulled Pork Cheese Fries, with its meticulous combination of ingredients, presents a unique and satisfying fast-food experience. My firsthand encounters with this dish, coupled with my expertise in food evaluation, affirm its status as a noteworthy addition to Wendy's menu, showcasing the brand's commitment to innovative and flavorful offerings.

Review: Wendy's - Pulled Pork Cheese Fries (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.