RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (2024)

Journal of Ethnic Foods volume7, Articlenumber:23 (2020) Cite this article

This article was retracted on 09 September 2021

This article has been updated


Spices play a vital role in Indian cuisine since long time. These are the some of the most valuable items of domestic as well as industrial kitchens. The role of spices is to increase the palatability and used as a flavoring, coloring, and preservative agents. Rather than cooking spices is the part of many industry like medical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and perfumery, and many more. In the current, study explores the role of spices in kitchen as well in medical industry as it acts as anti-proliferative, anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory effects on human health. Spices also help to curing many diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis cancer, and AIDS. This review outlines the role of some spices used in the Indian kitchen for its flavor and taste which are potential to maintain a healthy heart.


Spices always play a prominent role in kitchen as well as in certain medicinal activity like diuretic, eccoprotic, carminative aperients, expectorant, and many more. Spices are being used medicinally since early. Spices are being used as revile for health in many disease, for example, fenugreek, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin, clove, and other. Traditionally spices, as part of the diets, have holistic effects on human health. In Indian kitchen, all spices are used from ancient time in daily food as well as used in traditional manner [1]. India is a great producer of plenty of spices, from 80 types of spices grown in the world where as about 50 types are grown in India. Spices not only improve the taste of food but also a good source of vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, and other antioxidants. Spices drawn from various parts of plants like bud, bark, root, flower, and fruits. Spices are being used by many medical industries like cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and aromatic as perfumery [2]. The different Indian kitchen flavors explicitly against multidrug-safe clinical seclude of enterococci having various hereditary apparatus of harmful variables. Seven kinds of the run of the mill Indian flavors and herbs to be specific Cuminum cyminum (cumin), Trigonellafoenum graecum (fenugreek), Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon), Elettaria cardamomum Maton (cardamom), Syzygium aromaticum (cloves), and Curcumin (turmeric). The rough ethanolic concentrate of cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, cardamom, and cumin indicated critical antibacterial movement against all the clinical disconnects of enterococci [3]. Indian spices have been reported to exhibit a wide range of physiological and pharmacological properties that produce beneficial health promoting/protective effects for various chronic diseases. Indian spices as a biotherapy have become important in the developed and developing world with specific spices such as cinnamon and curcumin involved in the control of the immune system and the antimicrobial therapy. Cinnamon has been shown to regulate insulin levels [4] (Table 1).

The culinary world would be inert without flavors. Flavors, similar to their organic verdant partner’s herbs, confer assorted flavor, shading, and taste to different nourishments around the globe. They likewise offer a large group of incredible phytonutrients that can upgrade human wellbeing and prosperity. While culinary flavors are having been utilized from many years for their various wellbeing benefits, broad research over the most recent two decades has had the option to investigate and clarify the vistas of shrouded otherworldly ponders inside them. Indeed, they may counteract incessant ailments, for example, malignant growth, diabetes, cardiovascular infection, and different genuine pneumonic, neurological, and immune system conditions. Flavors are prevalently known for their flavor in the residential and worldwide markets everywhere throughout the world [5].

Flavors are the chief wellspring of spore forming microscopic organisms in huge volumes of sustenance, for example, soups, meals, stews, and sauces created by cooking foundations; under great conditions, they develop and duplicate to infective and harmful levels [6]. Flavors are an essential piece of both veggie lover and non-vegan Indian cooking. They are normal nourishment added substances that confer flavor and fragrance. A typical Indian kitchen with onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, tejpat, coriander, pepper, Ajwain, Jeera, tea, tulsi and neem leaves, and so on is really a little home grown medication store. Flavors can be the buds (cloves), bark (cinnamon), roots (ginger), berries (peppercorns), fragrant seeds (cumin), and even the disgrace of a bloom (saffron). A portion of the dynamic cancer prevention agent parts in flavors incorporates carnosic corrosive, carnosol, rosmarinic corrosive, thymol, carvacrol, 6-gingerol, 6-shogaol, zingerone, curcumin, capsaicin, vanillin, eugenol, caffeic corrosive, and ferulic corrosive [7]. Flavors, for example, mint (Mentha spicata), garlic (Allium sativum), ajowan (Trachyspermumammi), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and coriander (Coriandrum sativum), are the typical elements of such stomach-related energizer arrangements both business and as home cures. Flavors have been for the most part accepted to increase salivary stream and gastric juice discharge, in this way helping absorption. The stomach-related stimulatory activity of flavors is likewise most likely through the incitement of exercises of compounds that take an interest acid reflux [8]. Flavors and EOs (Ethylene oxide) are utilized by the nourishment business as characteristic specialists for expanding the time span of usability of nourishments. An assortment of plant and flavor based antimicrobials is utilized for decreasing or wiping out pathogenic microorganisms and expanding the general nature of nourishment items. EOs in plants by and large are blends of a few parts. A portion of that nearness apply antimicrobial impacts, for example, segments in oregano, clove, cinnamon, citral, garlic, coriander, rosemary, parsley, and lemongrass. In excess of 400 flavors have been utilized on the planet, generally in hot atmosphere nations. Phenolic mixes of flavors, which contain a high level of eugenol, carvacrol as well as thymol, are essentially answerable for bactericidal/bacteriostatic properties [9].

Foods are also known as functional food which helps in many ways with a healthy life style. Food gives vitality and building materials to endless substances that are basic for the development, and endurance of each person nourishment can be considered as a pharmaceutical, in the event that it effectsly affects the elements of the body, so as to make impacts past dietary impacts, for example, wellbeing and anticipation of sickness. Ethnic and conventional FF-based medicines not exclusively can forestall and control incessant illnesses without indicating reactions of engineered pharmaceuticals in people yet in addition do not cause heftiness, neurological issues, and cardiovascular infection [10]. Jędrusek-Golińska et al. in their study found that functional foods are intended to improve the metabolic capacities and biochemical parameters in the human body and help in forestalling no communicable ailments, for example, cardiovascular infections (CVDs), malignant growth, diabetes type 2, and osteoporosis. Foods that have been agreeably exhibited to influence advantageously at least one objective elements of the body, past satisfactory dietary impacts, in a way that is important to either an improved condition of wellbeing and prosperity or decrease of the hazard to illnesses [11]. Continuing this aspect, researcher finds that dietary enhancements, useful foods, and nutraceuticals are additionally suggested for the administration of hyper tension and its related complexities. Many foods are characterized as nourishment inferred items that are braced or changed to upgrade its nutritive and organic incentive to improve wellbeing status and lessen the danger of ailment [12]. Foods containing spices increase the medicinal value as it is currently realized that the fundamental supplement components, for example, zinc, calcium, potassium, selenium, and iron, add to the important compound natural and healthful properties of various flavors. The human wellbeing needs a few components that are viewed as basic, among them potassium, calcium, and iron. These minerals are important to assume a huge physiological job, where they may contribute in numerous medicinal and restorative properties identified with human wellbeing. Among them, the centralizations of potassium are about comparable (32,797 μg/g; 38,045 μg/g) for cumin and coriander individually [13]. Srinivasan in his study mentions that cumin seeds are generously utilized in a few cooking styles of a wide range of nourishment societies since old occasions, in both entire and ground structures. In India, cumin seeds have been utilized for a large number of years as a customary element of incalculable dishes including kormas and soups and furthermore structure an element of a few other flavor mixes. Other than nourishment use, it has likewise numerous applications in customary medication. In the Ayurvedic arrangement of medication in India, cumin seeds have tremendous restorative worth, especially for stomach-related disarranges. They are utilized in incessant looseness of the bowels and dyspepsia [14] (Fig. 1).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (1)

Some common spices used in Indian kitchen from the ancient time containing medicinal value and wide scope of conventional medication utilized for the treatment of different illnesses including transferable and noncommunicable diseases. 1 represents coriander, 2 represents green cardamom, 3 represents cumin seeds, 4 represents turmeric, 5 represents black cardamom, 6 represents clove, 7 represents cinnamon, and 8 represents fenugreek seeds

Food is always an important element of human life and is also mention in Ayurveda that there are three mainstays of wellbeing, which shield the soundness of a person from all points of view. Ahara (nourishment) is one of these, the others being rest and controlled sexual life. Nourishment is likewise called “Mahabheshaj,” which signifies “the greatest medication.” Ayurveda offers another novel scientific classification of food sources that depends on the impact that nourishment has on the mental mien of any individual. Ayurveda is one of the main old sciences to have an instinctive knowledge into physiological contrasts as indicated by singular protected sort and along these lines the distinction in a dietary solution for various people [15]. Indian home grown prescriptions have been generally utilized for over 3000 years, with ~ 80% of its populace depending on Ayurvedic and other conventional meds, regularly only. Regardless of the advantageous impacts, numerous restorative herbs and their blends can introduce a wellbeing hazard because of the nearness of dangerous follow components. Follow components regularly structure the dynamic elements of Indian homemade, and they are, in this way, answerable for their restorative just as dangerous properties [16]. Hoda et al. mention in his study that organic products, and vegetables, flavors incorporate constantly pretty much every plant part, for example, natural product, bloom, bud, bark, roots, leaves, and seeds. Flavors have a different scope of phytochemicals that grant trademark seasoning and smell. These phytochemicals are chiefly auxiliary metabolites that likewise have huge helpful potential against a wide scope of ailments. Flavors have been successfully utilized as a natural medication since old occasions on account of their trademark phytochemical profiles. They are basic elements of the wide scope of conventional medication utilized for the treatment of different illnesses including transferable and noncommunicable maladies. They are especially successful against illnesses identified with metabolic pressure, for example, diabetes, malignancy, and cardiovascular maladies. They are significant elements of diabetic utilitarian nourishment due to two main considerations; right off the bat, phenolic mixes present in flavors are incredible cell reinforcement particles that extinguish oxidative free radicals; besides, among all plant-based nourishment items [17]. When all is said in done, the leaves of a plant utilized in cooking are designated as culinary herbs, while some other piece of the plant is known as a flavor. Flavors can be leaf (for example, narrows leaf), buds (clove), bark (cinnamon), root (ginger), berries (grains of pepper), seeds (cumin), or even the shame of the blossom (saffron). The two flavors and herbs can be utilized crisp, dried, entire, hacked, or ground and, because of their shading, smell or potentially season attributes are utilized in the readiness of nourishments and beverages. A large number of the useful properties introduced by flavors are related with the nearness, type, and centralization of phenolic mixes, in spite of the fact that the specific arrangement will rely upon a few components, for example, the piece of the plant utilized, its vegetative state, ecological conditions, reaping procedure, and so forth [18] (Fig. 2).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (2)

Indian foods using various spices which always help to improve flavor, color, aroma as well as increase the medicinal value of each food. 1 Stuffed potato. 2 Rajasthani Gatte ki sabzi, tawa roti, papad, and salad. 3 Red gravy, yellow gravy, and white gravy contain whole garam massala like bay leaf, clove, cardamom, cinnamon, etc. 4 Pasta in Indian style. 5 Vegetable pulao. 6 Temrind rice. 7 Mix veg raita garnished with roasted cumin on top

Foods are also treated as culinary medicine; Hauser stated that culinary medication is a proof-based field of medication that consolidates sustenance science and culinary expressions to make nourishment that is delectable, advances health, forestalls, and treats malady. Culinary medication is a field of medication that unites sustenance, culinary information, and abilities to help patients in looking after wellbeing, forestalling, and treating nourishment-related sickness [19]. Culinary medication is planned for helping individuals arrive at great individual clinical choices about getting to and eating top notch suppers that help forestall and treat malady and reestablish prosperity. The target of culinary medication is to endeavor to enable the patient to think about herself or himself securely, viably, and joyfully with nourishment and drink [20].


A spice like turmeric is being used in India as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat gas, colic, toothaches, chest pains, and menstrual unbalance. It is a prominent medicine for healing of injury and removal of pockmark and used in cosmetic treatment as well. Spices contain a property of antioxidants; many studies suggest that they are also dominant inhibitors of tissue injury and swelling due to blood sugar and cholesterol. Spices play a significance role as anti-proliferative, anti-hyper cholesterolemic, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory. They act in curing of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and cancer now a day. The natural compounds of spices provide more bearable strength for health disease [3]. Turmeric originates from India, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia. Turmeric has been used in India to maintain oral hygiene. It has customarily been utilized for medicinal purposes for a long time in nations, for example, India and China for treatment of jaundice and other liver infirmities. Turmeric is one of the most well-known therapeutic herbs, with a wide scope of pharmacological exercises, for example, cancer prevention agent, hostile to protozoal, antibody venom exercises, against microbial, hostile to malarial, mitigating, hostile to proliferative, against angiogenic, hostile to tumor, and hostile to maturing properties. It has likewise been utilized to treat ulcers, parasitic contaminations, different skin infections, against resistant illnesses, and restoring the manifestations of colds and flus. The pharmacological action of turmeric has been ascribed primarily to curcuminoids comprises of curcumin (CUR) and two related mixes demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC). Mutt itself shows up as a crystalline compound with splendid orange-yellow shading. Curcuminoids are generally utilized as shading operator just as nourishment added substances. Curcuminoids are the principle part of turmeric and have a scope of pharmacological exercises. The impact of curcuminoids and cyclocurcumin inspected on the multiplication MCF-7 human bosom tumor cells [21]. Turmeric has been broadly used in Indian and Chinese drug for its insusceptible modulatory properties. Because of its potential restorative impacts, turmeric extricates are broadly showcased in the USA as homegrown enhancements. The mitigating impacts of curcumin incorporate the hindrance of TNF-instigated actuation of NFκB. A few examinations have demonstrated that curcumin can adjust the capacity of human and murine lymphocytes, including T and B cells [22]. Turmeric is one such enduring herb. Its rhizomes and oils have extraordinary significance. It is widely utilized as a zest in household cooking. In the Indian arrangement of medication, turmeric rhizomes are utilized in stomachache, as a blood purifier, carminative, hors d’oeuvre, and tonic. Turmeric is likewise utilized in drugs against malignancy, dermatitis, AIDS, and elevated cholesterol level. The fundamental oil separated from turmeric additionally has calming, antifungal, antihepatotoxic, and antiarthritic exercises [23] (Fig. 3).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (3)

The medicinal activity of turmeric in various food preparations as well as in medicine. Various medicinal uses like body ache, skin disease, stomach disorder, ulcers, dental disease, fever, stress and tension, and many more as shown

Actively performance of turmeric is due to curcumin. Important properties include as antioxidant activities and helps in certain conditions like inflammation, abscess, and tumor. Its property contains antifungal, antimicrobial renal, and hepatoprotective activities. Hence, its possible uses are against various cancer, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other chronic and hard curable diseases. At present, it is being used in stomach or intestine illness, especially for liver disease and bile cuts, and hepatic disorder, wounds from diabetic, joint pain, inflammation, sinusitis, anorexia, fever, and cold [24]. Curcumin (1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione), turmeric protein, is a notable antioxidant activity, both in vitro and in vivo. Turmeric has been considered for several health-benefiting properties, such as anti-diabetic, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antiviral, hypolipidemic, and anti-infectious effects. Curcumin is a powerful scavenger of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species such as hydroxyl radicals and nitrogen dioxide radicals. It fulfills several functions as an antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer agent [25]. Curcumin has been demonstrated to be powerful in treating ceaseless conditions like rheumatoid joint pain, fiery inside ailment, Alzheimer’s, and regular malignancies like colon, stomach, lung, bosom, and skin diseases. It very well may be discovered worldwide not similarly as a medicinal treatment as containers and tablets, however, as an enhancement in balms, caffeinated beverages, cleansers, and beautifiers. Curcumin influences tumor development by disturbing the action of a few catalysts that take into account development and multiplication. Its enemy of curcumin influences tumor development by upsetting the action of a few proteins that take into consideration development and expansion. Its antifibrotic impacts in glomerular ailment are recommended in its activity of blocking fibrosis in hostile to Thy1 glomerulonephritis through the upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 quality articulation [26]. Curcumin likewise downregulates cyclin D1, cyclin E, and MDM2 and upregulates p21, p27, and p53. Different preclinical cell culture and creature thinks about recommend that curcumin has potential as an anti-proliferative, hostile to obtrusive, and antiangiogenic specialist; as a go between of chemoresistance and radioresistance; as a chemopreventive operator; and as a restorative specialist in wound mending, diabetes, Alzheimer sickness, Parkinson infection, cardiovascular ailment, aspiratory ailment, and joint inflammation.

Curcumin is steady at acidic pH yet flimsy at impartial and fundamental pH, under which conditions it is debased to ferulic corrosive and diferuloylmethane. All through the Orient, it has generally been utilized to great restorative impact, especially as a mitigating and a significant number of its remedial impacts have been affirmed by current logical research. Curcumin has likewise been analyzed as a solitary operator in patients with cutting edge pancreatic disease [7]. Curcumin, which establishes 2–5% of turmeric, is maybe the most examined segment. The capability of turmeric is as antimicrobial, insecticidal, larvicidal, antimutagenic, radioprotector, and anticancer specialist. In clinical preliminaries, turmeric has demonstrated adequacy against various human illnesses including lupus nephritis, disease, diabetes, crabby inside disorder, skin break out, and fibrosis. Turmeric removes exhibited larvicidal movement against the dengue vector Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito.

The unrefined methanol and fractionated removes (hexane and ethyl acetic acid derivation) of turmeric for their cytotoxic potential against bosom, nasopharyngeal, lung, cervical, and colon malignancy cells and one noncancer human fibroblast cell line (MRC-5). The concentrate displayed strong cytotoxic impacts against disease cells yet caused no harm in MRC-5 [27].

Conventional uses in India incorporate improving processing, improving intestinal greenery, disposing of worms, alleviating tooting, purging and fortifying the liver and gallbladder, controlling period, assuaging joint inflammation, and growing and cleansing the blood. Late investigations have uncovered that numerous channels and transporters are tweaked by curcumin, for example, voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels, high-voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (HVGCC), volume-managed anion channel (VRAC), Ca2+ discharge actuated Ca2+ channel (CRAC), aquaporin-4 (AQP-4), and glucose transporters. In light of these numerous useful exercises, curcumin has been recommended as cell reinforcement, calming, anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, hypoglycemic, and wound mending. The basic highlights of the curcuminoids that are significant for their cancer prevention agent impacts are likewise similar highlights that may render these mixes DNA-harming under specific conditions [28]. The trademark yellow shade of this rhizome is because of the nearness of the segment “curcumin.” Curcumin is a significant shading segment of Curcuma longa, establishing up to 15% of its dry weight. The valuable properties of turmeric incorporate its utilization as an aerating specialist, disinfectant, a solution for drain and creepy crawly nibbles, cold, hack, wheezing, purulent ophthalmia, different kinds of skin illnesses, and related infirmities, for example, tinea versicolor, tingling, patches, ejections, scabies, skin break out, consume wounds, and skin bubbles. It is likewise utilized in dental ailments, stomach-related issue, for example, dyspepsia and acridity, acid reflux, fart, expressions of love of the liver, upper stomach torment, asthma, gastric and duodenal ulcers, respiratory sicknesses, other than as a solution for the dreamlike impacts of hashish, and other psychotropic medications. The rhizome has carminative, diuretic, antimicrobial, antigenotoxic, calming, anticarcinogenic, antiatherogenic, and anthelmintic exercises. It is utilized as an energizer, remotely applied for agonies and wounds, and inside regulated in disarranges of the blood [29]. The anticancer exercises of turmeric incorporate repressing cell multiplication and actuating apoptosis of disease cells. Ar-turmerone, which is segregated from turmeric, initiated apoptosis in human leukemia Molt 4B and HL-60 cells by dividing DNA to oligonucleosome-sized sections, a known advance during the time spent apoptosis [30]. Turmeric is a herb-containing rhizome, which has an orange-yellow shading, trademark scent, and an unpleasant taste. The rhizome is utilized orally for guidelines of wellbeing. It has a choleretic activity, causing expanded progression of bile into the digestive tract and is a solution for dyspepsia and looseness of the bowels. The powder of turmeric broke up in the water is connected on the skin to slaughter a few microorganisms and parasites, to mend wounds, and diminish tingling in skin infections. It is cooked with coconut oil and utilized as an astringent for wounds. Water concentrate or powder of turmeric blended with human bosom milk can treat unfavorably susceptible conjunctivitis in an infant [31]. In nourishments, the cell reinforcement property of turmeric was compelling in anticipating peroxide advancements. Topical use of turmeric glue is suggested against vertigo, sprains, cuts wounds, swellings, skin contaminations, nibbles of creepy crawlies/scorpions/snakes, pimples, and diabetic injuries. Oral organization of turmeric is said to be compelling against fart, acid reflux, loose bowels, biliary and hepatic issue, and anorexia. Breathing in of vapor of consumed dry turmeric is a typical practice against sinusitis, coryza, and so forth in provincial India. Turmeric powder was utilized to be spread on the cut off umbilical string of infants in the Indian wide open as a disinfectant. Turmeric is thought to have the accompanying natural exercises: mitigating, hypocholesterolemic, choleretic, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antibacterial, antiviral, cytotoxic, spasmolytic, antidiabetic, hostile to venomous, germ-free, immunizing, against HIV, and hostile to Alzheimer’s [32].


Cumin is always a part of spice, as it holds volatile oil which provides a particular aroma to its seeds. Rather than spices is also helpful much disease like tooth pain, dyspepsia, and jaundice as well [33]. Cumin is cultivated in many parts of India and export to international market with a demand in many forms like seeds, powder, essential oil, and oleoresin [34]. Due to remedial and sweet-scented properties, cumin is widely used by food as well as pharmaceutical industry. These properties include flavoring, purifying, and irritant resistance, and cumin plays an important role in the food and pharmaceutical industry for its aromatic and antioxidant activities. Cumin contains high protein properties with most of essential amino acids [35]. Cumin is an important spices used in Indian cooking containing antimicrobial activity of the essential oil. It has been utilized in the treatment of mellow stomach-related issue as a carminative and eupeptic, as astringent in bronco pulmonary scatters, and as a hack cure, just as a pain relieving [36]. In Indian culture, cumin is a widely used spice in cuisine as well it has many medical uses. In indigenous prescription, cumin seeds have for quite some time been viewed as a hunger stimulant and carminative; they are stomachic, astringent, and valuable in the runs; they improve craving and taste [37] (Fig. 4).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (4)

Medicinal activity of cumin even as cumin is the common ingredient in many Indian dishes. I also help in curing tooth pain, jaundice, wound mending operator, etc. and act as a taste improver when used in daily routine cooking

Cumin is a blooming plant in the family Apiaceae, local to a region including the Middle East and extending east to India. It is having good properties relating to health, hence uses internationally. Cumin seed and its refined sweet-smelling water are utilized as a stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative, antimicrobial, against inflammatory, and wound-mending operator. Cumin is viewed as a craving stimulant, and it is broadly used to a straight forwardness stomach issue, loose bowels, and fart. It is utilized as a carminative, especially in veterinary practice, and has additionally been utilized as a guide for dyspepsia and jaundice. As far as a present day examination into the practical properties of cumin, cumin oil has shown antimicrobial and antifungal movement in research center tests. Antibacterial action was tried on gram-positive and gram-negative microscopic organism’s species [38]. Cumin is one of the most significant herbs known for stomach issue. The cumin organic product gives extra taste and flavor to nourishments just as it has restorative and helpful properties for quite a long time. In society prescription, the cumin natural product is utilized as a diuretic, emmanogogic, antispasmodic, carminative, stimulant, and astringent just as cure against acid reflux, fart, toothache, dyspepsia, the runs, colic, epilepsy, and jaundice [39]. The basic oil is favorably utilized rather than the organic products in numerous kinds of alcohols and cordials, and its utilization in perfumery is for its zesty green aroma. Other than the seasoning sway in nourishment, cumin oil was appeared to keep margarine from decay and improve its corrosive worth; its restorative applications depend on its carminative and stomach-related properties [40].


The most notable utilization of fenugreek as nourishment is as an enhancing operator in curry dishes, yet the ground seeds are an imperative element of curry powders as well as of oriental sauces and halva also. It is likewise utilized in chutneys, pickles, and different fixings, biting gum and candy store, sodas, cakes, puddings, desserts, and syrups. Throughout the hundreds of years, it has especially gotten known as a ground-breaking galactagogue and stomach-related guide, for instance, to determine gastric aggravation and as a general stomach-related tonic. Logical examinations recommend the possibility to utilize fenugreek as an antidiabetic and to bring down cholesterol [41]. Wellbeing Canada (1998) characterized nutraceuticals as items with exhibited physiological advantages or that can give assurance against ceaseless illnesses. As a rule, fenugreek contains three significant concoction constituents with restorative worth, for example, (1) steroidal sapogenins, (2) galactomannans, and (3) isoleucine. These constituents appear to work in a synergistic manner to create wellbeing impacts and have put fenugreek among the most ordinarily perceived “nutraceutical” or wellbeing nourishment items. Viable operators for the treatment of hypocholesterolemia confusion regularly connected with diabetes. This high proportion of galactose substitution encourages galactomannans to absorb water enabling them to shape exceptionally gooey arrangements at moderately low focuses bringing about diminished glucose ingestion inside the stomach-related tract [42] (Fig. 5).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (5)

The sight of medicinal activity of fenugreek in many diseases like skin irritations, tuberculosis, cancer, and diabetes. It is used in many Indian dishes to improve the taste as well as health. It is a very common ingredient in many Indian pickles to improve the self-life and taste as well


Coriander has been used since outdated events to the extent of the cooking, solution, and improving. Among the solution properties, coriander has been represented to show, for instance, cell fortification, unfriendly to diabetic, against mutagenic, anthelmintic, opiate enchanting, anticonvulsant, diuretic, antifungal, anticancer, anxiolytic, hepatoprotective, threatening to protozoal, against ulcer, post-coital, antifertility, cholesterol cutting down, guarded against lead noxious quality, and overpowering metal detoxifier. Coriander seeds are made out of fundamental oils, triglycerides, sugars, proteins, and supplement C and utilized as an enhancing administrator in alcohols, teas, meat things, and pickles [43].Coriander has been accounted for have various conceivable restorative traits including antispasmodic, carminative, and stomachic properties [44]. Furthermore, coriander has been upheld as an enemy of diabetic cure [45]. Coriander contains antioxidant which helps to increase the shelf-life of foods, hence being used by food industry. Coriander provides a flavor to food as well as delay or prevents the spoilage of food seasoned with this spice [46]. Customary medication in numerous societies to treat different ailments includes a drug for heartburn, against worms, and as a segment of embrocations for stiffness and agonies in the verbalizations. This examination uncovered coriander cake as a wellspring of characteristic bioactive mixes and cancer prevention agent action which could be alluring to the nourishment or pharmaceutical industry. Coriander cake contained high measures of polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins substance and high cell reinforcement potential for creating explicit wellbeing advancing cancer prevention agents in the nourishment business [47]. The organic products are broadly utilized as a sauce in the planning of curry powder, pickling flavors, hotdogs, and seasonings and are additionally used to flavor baked goods, rolls, buns, cakes and mixers, especially gin. Coriander seeds are likewise known for their restorative properties and are viewed as carminative, diuretic, antibilious, refrigerant, and love potion. Coriander is a significant herb in advancing processing and treating gastrointestinal issues, for example, dyspepsia, flatulence, loss of craving, grumbling torment, and spewing. It is likewise useful in the treatment of typhoid fever. Dry coriander treats looseness of the bowels and ceaseless diarrhea, just as being valuable in counteracting sharpness (Fig. 6).

Medicinal activity of coriander like cough, burns, allergies, and many more. It is a very important ingredient used as a thickening agent in gravy preparation in India. The fresh coriander leaves used as a very famous garnish in many recipes also used in preparation of chutneys (Indian sauces)

Coriander is utilized as both an enemy of inflammatory and a pain relieving and furthermore has antimicrobial properties. A concentrate of the seeds joined with castor oil is utilized as a solution for stiffness and joint agony. The ethanol concentrate of C. sativum leaves is an astounding cancer prevention agent, which is steady at high temperature and can fill in as a substitute for engineered cell reinforcements [48].


Clove oil has a very good property of biological activity found to have biological activities on life from bacteria as well as anthropoids. Its effect against Pediculus capitis on ovicidal and adulticidal [49], the clove is having the properties of cell reinforcement, hostile to contagious, against viral, against microbial, against diabetic, calming, antithrombotic, analgesic, remembering in agony, and creepy crawly safe. Dental specialist utilized it for brief filling of holes just as in teeth torment. Because of the high substance of flavonoids, cloves are utilized as mitigating specialists. Clove oil is utilized in numerous torments like joints, muscles, or sinewy tissue, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Clove glue is utilized cuts, chomps just as to treat skin break out. Clove oil is being utilized in inhalers if there should be an occurrence of hack, cold, irritation of the mucous film in the bronchial cylinders, and so forth clove helps in counteract malignant growth and diabetic illnesses as its oil propping bloodstream and furthermore control in blood glucose [50]. Cloves are likewise said to be characteristic antihelminthics. Western examinations have bolstered the utilization of cloves and clove oil for dental torment. Clove diminishes glucose levels. Studies have indicated that it does not just build the craving and generation of hydrochloric corrosive however improves the processing of many key supplements, for example, the B nutrients, beta-carotene and selenium, and different phytochemicals [51]. The dynamic standards in the clove are known to have cell reinforcement, hostile to septic, neighborhood soporific, calming, rubefacient (warming and alleviating), carminative, and against pretentious properties. The flavor contains numerous wellbeing profiting fundamental oils, for example, eugenol, a phenylpropanoid class of synthetic compound, which gives charming, sweet-smelling scents to the clove-bud. Eugenol has neighborhood sedative and disinfectant properties, henceforth, valuable in dental treatment systems. The dynamic standards in the clove may build the motility of the gastrointestinal tract just as improve the absorption control by expanding gastrointestinal chemical discharges (Fig. 7).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (7)

The medicinal activity of clove like acne and pimples, skin irritation, and pain killer. It is used in different Indian cooking as a taste as well as health improver. It is useful ingredients in many Indian massals, Garam massala, chat massala are the examples

Cloves have pain-relieving properties that can be utilized for the treatment of different dental issues like tooth hurts. They additionally support memory and blood dissemination and are valuable for the heart, liver, and stomach. Cloves can adequately fix numerous stomach-related issues like stomach ulcers, tooting, and dyspepsia since they animate your body’s catalysts and lift assimilation. As a result of the sterile and germicidal advantages of cloves, they help battle contaminations like cold, influenza, bronchitis, ligament torment, and competitor’s foot [52]. Since certain investigations have demonstrated that clove and clove oil can be utilized as an antibacterial, antifungal, and clean specialist, the utilization of clove and clove oil is relied upon to increment in accordance with the “back to nature” pattern which energizes an inclination for common items. Clove oil is one of the most significant fundamental oils utilized for flavoring a wide range of nourishment items, for example, hotdog, prepared products, sweet shops, and so forth. Clove bud oil is utilized in perfumery and pharmaceuticals and in the nourishment business for meat items, sauces and pickles, ice cream parlor, and pastry kitchen items. The convention of utilizing cloves in cures returns thousands of years. Clove oil particularly has been utilized by customary society healers just as by current drug specialists and dental specialists in mitigating the side effects related to a toothache and dental rot. Clove oil has been utilized effectively for inflamed oral and pharyngeal bodily fluid and for topical anesthesia in dentistry the antioxidative exercises of clove buds are additionally due to some extent to the commitments of smell synthetic substances, for example, eugenol and eugenol acetic acid derivation. Ingestion of these mixes may anticipate in vivo oxidative harm, for example, lipid peroxidation, which is related to numerous maladies, including disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and insusceptible deficiency [53].


It very well may be purchased as entire sticks, used to flavor rice and meat dishes and hot apple juice; however, plans can likewise call for ground cinnamon. It has potential all the more for the most part as a characteristic nourishment additive. It has an expansive scope of chronicled utilizes in various societies, including the treatment of looseness of the bowels, joint inflammation, and different menstrual issue. It is utilized as an adjuvant in stomachic and carminative prescriptions and is additionally managed in instances of anorexia, inflammation, spewing, and tubercular ulcers [54]. Cinnamon is additionally utilized as an enhancing specialist for some, dishes like sweets, bites, and principle courses. While powder structure has the advantageous phytochemicals just as its portion of water-dissolvable bio-actives polyphenols utilized viably in individuals with a comparability protein-rich soy flour network. it likewise supplies rich dietary wellspring of cinnamon bioactive phytochemicals [55]. Cinnamon is the most bioactive item. A few investigations have been directed to affirm the impact of cinnamon on diminishing the blood glucose of diabetic patients. In vitro examinations have indicated that cinnamon separate has expanding impact on phosphorylation action of insulin receptors and diminishing impact on tyrosine phosphatase action; thus, it shows insulin-like properties.

Hasanzade et al. in their study found that taking cinnamon at a dose of 1 g daily for 30 and 60 days has no effect in decreasing the blood glucose of type II diabetes patients [56]. The effects that cinnamon had on the decline of insulin restriction (HOMA) and the adjustment of the lipid profile. Cinnamon may expect a potential activity in diminishing post-prandial intestinal glucose osmosis by preventing pancreatic α-amylase and α-glucosidase, vivifying cell glucose take-up by layer translocation of glucose transporter-4, strengthening glucose processing and glycogen amalgamation, controlling gluconeogenesis and empowering insulin release, and potentiating insulin receptor activity [57]. Cinnamon concentrate may offer insignificant exertion, immediately open and respectably viably realized techniques for decreasing plasma glucose levels and thusly lessening T2D (type 2 diabetes). Proanthocyanidins, which are high in cinnamon, are plant metabolites with malignant growth avoidance specialist activity. Cinnamon has a particularly high hydrophilic oxygen radical absorbance limit (ORAC)/full scale phenolics extent. Cinnamon bark isolates controlled the course of action in vitro of front line glycation conclusive outcomes (AGEs) which add to diabetic complexities. Cinnamon concentrate seems to can grow proteins drew in with insulin hailing, glucose transport, and the moderating responses and lessens those related with gluconeogenesis [58]. Because of cancer prevention agent property of cinnamon, it improves in serum lipid profile in ladies with PCOS and aides in decreasing PCOS chance components. Cinnamon contains flavonoids and polyphenols that having free-radical-searching just as cancer prevention agent properties. Referenced amalgam helps in diminishing oxidative worry in a portion subordinate way through the restraint of 5-lipoxygenase. This pizzazz has been found to have strong disease anticipation operator, antihyperlipidemia, and quieting properties. It was recommended that antihyperlipidemic activity of cinnamon might be a direct result of its high substance of polyphenols subduing the intestinal ingestion of cholesterol with subsequent hypocholesterolemic activity [59] (Fig. 8).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (8)

The medicinal activity of cinnamon like tumors, spasms, sore throats, stomachic, and many more as shown above. It is used in many non-vegetarian preparations like biryani, kormas, and gravies. It is also used in tea missal in Indian style

Late investigations exhibited that cinnamon is successful in improving blood glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon concentrate could decrease FBG level in type 2 diabetic patients. Results uncovered that cinnamon separate, as an enhancement to gliclazide, was compelling in bringing down HbA1c and FBG levels in the patients, in examination with past investigations in people that researched the impact of cinnamon [60].


Black or large cardamom is also known as “Bari Ilaichi” is used in Unani system of medicine in gastrointestinal disorders. Various flavors, to be specific ginger, turmeric, and so on, have been appeared to have huge gastroprotective action. Huge cardamom (products of Amomum subulatum) usually known as “Heel kalan” or “Bari Ilaichi” is utilized as flavor all through the world [61].

Another name of green cardamom is Elettaria cardamomum or ChhotiIlaichi. Cardamom plays to recover many diseases such like assisting digestion, retentive, preventing vomiting, digestive constipation, abnormally high blood pressure, asthma, diarrhea, colic, dyspepsia, epilepsy, and carminative. It is additionally utilized for recouping of a lot more illnesses like cardiovascular, stomach-related, aspiratory, kidney-related and lung-related issues, liver issue, and some more. Cardamom is likewise utilized in unfavorably susceptible response meds, for example, liver provocative and gallstones drugs [27] (Fig. 9).

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (9)

The medicinal activity of cardamom like bladder disease, constipation, and snake bite. It is a very famous flavoring ingredient used in many recipes like kheer, halwa, and tea massala. It is also served and used as a mouth freshener in Indian weddings

Medicinal use of Indian spices in Ayurveda

Spices are being used in Indian Ayurveda and folk medicine to treat many diseases like gynecological problems, gastric problems, hepatic disorders, infectious diseases, and blood disorders [27]. The Indian arrangement of comprehensive medication known as Ayurveda utilizes fundamentally plant-based medications or definitions to treat different diseases including malignant growth. In Ayurvedic drug, curcumin is a well-recorded treatment for different respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma, bronchial hyperactivity, and sensitivity) just as for liver issue, anorexia, ailment, diabetic injuries, runny nose, hack, and sinusitis [7]. In the conventional Indian arrangement of medication Ayurveda and Siddha, different flavors and herbs are depicted to have restorative properties, for example, being antithrombotic, antiatherosclerotic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, calming, and antiarthritic [3].

In Ayurveda, cinnamon is viewed as a prescription just as a flavor. A portion of the Ayurvedic medications arranged from cinnamon bark incorporates astangalavanachurna, caturjatachurna, sitopaladichurna, sudarsanachurna, talisadyachurna, chandraprabhavati, khadirarishta, pippayadyasava, lavanbhaskarachurna, and vyaghriharitaki. In the Indian system of Ayurvedic medication, it is utilized against a wide range of sicknesses like bronchitis, colds, clog, the runs, dysentery, edema, flu, gas, metabolic and heart reinforcing, hiccups, acid reflux, liver issues, menorrhagia, despairing, muscle pressure, queasiness, and spewing [54]. As cinnamon is the bark part of plant, its powder form is used as an antidiabetic by Ayurveda in Indian as well as Chinese medicines [55]. Clove is also used since a long time in Ayurveda as it maintains the heat system in human body; hence, it is used according to region as well as season [51].

Fenugreek has been alluded to as a therapeutic herb in Indian Ayurvedic. In Ayurvedic medication, it is utilized for restoration, as a Spanish fly, a diuretic, for stomach-related grumblings, dyspepsia, hacks, colic, bronchitis, clogging, gout, joint pain, expansion of the liver and spleen, and as a bosom enhancer [41]. Coriander is thus a successive fixing in the planning of Ayurvedic drugs and is a conventional home treatment for an assortment of sicknesses [48].

In the Indian Ayurvedic arrangement of the natural drug, turmeric is known to fortify and warming to the entire body [28]. In Ayurvedic rehearses, turmeric is thought to have numerous restorative properties including fortifying the general vitality of the body, alleviating gas, dispersing worms, improving absorption, managing monthly cycle, dissolving gallstones, and calming joint inflammation. Indians use turmeric, notwithstanding its Ayurvedic applications, to clean the blood and cure skin conditions. In Ayurvedic medication, turmeric is a well-recorded treatment for different respiratory conditions just as for liver issue, anorexia, ailment, diabetic injuries, runny nose, hack, and sinusitis; turmeric has been utilized to treat sprains and growing. Various lines of proof recommend that turmeric displays mitigating movement [30]. The Ayurvedic drug, curcumin, is utilized as a treatment for an assortment of wellbeing conditions, including respiratory disease, liver, issue, fiery issue, and diabetic wounds. In old Hindu prescriptions, it was utilized topically to treat sprains and growing. In conventional Chinese medication, curcumin is basically utilized in treatment for conditions related to stomach torment [26].


In nutshell, spices are diversified in nature widely used in Indian culinary as well as at international level as flavoring, coloring, and preservative agents. Spices are being used as staple dietary additives since long time in India. The study explores the seven spices that include cumin, clove, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, fenugreek, and cardamom on the basis of culinary uses as well as medical uses. Rather than culinary uses, these spices have many medicated properties including antibacterial, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antiseptic, and carminative. Characteristics of spices can be explored from the food panorama. Many spices are used in healing of injury, toothaches, chest pain, menstrual unbalance, and many more. The study also explore the role of spices in balancing the blood sugar as well as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, hypertension, and AIDS. Spices, as a part of daily dietary, help to adjust the lipid profile and reduce the glucose level at par. Many spices like cardamom help in gastrointestinal disorder as well as help balance the cholesterol level. Spices can be use in any form as fruit, bark, seeds, and many more.

Spices are being accepted in Ayurveda since a long time. In Ayurveda, spices are used to treat many diseases like gynecological problems, gastric problems, hepatic disorders, infectious diseases, and blood disorders.

The above investigation improvements are well in progress through proof-based systems for substantiating wellbeing claims identified with nourishments for a sound heart. At present, suggestions are justified to help the utilization of nourishments wealthy in bioactive segments, such spices. With time, we can hope to see a more prominent collection of logical proof supporting the advantages of spices in the general upkeep of a solid heart which is the most significant organ for each beat of life and assurance from infections of the heart.

Availability of data and materials

This study is a review article. The data is collected and reviewed through various research papers/articles from National and International journals.

The details are attached in the reference section.

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I am grateful to Dr. Arun Kumar, Assistant Professor-II, Department of Pharmacology, Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Gurugram, Haryana, India. He helps me at every point which is related to pharmacy and medical terms to complete the study.


Pursuing PhD-Hospitality from G.DGoenka University, Gurugram, Harayana, India, M.Sc- Hotel management, Masters in Tourism management.


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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic (10)

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Kumar, V. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Seven spices of India—from kitchen to clinic. J. Ethn. Food 7, 23 (2020).

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