Red meat, processed meat and cancer (2024)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (1)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (2) 1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Your results: You could reduce your cancer risk by modifying some lifestyle choices

Explore your cards to learn about your risk of cancer:

UV Exposure


Passive Smoke





Red Meat

Red Meat

Processed Meat

Processed Meat



Physical Activity

UV Exposure

UV Exposure


Passive Smoke




Red Meat

Processed Meat



Physical Activity

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Learn more about reducing your cancer risk at

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (29)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (30)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (31)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (32)

Excellent! Keep up your sun protection

Great work! By using all 5 forms of sun protection you are reducing your risk of melanoma and other skin cancers.

How UV exposure causes cancer

UV radiation comes in different wavelengths called Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB). UVA penetrates deeply into the skin causing damage to cells while UVB penetrates the top layer of the skin causing cell damage and is the wavelength responsible for sunburn, a significant risk factor for melanoma.

When UV levels are 3 and above use a combination of sun protection measures to reduce your risk of skin cancer: clothing, sunscreen, hats, shade and sunglasses.

See more tips

  • Slip on clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible
  • Slop on at least broad-spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen
  • Slap on a wide-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire-style hat
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on close-fitting wraparound sunglasses

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (33)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (34)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (35)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (36)

You told us you:

  • Used to smoke

Excellent! Keep it up

10 years after quitting, your risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still smoking.

How smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

By quitting smoking you're not just reducing your cancer risk; you're improving your family's health and saving money too.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (37)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (38)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (39)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (40)

Excellent! Keep it up

Did you know 1 in 5 cancer deaths are caused by smoking? Well done, you've significantly reduced your risk of cancer.

How smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

Not smoking is the best way to reduce your cancer risk and create a healthy environment for family and friends around you.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (41)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (42)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (43)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (44)

You told us:

  • Both your home and car are smoke-free

Excellent! Keep it up

Well done. Did you know that 6% of lung cancer cases are caused by second-hand smoke from a partner?

How passive smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

When smokers expose non-smokers to second-hand smoke, they inhale many of the same cancer-causing chemicals that smokers inhale.

There's no safe level of exposure so having a smoke-free home and car is a great way to protect you and your family.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (45)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (46)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (47)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (48)

You told us you:

  • Don't drink

Excellent! Keep it up

Not drinking reduces the risk of 7 cancers.

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. Alcohol can also impact the levels of hormones that are linked to breast cancer. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

If you don't drink, it's healthiest not to start. And by not drinking, you're also supporting others in being alcohol-free.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (49)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (50)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (51)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (52)

You told us you:

  • Have 1 - 2 standard drinks

Try to cut down your alcohol intake

Did you know that your risk of developing cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume?

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. Alcohol can also impact the levels of hormones that are linked to breast cancer. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

Any reduction in the amount of alcohol you drink will reduce your cancer risk. Pick up water to quench your thirst.

See more tips

  • Even drinking small amounts of alcohol increases your cancer risk
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 2 standard drinks per day. Keep in mind that drinks served at home, in restaurants and bars are usually more than a standard drink
  • Pick up water to quench your thirst, instead of reaching for a beer, wine or spirit
  • Commit to having some alcohol-free days each week

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (53)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (54)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (55)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (56)

You told us you:

  • Eat 2 or more serves of fruit a day

Excellent! Keep eating 2 serves of fruit a day

Eating at least 2 serves of fruit each day helps reduce your risk of lung and oesophageal cancers.

How fruit prevents cancer

Fruit is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because fruit is rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, it helps maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Keep it up and start early each day. Top your favourite breakfast cereal with banana, berries or canned fruit such as peaches or apricots.

See more tips

  • Make fruit a go-to snack. Grab an apple, banana or add chopped fruit to yoghurt

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (57)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (58)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (59)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (60)

You told us you:

  • Eat 5 or more serves of vegetables a day

Excellent! Keep eating 5 serves of vegetables a day

Nice work. Eating at least 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables each day helps reduce your risk of oesophageal, lung, bowel and some mouth and throat cancers.

How vegetables prevent cancer

Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, they help maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Keep it up. Try serving salad at lunch and adding baby spinach, tomato, carrot and cucumber to a sandwich or wrap.

See more tips

  • Make vegetables your go-to snack. Try raw vegie sticks and dip, corn on the cob, or vegie muffins and pikelets
  • Start early in the day. Try baked beans or spinach and tomato on toast at breakfast
  • Vegie-boost your meals. Try reducing meat and increasing vegetables on pizza and in curries, stir fries and mince dishes
  • Make simple changes every day. Try adding salad to sandwiches or having extra vegetables with dinner

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (61)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (62)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (63)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (64)

You told us you:

  • Don't eat red meat.

Not eating red meat reduces your cancer risk

Limiting consumption of red and processed meat decreases your risk of bowel cancer.

How red meat causes cancer

Current research shows that there are certain naturally-occuring chemicals in red meat that cause it to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.

Add beans, lentils, eggs, fish or chicken to your meals for a protein boost, or sprinkle on some nuts or seeds.

See more tips

  • Try a vegie pattie burger, vegetable lasagne, tofu stir fry or a falafel wrap

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (65)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (66)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (67)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (68)

You told us you:

  • Eat 1-4 serves of red meat per week

Your red meat intake is in the healthy range

Did you know that eating too much red and processed meat causes 18% of bowel cancer cases?

How red meat causes cancer

Current research shows that there are certain naturally-occuring chemicals in red meat that cause it to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.

Try a vegie pattie burger, vegetable lasagne, tofu stir fry or a falafel wrap.

See more tips

  • Reduce your red meat portions, and swap red meat for chicken or fish
  • Add eggs, beans, lentils, fish or chicken to your meals for a protein boost

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (69)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (70)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (71)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (72)

You told us you:

  • Eat 5-7 serves of red meat per week

Your red meat intake is in the healthy range

Did you know that eating too much red and processed meat causes 18% of bowel cancer cases?

How red meat causes cancer

Current research shows that there are certain naturally-occuring chemicals in red meat that cause it to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.

Add eggs, beans, lentils, fish or chicken to your meals for a protein boost, or sprinkle on some nuts or seeds.

See more tips

  • Reduce your red meat portions, and swap red meat for chicken or fish
  • Try a vegie pattie burger, vegetable lasagne, tofu stir fry or a falafel wrap

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (73)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (74)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (75)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (76)

You told us you:

  • Don't eat processed meats

Not eating processed meat reduces your cancer risk

Consuming too much red and processed meat causes 18% of bowel cancer cases.

How processed meat causes cancer

Processed meat is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization.Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in processed meats – both added and naturally occurring – that cause them to be carcinogenic. For example, when processed meat is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer. In addition, the nitrite and nitrate preservatives used to preserve processed meat produce these N-nitroso chemicals and can lead to bowel cancer.

Keep it up. Add egg, tuna or chicken to your sandwich or salad at lunch time for a protein boost.

See more tips

  • Add chicken, mushrooms, eggplant or capsicum to your pizza or pasta
  • Try some marinated chicken, grilled fish, vegie kebabs or lentil patties on the BBQ
  • In your weekend fry up use grilled tomato, fresh avocado or sauteed mushrooms

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (77)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (78)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (79)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (80)

You told us you:

  • Eat less than 1 serve of processed meat a week

Limiting processed meat reduces your cancer risk

Did you know that eating too much red and processed meat causes 18% of bowel cancer cases?

How processed meat causes cancer

Processed meat is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization.Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in processed meats – both added and naturally occurring – that cause them to be carcinogenic. For example, when processed meat is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer. In addition, the nitrite and nitrate preservatives used to preserve processed meat produce these N-nitroso chemicals and can lead to bowel cancer.

Try leaving the proscuitto and pepperoni out of your pizza or pasta. Add mushrooms, chicken, eggplant or capsicum instead.

See more tips

  • Add egg, tuna or chicken to your sandwich or salad at lunch time for a protein boost
  • Cut out sausages and try some marinated chicken, grilled fish, vegie kebabs or lentil patties on the BBQ instead
  • Swap the bacon in your weekend fry up with some grilled tomato, fresh avocado or sauteed mushrooms

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (81)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (82)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (83)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (84)

A healthy weight reduces your cancer risk

Achieving a healthy weight reduces your risk of 11 different cancers including bowel, pancreatic, kidney and liver cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells.

While being underweight does not increase your risk of cancer, for optimal health aim for a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (85)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (86)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (87)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (88)

A healthy weight reduces your cancer risk

Achieving a healthy weight reduces your risk of 11 different cancers including bowel, pancreatic, kidney and liver cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells. Excess body weight can also increase sex steroid hormones, which is linked to endometrial and breast (post-menopause) cancer.

While being underweight does not increase your risk of cancer, for optimal health aim for a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (89)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (90)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (91)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (92)

Keep it up. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces your risk of 11 different cancers including bowel, pancreatic, kidney and liver cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells.

Maintain a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 to reduce your cancer risk.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods
  • Limit the portion size of your meals and snacks

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (93)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (94)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (95)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (96)

Keep it up. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces your risk of 11 different cancers including breast (post-menopause), bowel, endometrial and ovarian cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells. Excess body weight can also increase sex steroid hormones, which is linked to endometrial and breast (post-menopause) cancer.

Maintain a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 to reduce your cancer risk.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods
  • Limit the portion size of your meals and snacks

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (97)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (98)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (99)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (100)

You told us you:

  • Are physically active 5-7 days a week

Keep it up. Find more ways to be physically active each day.

At least 60 minutes of moderate or 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity every day reduces your cancer risk.

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Pick up some more vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead or exercise with a friend
  • Make a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (101)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (102)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (103)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (104)

Cut down your UV exposure

Did you know that UV radiation from the sun causes more than 95% of all skin cancers?

How UV exposure causes cancer

UV radiation comes in different wavelengths called Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB). UVA penetrates deeply into the skin causing damage to cells while UVB penetrates the top layer of the skin causing cell damage and is the wavelength responsible for sunburn, a significant risk factor for melanoma.

When UV levels are 3 and above use a combination of sun protection measures to reduce your risk of skin cancer: clothing, sunscreen, hats, shade and sunglasses.

See more tips

  • Slip on clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible
  • Slop on at least broad-spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen
  • Slap on a wide-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire-style hat
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on close-fitting wraparound sunglasses

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (105)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (106)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (107)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (108)

Pick up more sun protection

Did you know that UV radiation from the sun causes more than 95% of all skin cancers?

How UV exposure causes cancer

UV radiation comes in different wavelengths called Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB). UVA penetrates deeply into the skin causing damage to cells while UVB penetrates the top layer of the skin causing cell damage and is the wavelength responsible for sunburn, a significant risk factor for melanoma.

When UV levels are 3 and above use a combination of sun protection measures to reduce your risk of skin cancer: clothing, sunscreen, hats, shade and sunglasses.

See more tips

  • Slip on clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible
  • Slop on at least broad-spectrum SPF30+ sunscreen
  • Slap on a wide-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire-style hat
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on close-fitting wraparound sunglasses

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (109)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (110)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (111)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (112)

You told us you:

  • Smoke daily

Cut out smoking

Did you know 1 in 5 cancer deaths are caused by smoking?

How smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

Quitting smoking is the best way to reduce your cancer risk. Set a quit date and seek support from family and friends. For more tips visit

See more tips

  • Set a quit date and seek support from family and friends
  • Speak to your GP or use nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medication to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms
  • Avoid situations where you're tempted to smoke
  • Visit or call the Quitline on 13 18 48 for more tips and support

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (113)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (114)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (115)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (116)

You told us you:

  • Smoke occasionally

Cut out smoking

A 'light smoker' is 3 times more likely to develop lung cancer compared to a non-smoker.

How smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

Every cigarette increases your cancer risk, so avoid situations where you're tempted to smoke. For support visit

See more tips

  • Set a quit date and seek support from family and friends
  • Speak to your GP or use nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medication to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms
  • Avoid situations where you're tempted to smoke
  • Visit or call the Quitline on 13 18 48 for more tips and support

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (117)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (118)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (119)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (120)

You told us you:

  • Don't have a smoke-free home or car

Cut out passive smoking

There is no safe level of exposure. Exposure to second-hand smoke puts non-smokers at risk of lung cancer.

How passive smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

When smokers expose non-smokers to second-hand smoke, they inhale many of the same cancer-causing chemicals that smokers inhale.

The only way to fully protect your family and friends is to not allow smoking in your home and car. For support visit

See more tips

  • Keep indoor areas and vehicles smoke-free; dispose of all cigarettes, lighters and matches from your home and car to prevent the temptation to smoke
  • Let guests know that your home is smoke-free and designate an outdoor area out of sight of children and away from windows and doors to prevent smoke drifting back inside
  • For long car trips, especially with others in the car, use nicotine replacement therapy (for example, gum or patches) to help with cravings
  • If you need to leave a child or other dependent alone at home while you smoke, seek assistance from a friend, family member or neighbour

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (121)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (122)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (123)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (124)

You told us you:

  • Don't have a smoke-free home

Cut out passive smoking

There is no safe level of exposure. Exposure to second-hand smoke puts non-smokers at risk of lung cancer.

How passive smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

When smokers expose non-smokers to second-hand smoke, they inhale many of the same cancer-causing chemicals that smokers inhale.

The only way to fully protect your family and friends is to not allow smoking in your home. For support visit

See more tips

  • Keep all indoor areas smoke-free. If that’s not possible, have at least one smoke-free area for yourself
  • Dispose of all cigarettes, lighters and matches from your home to resist the temptation to smoke
  • Let guests know that your home is smoke-free and designate an outdoor area out of sight of children and away from windows and doors to prevent smoke drifting back inside

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (125)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (126)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (127)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (128)

You told us you:

  • Don't have a smoke-free car

Cut out passive smoking

There is no safe level of exposure. Exposure to second-hand smoke puts non-smokers at risk of lung cancer.

How passive smoking causes cancer

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals including 69 that are carcinogens (known to cause cancer). When you inhale, these chemicals enter your lungs and spread through your body via blood and lymph systems. This can interrupt normal cell growth, causing cells to multiply too fast or develop abnormally, which can (and often does) result in cancer cells.

When smokers expose non-smokers to second-hand smoke, they inhale many of the same cancer-causing chemicals that smokers inhale.

The only way to fully protect your family and friends is to not allow smoking in your car. For support visit

See more tips

  • Make your car smoke-free to protect you and your passengers. It will also prevent you from getting a fine if there are minors in the car
  • Dispose of all cigarettes, lighters and matches from your car to resist the temptation to smoke
  • Instead of smoking when you're stuck in traffic, take deep breaths, put on some music or drink water
  • For long car trips, especially with others in the car, use nicotine replacement therapy (for example, gum or patches) to help with cravings

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (129)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (130)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (131)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (132)

You told us you:

  • Have 3-4 standard drinks

Cut down your alcohol intake

Did you know that drinking more than 2 standard drinks increases your risk of bowel, oesophageal, mouth and throat cancer?

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

Try having some alcohol-free days each week, and limit yourself to 2 drinks on the days when you do drink.

See more tips

  • Cut down your alchohol consumption. Any reduction will reduce your cancer risk
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 2 standard drinks per day
  • Pick up water to quench your thirst, instead of reaching for a beer, wine or spirit
  • Commit to having some alcohol-free days each week

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (133)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (134)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (135)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (136)

You told us you:

  • Have 5 or more standard drinks

Cut down your alcohol intake

Did you know that drinking more than 2 standard drinks increases your risk of bowel, oesophageal, mouth and throat cancer?

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

Try having some alcohol-free days each week, and limit yourself to 2 drinks on the days when you do drink.

See more tips

  • Cut down your alchohol consumption. Any reduction will reduce your cancer risk
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 2 standard drinks per day
  • Pick up water to quench your thirst, instead of reaching for a beer, wine or spirit
  • Commit to having some alcohol-free days each week

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (137)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (138)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (139)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (140)

You told us you:

  • Have 3-4 standard drinks

Cut down your alcohol intake

Did you know that drinking more than 2 standard drinks increases your risk of breast, bowel, oesophageal, mouth and throat cancer?

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. Alcohol can also impact the levels of hormones that are linked to breast cancer. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

Reducing the amount of alcohol you drink not only cuts your cancer risk, but helps you lose weight by cutting kilojoules.

See more tips

  • Cut down your alchohol consumption. Any reduction will reduce your cancer risk
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 2 standard drinks per day
  • Pick up water to quench your thirst, instead of reaching for a beer, wine or spirit
  • Commit to having some alcohol-free days each week

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (141)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (142)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (143)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (144)

You told us you:

  • Have 5 or more standard drinks

Cut down your alcohol intake

Did you know that drinking more than 2 standard drinks increases your risk of breast, bowel, oesophageal, mouth and throat cancer?

How alcohol causes cancer

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, which irritates your body’s cells. Over a prolonged period of time (even with moderate amounts), this cell irritation can lead to cancer. Alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing cancer in these parts of the body. Alcohol can also impact the levels of hormones that are linked to breast cancer. And when alcohol is digested it can break down into compounds that cause bowel cancer. Your risk of getting cancer increases with every alcoholic drink you consume.

Reducing the amount of alcohol you drink not only cuts your cancer risk, but helps you lose weight by cutting kilojoules.

See more tips

  • Cut down your alchohol consumption. Any reduction will reduce your cancer risk
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 2 standard drinks per day
  • Pick up water to quench your thirst, instead of reaching for a beer, wine or spirit
  • Commit to having some alcohol-free days each week

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (145)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (146)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (147)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (148)

You told us you:

  • Eat 0 serves of fruit a day

Pick up more fruit

Each year, more than 1,500 cancers diagnosed in Australian adults could be prevented by eating 2 serves of fruit each day.

How fruit prevents cancer

Fruit is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because fruit is rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, it helps maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Make fruit a go-to snack to reduce your cancer risk. Grab an apple, banana or add chopped fruit to yoghurt.

See more tips

  • Top your favorite breakfast cereal with banana, berries or canned fruit such as peaches or apricots

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (149)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (150)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (151)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (152)

You told us you:

  • Eat 1 serve of fruit a day

Pick up more fruit

Each year, more than 1,500 cancers diagnosed in Australian adults could be prevented by eating 2 serves of fruit each day.

How fruit prevents cancer

Fruit is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because fruit is rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, it helps maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Make fruit a go-to snack to reduce your cancer risk. Grab an apple, banana or add chopped fruit to yoghurt.

See more tips

  • Top your favorite breakfast cereal with banana, berries or canned fruit such as peaches or apricots

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (153)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (154)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (155)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (156)

You told us you:

  • Eat 1 or less serves of vegetables a day

Pick up more vegetables

Eating less than the recommended 5 daily serves of vegetables is a leading dietary risk factor for a number of diseases, including cancer.

How vegetables prevent cancer

Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, they help maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Make simple changes every day. Try adding salad to sandwiches or having extra vegetables with dinner.

See more tips

  • Make vegetables your go-to snack. Try raw vegie sticks and dip, corn on the cob, or vegie muffins and pikelets
  • Start early in the day. Try baked beans or spinach and tomato on toast at breakfast
  • Vegie-boost your meals. Try reducing meat and increasing vegetables on pizza and in curries, stir fries and mince dishes

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (157)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (158)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (159)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (160)

You told us you:

  • Eat 2 serves of vegetables a day

Pick up more vegetables

Eating less than the recommended 5 daily serves of vegetables is a leading dietary risk factor for a number of diseases, including cancer.

How vegetables prevent cancer

Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, they help maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Make simple changes every day. Try adding salad to sandwiches or having extra vegetables with dinner.

See more tips

  • Make vegetables your go-to snack. Try raw vegie sticks and dip, corn on the cob, or vegie muffins and pikelets
  • Start early in the day. Try baked beans or spinach and tomato on toast at breakfast
  • Vegie-boost your meals. Try reducing meat and increasing vegetables on pizza and in curries, stir fries and mince dishes

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (161)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (162)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (163)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (164)

You told us you:

  • Eat 3 serves of vegetables a day

Pick up more vegetables

Eating less than the recommended 5 daily serves of vegetables is a leading dietary risk factor for a number of diseases, including cancer.

How vegetables prevent cancer

Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, they help maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Vegie-boost your meals. Try reducing meat and increasing vegetables on pizza and in curries, stir fries and and mince dishes.

See more tips

  • Make vegetables your go-to snack. Try raw vegie sticks and dip, corn on the cob, or vegie muffins and pikelets
  • Start early in the day. Try baked beans or spinach and tomato on toast at breakfast
  • Make simple changes every day. Try adding salad to sandwiches or having extra vegetables with dinner

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (165)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (166)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (167)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (168)

You told us you:

  • Eat 4 serves of vegetables a day

Almost there! Pick up 1 more serve

Did you know that a fibre-rich diet including 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables can help prevent 1 in 6 bowel cancer cases?

How vegetables prevent cancer

Vegetables are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals which, in combination, help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Because vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in kilojoules, they help maintain a healthy body weight, adding further protection against cancer. Excess fat around the stomach and obesity are well-documented risk factors for some cancers of the stomach, bowel, breast (post-menopause), oesophagus, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, endometrium, ovary and prostate (advanced).

Go 1 serve further! Start early in the day with baked beans on toast for breakfast. Legumes (e.g. lentils, chickpeas and beans) count as a vegetable.

See more tips

  • Make vegetables your go-to snack. Try raw vegie sticks and dip, corn on the cob, or vegie muffins and pikelets
  • Vegie-boost your meals. Try reducing meat and increasing vegetables on pizza and in curries, stir fries and mince dishes
  • Make simple changes every day. Try adding salad to sandwiches or having extra vegetables with dinner

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (169)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (170)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (171)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (172)

You told us you:

  • Eat more than 8 serves of red meat per week

Cut down your red meat intake

Eating more than 700g (raw weight) of red meat per week increases your risk of bowel cancer.

How red meat causes cancer

Current research shows that there are certain naturally-occuring chemicals in red meat that cause it to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.

Reduce your meat portions. Have a meat-free day and include some chicken or fish meals each week.

See more tips

  • Swap red meat for chicken or fish
  • Add eggs, beans, lentils, fish or chicken to your meals for a protein boost
  • Try a vegie pattie burger, vegetable lasagne, tofu stir fry or a falafel wrap

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (173)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (174)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (175)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (176)

You told us you:

  • Eat 1-2 serves serves of processed meat a week

Cut down your processed meat intake

Did you know that every 50g of processed meat you eat each day increases your risk of getting bowel cancer by 18%?

How processed meat causes cancer

Processed meat is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization.Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in processed meats – both added and naturally occurring – that cause them to be carcinogenic. For example, when processed meat is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer. In addition, the nitrite and nitrate preservatives used to preserve processed meat produce these N-nitroso chemicals and can lead to bowel cancer.

Cut out sausages and try some marinated chicken, grilled fish, vegie kebabs or lentil patties on the BBQ instead

See more tips

  • Add egg, tuna or chicken to your sandwich or salad at lunch time for a protein boost
  • Swap the bacon in your weekend fry up with some grilled tomato, fresh avocado or sauteed mushrooms
  • Swap the prosciutto and pepperoni in your pizza or pasta with chicken, mushrooms, eggplant or capsicum

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (177)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (178)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (179)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (180)

You told us you:

  • Eat more than 3 serves of processed meat a week

Cut down your processed meat intake

Did you know that every 50g of processed meat you eat each day increases your risk of getting bowel cancer by 18%?

How processed meat causes cancer

Processed meat is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization.Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in processed meats – both added and naturally occurring – that cause them to be carcinogenic. For example, when processed meat is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer. In addition, the nitrite and nitrate preservatives used to preserve processed meat produce these N-nitroso chemicals and can lead to bowel cancer.

Swap the bacon in your weekend fry up with some grilled tomato, fresh avocado or sauteed mushrooms.

See more tips

  • Add egg, tuna or chicken to your sandwich or salad at lunch time for a protein boost
  • Cut out sausages and try some marinated chicken, grilled fish, vegie kebabs or lentil patties on the BBQ instead
  • Swap the prosciutto and pepperoni in your pizza or pasta with chicken, mushrooms, eggplant or capsicum

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (181)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (182)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (183)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (184)

Being overweight increases your cancer risk

Being overweight increases your risk of 11 different cancers including breast (post-menopause), bowel, endometrial and ovarian cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells. Excess body weight can also increase sex steroid hormones, which is linked to endometrial and breast (post-menopause) cancer.

Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 to reduce your cancer risk.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods
  • Limit the portion size of your meals and snacks

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (185)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (186)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (187)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (188)

Being overweight increases your cancer risk

Being overweight increases your risk of 11 different cancers including bowel, pancreatic, kidney and liver cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells.

Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 to reduce your cancer risk.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods
  • Limit the portion size of your meals and snacks

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (189)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (190)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (191)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (192)

A healthy weight reduces your cancer risk

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces your risk of 11 different cancers including breast (post-menopause), bowel, endometrial and ovarian cancer.

How being overweight increases cancer risk

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance, which causes the pancreas to produce more insulin. Elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells. Excess body weight can also increase sex steroid hormones, which is linked to endometrial and breast (post-menopause) cancer.Maintain a healthy body weight within a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 to reduce your cancer risk.

See more tips

  • Cut out unhealthy snacks, and replace them with nuts, fruit, yoghurt or cheese
  • Swap sugary drinks for water
  • Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain and high fibre foods
  • Limit the portion size of your meals and snacks

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (193)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (194)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (195)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (196)

You told us you:

  • Are never physically active

Start adding physical activity to your week

Did you know your cancer risk decreases if you sit less and are physically active for at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week?

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Cut down on TV time and get up from your chair. Build 30 minutes of walking into your day.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead or exercise with a friend
  • Make a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine
  • Pick up vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (197)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (198)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (199)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (200)

You told us you:

  • Are physically active 1-2 days a week

Pick up more physical activity each week

Over 700 cases of bowel cancer can be prevented a year if Australians are physically active for at least 150 minutes per week.

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Make exercise such as a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead or exercise with a friend
  • Pick up more vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (201)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (202)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (203)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (204)

You told us you:

  • Are physically active 1-2 days a week

Pick up more physical activity each week

Over 1,800 cases of bowel, breast (post-menopause) and endometrial cancer could be prevented each year if Australians were physically active for more than 150 minutes per week.

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead (have your walking shoes ready) or exercise with a friend.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Make a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine
  • Pick up more vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (205)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (206)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (207)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (208)

You told us you:

  • Are physically active 3-4 days a week

Pick up more physical activity each week

Over 700 cases of bowel cancer can be prevented a year if Australians are physically active for at least 150 minutes per week.

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Make exercise such as a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead or exercise with a friend
  • Pick up more vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (209)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (210)1 in 3 cases of cancer can be prevented.

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (211)

Red meat, processed meat and cancer (212)

You told us you:

  • Are physically active 3-4 days a week

Pick up more physical activity each week

Over 1,800 cases of bowel, breast (post-menopause) and endometrial cancer could be prevented each year if Australians were physically active for more than 150 minutes per week.

How physical activity prevents cancer

Besides fighting off weight gain and obesity, physical activity can reduce insulin and insulin-like growth factors which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Exercise also reduces exposure to dietary carcinogens by speeding up food passing through the bowel.

Choose activities you enjoy, plan ahead (have your walking shoes ready) or exercise with a friend.

See more tips

  • Cut down on screen time, get up from your seat - at home and work
  • Make a brisk walk, swim or fun in the park part of your daily routine
  • Pick up more vigorous exercise. Go for a short jog, a fast cycle or do an aerobics class

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Red meat, processed meat and cancer (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.