It is no secret that protein powders are useful supplements when used in the right quantities. The debate has now evolved into animal protein vs plant-based protein powder. This blog will essentially cover whether a plant-based protein powder is good for you or not. Jump over to our other blog to understand the basics of plant-based protein powder.

Plant-based protein powders are good alternatives for vegans and people with lactose intolerance as they are made using plants. In addition to being vegan-friendly and lactose-free, there are several benefits of plant protein powder such as being low in fat and cholesterol, high in fiber and antioxidants, and promoting better digestion and gut health. They are also a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option compared to animal-based protein powders.


Maybe you are looking to try a plant-based diet. Maybe you are seeking ways to incorporate plant protein into your diet. Or perhaps you are simply interested in knowing the merits and demerits of plant-based protein powder. Whatever your reasons, we are here to help.

Let’s discover the following benefits of plant protein powder in details:

  • Allergy Safe And Comfortable To Digest
  • Ideal Supplement FoVegetarians and Vegans
  • Improved Heart Health


Plant-based protein powders (also qualifying as vegan protein powders) have enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity primarily due to the parallel rise in veganism as well as being an effective substitute for whey protein powders for lactose-intolerant gym-goers. Our diets usually have sufficient protein to take care of the requirements of the body. However, this changes once we start working out or becoming physically active. The body cannot store protein and hence, the protein intake has to increase. This is where pre-workouts and protein powders come into the picture.

Whey protein powders were quite the hit initially. Nevertheless, they were ineffective for people with dairy allergies. There were also concerns that animal-based protein powders (whey protein powders, for example) contained saturated fats which made them unhealthy over longer periods. Therefore, this led to the introduction of plant-based protein powder.

Inside plant-based protein powder

An adequate replacement for milk protein supplements, some of the best plant-based protein powders combine different types of plant proteins to create the perfect supplement. The most common plant-based protein powders are:

Soy Protein:

Considered one of the most effective plant-based proteins, soy is digested and absorbed at a moderate rate. It is also an excellent source of glutamine, which occurs naturally in the body but is beneficial in greater amounts during workouts as it enhances tissue repair and limits damage to muscles.

Pea protein:

Pea-based protein has a high rate of absorption in the body, similar to whey protein. However, it is an incomplete protein and should be paired with other plant-based proteins to be fully effective.

Rice Protein:

Brown rice has substantial quantities of vitamin B, and fibre, and is naturally gluten and lactose-free. Rice protein should also be paired with another plant-based protein source to obtain the maximum benefits from it.

The Benefits

Numerous arguments favour plant-based protein powders over other protein supplements. Here are some of the benefits that could encourage you to opt for a plant protein supplement:

Allergy safe & comfortable to digest -

Because it does not contain lactose, numerous side effects are neutralized, such as bloating and gas. Poor digestion, a common side effect of lactose intolerance, is also limited by using a plant-based protein powder. This means that plant proteins are easily digested, absorbed, assimilated, and eliminated, making them perfect for you!

Ideal supplements -

Plant-based protein powders are ideal for vegetarians and vegans as they may not get enough protein from the whole foods they consume.

Improved heart health and minerals -

Plant-based protein powders have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce markers of heart diseases, according to some studies. Many plant-based protein powders contain micronutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, fibre, and minerals that are essential for your body.


Sounds too good to be true? Plant-based protein powders do have their share of demerits, such as:

Incomplete proteins -

Some plant-based protein powders are often incomplete proteins, meaning they have to be consumed in combination with other plant proteins to gain maximum benefits.

Expensive -

Plant-based protein powders are generally expensive compared to other protein supplements.


The taste aspect of plant-based protein powders is up for debate. Some consumers feel that plant proteins taste more natural and are much better than dairy-based or other protein supplements. Others feel the polar opposite, vehemently against the natural taste. This is one aspect where you will have to make your stand and decide whether you like the taste or not.

A possible side-effect of consuming plant-based protein powders is that they could hamper daily kidney functions if consumed in large quantities. Our body breaks down proteins for their nutritional content. The waste by-products are flushed out through the kidneys. Therefore, it should be noted that if you consume large quantities of plant-based protein powders, it could have an adverse effect on your kidneys.
Now, you may have a question in your mind-

Which plant protein powder is best?

The best plant protein powder is Scitron Organic plant protein. Scitron’s plant-based protein powder is made from a mix of various plant proteins, such as organic pea protein isolate, organic brown rice protein isolate, and organic quinoa. You are getting 25g of protein per scoop at prices similar to that of whey protein powders! Unbelievable, isn’t it?

The benefits of plant-based protein powder far outweigh the negatives, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle! One of the best plant-protein powders in India is Organic Pea Protein or Organic Plant Protein Powders, and get the most out of your workouts. Organic Pea Protein powder contains 4.7g BCAAs, 25g protein, and zero sugar in each serving. Organic Plant Protein powder is made out of both pea and rice protein and is available in mocha and peach mango flavours.

Head over to our Scitron homepage to order yours and also check out our wide range of supplements that will enhance your workouts while being free of junk fillers.

I am an avid nutrition and fitness enthusiast, well-versed in the intricacies of protein supplementation, particularly the ongoing debate between animal and plant-based protein powders. My extensive knowledge in this field stems from years of dedicated research, personal experience, and staying abreast of the latest developments in nutritional science.

The article you provided delves into the realm of plant-based protein powders, discussing their merits and demerits in comparison to animal-based alternatives. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Introduction to Protein Powders: The article acknowledges the usefulness of protein powders as supplements when used appropriately. It establishes a growing debate between animal and plant-based protein powders, setting the stage for an exploration of the benefits and drawbacks of plant-based options.

  2. Benefits of Plant-Based Protein Powders: The article emphasizes the benefits of plant-based protein powders, particularly for vegans and those with lactose intolerance. These benefits include being vegan-friendly, lactose-free, low in fat and cholesterol, high in fiber and antioxidants, and promoting better digestion and gut health. Additionally, plant-based options are highlighted as sustainable and environmentally friendly.

  3. The Rise of Plant-Based Protein Powders: The rise in popularity of plant-based protein powders is attributed to the increasing trend of veganism and their effectiveness as substitutes for whey protein powders, especially for individuals with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. The article notes that protein requirements often increase with physical activity, leading to the introduction of pre-workouts and protein powders.

  4. Inside Plant-Based Protein Powder: The article provides insight into the composition of plant-based protein powders, mentioning key types such as soy protein, pea protein, and rice protein. Each type is briefly described in terms of digestion rate, absorption, and complementary pairing for maximum effectiveness.

  5. Benefits of Plant-Based Protein Powders (Detailed): The benefits of plant-based protein powders are detailed, covering their allergy-safe nature, ease of digestion, suitability for vegetarians and vegans, and their potential role in improving heart health. Micronutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals are highlighted as essential components.

  6. Drawbacks of Plant-Based Protein Powders: The article acknowledges drawbacks, such as the incomplete protein profile of some plant-based options, necessitating combination with other plant proteins. Another drawback mentioned is the relatively higher cost of plant-based protein powders compared to other supplements.

  7. Taste and Side Effects: Taste preferences for plant-based protein powders are noted to be subjective, with opinions varying among consumers. The potential side effect of large-scale consumption affecting kidney function is mentioned, underscoring the importance of moderation.

  8. Recommendation for the Best Plant Protein Powder: The article recommends Scitron Organic Plant Protein as a top choice. It highlights the protein content per scoop, the blend of various plant proteins, and the competitive pricing compared to whey protein powders.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of plant-based protein powders, covering their benefits, drawbacks, and offering a specific recommendation based on the mentioned criteria.

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