Paying dividends as a tax planning strategy (2024)

Editor: Trenda B. Hackett, CPA

Qualified dividends are distributions of cash or property made by a domestic or qualified foreign corporation out of its earnings and profits (E&P) to a shareholder with respect to its stock (Sec. 1(h)(11)(B)). To qualify for the reduced rate on dividends, a shareholder must hold the stock for more than 60 days during the 121-day period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date. For preferred stock dividends attributable to a period or periods aggregating more than 366 days (e.g., cumulative preferred stock with dividends in arrears), the holding period is more than 90 days during the 181-day period beginning 90 days before the stock’s ex-dividend date. The holding period includes the date of disposition but not the date of acquisition (Sec. 246(c)(3)(A)).

To receive any dividend, the taxpayer must own the stock at least one day before the ex-dividend date. Because the required holding period is more than 60 days during a period beginning 60 days before the ex-dividend date, this necessarily means that the holding period must include the ex-dividend date. However, the 61-day (or 91-day) holding period does not have to be consecutive. Also, certain transactions that limit the taxpayer’s risk of loss (e.g., short sales and options to sell substantially identical stock or securities) suspend the taxpayer’s holding period until those transactions are closed (Sec. 246(c)(4)).

Paying compensation instead of dividends

For most closely held C corporations, avoiding the double taxation of corporate earnings has been the primary tax planning goal for many years. The traditional approach to the problem is for the corporation to zero out its annual taxable income (or nearly so) by making deductible year-end bonus payments to shareholder-employees. Legitimate corporate payments for shareholder-employee compensation can be deducted as ordinary and necessary business expenses (Sec. 162(a)(1)). Of course, shareholder-employee compensation payments (including year-end bonus amounts) are subject to Social Security tax and Medicare tax (Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax). An additional 0.9% Medicare tax applies to wages above a certain amount ($250,000 for married filing jointly, $200,000 for single filers, and $125,000 for married filing separately).

For tax years 2018–2025, an individual’s taxable income is subject to seven tax brackets: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%. Furthermore, an additional tax applies to higher-income individuals, depending on whether the payment is characterized as compensation or qualified dividends. The additional 0.9% Medicare tax applies to compensation above a certain amount ($250,000 for married filing jointly, $200,000 for single filers, and $125,000 for married filing separately). The 3.8% net investment income tax will cause the maximum rate on qualified dividends to be 18.8% (15% + 3.8%) or 23.8% (20% + 3.8%). The 3.8% net investment income tax applies to taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income above a certain amount ($250,000 for married filing jointly, $125,000 for separate filers, and $200,000 in all other cases).

Example 1. Paying corporate profits as taxable dividends or deductible compensation:Jis a single filer who owns 100% of the outstanding stock ofBInc., an incorporated book shop. IfBhas $100,000 in earnings for the current year, it would owe $21,000 in tax ($100,000 income × 21%). If the after-tax earnings are distributed andJis subject to a 15% qualified dividend tax rate, she would owe $11,850 in tax ([$100,000 − $21,000] × 15%). Out of the $100,000 of corporate earnings, $32,850 would be paid in tax ($21,000 + $11,850).

IfJis subject to a 20% qualified dividend tax rate, she would owe $15,800 in tax ([$100,000 − $21,000] × 20%). Together,BandJwould owe $36,800 in tax ($21,000 + $15,800).

IfJis subject to a 20% qualified dividend tax rate and the 3.8% net investment income tax, she would owe $18,802 in tax ([$100,000 − $21,000] × 23.8%). Out of the $100,000 of corporate earnings, $39,802 would be paid in tax ($21,000 + $18,802).

IfBpays out all taxable income as deductible compensation, it would owe nothing in tax ([$100,000 income − $100,000 deductible compensation] × 21%). IfJis in the 24% marginal tax bracket, she would owe $24,000 in tax ($100,000 × 24%). Out of the $100,000 of corporate earnings, $24,000 would be paid in tax.

IfJis in the 32% marginal tax bracket, she would owe $32,000 in tax ($100,000 × 32%). Out of the $100,000 of corporate earnings, $32,000 would be paid in tax.

IfJis in the top 37% marginal tax bracket, she would owe $37,000 in tax ($100,000 × 37%). She would also owe the additional 0.9% Medicare tax, which applies to wages of $200,000 or more for single filers. (In fact, the 0.9% Medicare tax would apply if she is in the 35% marginal tax bracket, since both kick in near the same $200,000 taxable income threshold.) Out of the $100,000 of corporate earnings, $37,900 would be paid in tax.

This example indicates that paying double-taxed dividends begins to be beneficial when the shareholderemployee’s marginal income tax rate is 32% or higher. But as a practical matter, determining the preferable way to extract cash from a corporation depends on many factors and assumptions. To give meaningful advice, the practitioner needs to work with reasonably accurate dollar amounts and the actual tax rates that the shareholder-employees expect to pay.

Weighing the negative aspects of paying dividends

When considering the dividend strategy, the following points must be kept in mind:

  • Paying out dividends each year after paying nothing in the past may look suspicious to the IRS. One way to justify the corporation’s new practice is to add a group of new shareholders who are not corporate employees. Doing so may make it seem more reasonable for the corporation to start paying meaningful dividends when little or none have been paid in the past.
  • The dividend strategy will not work when there are multiple shareholders, some of whom are employed by the corporation and some of whom are not, because switching to a policy of paying dividends could alter the bottom-line cash flow reaped by the various shareholders. However, when there is just one shareholder, this is not a concern.
  • State income tax implications at the corporate and shareholder levels must be evaluated.

Considering other factors in paying dividends or compensation

The federal income tax treatment of a nonliquidating corporate distribution paid to an individual shareholder generally depends on the amount of the distributing corporation’s E&P. Distributions up to the amount of a domestic corporation’s E&P generally count as qualified dividends eligible for the 15% or 20% maximum federal dividend rate. Distributions in excess of E&P reduce the recipient shareholder’s tax basis in his or her stock (i.e., they are tax-free recoveries of capital). Distributions in excess of stock basis are treated as capital gain and generally qualify for the 15% or 20% maximum rate on long-term capital gains.

Paying dividends to low-bracket shareholders

In the context of family-owned C corporations, existing high-bracket shareholders should consider giving away some stock to low-bracket family members. Recipient shareholders (who are often the shareholder’s child(ren)) with taxable income below a certain threshold may pay no federal income tax on their dividend income (0%). Assuming that the children are not subject to the kiddie tax rules of Sec. 1(g) (under age 18, or age 18–23 if certain requirements are met), any dividends they receive will completely escape tax. In addition, having a group of new shareholders who are not employees makes it seem more reasonable to pay meaningful dividends when little or none have been paid before.

Distributing appreciating assets to shareholders

A C corporation’s distribution of appreciated corporate assets to its shareholders can trigger double taxation. However, the double-tax consequences are less severe under the 15% or 20% maximum individual federal income tax rate on qualified dividends (including dividends paid in the form of appreciated corporate assets). Therefore, corporations should consider distributing appreciated corporate assets, especially when the corporation has losses to offset some or all of the corporate-level gains triggered by the distribution. Another idea is to distribute corporate assets that have not appreciated substantially but that are likely to do so.

Reducing earnings and profits

Many closely held C corporations have built up substantial accumulated E&P balances over the years, mainly because paying dividends would have resulted in double-taxation consequences. These corporations should now consider draining away E&P balances by paying qualified dividends that will be taxed at no more than 15% or 20%, while also keeping in mind the impact of the 3.8% tax on net investment income.

Avoiding corporate-level penalty taxes

The accumulated earnings tax (AET) penalizes the unnecessary accumulation of income within a corporation. The application of the AET is subjective, as it is based on the accumulation of income at the corporate level with an intent to avoid tax at the shareholder level (Sec. 531). The personal holding company (PHC) tax penalizes the use of a corporation to hold an individual’s investments. The calculation of the PHC tax is objective, requiring the use of specific quantitative tests (Sec. 541).

A corporation classified as a PHC can reduce the penalty tax by paying dividends. Several types of dividends can be deducted, including dividends paid during the year or within 3½ months of year end, consent dividends, and liquidating dividends. The dividends-paid deduction for AET purposes generally follows the same rules that apply to the PHC dividends-paid deduction.

Treating qualified dividends as investment income

Investment interest expense is deductible generally only to the extent of net investment income (Sec. 163(d)(1)). Qualified dividend income is not treated as investment income for purposes of Sec. 163 (Sec. 1(h)(11)(D)(i)). However, taxpayers can elect to treat qualified dividend income as investment income (Sec. 163(d)(4)(B)). If the election is made, the dividends treated as investment income will not qualify for taxation at the reduced rates. This gives taxpayers the choice of applying the favorable tax rates to qualified dividend income or using qualified dividend income to offset investment interest expense. It may be possible to save taxes by electing to treat qualified dividends as investment income in lieu of using the reduced net capital gain tax rate, because there may be a better tax benefit to having a larger investment interest deduction than having a lower qualified dividend tax rate. The election should be considered if the taxpayer’s investment interest deduction is limited because the interest exceeds the amount of the net investment income. However, if the taxpayer’s investment interest would be deductible without the election, the election should not be made.

Paying a constructive dividend

A payment made by the corporation primarily for the benefit of a shareholder, as opposed to the business interests of the corporation, will often be treated by the IRS as a constructive dividend. Constructive dividends are generally found in closely held corporations where dealings with shareholders may be informal. The issue of constructive dividends is governed mostly by case law. For example, many cases have held that shareholder expenses paid by the corporation without an expectation of repayment are constructive dividends in an amount equal to the fair market value of the benefit received. A constructive dividend has the same general tax consequences as a true dividend. It is income to the shareholder and is not deductible by the corporation.

Example 2. Paying a constructive dividend:Jis president and sole shareholder ofJJIInc. In addition to payingJa reasonable salary,JJImakes the mortgage payments onJ’s residence as well as paying for the utilities.JJIalso pays other personal living expenses ofJand his family. These payments constitute constructive dividends that will be taxable toJand are not deductible by the corporation.


Trenda B. Hackett,CPA, is an executive editor with Thomson Reuters Checkpoint. For more information about this column, This case study has been adapted fromCheckpoint Tax Planning and Advisory Guide’sclosely held C corporations topic. Published by Thomson Reuters, Carrollton, Texas, 2022 (800-431-9025);

Paying dividends as a tax planning strategy (2024)


Paying dividends as a tax planning strategy? ›

Qualified dividend tax planning is a strategy used by investors to reduce their tax burden by focusing on investments that generate qualified dividends. To optimize after-tax income and comply with tax regulations, investors need to plan carefully for qualified dividends.

What is the tax strategy for dividends? ›

Dividends can qualify for advantageous capital gains tax treatment if stocks are owned long enough. Avoiding all income taxes on dividends is more complicated, though. Options include owning dividend-paying stocks in a tax-advantaged retirement account or 529 plan.

What is the 60 day dividend rule? ›

A dividend is considered qualified if the shareholder has held a stock for more than 60 days in the 121-day period that began 60 days before the ex-dividend date.2 The ex-dividend date is one market day before the dividend's record date.

Can you reinvest dividends to avoid taxes? ›

Reinvested dividends may be treated in different ways, however. Qualified dividends get taxed as capital gains, while non-qualified dividends get taxed as ordinary income. You can avoid paying taxes on reinvested dividends in the year you earn them by holding dividend stocks in a tax-deferred retirement plan.

How to pay zero taxes on dividends? ›

You may be able to avoid all income taxes on dividends if your income is low enough to qualify for zero capital gains if you invest in a Roth retirement account or buy dividend stocks in a tax-advantaged education account.

What is the dividend paying strategy? ›

Dividend investing can be a great investment strategy. Dividend stocks have historically outperformed the S&P 500 with less volatility. That's because dividend stocks provide two sources of return: regular income from dividend payments and capital appreciation of the stock price. This total return can add up over time.

How to avoid tax on dividend income? ›

If your total dividend income is less than Rs. 5,000 in a financial year, then TDS will not apply to your interest income received. 2. You can submit Form 15G/15H to the company or mutual fund declaring that your total income for the financial year is below the taxable limit.

What is 5% dividend rule? ›

For example, if a company issues a stock dividend of 5%, it will pay 0.05 shares for every share owned by a shareholder. The owner of 100 shares would get five additional shares.

What is the 25 special dividend rule? ›

If the dividend is 25% or more of the stock value, special rules apply to the determination of the ex-dividend date. In these cases, the ex-dividend date will be deferred until one business day after the dividend is paid.

How much money until you can live off dividends? ›

How Much Money You Need to Retire on Dividends. As a rough rule of thumb, you can multiply the annual dividend income you wish to generate by 22 and by 28 to establish a reasonable range for how much you need to invest to live off dividends.

What is the downside to reinvesting dividends? ›

Dividend reinvestment has some drawbacks. One downside is that investors have no control over the price at which they buy shares. If the stock gains significant value, they'd still buy shares at what could be a high price.

Are you taxed twice on dividends? ›

Yes, dividends are taxed twice. This concept is known as double taxation. The first round of taxes occurs on the earnings of a company. Dividends come from a company's earnings and then are distributed to shareholders.

Is it better to reinvest dividends or cash? ›

It May Take Longer To Achieve Long-Term Financial Goals: Dividend reinvestment leads to compounded growth. This makes it easier (and faster) to achieve your long-term financial goals versus keeping cash in a savings account.

How to avoid double taxation on dividends? ›

How can C corporations reduce their taxes?
  1. Withhold dividends: Withhold dividend distributions, so that the company's income only gets taxed once at the federal level of 21%. ...
  2. Pay salaries, not dividends: Pay shareholders who work for the corporation salaries instead of dividends.
Jan 9, 2024

What is the $100,000 loophole for family loans? ›

The $100,000 Loophole.

To qualify for this loophole, all outstanding loans between you and the borrower must aggregate to $100,000 or less. Under this loophole, if the borrower's net investment income for the year is no more than $1,000, your taxable imputed interest income is zero.

At what income level are dividends not taxed? ›

2024 Dividend tax rates
2024 Qualified Dividend Tax RateFor Single TaxpayersFor Married Couples Filing Jointly
0%Up to $47,025Up to $94,050
20%More than $518,900More than $583,750

How much tax will I pay on my dividend income? ›

Qualified dividends are taxed at 0%, 15% or 20% depending on taxable income and filing status. Nonqualified dividends are taxed as income at rates up to 37%. IRS form 1099-DIV helps taxpayers to accurately report dividend income.

What are tax advantaged dividends? ›

Regular dividends are taxed as ordinary income, just like interest or work income, even if they are reinvested. Qualified dividends are instead taxed at the more favorable capital gains rate. Keeping dividend flows in tax-exempt accounts like a Roth IRA shields investors from these taxable events.

Are dividends taxed higher than capital gains? ›

Capital gains are charged with high tax amounts, while dividends have low taxes. Investors who get dividends vs. capital gains are applicable to pay tax on these gains. The tax on net capital gains depends on the asset being sold, whether long-term or short-term.

Are dividends good or bad for taxes? ›

If you're investing through a tax-deferred account, dividends won't impact your tax situation. But if you're investing through a taxable account, these dividend payments will lead to additional taxes for you.

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