Overview (2024)

", { 'data-alpha': lowerCase(val.name)[0].toString(), 'data-startmonth': startmonth.toString(), 'data-endmonth': endmonth.toString() }) .append($(ahref)) .append($("", { text: formattedClosureDate.toString() })) .append($("", { text: val.reason.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') })) .append($("", { text: val.remarks.toString() })) $('#hawkerList').append(row); }); } } function filterList(this_obj) { $('#tableShow').hide(); $('#tableHide').show(); $('#hawkerList tr').hide(); if (this_obj != null) this_obj.addClass('active'); var months = $('.monthListing li.active').data('month').split('-'); var alphas = $('.alphaListing li.active').data('alpha').split('-'); $('#hawkerList tr').each(function () { var currentObj = $(this); if (alphas.includes(currentObj.data('alpha')) && ( months.includes('' + currentObj.data('startmonth')) || months.includes('' + currentObj.data('endmonth')) )) { currentObj.show(); $('#tableShow').show(); $('#tableHide').hide(); } }); } function sortList(this_obj) { $('#hawkerList').html(''); $('#tableShow').hide(); $('#tableHide').show(); var dataid = this_obj.data('id'); var dataorderby = this_obj.data('orderby'); var returnASC = -1; var returnDESC = 1; if (dataorderby == 'asc') { dataorderby = 'desc'; returnASC = 1; returnDESC = -1; } else if (dataorderby = 'desc') { dataorderby = 'asc'; returnASC = -1; returnDESC = 1; } hawkerCentres.sort(function (a, b) { if (dataid == 0) { var x = lowerCase(a.name); var y = lowerCase(b.name); if (x > y) return returnDESC;// 1; if (x < y) return returnASC;// -1; } else if (dataid == 1 && a.closuredatestring != b.closuredatestring) { if (a.closuredatestring > b.closuredatestring) return returnDESC;// 1; if (a.closuredatestring < b.closuredatestring) return returnASC;// -1; } return 0; }); generateList(hawkerCentres); filterList(); this_obj.data('orderby', dataorderby); $('#tableShow').show(); $('#tableHide').hide(); } function zoomLocation(id) { hawkerCentres.forEach(function (hawkercentre) { if (hawkercentre.id == id) { var latLngs = [hawkercentre.marker.getLatLng()]; var markerBounds = L.latLngBounds(latLngs); map.fitBounds(markerBounds); hawkercentre.marker.openPopup(); } }); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#onemap').offset().top }, 800, function () { location.hash = '#onemap'; }); } function lowerCase(value) { return value ? value.toLowerCase() : ''; } $(document).ready(function () { $('.monthListing li').on('click', function () { $('.monthListing li').removeClass('active'); filterList($(this)); }); $('.alphaListing li').on('click', function () { $('.alphaListing li').removeClass('active'); filterList($(this)); }); $('.hawker-header').on('click', function () { sortList($(this)); }); var currentMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1; var datamonths = ['1-2-3', '4-5-6', '7-8-9', '10-11-12']; var currentdatamonth = '1-2-3'; datamonths.forEach(function (itemMonth) { itemMonth.split('-').forEach(function (i) { if (i.trim() === currentMonth.toString()) { currentdatamonth = itemMonth; } }); }); $('.monthListing li[data-month="' + currentdatamonth + '"').addClass('active'); getdata(); }); var urlGovapi = 'https://data.gov.sg/api/action/datastore_search?resource_id=b80cb643-a732-480d-86b5-e03957bc82aa&limit=999'; function getdata() { $.get(urlGovapi, function (data) { if (data != null) { for (var i = 0; i < data.result.records.length; i++) { var result = data.result.records[i]; if (lowerCase(result.status) == 'under construction' || lowerCase(result.status) == 'proposed') { continue; } var lat = parseFloat(result.latitude_hc); var lng = parseFloat(result.longitude_hc); var q1_cleaningstartdate = stringToDate(result.q1_cleaningstartdate); var q2_cleaningstartdate = stringToDate(result.q2_cleaningstartdate); var q3_cleaningstartdate = stringToDate(result.q3_cleaningstartdate); var q4_cleaningstartdate = stringToDate(result.q4_cleaningstartdate); var other_works_startdate = stringToDate(result.other_works_startdate); var q1_cleaningenddate = stringToDate(result.q1_cleaningenddate); var q2_cleaningenddate = stringToDate(result.q2_cleaningenddate); var q3_cleaningenddate = stringToDate(result.q3_cleaningenddate); var q4_cleaningenddate = stringToDate(result.q4_cleaningenddate); var other_works_enddate = stringToDate(result.other_works_enddate); var now = new Date(); now = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0); var furuteTime = []; if (now <= q1_cleaningenddate) furuteTime.push({ 'key': 'q1', 'startdate': q1_cleaningstartdate, 'startdate_string': result.q1_cleaningstartdate, 'enddate_string': result.q1_cleaningenddate, 'remark': result.remarks_q1 }); if (now <= q2_cleaningenddate) furuteTime.push({ 'key': 'q2', 'startdate': q2_cleaningstartdate, 'startdate_string': result.q2_cleaningstartdate, 'enddate_string': result.q2_cleaningenddate, 'remark': result.remarks_q2 }); if (now <= q3_cleaningenddate) furuteTime.push({ 'key': 'q3', 'startdate': q3_cleaningstartdate, 'startdate_string': result.q3_cleaningstartdate, 'enddate_string': result.q3_cleaningenddate, 'remark': result.remarks_q3 }); if (now <= q4_cleaningenddate) furuteTime.push({ 'key': 'q4', 'startdate': q4_cleaningstartdate, 'startdate_string': result.q4_cleaningstartdate, 'enddate_string': result.q4_cleaningenddate, 'remark': result.remarks_q4 }); if (now <= other_works_enddate) furuteTime.push({ 'key': 'other', 'startdate': other_works_startdate, 'startdate_string': result.other_works_startdate, 'enddate_string': result.other_works_enddate, 'remark': result.remarks_other_works }); furuteTime = furuteTime.sort(function (a, b) { return a.startdate > b.startdate ? 1 : -1; }); var status = ''; var earliestItems = furuteTime.filter(function (f) { return f.startdate <= now; }).sort(function (a, b) { return a.startdate > b.startdate ? 1 : -1; }); if (earliestItems.length > 0) status = earliestItems[0].key == 'other' ? 'CLOSED FOR OTHER WORKS' : 'CLOSED FOR CLEANING'; if (status == '') status = 'OPEN'; // Start Binding to map var htmlClosureDate = ''; var htmlRemarks = ''; if (furuteTime.length > 0) { htmlClosureDate = 'Closure Date ' + furuteTime[0].startdate_string + ' to ' + furuteTime[0].enddate_string; htmlClosureDate += furuteTime[0].key == 'other' ? ' (Other Works)
' : ' (Cleaning)
'; var mapRemarks = furuteTime[0].remark.toLowerCase() != 'nil' && furuteTime[0].remark.toLowerCase() != 'na' ? furuteTime[0].remark : ''; htmlRemarks = mapRemarks == '' ? '' : 'Remarks ' + mapRemarks + '
'; } var marker = new L.marker([lat, lng], { title: result.name, address: result.address_myenv, icon: blueIcon, alt: 'marker' }); var updatedPopup = popupTemplate.replace('{hawkerName}', result.name) .replace('{hawkerFoodStalls}', result.no_of_food_stalls) .replace('{hawkerMarketStalls}', result.no_of_market_stalls) .replace('{hawkerStatus}', status) .replace('{hawkerClosureDate}', htmlClosureDate) .replace('{hawkerRemarks}', htmlRemarks) .replace('{hawkerAddress}', result.address_myenv); marker.bindPopup(updatedPopup, { maxWidth: 220 }).addTo(map); searchLayer.addLayer(marker); // End Binding to map furuteTime.forEach(function (itemTime) { var closureDate = itemTime.startdate_string + ' to ' + itemTime.enddate_string; var reason = itemTime.key == 'other' ? '(Other Works)' : '(Cleaning)'; var remarks = itemTime.remark.toLowerCase() != 'nil' && itemTime.remark.toLowerCase() != 'na' ? itemTime.remark : ''; var closureDateArr = closureDate.split(' to '); var closuredatestring = ''; // closureDate to string format: YYYYMMDD YYYYMMDD closureDateArr.forEach(function (d) { var arr = d.split('/'); if (arr.length == 3) { if (arr[1].length == 1) arr[1] = '0' + arr[1]; if (arr[0].length == 1) arr[0] = '0' + arr[0]; closuredatestring += arr[2] + arr[1] + arr[0] + ' '; } }); //append to list hawkerCentres.push({ 'id': lowerCase(result.name).replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, ''), 'name': result.name, 'marker': marker, 'closuredate': closureDate, 'closuredatestring': closuredatestring, 'reason': reason, 'remarks': remarks }); }); } } hawkerCentres.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.closuredatestring != b.closuredatestring) { if (a.closuredatestring > b.closuredatestring) return 1; if (a.closuredatestring < b.closuredatestring) return -1; } var x = lowerCase(a.name); var y = lowerCase(b.name); if (x < y) return -1; if (x > y) return 1; return 0; }); generateList(hawkerCentres); filterList(); }); }
Overview (2024)


How to fill self-appraisal form answers? ›

How To Write A Self-Appraisal?
  1. Share efforts and obstacles. Mention how your efforts made a measurable impact on the team and the organisation. ...
  2. Identify areas of improvement. Make sure to point out areas where you hope to improve. ...
  3. Quantify achievements. ...
  4. Ask for growth opportunities. ...
  5. Set goals. ...
  6. Stay positive and respectful.
Feb 15, 2024

How do you answer performance appraisal examples? ›

Work ethic
  • “You are very punctual and have shown excellent work behaviors in every aspect of the job.”
  • "Shows a strong work ethic by consistently staying until all daily tasks are completed.”
  • "You consistently go above and beyond by exceeding your quarterly goals.”
Apr 8, 2024

How to respond to appraisal comments? ›

Example Phrases for Employees When Responding to Feedback
  1. "Thank you for recognizing my efforts. ...
  2. "I appreciate your feedback. ...
  3. "I'm grateful for your kind words. ...
  4. "Thank you for your encouragement. ...
  5. "I really appreciate your appreciation.
Jun 6, 2023

How to respond to performance review questions? ›

Here are some practical pointers to help you give the best responses.
  • ✅ Practice With Common Performance Review Questions. ...
  • ✅ Know Your Main Achievements by Heart. ...
  • ✅ Ensure Your Responses Sound Natural. ...
  • ✅ Address Your Faults. ...
  • ✅ Be Careful About Your Body Language. ...
  • ✅ Use Self-Assessment to Prepare Your Answers.
Dec 7, 2023

What should I write in my performance review summary? ›

How do you write a summary for a performance review? A review summary is a brief overview of employee's performance, strengths, and areas they can improve upon. It should briefly explain what they do well and what they should improve, with advice on how to do so.

What is an example of overall performance summary comments? ›

“You can create great synergy among everyone at the office.” “Your ability to promote the company culture is well-respected.” “You work extremely well with others, and people feel positive when they work with you.” “Your ability to make everyone around you feel comfortable is a great asset to the organization.”

How do I write a good appraisal for myself? ›

Below are some tips on how to complete a self evaluation.
  1. Track Your Work and Accomplishments.
  2. Answer Honestly.
  3. Highlight Your Achievements.
  4. Admit Weaknesses and How You Have Grown.
  5. Acknowledge Areas of Improvement.
  6. Rating Self Evaluation.
  7. Open-Ended Question Self Evaluation.
  8. Hybrid Self Evaluation.

How do I write an appraisal comment for myself? ›

Q3) How do I write a self appraisal comment for myself? To write a self-appraisal comment for yourself, focus on highlighting your achievements, areas of improvement, and goals for the future. Be honest, specific, and concise in your self-assessment.

How do I write a good performance review for myself? ›

To write a self-performance review, first, determine where you are in your professional career. A great way to approach this is to list out the positive attributes, unique qualities and professional skills you possess. Making a list of positive qualities alongside how you exhibit these in the workplace.

What are the 5 words performance review? ›

Evaluation Sheets For Employees - What are the 5 words performance review? A simple, direct, honest, and personal way to evaluate performance is the five-word review.

What is an example of self-overall performance comments? ›

Since the last performance evaluations, I have shown a strong work ethic. I've arrived early or stayed late if necessary to ensure we meet goals. Still, I've made sure to get plenty of rest and enjoy my spare time. I realize that self-management is important to meet goals and keep a healthy work-life balance.

What is a positive comment for a performance appraisal? ›

Positive: “Is a reliable team member, consistently meeting commitments and delivering high-quality work.” “Takes responsibility for tasks and projects, ensuring they are completed on time and to the required standard.” “Brings with them a strong work ethic, putting in extra effort when required to meet team goals.”

How to write strength and weakness in performance appraisal? ›

Examples of Performance Review Strengths and Weaknesses
  1. Exceptional Communication Skills. Rajeev excels at public speaking and has excellent presentation skills. ...
  2. Strong Relationship Building. ...
  3. Goal-Oriented Approach. ...
  4. Team Building and Collaboration. ...
  5. Conflict Resolution Skills. ...
  6. Creative Thinking and Innovation.
Mar 22, 2024

What is an example of a performance expectation? ›

You will be expected to work as a team member. You will be expected to contribute to the work group's overall productivity as appropriate, helping coworkers when possible. You will be expected to show respect for others at all times. You will be expected to share your ideas with other employees.

What could have been better in appraisal answers examples? ›

Some examples of areas you might be able to improve on might be timekeeping, leadership, knowledge of certain areas of the business, etc. The best answer to this question won't just identify an area of weakness, but will also show the steps you're already taking to address that weakness.

How do you fill out an employee self appraisal? ›

Take ownership of your mistakes and weaknesses, explain what happened, what you've learned from them, and how you'll use them to improve and develop in the future. Then set yourself SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely) goals to improve weak areas.

What is an example of a positive self-evaluation? ›

“I try to lead by example and feel that I put in my best effort every day. I am always the first person to arrive at work and always the last to leave.” “I have extremely high standards for my work and have gone above and beyond my job description.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.