My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (2024)

If you are looking for ways how to make money on a homestead, you are in the right place. This list may be short, but that is because I chose realistic ways to generate income with your homestead.

When learning new homesteading tips, one of the best is how to generate an income to offset the costs it takes to raise and grow the foods you love.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (1)

I am sure you already have a few ideas in your head such as your products. Actually, selling products is at the top of this list as well. Products such as eggs, herbs, produce, livestock, milk, cheese, butter, soap…

I could go on and on.

And yes, all of those ideas are all good ways to make money, in fact, I am going to talk about them in further detail below. Because they are easy enough that you can start using those ideas right away.

But I will also talk about a few ideas that are outside the box. Unique ways to generate income with your homestead.

I hope you can incorporate a few of these ideas so you too can bring in an income so you can stay home and live your dream of homesteading full time.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (2)


One of the most expensive hobbies…EVER.

That is what my hubby loves to tell people. And he’s pretty much spot on.

Homesteading can be expensive. There are buildings to build and shelters needed for livestock. Gardens to create and expand. Animals to feed and give care to every day. And equipment to buy and upkeep.

And all those things cost money. So, it is no surprise that homesteaders are always trying to find creative ways to make an income doing what they love.

Living a simple and self-sufficient life off of the land and close to home.

For me, I like to have several income streams on our homestead. Some bring in a little and some bring in a lot. But when you add it all together I am able to make a full-time income with my homestead.

UPDATE: As of January 2022, I am making double what my first income goal was in 2018. Keep reading to see how.

Yes, you totally just read that right!

I make a full-time income with my homestead.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (3)

How I Make Money On The Homestead

First I am going to share with you how I make money with our homestead, later in this article, I will list out common ways (and some uncommon) to generate an income with your homestead. If you are looking to make a full-time income with your homestead, you will need to incorporate more than one revenue stream. This list will hopefully get you started as you work to find the best options for you and your family.

Money Making Option #1

On our homestead we raise about 25-35 chickens and to help compensate for the feed costs, we sell the eggs to a local restaurant. This comes out to be about 10-12 dozen eggs sold each week at $3.00 a dozen.

This money could be enough to offset the feed costs of not only your chickens but some of your other livestock as well.

Final possible gross income: $24-$36 a week or $120-$140 a month

SLCG PRO TIP: Before deciding to sell eggs on your homestead, be sure to read the rules and regulations regarding doing this for your particular state. You can find the rules online or contact your local extension office.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (4)

Money Making Option #2

We also raise a herd of Nubian and Boer goats.

Each year we breed our goats so we can keep our gals producing milk. We then sell the offspring to other families that want to add goat milk to their own family farm.Most goat kids can bring in anywhere from $100-$500 depending on the breed, and quality of stock. We recently began breeding a meat/dairy mix so we can open up our market to other buyers. By doing so we are able to sell our whether or bucks to a larger market.


Final possible gross income: $100-$2,000 a year depending on the number of goat kids available for sale.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (5)

Money Making Option #3

We also sell goat milk to pet owners to feed allergy-stricken pets as a way to make money on a homestead. This brings about $5-$7 a gallon and we are able to sell up to 10 gallons a week. We also sell goat milk to local soap makers as well. Goat milk soap is huge in our area and selling milk this way is fairly easy to do.

SLCG PRO TIP: Milk rules and regulations are very important and you will need to do your research before selling milk of any kind. Again, you will want to contact your state to get a printout of the rules and regulations in your area before selling goat milk to anyone.

Final gross income: $50-$70 a week or $200-$280 a month

As you can see, these options bring in a bit more money than the egg sales but it takes a bigger investment to get started. This option also requires a daily time investment, another aspect to keep in mind.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (6)

Money Making Option #4

If you have a garden, especially a large one, you can offer a different take on community gardening that brings money to your homestead. This is a great way to share produce in larger amounts with folks in your area that do not have the room or the time.

For a set price you can “lease” out a portion of your garden for folks to grow in. This is really not too much work on your end and a great way to bring in a bit of passive income.

SLCG PRO TIP: You will want to have a contract if you choose to go this route. This will allow you to be firm on times, rules, and warnings of accidents on your property. As with anything, do your homework completely before diving in.

For a spin on this option, we like to do a garden swap. What that means is to allow folks to pick from our gardens in exchange for us picking in theirs. This way you can put all of your focus on growing one type of produce so you can sell a larger volume to produce auctions.

One year we had so many tomatoes it was crazy, but our peppers were not quite a success.

We swapped our tomatoes with our neighbor’s peppers. She picked for her own use and we picked for ours.

No, this was not a direct income source but it was a way to fill a need without costing us additional money upfront.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (7)

Money Making Option #5

Most homesteaders have gardens and that means many income ideas will be focused there. Selling produce to neighbors that are not able to garden is a great way to not only help out others but an easy way to bring in a bit of revenue as well.

This option is not quite as reliable since pests, disease, and mother nature all rule the amount of produce you are able to sell, but you may find that you always have at least a few things you can put out for sale each season to bring in money to your homestead.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (8)

Money Making Option #6

Finally, my biggest income generator is my homesteading blog.Yes, the one you are here reading right now.

After I had been homesteading for a little over 5 years and working two jobs besides, I knew I needed to find a way to make my homesteading dream a money-making reality.

I had this idea to teach other folks how to homestead and thought I could start a blog to do that very thing. You see when you have been raised in the suburbs starting a homestead from scratch can be a little daunting. To learn all that I could, I checked out book after book from the library and visited different farms in the area. It took a crazy amount of time and postponed my dream for several years.

I can’t help but think how helpful it would have been to get all that information from one website. One that covered the things I wanted to do in print, video, and pictures.

And that right there is how my homesteading blog, Simple Living Country Gal, was born.

After just 9 months I was able to quit both of my outside jobs and really dive into my homestead full-time.

After another 12 months, I was making more money on my homestead than I ever had before.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (9)

That small idea that I had one day in 2016 has now turned into a full-time business that employs 5 people.

Yes, you totally read that right, I have people working for me!

Crazy how that happens.

You wake up with an “out there” idea and before you know it, it’s real and it’s AWESOME!

Now, I am not telling you to go out right now and start a blog. What I am telling you is to give it some thought to see if it might just be right for you.

If you love your life and love to help people at the same time, then blogging may be the answer you have been looking for.

Think about it, this could be your chance to help others start a homestead. A chance to walk people through the path to a more simple lifestyle.

A life away from chaos and stress and finally into a life they love.

Ask yourself this…..

How great would it be to work from home on your homestead full-time?

To do what you truly love every single day and actually make money at it?

To, in turn, help others live their own dream of homesteading?


Sometimes all you need is a little nudge and that is what this is for you. Your nudge to take your homestead to the next level and make money doing what you love.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (10)

Because sometimes selling eggs is not quite enough to make your homesteading dreams come true.

Starting a blog is NOT easy, I am the first one to tell you that. But once you gain your momentum and get things up and going it can be the most rewarding experience in the world.

Stop settling for little and reach for the stars.

Yes, you can create a successful blog teaching others how to garden and homestead. I am proof that you can. All you need to do is dip your toe in the water and try it out.

Find Out More HERE

How to Make Money on Your Homestead

Now that I have shared with you what I am doing, let’s add to this list and give you a few more options to consider.

#1. Selling Produce

I talked about this already but there are a few areas to consider when you are looking to sell what you have grown. This includes vegetables, fruit, and even herbs both fresh and dried.

Ways to sell produce from your garden and orchards.

  1. Farmer’s Markets
  2. Roadside Stand
  3. Online with Craiglist or Facebook Marketplace
  4. Word of mouth

#2. Garden Plots or Field Rental

Another tip I mentioned is renting out small plots of your land for suburban and even city folks to enjoy the gardening experience. This is a great way to make a little money without much work on your end.

If you have a large number of acres you can also look into renting them to a farmer that is looking for more land to grow crops or feed for their livestock. You can ask a local farmer if they or anyone they know is looking or you can post an ad on the board at your local feed mill.

#3. Animals

If you have livestock then you probably already are doing all that you can to bring in revenue to help supplement for their care. This may include selling offspring or overstock that you have. A few areas to consider for selling platforms are:

  • Craigslist
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • The bulletin board at your local feed mill.
  • At your local auction barn.

If you have eggs, milk, or meat to sell as well you can still refer to the list above but also add the following options.

  • Local Restaurant
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Local Meat Market
  • Roadside Stand

#4. Education

This option is quickly growing and for good reason. With the world changing so quickly more and more families are looking to start homesteads of their own and this means they need help. Why not be that help for them?

I know I already talked about blogging but that might not be an option for you so here are a few more ideas to consider.

Vlogging – Hosting a YouTube channel with how-to videos

Podcast – Hosting a podcast on how to start homesteading.

Kindle – Write a small ebook that you can sell on Amazon.

Speaking – Hire yourself out to speak on what you know. A few ideas are:

  • In-home speaking
  • 4H
  • Local extension office

#5. Equipment

Many new and small family homesteaders simply do not have the money to purchase the equipment they need to get started. If you have that equipment available you can rent it out and for an additional fee, include your service running the equipment as well.

This is a great way to not only help out a local family but generate a nice income as well.

#6. Barn Rental

Another option again for a new. or small family homestead is to rent out part of your barn. This is a common practice where we live and it is a great way to make money without much effort.

Post an ad or let folks know in your area that you have space available, being sure to note the animals your barn is suitable for housing. You will need to have a contract drawn up, so it is clear what the renter is responsible for and what you will be responsible for as well.

My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (11)

Finding ways to generate an income with your homestead may just be easier than you first realized. Walk your land and see what you can offer to your community then take the next step to turn that idea into a profitable and helpful opportunity.

Homesteading does not have to be an expensive hobby. It can be a profitable business if you are willing to think outside of the box.

Do you make money on your homestead that is not on this list? Share in the comments below!


  • 7 Steps to Take Before Starting a Homestead
  • How to Start a Homestead
  • Books to Have in your Homesteading Library
My top 5 ways to make money on your homestead. (2024)


How do you make the most money on a homestead? ›

Easy strategies for earning income on your homestead
  1. Selling Plant Starts.
  2. Market Gardening.
  3. Specialty Produce.
  4. Host Events.
  5. Rent Out Space.
  6. Educational Workshops.
  7. Farm Fresh Eggs.
  8. Logging, Firewood, and Woodworking.
Apr 3, 2024

How do you make money in homestead? ›

Below are some of our favorite ways that you can make money homesteading.
  1. Grow Mushrooms. Growing mushrooms is obviously one of our favorite choices here at GroCycle. ...
  2. Sell Fresh Fish. ...
  3. Start a Christmas Tree Farm. ...
  4. Grow Microgreens. ...
  5. Sell Baked Goods. ...
  6. Raise Bees for Honey. ...
  7. Rent Bees Out for Pollination. ...
  8. Sell Extra Bees.

Does homesteading really save money? ›

Overall, with plenty of care and planning, you can cut hundreds of dollars out of your yearly expenses. And this money saved can help you get your dream homestead and get you further along the path to self-reliance when you get there.

How to make money from nature? ›

Relatively passive ways to make money off the land
  1. Lease of rangeland or cropland. ...
  2. Sale of timber rights (someone else does the logging) ...
  3. Rental of housing or buildings (either short or long term) ...
  4. Farming commercially (vegetables, animals, tree crops, mushrooms, etc.) ...
  5. Foraging commercially. ...
  6. Running events and/or retreats.

How to live off homesteading? ›

Modern homesteading refers to a self-sufficient lifestyle—living autonomously, with minimum help from others. In a nutshell, it includes subsistence agriculture, renewable energy sources when possible, home preservation of food, zero-waste living, and, depending on your skills, even homeschooling, and craftwork.

Where is the money in the Homestead? ›

If the player seeks out the homestead on their own outside of the companion activity and kills/hogties three of the four men in the shack the fourth will surrender and inform him about a stash of money he has hidden under a board in the kitchen floor (instead of the spot in the bedroom that can be found by questioning ...

Is Homestead a good thing? ›

Depending on the state in which you live, the homestead exemption can reduce your property tax bill and protect you from creditors hoping to force a sale of your home. This is good news: Property tax bills are high in many parts of the country. An exemption might make it easier for you to afford homeownership.

Why is homesteading a good idea? ›


One of the main reasons we started with the homesteading lifestyle was to provide our family with our own food. This makes us very self-sufficient. What is this? When we are raising our own meats and vegetables, we can preserve food to last us all year.

How do I start a homestead with no money? ›

10 steps to start homesteading, on the cheap
  1. Simplify your life. This would be the first thing to do when you want to start homesteading. ...
  2. Make homesteading friends. ...
  3. Start gardening. ...
  4. Preserve what you grow and what you gather. ...
  5. Learn to sew. ...
  6. Get starts from other people. ...
  7. Plan ahead. ...
  8. Cheap chickens.

How to start a homestead checklist? ›

On to the list!
  1. Create Your Vision. ...
  2. Pay Off Your Debt And Create (and use) A Budget. ...
  3. Assess Your Property. ...
  4. Start NOW. ...
  5. Learn To Preserve Food. ...
  6. Prepare For Animals Before Bringing Them On The Homestead. ...
  7. Be Prepared To Learn. ...
  8. Make The Most Of Free Resources.
Apr 9, 2023

How to make money on your homestead? ›

39 Ways to Make Money Homesteading
  1. Sell eggs — someone is ALWAYS wanting farm-fresh eggs!
  2. Sell extra milk from your goats or cow.
  3. Start a cowshare or goatshare program — This is one way to work around raw milk laws– just do your homework first.
  4. Sell cheeses or other homemade dairy products.

How to make loads of money fast? ›

How to make money fast
  1. Become a rideshare driver. ...
  2. 2. Make deliveries. ...
  3. Help others with simple, everyday tasks. ...
  4. Pet sit. ...
  5. Sell clothes and accessories online. ...
  6. Sell unused gift cards. ...
  7. Earn a bank bonus. ...
  8. Take surveys.

What is the most profitable thing to grow as a farmer? ›

Mushrooms are one of the most profitable crops to grow. But even if you don't have the climate in your favor you can do this in a very small space indoors and control the humidity, and temperature to get a profitable harvest. From gourmet food items to medicinal purposes mushrooms can get a great price at the market.

Can you live off of a homestead? ›

People can attempt to become self-sufficient through homesteading, but the length of time they could survive on just the produce from their land/farm would depend on various factors such as the size of their land, the climate, soil quality, and the skills and resources of the homesteader.

How to make money on 5 acres? ›


With an adequate water supply, five acres is suitable to raise poultry for meat or eggs, as well as small ruminants (goats and sheep). It may be possible to produce hay or silage, even on non-irrigated land, if harvest can be contracted out.

Is 1 acre enough for a homestead? ›

The truth is you can be self-sustaining on a 1-acre property but it takes work, education, dedication, and time. So, if you have an oversized lot or small acreage and want to be as sustainable as possible, here are some ideas and suggestions on how to get started creating a self-sufficient homestead.

How to make $100 k farming? ›

How to Make $100k Farming
  1. Identify Your Niche. It is essential first to decide what kind of farming you are interested in. ...
  2. Start Small. Like any other business, it's wise to start small in farming. ...
  3. Leverage Direct Sales Channels. ...
  4. Adopt Smart Farming Techniques. ...
  5. Diversify. ...
  6. Keep an Eye on Costs.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.