Most popular lunches REVEALED - but variety is NOT a common ingredient (2024)

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One in three of us are creatures of habit eating the same midday meal every day, according to a new study.

As many as 70 per cent of worker admit they are stuck in a lunch rut, with the humble ham sandwich the most likely flavour on repeat.

Cheese sandwiches came second in the dreary lunch stakes, while tuna came third and egg mayo came in fourth place.

You really don’t have to go to much effort in order to have a delicious lunch

Dan Warne

Pasta and jacket potatoes are also among the lunchtime staples.

In fact, four in 10 workers admit they are jealous of colleagues who have interesting and varied lunches, however 16 per cent can not be bothered to be more adventurous.

Dr Becky Spelman, a food psychologist, said people who picked the same thing every day were at risk of not getting a wide enough array of nutrients.

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Briton’s most popular lunches show the nation likes to keep things simple

“Most of us wouldn’t want to always go on holidays to the same place, so why keep eating the same meal, day after day?” she said.

“Making small changes, such as trying something new for our lunch time meal, can - in a small way - help to open our mind to new experiences in other areas of life too.”

A quarter of all workers eat at their desk with just 14 per cent venturing outside if the weather is nice.

And a solitary one in 20 eat their lunch in their car every day, the poll of 1,500 employees found.

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A chicken wrap goes a long way

Dan Warne, managing director of food delivery group Deliveroo, which commissioned the survey, said: “This research highlights how many of the British workforce eat really boring, unimaginative meals for lunch on repeat.

“We’re launching our Lame Lunch Amnesty today to inspire people to upgrade their lunches from soggy sandwiches to delicious restaurant food.

“We spend so much of our time sat at our desks, it’s good to mix things up and have something to look forward to at lunchtime.

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Microwave noodles are also a nation's favourite

“You really don’t have to go to much effort in order to have a delicious lunch.”

Nearly three in 10 respondents said what colleagues eat for lunch is a topic of conversation in the workplace for around 13 minutes a day.

And it does not take much longer - 17 minutes - to actually eat the meal.

The typical weekly menu has only three lunches on rotation and one in five of the people polled admitted their workmates tease them for about their dull meals.

Buttered toast, egg sandwiches and sausage rolls are also among the lunches eaten most frequently.

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Brits love jacket potatoes with various fillings


1. Ham sandwich

2. Cheese sandwich

3. Tuna mayo sandwich

4. Egg mayo sandwich

5. Superfood salad

6. Spicy chicken wrap

7. Jacket potato with filling

8. Fish and chips

9. Leftover pasta dish

10. Caesar salad

11. Pasty

12. Prawn sandwich

13. Tuna nicoise salad

14. Tomato soup and roll

15. Microwave noodles

16. Just toast

17. Carrot and coriander soup and roll

18. Coronation chicken baguette

19. Bacon and Brie baguette

20. Minestrone soup and roll

21. Jumbo sausage roll

22. Cous cous salad

23. Curry

24. Beans on toast

25. Duck wrap

As a culinary enthusiast with a deep understanding of diverse food cultures and nutritional psychology, it's evident that the article highlights the repetitive nature of lunch choices among the British workforce. My expertise allows me to delve into the various concepts touched upon in this piece.

Firstly, the study reveals that one in three individuals tends to stick to the same midday meal daily, emphasizing the prevalence of repetitive eating habits. The article mentions that 70% of workers find themselves in a lunch rut, with the ham sandwich being the most common choice. This indicates a fascinating pattern in lunch preferences and the significant role habits play in people's food choices.

The concept of variety and its impact on nutrition is touched upon by Dr. Becky Spelman, a food psychologist cited in the article. She emphasizes that those who stick to the same meal every day might miss out on a diverse array of nutrients. This underlines the importance of a varied diet for overall health and well-being.

The article also explores the psychological aspect of lunch choices, with 40% of workers admitting jealousy towards colleagues with interesting and diverse lunches. Dr. Spelman suggests that making small changes, such as trying new lunch options, can open the mind to new experiences in other areas of life. This connects the concept of food choices to broader psychological well-being and the role of routine in shaping daily experiences.

The survey commissioned by Deliveroo introduces the idea of a "Lame Lunch Amnesty," encouraging people to upgrade their lunches from mundane options to more exciting restaurant meals. This concept aligns with the idea that small changes in daily routines, like lunch choices, can bring joy and excitement to one's day.

Additionally, the article touches upon the social aspect of lunch, highlighting that conversations about colleagues' lunch choices occupy around 13 minutes of workplace discussions daily. This reflects the societal and communal nature of food, where what one eats becomes a topic of conversation and even teasing among coworkers.

In summary, the article weaves together concepts of repetitive eating habits, nutritional psychology, workplace dynamics, and the potential for positive change through varied lunch choices. It invites readers to reconsider their lunch routines and introduces the idea that a simple shift in their midday meal can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling daily experience.

Most popular lunches REVEALED - but variety is NOT a common ingredient (2024)
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