Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (2024)

During the first three days of 2023, a total of 19 people in the greater Tokyo area received emergency treatment for mochi lodged in their throats, of whom four died. Once again confirming that mochi, a food made from glutinous rice, traditionally consumed at the new year and other celebratory occasions, can be a hazardous substance.

Broken down by age, 13 of the 19 receiving treatment were in their 80s, three in their 90s, and one each over age 100, in their 70s, and in their 30s, respectively. All four fatalities involved people in their 80s.

One 82-year old man was reportedly saved when a family member followed the instructions given over the telephone after they dialed the 119 emergency number.

As Nikkan Gendai (Dec 29) reports, two main factors can cause mochi to become lodged in the throat. One is that many seniors have missing teeth due to a variety of reasons, such as periodontal disease. What's more with advancing age their tongues become weaker and with it, the ability declines to transport chewed food to the throat. Moreover, elderly people's salivary glands tend to produce less saliva, leading to a decline in ability to swallow. If particles become lodged in the windpipe they can choke.

"Likewise, as people age their ability to dislodge food particles through reflex action weakens," said Dr Fujiki Ishihara, head of Kita-Shinagawa Fuji Clinic.

"The second factor is the nature of mochi itself," Dr Ishihara continues. "It is composed of alpha carbohydrates, but as the temperature cools it changes to beta carbohydrates, which have a different structure and are harder to digest. As the mochi's temperature cools inside the mouth the risk of its blocking the windpipe increases."

Problems can be avoided by breaking up mochi into smaller, more easily ingestible, pieces.

But Nikkan Gendai warns that consumption of mochi can also cause problems for people of any age. For one thing, not chewing it thoroughly before swallowing can result in its becoming impacted in the intestine.

"The problem occurs within one day of having consumed the mochi," Ishihara said. "It can not only block the intestine but also reduce the flow of digestive juices, leading to abdominal bloating, constipation and dehydration. In the worst cases it can cause serious dehydration or abnormal generation of electrolytes. The body can go into shock with loss of consciousness, and in extremecases death can occur."

Neanwhile, another annoying impediment to new year's serenity has surfaced in the form of a report that many seasonal shimekazari decorations being sold in stores are not made in Japan.

A shimekazari is composed mostly of a shimenawa, a rope woven from hemp fiber or rice straw that is used for ritual purification in the Shinto religion. China has come to dominate the market for the new year's ornaments many people attach to their doors during the holiday period, this despite Shinto being a native Japanese religion.

In Yukan Fuji (Dec 29), Hidetoshi Tojo, representative director of the International Culture Promotional Association, grumbles that a majority of the shimekazari sold in supermarkets and convenience stores are woven from varieties of aquatic plants the Chinese call shuicao (literally water grass).

Tojo, 50, isn't just any Tojo, but the great-grandson of General Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister from 1941 to 1944, who was found guilty of war crimes by the Tokyo Tribunal and executed by hanging in December 1948.

Tojo's allegations were confirmed by the unnamed president of a company that markets such decorations.

"Due to Japan's declining birth rate, these decorations have rapidly lost their regional flavor. And the craftsmen who make them are aging and dying out," he told Yukan Fuji.

As a result, he said, perhaps around 80% of the shimekazari now sold in Japan are imports from China.

Tojo, determined to adhere to the old traditions, has learned how to weave his own shimenawa from native Japanese straw.

"There's a difference between knowing the reasons behind a traditional custom or ritual and not knowing at all," Tojo asserted. "I even chose to study world history instead of Japanese history to avoid being confronted with my great-grandfather's name. But over the past 10 years, I've finally come to terms with his reputation. As a result, I now feel that to start making shimenawa on my own was a natural step."

© Japan Today

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Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (1)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (2)


Mochi still killing the elderly - 4 died in Tokyo alone - is quite unbelievable after all of the news, info and warnings about the dangers.

One can assume that in most of the 19 emergency cases, probably none of them prepared the mochi themselves or ate it alone in their homes.

What were the family / friends / assistants thinking of?


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (3)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (4)


Mochi is so delicious that it is worth the risk. I like to wash it down with hot sake, chased by a cold beer.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (5)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (6)

englisc aspyrgend

Tojo, but the great-grandson of General Hideki Tojo, Japan's wartime prime minister from 1941 to 1944, who was found guilty of war crimes by the Tokyo Tribunal and executed by hanging in December 1948

How is this relevant to the story?

Shimenawa may be part of Japanese Shinto but profit is culturally the Chinese god. If Japanese don’t want to have imported shimenawa either make your own or there is a market opportunity for someone to exploit!


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (7)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (8)


"Investing" 2000-3000 yen buying a chocking rescue device (a simple pump and mask over the face of the victim to suck the obstruction) can save lives since it requires very little training to be used effectively, specially in houses with small children or elderly people. The worst thing that could happen is that you waste this money in something you end up never using, which would be very fortunate.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (9)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (10)


I love grilled mochi then wrapped with nori…so tasty. It also goes well with a thick slice of meatloaf


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (11)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (12)


Mochi with ice cream inside or mochi strawberries. Eat slowly. Leave the solid blocks to the old. Handmade mochi is the best.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (13)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (14)


Wow, so many people dying from mochi, it's worth reporting these numbers so we can prepare ourselves.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (15)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (16)


Your body just about digest anything,rice is the last food,that will get lodge in the intestines


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (17)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (18)


Do not eat mochi alone. Have some oil nearby to ease the flow.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (19)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (20)


No offense intended, but I have never understood the attraction of mochi. Sorry to hear about people choking on it.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (21)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (22)

N. Knight

I got some in my eye this year. We were very drunk.


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (23)

Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (24)


Your body just about digest anything,rice is the last food,that will get lodge in the intestines

Glutinous rice is a well described cause of obstruction in the digestive track. It may not be the most common cause of it but it is very far from being "the last food" to cause this problem.


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Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance (2024)


Mochi at the new year remains a hazardous substance? ›

"It is composed of alpha carbohydrates, but as the temperature cools it changes to beta carbohydrates, which have a different structure and are harder to digest. As the mochi's temperature cools inside the mouth the risk of its blocking the windpipe increases."

Why is mochi a choking hazard? ›

Mochi is highly cohesive and adhesive, and easy to choke on. Many of the fatal suffocation accidents with mochi occur in the elderly aged 65 years or older. These circ*mstances prompted us to investigate a special property of waxy wheat which is similar in texture to waxy rice, but is less cohesive and adhesive.

What is the substance in mochi? ›

Mochi is a multicomponent food consisting of polysaccharides, lipids, protein, and water. Mochi has a heterogeneous structure of amylopectin gel, starch grains, and air bubbles. The rice used for mochi has a negligible amylose content and a high amylopectin level, producing a gel-like consistency.

What is the mochi tradition for New Year's Day? ›

Eating the mochi symbolizes a prayer for health and good fortune in the New Year. Ancient people believed that food offered to God would possess special powers, and by consuming it with the blessings from God, they wished for good health.

Is Japanese mochi unhealthy? ›

When you combine rice and seaweed, mochi is low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamins A, C, E (Alpha Tocopherol), and K, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, and Phosphorus. It's also a very good source of Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, and Manganese.

Is mochi safe for children? ›

A Word of Caution for the Young and Elderly

This makes mochi a dangerous food particularly for children and elderly people due to the potential of causing choking. It is highly advised not to give any mochi to babies or toddlers because their chewing strength is not developed yet.

What are mochis made of? ›

Mochi is made of mochigome, a Japanese variety of sweet glutinous rice, that is soaked overnight, steamed, pounded into dough and molded into various shapes. Some sweet mochi confections contain fillings such as bean paste, ice cream or fresh fruit.

What is the yellow powder on mochi? ›

Kinako powder is a roasted soybean flour widely used in Japanese cuisine. It is used in various Japanese dishes, both sweet and savory. The nutty yellow powder is sprinkled over traditional Japanese sweets, such as Daif*cku, Warabi Mochi, Dango, and Ohagi.

What medication does mochi use? ›

Medications & Eligibility

Mochi currently provides two GLP-1 options, Ozempic and Mounjaro/Zepbound (brand name) and compounded generic versions of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. To join Mochi, you must have a BMI over 30 or over 27 with associated weight-related conditions like high blood pressure.

What are three don'ts on Chinese New Year's day? ›

Many folks choose not to eat meat on New Year's Day as it is considered taboo to kill animals on the first day of the year. Congee should also be avoided as it was deemed as a common meal for those less fortunate in ancient times. Lastly, avoid taking any medicine on New Year's Day as it is also thought to be bad luck.

What does the mochi symbolize? ›

It was made out of red rice, and was used in religious rituals in the Shinto religion, as it was viewed as a “food of the Gods”. It's known for being a symbol of good fortune and happy marriages.

What do the Japanese eat just before midnight on New Year's Eve? ›

Eating a bowl of buckwheat noodles before midnight on New Year's Eve is an old Japanese tradition that is supposed to bring long life and prosperity in the year ahead.

Is mochi a choking hazard? ›

Because the jaw and throat muscles of these individuals sometimes lack the strength to chew and swallow the sticky substance, the mochi can become lodged in the throat and causes suffocation.

Can mochi cause intestinal blockage? ›

Medical literature in English on small bowel obstruction due to mochi is rare, but fortunately in this case we were able to collect complete laboratory and imaging data. Furthermore, due to the surgical findings, we could clearly diagnose the pathophysiology of mochi obstruction.

Can you eat mochi straight from the box? ›

Once smooth and stretchy, you can eat the mochi immediately.

What foods are the biggest choking hazards? ›

Potential Choking Hazards for Young Children
  • Cooked or raw whole corn kernels.
  • Uncut cherry or grape tomatoes.
  • Pieces of hard raw vegetables or fruit, such as raw carrots or apples.
  • Whole pieces of canned fruit.
  • Uncut grapes, berries, cherries, or melon balls.
  • Uncooked dried vegetables or fruit, such as raisins.

Does mochi cause bowel obstruction? ›

Medical literature in English on small bowel obstruction due to mochi is rare, but fortunately in this case we were able to collect complete laboratory and imaging data. Furthermore, due to the surgical findings, we could clearly diagnose the pathophysiology of mochi obstruction.

What candy is a choking hazard? ›

“You basically want to avoid anything round, chewy, or gummy if your child is three or younger. Candies that fit these criteria are more likely to cause a choking incident in young kids and should be avoided entirely.”

Do you bite mochi? ›


If you're in a rush, it's great to grab and go – it can be eaten in just a few bites. If you want to take your mochi with you, then you can purchase one of our Little Moons Chilly's tubs at our pop-ups, to keep your mochi cool for when you're ready.

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