Mobile or Computers: Which Tech is More Secure? - Security Investigation (2024)

Mobile or Computers: Which Tech is More Secure? - Security Investigation (1)

The debate of mobiles vs computers is heating up again. Computer users (PC) claim that their tech is more secure and mobile users (Mac) say that their tech is more secure. While both types of devices are becoming increasingly popular, the fact remains that neither platform is inherently “more” or “less” secure than the other.

The debate has been ongoing for years and there are many arguments on both sides, but what do you think? While both types of devices are becoming increasingly popular, the fact remains that neither platform is inherently “more” or “less” secure than the other. Both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs.

Mobile Vs Computers Concerns

Privacy Concern

What’s more important than whether you have a computer or mobile phone is making sure you’re using them safely—and keeping your information private.

The latest data from Google shows that 7% of all desktop sites are infected with malware at least once a month. This is a big increase from the previous year, when only 5% of sites were infected. The data was collected from over 1 million websites and analyzed by Webmasters, who found an average infection rate of 2.7%.

The most common types of malware were spyware (56%), followed by adware or spyware-like programs (34%) and Trojan horses (12%).

A recent study by Sophos shows that about 3% of Android devices have malware preinstalled in them. While this number seems low, it’s still higher than what you’d find in Apple’s iOS devices — only 0.7 percent of iPhones had malware installed on them.

Infection Concerns

Android devices are more likely to come preinstalled with malware than iOS devices. This is because of how different their user bases are: Android users tend to be less security-conscious than Apple users and often download apps from third-party sources rather than official app stores (which means there’s no guarantee that an app won’t try to install malware).

In addition, Android devices tend to run older versions of software without patches for exploitable vulnerabilities like Heartbleed or Shellshock — which could leave them open for attack if they were infected by malicious code.

Security Concerns

Despite what many people think, mobiles are not inherently safer than computers when it comes to security concerns like viruses or malware – but there is a guide on how to protect your phone from hackers as well as of your PC. Further, you can keep your device protected regardless of which one you use.

In terms of security, mobile threats seem to be more prevalent than those on desktops. Based on the data above, it’s safe to estimate that Apple’s iOS devices are more secure than PCs. However, this doesn’t mean that Windows-based PCs aren’t safe to use — they’re just as safe as any other operating system out there!

If you’re worried about your device being stolen or compromised by hackers, then consider getting one of these top-of-the-line laptops:

It all depends on the kind of protection you want, and there is no universal way to achieve that level of security. In fact, if you want total security, then a desktop might be better for your needs because it offers more features and options for tracking down threats on your PC. However, if all that matters is keeping your data safe from hackers who could potentially steal credit card information or other personal information such as Social Security numbers (and maybe even identity theft), then using a mobile phone would likely be more beneficial than using a PC alone.


Now that you’re more informed about the security & privacy status of mobiles and computers, it’s up to you whether or not you choose to use one over the other. Furthermore, if your phone is not secure, it could impair the functionality of the device, potentially requiring the replacement of parts for both the phone and laptop. We hope this article has helped and shed some light on what both platforms have going for them when it comes to safety, but remember: it all depends on how much time and effort you put into protecting yourself from viruses, malware infestations and other threats!

Mobile or Computers: Which Tech is More Secure? - Security Investigation (2024)


Mobile or Computers: Which Tech is More Secure? - Security Investigation? ›

Can one of these devices better protect you from fraud than the other? According to some data-protection experts, banking with a smartphone via an official mobile app provides more security than a computer. That's because computers make it easier for users to inadvertently download malware.

Are mobile devices more secure than computers? ›

One of the most prevalent mobile security myths is that mobile devices are inherently more secure than traditional endpoints like desktops and laptops. But this is a dangerous misconception — mobile devices simply have a different set of vulnerabilities that leave them open to a variety of cybersecurity risks.

What is the most secure device? ›

Top Most Secure Cell Phones to Keep Your Data Safe
  • PinePhone Pro: Privacy Pioneer. PinePhone Pro. ...
  • Librem 5: Security at its Core. Librem 5. ...
  • 4Freedom Mobile. 4Freedom Mobile Phone. ...
  • Blackphone 2. Blackphone 2. ...
  • Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. ...
  • Fairphone 4. Fairphone 4. ...
  • iPhone 13 Pro. iPhone 13 Pro.
Feb 15, 2024

Is iPhone or PC more secure? ›

In terms of security, mobile threats seem to be more prevalent than those on desktops. Based on the data above, it's safe to estimate that Apple's iOS devices are more secure than PCs. However, this doesn't mean that Windows-based PCs aren't safe to use — they're just as safe as any other operating system out there!

What is the difference between mobile security and cyber security? ›

Mobile security is the strategy, infrastructure, and software used to protect any device that travels with users, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Cybersecurity for mobile devices includes protecting data on the local device and the device-connected endpoints and networking equipment.

Why is computer better than mobile? ›

Processing Power: - Computers generally have more powerful processors and greater RAM capacity than phones. - This allows computers to handle resource-intensive tasks such as video editing, gaming, and running complex software more efficiently.

What device gets hacked the most? ›

A few of the most vulnerable devices include: Cameras: Internet Protocol (IP) cameras, baby monitors, and security systems are constantly exposed to the internet, increasing their security risks.

Which phone gets hacked the most? ›

Android phones are more common targets for phone hacking than iPhones, mainly because the Android operating system is used by more phones and more people — so there's a bigger pool of targets. But phone hackers are increasingly targeting iPhones, so iPhone users are still at risk.

What is the most secure form of security? ›

Most Secure: Hardware Keys

External hardware keys, like Yubikeys, are among the strongest authentication factors available. Also called FIDO keys, they generate a cryptographically secure MFA authentication code at the push of a button.

What is safer, a phone or a laptop? ›

Can one of these devices better protect you from fraud than the other? According to some data-protection experts, banking with a smartphone via an official mobile app provides more security than a computer. That's because computers make it easier for users to inadvertently download malware.

Are Apple computers more secure than PCs? ›

Macs are less likely to be attacked simply because there are fewer of them. That being said, Macs are safer than PCs because the Mac OS is Unix-based, making it more difficult to exploit. Apple also controls hardware and software tightly and builds in protections and security that make them less vulnerable.

Is Apple really safer than Windows? ›

Conclusion – Mac Safety vs Windows Devices

Apple machines are slightly more secure than Windows PCs today. However, the built-in protection on Windows and macOS just isn't sufficient to combat ever-evolving cyber threats, so it's wise to have an antivirus and a VPN running on your device.

Which mobile has better security? ›

So, what's the most secure smartphone?
SmartphoneOperating systemMemory
Apple iPhone 14 Pro MaxiOS6GB RAM
Samsung Galaxy S23 UltraAndroid8GB/12GB RAM
Purism Librem 5Linux-based Pure OS3GB RAM
Blackphone PRIVY 2.0Android-based Blackphone OS3GB RAM
3 more rows

What happens when mobile devices are not secured? ›

Identify theft

Identity theft is another threat that exists when your mobile device is not secured. Hackers can get at crucial information like your social security number. They can then use this and other private data to steal your identify. This could mean making purchases and opening accounts in your name.

Is mobile data secure? ›

Mobile devices can connect to the internet in two ways: cellular data or a Wi-Fi network — either a private or public network. Generally, cellular data is the safest method to connect to the internet. A private Wi-Fi network is the next best option, and a public network is the least safe.

Do phones emit more radiation than computers? ›

The answer is yes and no. Smartphones generally emit higher volumes of microwave radiation than laptops do since our cell phones are in constant communication with the network of cell towers everywhere, but laptops emit more electromagnetic waves (EM).

Is mobile data more secure? ›

Due to encryption, connecting your mobile device to a 4G network offers better security than a Wi-Fi network — especially a public Wi-Fi hotspot. Although a private Wi-Fi connection can also encrypt your connection, mobile data is still ultimately safer.

Is a smartphone more powerful than a computer? ›

The smartphone in your pocket has many times the processing power of the computers that landed man on the Moon. In fact, today's iPhones are so powerful that it has been suggested that a single iPhone could be used to guide more than 120 million Apollo-era spacecraft to the moon — all at the same time.

What is the difference between a mobile device and a computer? ›

The most obvious difference between a cell phone and PC is the size. Cell phones are significantly smaller than PCs, and are able to fit in the palm of one's hand. Cell phones are also designed for mobility. There are two types of personal computers, desktops and laptops.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.