Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) Definition (2024)

What Is the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)?

TheMarketsinFinancial Instruments Directive(MiFID) is aEuropean regulation that increasesthe transparency across the European Union's financial marketsand standardizes the regulatory disclosures required for firms operating there.

MiFID implementednew measures, such as pre- and post-trade transparency requirements, and set out the standards of conduct to be followed by financial firms. MiFID has a defined scope that primarily focuses on stocks. The directive was drafted in 2004 and has been in force across theEuropeanUnion (EU) since2007. MiFID was replaced by MiFID II in 2018.

Key Takeaways

  • Thegoal of the MarketsinFinancial Instruments Directive(MiFID) is to increase transparency across EU financial marketsand to standardize regulatory disclosures for firms.
  • MiFID is part of the regulatory changes sweeping the EU that impact all financial firms' compliance departments.
  • MiFID has been in force across theEuropean Union since2007.
  • MiFID was replaced by an updated regulatory directive, MiFID II, in 2018.
  • Stocks are the primary focus of MiFID, but the product scope has been expanded under MiFID II and more recent amendments.

Understanding the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)

The stated aim of MiFID is for all EU members to share a common, robust regulatory framework that protects investors. MiFID came into effect a year before the 2008 financial crisis, but changes were made following it that took shape in MiFID II. One issue in the original drafts was that the regulatory approach in dealing with countries outside of the European Union was left up to each member state. This meant that some firms outside of the EU could have a competitive advantageover firms inside the union because of the easier regulatory oversight.

This issue was addressed through MiFID II (implemented in January 2018), which harmonized the rules for all firms with EU clients. MiFID focused primarily on stocks, which was seen as a limitation because it did not include the vast amount of financial products available in the market, such as over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.

OTC transactions are done between two parties without any exchange in the middle to act as a supervisor. As a result, there was less regulatory oversight and transparency for the parties engaging in an OTC trade. Implementing MiFID II brought many more financial products under its purview. The Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) works in conjunction with MiFID andMiFID II as a regulation rather than a directive toextend the codes of conduct beyond stocks to other types of assets.

The European Union began enforcing the Markets in Crypto-Asset Regulation (MiCA) in July 2023, which complements the 2022 MiFID II amendment that added crypto-assets, Regulation 2022/858.

Client Classifications Under the MiFID

One of the key aspects of MiFID is the classification of clients into specific client types. There are three client types: professional clients, retail clients, and eligible counterparties. The goal for the classifications is that the regulatory protection for the clients should reflect the different levels of risks for each client type.

The idea is that different types of clients, or investors, will have different levels of financial knowledge and should be given different levels of protection when dealing with a financial body, such as a bank. Eligible counterparties are provided the least protection, and retail clients are provided the highest.

Depending on the client type, they are provided with different levels of information necessary for their understanding of the specific risks, overall explanations, and details of that transaction.

European Union Regulatory Harmonization

MiFID is just one part of the regulatory changes sweeping the EU and impacting the financial firms' compliance departments, e.g., insurers, mutual fund providers, and banks operatingthere. Taken together with other regulatory initiatives, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and MiFIR, the EU is following through on its vision of a transparent market with clear rights and protections for EU citizens.

As with any regulatory framework, manyrules are tweaks to existing regulations, such as the requirements for disclosure where a conflict of interestexists. However, several best practices, like appointing a single officer to protect client interests from inside the firm, are now explicit requirements for firms that want to access the EU market.


In 2018, the European Commission enacted a revised directive called MiFID II. First proposed in 2012, the revised directive was intended to restore confidence in the markets following the 2008 market crash.

While MiFID was limited to equity stocks, MiFID II extended the requirements to issuers of all types of securities, including debt securities, derivatives, and structured instruments. The new regulation enhanced the transparency and reporting requirements of securities trades, reducing the use of dark pools and OTC trading. It also extended investor protection for all types of securities trades, whether the investor was located inside or outside of the European Union.

In 2022, MiFID II was amended to include tokenized securities, crypto-assets, and other distributed ledger-based instruments.

How Did MiFID II Affect Investment Banks?

For banks that provide asset management or investment services, MiFID II requires financial instruments to be traded only in multilateral and regulated trading platforms, or those that adhere to the transparency requirements of OTC trading. These rules are intended to protect investors and eliminate dark trading of securities.

What Is the Difference Between MiFID and MiFID II?

MiFID II enhanced the transparency and reporting requirements of the older MiFID regulation. One key difference is the expansion of its scope: while MiFID applied largely to equities markets, MiFID II applies to all types of securities and derivatives.

How Does Brexit Affect MiFID II?

After the United Kingdom left the European Union, the two economies had two substantially similar regulatory regimes, but they lost their ability to trade easily. British firms lost their license to provide financial services to EU clients and vice versa. It also created duplicate reporting requirements for the two areas.

The Bottom Line

MiFID, or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, was a set of European regulations governing equities markets in the European Union. It was intended to enhance transparency and reporting requirements to protect European investors. These rules were replaced by the revised MiFID II regulation in 2018 and the amendment of 2022.

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) Definition (2024)


What is the Markets in financial instruments MiFID II? ›

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) empowers the Commission to adopt delegated and implementing acts to specify how competent authorities and market participants shall comply with the obligations laid down in the directive.

What is the Markets in financial markets directive? ›

MiFID, or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, was a set of European regulations governing equities markets in the European Union. It was intended to enhance transparency and reporting requirements to protect European investors.

What did the original markets in financial instruments directive MiFID replace? ›

The original Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID I) was introduced on 1 November 2007 to set out European Union (EU) regulation in respect of securities and financial markets. On 3 January 2018 it was replaced by a revised package of rules, collectively known as MiFID II.

What is a regulated market in MiFID? ›

Regulated markets are those markets in financial instruments which are recognised by national competent authorities and function in accordance with the provisions of MiFID rules.

What is financial markets and instruments? ›

Financial markets are created when people buy and sell financial instruments, including equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives. Financial markets rely heavily on informational transparency to ensure that the markets set prices that are efficient and appropriate.

What is a market financial instrument? ›

Financial instruments are contracts for monetary assets that can be purchased, traded, created, modified, or settled for. In terms of contracts, there is a contractual obligation between involved parties during a financial instrument transaction.

What is the revised markets in financial instruments directive? ›

MiFID II took effect in early 2018 and aims to create more robust and efficient market structures, requires more trades to be conducted through trading venues to promote transparency and financial stability, introduces new safeguards for algorithmic and high frequency trading, and provides a stricter framework for ...

What are examples of financial markets? ›

Some examples of financial markets include the stock market, the bond market, and the commodities market. Financial markets can be further broken down into capital markets, money markets, primary markets, and secondary markets.

What are MiFID II requirements? ›

Key policies of MiFID II include increased transparency in transactions and costs, diminishing OTC and dark pool trading, and ending legalized conflicts of interest that potentially put clients in the hands of investment managers using them for commissions with third parties.

What is MiFID in simple terms? ›

MiFID sets out the authorisation requirements for investment firms, including detailed information that firms must provide to the relevant national regulator.

What is MiFID II in simple terms? ›

The MiFID II reform means that organised trading of financial instruments must shift to multilateral and regulated trading platforms or be subject to transparency requirements where traded over-the-counter (OTC).

What is MiFID 2 classification? ›

MiFID II aims to provide clients with gradual and appropriate protection consistent with their category. MiFID distinguishes between three types of clients: Non-professional clients: including local authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises, and natural persons.

What is the MiFID 1 directive? ›

MiFID I was designed to set out:

trade transparency obligation for shares, and. rules on the admission of financial instruments to trading.

What markets does the market abuse regulation cover? ›

Market manipulation regulations relate to all financial instruments traded on regulated markets, MTFs and OTFs. This includes securities, but also extends to derivative transactions, spot commodity contracts, and market instruments if affected by the price/value of a financial instrument.

What is meant by a market? ›

A market is where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchange or transaction of goods and services. Markets can be physical, like a retail outlet, or virtual, like an e-retailer. Examples include illegal markets, auction markets, and financial markets.

What are the three main financial markets? ›

There are three main types of financial markets for you to understand: money markets, capital markets, and foreign exchange (FOREX) markets.

What is the primary market and secondary market? ›

Key takeaways. The primary market is where new securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) are issued and sold for the first time, typically through initial public offerings (IPOs). The secondary market, on the other hand, is where already issued securities are bought and sold by investors.

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