Life Science and Biology Databases, Publications & Resources (2024)

Life Science and Biology Databases, Publications & Resources (1)

Life Sciences

Gale provides lifescienceresources for research.

Life Science and Biology Databases, Publications & Resources (4)

Explore the world of the life sciences, which are concerned with the study of living things, such as people, plants, animals, and even microscopic organisms. Life science is one of two major branches in the sciences, with physical science—or the sciences dealing with nonliving matter—being the other.

Biology, which is the study of life and how living things survive and change, is so foundational to the life sciences that some people use the terms interchangeably. There are many disciplines included in the life sciences, however, such as anthropology, ecology, entomology, botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology, biotechnology, evolutionary biology, genetics, human anatomy, marine biology, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience, paleontology, plant biology, and biochemistry.

Some life sciences focus on a particular type of organism, such as animals (zoology) or plants (botany). Others examine aspects that are common to all or many life forms, such as anatomy and genetics. And still others focus on the life that cannot even be seen with the naked eye, such as molecular biology and microchemistry.

The diversity within this discipline means that the life sciences have a broad application in society. Those who study the life sciences can apply their knowledge in the fields of medicine, engineering, scientific research, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food science, natural resource management, and conservation. Health-related fields are particularly prominent destinations for students of the life sciences.

Gale provides scholarly life science resources and biology resources, includingdatabases,primary source archives,and eBooks.


Gale databasesoffer researchers and educators access to credible, up-to-date life science and biology databases for research. Resources include abstracts, guides, full-text journal articles, and more. Citation tools and intuitive subject indexing provide an unparalleled research experience.

Primary Source Archives

Gale Primary Sourcesoffers life scientific archives and collections that provide researchers with firsthand content.

Gale eBooks

Gale offers a variety of eBooks covering a wide range of topics, including biology publications, biological chemistry, ecosystems, and more. Users can addGale eBooksto a customized collection and cross-search to pinpoint relevant content.Workflow toolshelp users easily share, save, and download content.

  • Ecotoxicology Essentials: Environmental Contaminants and Their Biological Effects on Animals and Plants, 1st Edition

    Ecotoxicology Essentials: Environmental Contaminants and Their Biological Effects on Animals and Plants, 1st Edition

    Academic Press| 2016 | ISBN-13:9780128019610

    As a thorough guide to the study of environmental contaminants and their effect on the planet’s ecology, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of their impact on microbes, plants and animals, and entire ecosystems, also citing ways that humans can be affected through serious illnesses and even death.

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  • Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition

    Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition

    Elsevier Science| 2014 | ISBN-13:9780123786319

    The four-volume Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, 2nd Edition, represents the current state of a dynamic and crucial field of study. The encyclopedia pulls together over 500 articles that help define and explore contemporary biochemistry, with content experts carefully chosen by the editorial board to assure both breadth and depth in its coverage. Editors-In-Chief William J. Lennarz and M. Daniel Lane have crafted a work that proceeds from the acknowledgement that understanding every living process—from physiology to immunology to genetics—is impossible without a grasp on the basic chemistry that provides its underpinning. Each article in the work provides an up-to-date snapshot of a given topic, written by experts, as well as suggestions for further readings for students and researchers wishing to go into greater depth.

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  • Evolution, 1st Edition

    Evolution, 1st Edition

    Facts on File| 2009 | ISBN-13:9781438117409

    The theory of evolution can be observed anywhere—from exotic tropical rain forests to our own backyards—and is based on three main principles: heredity, variation, and selection. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace sought to explain how these processes work together to produce new species. Evolution provided the first scientific system to investigate the origins and relationships of living creatures, and today it serves as a grand unifying theory, explaining facts that cannot really be accounted for in any other way.

    Evolutiondemonstrates why the theory was necessary, describing it as clearly as possible, in order to show how it has been received by society and to explain the central role that it plays in today’s science. This new book also examines the immense impact evolution has had on society and on modern medicine—including the birth of genetic science in the early 1900s and the discovery that genes were made of DNA in the 1950s. Written in clear language, Evolution fills a niche for high school and college students interested in this fascinating topic.

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  • Real World Science: Biology in Your Everyday Life, 1st Edition

    Real World Science: Biology in Your Everyday Life, 1st Edition

    Enslow Publishing| 2020 | ISBN-13:9781978509443

    Why are some people lactose intolerant? What happens to the brain during and after a concussion? What causes acne breakouts? The answers to these questions and many more are found in the biology of the human body. Featuring relatable scenarios and hands-on activities, this book details how biology affects practically everything in a person’s everyday life. Sidebars consider myths about acne, sex testing in sports, antibiotic resistance, mental health, and how microorganisms transform food. Supporting Next Generation Science Standards in middle school life science, this book provides students with a deeper understanding of the process of science and the importance of biology in their lives.

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Life Science and Biology Databases, Publications & Resources (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.