Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (2024)

It is always a pleasure to see a complimentary bread basket on a visit to a fine dining restaurant. These stretchy, warm, savory, yeasty, sweet or crispy mixed delights are delightful to munch on before the actual meal arrives on the table. Many of India's popular restaurants serve a complimentary bread basket, which contains different looking and tasting breads, served along with flavored butter and olive oil. Have you ever wondered what type of breads go into the basket and how different are they from each other? Well then, read on to know everything about your bread basket, starting with why restaurants treat their customers with a complimentary bread basket -

Why the Complimentary Bread Basket?

The practice of restaurants serving complimentary bread baskets has been known since a long time. There are numerous reasons and theories behind this gesture:

  1. This is a sign of hospitality, as to welcome guests that dine at the restaurants. It is a gesture to keep the guest happy right from the beginning.
  2. It is a way to keep the guests busy while waiting for their food. Restaurants do not want their customers to be bored, therefore, giving away complementary food helps the customers stay patient.
  3. Scientifically, breads can actually make you hungrier. These breads are full of carbohydrates that trigger insulin production making you hungrier than you were before. The consumption of these breads most likely would make you anticipate your order.
  4. This gesture affects psychologically too. If a restaurant served you a bread basket, you would want to reciprocate to this generous effort. It triggers a subconscious feeling of returning the favor. This influences the spending ability of the customer, including tip to the waiter.

Types of Breads

Here's a list of the types of bread that are commonly included in the bread basket -

Baguette - Baguette is an elongated, thin loaf of French bread that is made from basic dough. It has a crispy crust and a distinguishable length. It teams well with butter or flavored olive oil.

Bagel - Bagel is known to be originated from Jewish communities of Poland. It is a ring-shaped bread made by hand with yeasted wheat dough that is first boiled for a short time in water and then baked. It is browner, chewy, dense and doughy, with a crispy exterior.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (2)

Brioche - Originating from France, its high butter and egg content gives it a tender crumb. It is puffy, dark, golden brown and has a flaky crust. It is made with flour, eggs, water, butter, milk and cream.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (3)

Crostino - Crostinos are Italian appetizers that are cut into small pieces and eaten either grilled or toasted. These breads generally make a part of bread baskets on a larger scale.

Focaccia - It is a flat, oven baked Italian bread and is quite similar to that of pizza bread. It can be seasoned with olive oil, salt and herbs or cheese on top.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (5)

Multi Grain Bread- This bread is prepared with two or more types of grain. The grains used include barley, millet, oats, flax, wheat and whole wheat flour among others. The bread is topped with edible seeds that include pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, quinoa and sunflower seeds.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (6)

Croissant - Croissant is a French buttery, flaky and crescent-shaped bread. It is one of the most commonly used breads in the bread basket. The dough is layered with butter, rolled and folded several times in succession and then baked to acquire those layers.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (7)

Breadstick- Breadsticks are pencil-sized sticks of dry, crisp bread that originated from Italy. It is a common appetizer and is consumed by dipping the sticks in butter.

Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (8)

(Know how to make brown bread at home)All these breads are great appetizers and can be experimented with varieties of seasonings and toppings. You can enjoy them while you sip on tea or coffee or as evening snacks too. Now you know why restaurants love to serve bread baskets to their customers and the different kinds of breads they contain.


Know Your Bread Basket: From Baguette to Croissant and More (2024)


What is slang for bread basket? ›

Definition of breadbasket. slang. as in stomach. the part of the body between the chest and the pelvis got hit right in the breadbasket. stomach.

What is the significance of the bread basket? ›

bread basket noun (FARMING)

a large farming area that provides other areas with food, especially cereals that are used to make flour : The Eastern Province is the country's bread basket. Iraq used to be the breadbasket of the Middle East.

Who are the breadbasket guys? ›

Meet Danny and Zach Guarino, the brothers behind 'The Bread Basket' - The Athletic.

How does a proofing basket work? ›

Bannetons and other proofing baskets (sometimes called brotforms), are used to hold shaped bread dough as it rises. They help the dough maintain its shape, which is particularly helpful if it's a wet, high-hydration dough that, without the support of the basket, might otherwise flatten into a pancake.

Where does the saying "bread basket" come from? ›

For most of its history, the word "breadbasket" was tied to the consumption of food, referring since the early 1700s to one's stomach or belly. Not until after World War II did the word's slang usage switch to the production side of the food story.

Why was New York called the bread basket? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The Bread Basket Colonies got their name because wheat was plentiful there. The Middle Colonies of Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York made up the Bread Basket colonies. They produced more food than any of the other colonies and became known for this throughout America.

Why was Egypt called the bread basket? ›

During the Imperial period, Egypt produced an estimated surplus of six million modii of wheat (roughly 26 million metric tons) that was exported to Rome and other regions of the Mediterranean; as one of its main grain suppliers, Egypt has rightly been termed “the breadbasket of Rome.” In addition to grain, Egypt ...

Why is St Elizabeth call the bread basket? ›

Rich soil, ideal climate and the ability to produce large quantities of various crops fit the profile of St. Elizabeth, the parish that has the reputation of being the 'breadbasket' of Jamaica.

What states are considered The Bread Basket? ›

This flat, fertile land stretches from the north of Mexico to Canada and includes Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa and parts of Missouri and Minnesota. It is sometimes referred to as the Breadbasket because grains used in making bread grow very well here. One of the country's biggest crops is wheat.

Where is your breadbasket? ›

Slang. a person's stomach or abdomen.

Is America The Bread Basket of the world? ›

The United States, once referred to as the “Breadbasket of the World,” has seen sharp declines in wheat plantings and its share of global exports as U.S. farmers have increasingly chosen to plant other, more profitable commodities.

What to use instead of a bread basket? ›

Colander. A metal or plastic colander can be used as a proofing basket alternative in the same way as the ricotta basket below. Smaller is better as it will support your dough better and stop it from spreading out.

Can you bake bread in a bread proofing basket? ›

A proofing basket, the name says it all, is only meant to let the dough proof, so it is not a replacement for a baking tin and can never go into the oven.

What is the slang for bread? ›

The word bread has been used as American slang for money since at least the 1930s. Food is among the most important reasons people need money, and the slang bread likely refers to the fact that bread is one of the most commonly eaten (and purchased) foods.

What is a synonym for breadbox? ›

a container used to keep bread or cake in. synonyms: bread-bin.

What does get bread mean in slang? ›

US informal. (also let's get the bread) used to encourage someone to try hard and be successful: Wake up everyone - let's get this bread! Happy Monday - let's get the bread.

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