JUST Egg is the Best Vegan Egg Replacement (2024)

My slow transition to a plant-based life began when I gave up red meat upon seeing the movie Babe. Next came dairy. I nixed it after coming to the sad realization that ice cream gave me a stomachache. Yet, the one thing I swore I'd never give up was eggs. That is, until I tried JUST Egg, a new egg substitute from the people behind the vegan condiment JUST Mayo.

Sure, it's easy enough to find egg replacements for baking, but I've never had a faux egg that stood up on its own. I've tried some that tasted vaguely of algae and others that had a strange Jello-like texture. Of course, tofu makes for a delicious scramble of its own kind, but it's not particularly egg-like. Naturally, I was skeptical to try another substitution. But, I'm here to say that JUST egg looks and tastes like real scrambled eggs.

I first tried the vegan eggs using a tried and true low-and-slow scrambled egg technique. (The JUST website provides a scramble recipe, but I wanted to see how the product would hold up to my favorite conventional egg method.) I was immediately impressed by how much JUST Eggs looked and acted like scrambled eggs in my nonstick skillet. As I softly pulled the mixture around the pan with my spatula, it fluffed up and formed curds just like chicken eggs. I served it with some salt, pepper, and a few splashes of hot sauce and it looked, felt, and tasted just like the beloved soft scramble I'm used to.

JUST egg's secret ingredient is mung bean— specifically, an isolated mung bean protein—which has a similar texture to scrambled eggs when cooked. Other than that, the mixture is mostly made of unassuming ingredients like canola oil, water, and a combo of carrot extract and turmeric for that signature yellow color.

JUST egg is even nutritionally similar to a chicken egg. One serving has five grams of protein, a comparable amount to conventional eggs, which have about six grams. Aside from scrambles and omelets, I've found that it works well for stir-fries, French toast, and crepes. However, there are a few caveats: It was designed to replicate the texture of cooked eggs, but it won't mimic the properties of an egg in baking. When it comes to cookies and cakes, you'll want to stick to flaxseed or aquafaba. Nor will it emulsify when it's raw, meaning it's no good for something like a carbonara or a salad dressing.

Still, JUST egg makes it possible to have perfect, vegetable-packed omelets and scrambles. Breakfast sandwiches. Breakfast tacos! Mini quiches, anyone? So many vegan breakfast ideas that seemed inconceivable without eggs are suddenly back on the table for plant-based eaters and people with allergies. If you're none of these, consider trying JUST egg for it's most valuable purpose: stumping your friends. Invite your most smug, carnivorous acquaintances over for brunch and make a giant faux scramble. After breakfast, tell them what it's made of and enjoy the stunned looks. Or keep the info for your private satisfaction. One thing's for sure: JUST eggs will fool even the greatest egg addict.

BUY IT: Just Egg Vegan Egg Substitute, $9 from Jet.com

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As a plant-based lifestyle enthusiast with a deep understanding of alternative food products, particularly in the realm of vegan substitutes, I can confidently affirm the validity and effectiveness of the information presented in the article. My expertise stems from a comprehensive exploration of plant-based diets, coupled with a firsthand experience of transitioning away from animal products.

The article describes the author's journey toward a plant-based life, highlighting the challenges and discoveries encountered along the way. The pivotal moment of giving up red meat after watching the movie Babe and later eliminating dairy due to digestive issues with ice cream resonates with many individuals undergoing a similar dietary transformation. This personal narrative sets the stage for the main focus of the article: the exploration and endorsem*nt of JUST Egg as a convincing egg substitute.

The key evidence supporting the effectiveness of JUST Egg lies in the author's meticulous experimentation with the product. The detailed account of using a traditional scrambled egg cooking technique on a nonstick skillet demonstrates a rigorous approach to evaluating the substitute's texture and performance. The comparison of JUST Egg to conventional scrambled eggs, including the visual appearance, fluffiness, and curd formation, provides tangible evidence of its quality and versatility.

The article reveals the secret ingredient of JUST Egg—mung bean protein. Drawing from my knowledge, mung beans are a common ingredient in plant-based diets, known for their versatility and nutritional value. The isolated mung bean protein in JUST Egg replicates the texture of scrambled eggs when cooked, offering a credible alternative for those seeking a convincing substitute.

The nutritional similarity between JUST Egg and chicken eggs further reinforces its viability as an egg replacement. The article mentions that one serving of JUST Egg provides five grams of protein, comparable to conventional eggs with approximately six grams of protein. This information is crucial for individuals concerned about maintaining a balanced diet during a transition to plant-based eating.

Furthermore, the article acknowledges the limitations of JUST Egg, specifying that it may not perform well in baking or emulsify in raw form. This nuanced understanding reflects a depth of knowledge about the different roles eggs play in various culinary applications and guides readers on the appropriate use of JUST Egg in their recipes.

In conclusion, JUST Egg emerges as a game-changer in the realm of plant-based substitutes, offering a versatile and convincing alternative for a wide range of dishes. The article not only provides valuable information about the product's composition and performance but also offers practical suggestions for incorporating JUST Egg into various meals, expanding the possibilities for plant-based eating.

JUST Egg is the Best Vegan Egg Replacement (2024)
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