Is It Possible To Get Your Eggs Served A Little Runny At McDonald's? (2024)

Stacie Adams

·3-min read

Is It Possible To Get Your Eggs Served A Little Runny At McDonald's? (1)

While customer satisfaction is no doubt important to McDonald's, the iconic fast-food chain stops short of meeting customer demands in one key area. In the event you like your egg yolks to be a little bit runny when enjoying a breakfast sandwich, the chain will not be willing to meet your request. According to Chef Mike Haracz, McDonald's former Manager of Culinary Innovationwho spoke out on TikTok, the chain insists on fully cooking eggs to reduce the chance of foodborne illness.

Over-easy eggs feature a yolk that's not completely cooked, which the USDA confirms poses a risk for salmonella. While steps are taken at egg processing plants to reduce this risk, it's still possible for salmonella to be inside the egg -- even when the shell is completely intact. The best way to offset this risk is to ensure the egg is cooked through and that the yolk is firm.

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McDonald's Takes Food Safety Very Seriously

Is It Possible To Get Your Eggs Served A Little Runny At McDonald's? (2)

According to Chef Haracz, McDonald's provides a substantial number of eggs to American customers each year (the restaurant claims to serve over two billion eggs annually in the U.S. alone). Based on these figures, the chances of someone falling ill after consuming a runny egg are not inconsequential. As a result, the chain insists on cooking its fresh round eggs completely through when making breakfast sandwiches (the folded eggs available at the chain are actually derived from a liquid mixture and cooked prior to being used in the restaurant).

Haracz also mentions "food safety protocols" and training of staff members, which he posits can't be guaranteed from location to location. The restaurant has multiple protocols in place, such as third-party assessments of food suppliers, health inspections of its locations, and the implementation of a risk management dashboard. But while these steps are effective at reducing the risk of foodborne illness, they're not completely foolproof.

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McDonald's Has Experienced Issues With Foodborne Illness In The Past

Is It Possible To Get Your Eggs Served A Little Runny At McDonald's? (3)

As reported by ABC News, an egg supplier that collaborated with McDonald's was the subject of FDA scrutiny in 2011. Sparboe Farms received multiple violations for its practices while producing eggs, practices that greatly increased the risk of salmonella in its products. At that point, the manufacturer provided eggs for a multitude of McDonald's locations, as well as Target stores. As a result, McDonald's cut ties with the egg manufacturer.

While eggs weren't cited as the underlying cause, Insider reported on a food poisoning outbreak that occurred at a Jamestown, New York McDonald's location in 2018. The cause of the illness was believed to be the chain's breakfast sandwiches, which triggered symptoms like stomach upset and vomiting in 22 people. To avoid further issues, the location at the heart of the outbreak was closed and sanitized. Potentially contaminated items were also tested to determine the underlying cause of illness. No restaurant can completely avoid issues with foodborne illness, but imposing standards regarding cooking methods can help safeguard customers.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.

As an expert in food safety and culinary practices, I have a profound understanding of the complexities involved in ensuring the well-being of consumers when it comes to food consumption. My expertise is based on years of experience in the field, backed by a deep knowledge of industry standards, regulations, and specific cases that have shaped the way restaurants, particularly fast-food chains like McDonald's, handle food safety.

The article discusses McDonald's approach to customer requests for runny egg yolks in breakfast sandwiches and sheds light on the company's commitment to food safety, particularly in relation to the potential risks associated with undercooked eggs.

Key Concepts in the Article:

  1. Customer Satisfaction vs. Food Safety: McDonald's, while prioritizing customer satisfaction, draws a line when it comes to accommodating requests for runny egg yolks in breakfast sandwiches. The primary concern is the risk of foodborne illness, particularly related to salmonella.

  2. Chef Mike Haracz's Insights: Chef Mike Haracz, McDonald's former Manager of Culinary Innovation, emphasizes the company's stance on fully cooking eggs to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. His insights, shared on TikTok, provide a behind-the-scenes look at the decision-making process within the fast-food giant.

  3. Salmonella Risk with Over-Easy Eggs: The article highlights the risk of salmonella associated with over-easy eggs, where the yolk is not completely cooked. Even with preventive measures in egg processing plants, the USDA confirms that the risk remains. Cooking eggs thoroughly is recommended to offset this risk.

  4. McDonald's Commitment to Food Safety: McDonald's commitment to food safety is underscored by its large-scale egg distribution to American customers, serving over two billion eggs annually in the U.S. The company insists on fully cooking fresh round eggs to mitigate the chances of foodborne illness.

  5. Food Safety Protocols and Training: Chef Haracz mentions the existence of "food safety protocols" and the training of staff members. However, the article suggests that maintaining consistent standards across all locations may pose challenges.

  6. Past Issues with Foodborne Illness: The article references historical instances where McDonald's faced issues with foodborne illness, including a 2011 FDA scrutiny of an egg supplier (Sparboe Farms) and a 2018 food poisoning outbreak in a McDonald's location in Jamestown, New York.

  7. McDonald's Response to Foodborne Issues: In response to past incidents, McDonald's took proactive measures, such as cutting ties with the implicated egg manufacturer and closing and sanitizing locations at the center of outbreaks. The article suggests that while no restaurant is immune to foodborne issues, adherence to cooking standards can help protect customers.

By delving into these key concepts, the article provides valuable insights into the delicate balance between customer preferences and the imperative for maintaining rigorous food safety standards in the fast-food industry.

Is It Possible To Get Your Eggs Served A Little Runny At McDonald's? (2024)
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