Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (2024)

Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (1)

Finance and AccountingFinancial ManagementFinancial PlanningCareers

The fast-paced finance industry includes everything from banking and asset management to insurance, venture capital, and private equity. In 2018, these sectors combined to form 7.4%, or $1.5 trillion, of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).

As such a large part of our economy, the finance industry creates high demand for jobs. It also promotes intense competition.

For individuals with the right training and education, there is a multitude of rewarding career paths. But do you really need a finance degree to succeed, or will any degree do? If you choose to pursue a degree in finance, how do you know which one is right? It depends on the career you want—now and in the long term.

This article will break down the different types of finance degrees and jobs, making it easier for you to decide if a finance degree is worth it.

Which Type of Degree Will Get You Where You Want To Go?

Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (2)

There are multiple undergraduate degrees that fall under the category of finance. Many of these degrees have similar foundational business courses in areas like accounting, business law, management, and economics. Where they differ is in their major courses, which allow for additional specialization within the field of finance.

These are three of the leading bachelor’s degrees in the finance field.

  • B.S. in Financial Planning: A degree in financial planning prepares you to help individuals and small businesses manage their assets and plan for their financial future. Professionals with a financial planning degree usually become personal financial planners who either holistically manage finances, or specialize in an area like investment strategy, estate planning, retirement savings, healthcare planning or income planning.
  • B.S. in Financial Management: A degree in financial management prepares you to analyze the financial health of financial institutions and businesses, helping them improve financial performance and increase profitability. Professionals with a financial management degree focus in areas like financial analysis and forecasting, portfolio management, cash management, international finance, and risk management.
  • B.S. in Accounting:A degree in accounting focuses on the accountability side of finance, teaching you the ins-and-outs of financial reporting, taxation, auditing, and financial management. This degree prepares you to become a CPA, which can work in any number of settings from corporate to government and private practice.

Knowing which career path is right for you is critical in getting the full value of a finance degree. If you want to focus your career on increasing the financial health of individuals, companies or financial institutions, a degree in financial planning or management can prepare you for success.

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Five Key Benefits of Getting a Degree in Finance

Finance is a high-stakes industry—individuals and corporations won’t trust their financial future to just anyone. That’s why getting a finance degree is extremely valuable. Here are five real benefits of getting your finance degree:

  1. Master skills that prepare you for real-world job responsibilities. Unlike more general degrees, like business administration, finance teaches you in-demand skills in areas including data analytics, risk management, capital allocation, and investment strategy. Through coursework you’ll also gain much needed soft skills like collaboration, verbal and written communication, and adaptability.
  2. Work for a wide range of employers. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required for nearly all finance professions. Whether you want to work on Wall Street, for the SEC, or a financial planning consultancy, a finance degree will give you the foundational knowledge you need to start your career.
  3. Set the stage for getting professional certifications. Most financial professionals get at least one professional certification. For financial planners, the most common is the Certified Financial Planner (CFP), which sets high ethical and skills standards for these professionals. Financial management professionals may choose to pursue a specialty area of expertise, like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification or the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certification. The right finance degree program will focus on topics that prepare you to pass these types of certifications.
  4. Set yourself up for a financially rewarding career. In 2019, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) reported that the average starting salary for finance majors was $58,464, while management, director and executive positions easily surpass six figures.
  5. Join a popular industry that expects stable growth. According to the BLS, employment of all business and financial operations occupations is projected to grow 7% percent by 2028, faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 591,800 new jobs.

What Kind of Jobs Can You Get With a Finance Degree?

As the finance industry grows, technology advances and the regulatory space gets more complex, there are a growing variety of finance jobs. Let’s look at some of the most promising career paths for finance degree holders.

Loan Officer

Loan officers assess, authorize and recommend approval of loan applications for individuals and businesses. They collect and verify all required financial documents and evaluate the information they obtain to determine the applicant’s need for a loan and their ability to pay back the loan.

  • Median Salary: $63,040 (BLS)
  • Job Outlook (2018-2028): 8%

Personal Financial Advisor

Personal financial advisors help individuals manage their finances and plan for their financial future. They advise and manage everything from investments, insurance and mortgages to college savings, estate plans, and retirement.

  • Median Salary: $88,890 (BLS)
  • Job Outlook (2018-2028): 7%

Financial Examiner

Financial examiners ensure financial institutions are in compliance with the laws governing them. They review balance sheets, evaluate the risk level of loans, and assess bank management to make sure risk is properly managed and borrowers are being treated fairly.

  • Median Salary: $80,180 (BLS)
  • Job Outlook (2018-2028): 7%

Financial Analyst

Financial analysts evaluate investment opportunities for businesses and individuals, helping assess the performance of stocks, bonds, and other types of investments. They usually specialize in a specific industry, geographical region, or type of product.

  • Median Salary: $85,660 (BLS)
  • Job Outlook (2018-2028): 6%

Financial Manager

Financial managers create financial reports, manage investment activities, and develop strategies for the long-term financial goals of their organization. With advances in technology, financial managers now focus most of their time on data analysis to advise management on ways to maximize profits.

  • Median Salary: $127,990 (BLS)
  • Job Outlook (2018-2028): 16%

What’s It Take to Earn a Finance Degree and Compete for Finance Jobs?

Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (3)

Getting your finance degree isn’t easy—it takes time, dedication and hard work. But getting your degree is only the first step. Here are three things you need to know about differentiating yourself from the competition:

  1. The best way to learn is by doing. Finance is a meticulous specialty. As you’re learning new concepts, make sure you’re taking advantage of the latest tools and applying what you learn to real scenarios.
  2. Don’t lose sight of the big picture. It’s easy to get laser-focused on passing courses, but part of the finance profession is understanding the world in which financial institutions operate. Stay curious and stay in tune with the news, politics and global economy that affects businesses every day.
  3. Take your studies into the real world. Join a professional organization, network with other finance professionals, and find a mentor who can show you what it’s like to work in finance. The more experience you can gain while pursuing your degree, the easier it will be to jump start your career.

Remember, finance is extremely competitive, so you should do everything you can to differentiate yourself. Keeping these things in mind as your complete your degree will help you become a well-rounded professional with job-ready skills.

Find the Right Finance Program For Your Goals

Now that you know what it takes, are you ready to start or advance your career in finance? Then you need to find the right finance program. If you’re a working professional who wants to get your finance degree, you need a flexible, online program that will teach you the latest skills, without pausing your career.

Franklin University provides two different finance degrees for the industry’s most popular career paths—a B.S. in Financial Planning and a B.S. in Financial Management. Explore our programs and see how these degrees can help you accomplish your career goals.

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Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (4)Download Now

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Is a Finance Degree Worth It? (2024)


Is a Finance Degree Worth It? ›

Work for a wide range of employers.

How useful is a degree in finance? ›

Majoring in finance can lead to a wide range of career opportunities in various industries. It equips you with the knowledge of financial management, investment strategies, and risk assessment, which are crucial skills in today's business world.

Is a career in finance worth it? ›

Finance degree jobs can provide relatively high pay, stability, opportunities for advancement and consistent demand projections. Careers in finance may also offer flexibility for employees by allowing them to work remotely or in hybrid environments.

How do you know if finance is for you? ›

What Traits Should I Possess? When dealing with finances, it is extremely important to be detail-oriented, organized, analytical and a good communicator.

Are finance majors oversaturated? ›

At number one we have finance. Given that this is one of the majors with the highest upside. while also being incredibly easy academic wise and extremely popular, you betcha this one is oversaturated and super competitive.

Is finance hard if you're bad at math? ›

Believe it or not, mastery of advanced math skills is not necessary to have a career in finance. With today's technology, all math-related tasks can be done by computers and calculators. That said, there are some basic math skills that would certainly make you a better candidate in the finance industry.

What are the cons of finance major? ›

Cons of getting a finance degree

Long hours: Many finance jobs require long hours, particularly in investment banking and other high-pressure roles. Stressful work environment: The finance industry can be stressful, particularly during economic uncertainty or market volatility.

Is it hard for finance majors to get a job? ›

You don't need an MBA to work in finance, but the field is highly competitive, especially at the entry-level. Internships offer experience, exposure, and a tryout for a full-time gig.

Is finance a hard major? ›

Finance degrees are generally considered to be challenging. In a program like this, students gain exposure to new concepts, from financial lingo to mathematical problems, so there can be a learning curve.

Is finance harder than accounting? ›

Is finance harder than accounting? Accounting relies on precise arithmetic principles, making it more complex, whereas finance requires a grasp of economics and accounting without as much mathematical detail.

Is finance a stable career? ›

Finance degree jobs can provide relatively high pay, stability, opportunities for advancement and consistent demand projections. Careers in finance may also offer flexibility for employees by allowing them to work remotely or in hybrid environments.

Does finance pay well? ›

Salaries in the finance industry

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics (BLS), careers in finance pay a median salary of $76,850 — 66% higher than the median salary for all occupations in the nation ($46,310).

Which finance jobs pay the most? ›

What are the top 5 highest paying jobs? The top 5 highest paying jobs in finance are investment banking, hedge fund management, CFO roles, private equity, and actuarial positions. These careers typically offer substantial salaries and the potential for significant bonuses.

Is 25 too late to get into finance? ›

"Most people who get entry-level jobs in banking are aged 20 to 25 years-old," says one former trader. "Once you get beyond 28 years-old, it becomes a lot more difficult to get a front office job (in trading, sales or M&A) in a bank," he adds.

What percent of finance majors are unemployed? ›

College majors sorted by employment rates, wages and graduate degrees
College MajorUnemployment rateShare with Graduate Degree
Fine arts12.1%23.2%
Foreign language7.8%50.5%
General business5.3%25.2%
65 more rows

How happy are finance majors? ›

How satisfied are finance students compared to other degrees? Overall, finance students rate their satisfaction with their degree a 3.1 out of 5. This is low compared to other degrees which average a rating of 3.28 across all degrees.

Is a finance degree better than accounting? ›

The field of finance offers more career choices but also less predictability. In some cases, careers in finance might offer higher pay. Careers in accounting can offer more predictable and stable work but less pay in many cases.

Is finance a good major for the future? ›

Finance degrees are in much demand worldwide, with many different career path options and great monetary benefits. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts finance-related jobs to grow 7% from 2021 to 2031, with an expected increase of about 715,100 new jobs and about 980,200 openings from growth and replacement needs.

Is finance major a lot of math? ›

Finance degrees will often cover more basic mathematical concepts such as algebra and statistics, as well as more industry-specific math courses such as probability and business mathematics.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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