Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (2024)

Investors Underground Review

  • Value
  • Versatility
  • Ease of Use (Website)
  • Quality of Alerts
  • Quality of Education
  • Quality of Support



Investors Underground is one of the biggest trading chat rooms on the web. The service has been around since 2008 and his home to many respected day traders. IU is run by Nathan Michaud who provides daily watch lists, trading video lessons, trade alerts, and more.

About Investors Underground

Investors Underground is one of the most well-known chat rooms on the internet. The service has been around since 2008 and the IU chat room may be one of the biggest on the web. You will find well-known traders like Nathan Michaud, Tim Grittani, Eric Wood, and many more in the chat room. Investors Underground was available on the platform for some time before announcing their departure in 2015.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (1)

Investors Underground is a day trading community, chat room, and education service. The company offers two trading courses to get new traders acclimated to the market. Textbook Trading is a beginner day trading course and Tandem Trader offers advanced trading strategies as well as real-time trade analyses.

The Investors Underground service is owned and operated by Nathan Michaud (also known as @investorslive). Keep reading our Investors Underground review to see if this is the right day trading service for you.

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Investors Underground Review: Key Facts
📈 FeaturesTrading Courses, Chat Room, Watch Lists, Video Lessons, Webinars
💰 PricingStarts at $299/month
DiscountsUp to 50% Off Bundles
Best ForActive Traders
📆 Founded2008
🙍‍♂ Key PeopleNathan Michaud

Who is Nathan Michaud?

Nathan Michaud is a well-known trader in the world of online trading. Most traders better recognize Nathan by his Twitter handle, @InvestorsLive.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (2)

Nathan Michaud has been day trading since 2003 and went full-time in 2007 after graduating college with a degree in finance. In 2004, he founded a website called, which would later evolve into Investors Underground.

Nathan is known for having a good feel for the markets and you can see some of his calls on Twitter. He will trade a variety of different kinds of stocks and he will play both sides of the market (long and short).

I initially became familiar with Nathan’s trading by following him on Twitter. I would use his tweets as ideas for new trades. Eventually, I decided to sign up for the service and I’m very glad I did. Nate is one of the best traders I’ve come across.

Investors Underground Trading Style

Investors Underground is home to many day traders who all have different styles of trading.

There are multiple trading chat rooms that are segmented based on trading style. The service offers chat rooms for momentum trading, swing trading, and penny stock trading. That said, the majority of trading is focused on momentum plays. Momentum trading consists of finding stocks with above-average trading volume and volatility and this is exactly what the traders at IU are doing. This shouldn’t be confused with scalping as most trades are held for a few hours.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (3)

The majority of the trading done at Investors Underground is based on technical analysis. Nathan and the other head traders put a strong focus on looking for setups with low risk and high reward potential. Some of these setups include ABCD charts (similar to an ascending triangle), short selling parabolic moves, trading red/green reversals, and more. The main indicator most traders use in the Investors Underground chat room is VWAP, a volume-weighted moving average that helps smooth price action.

Investors Underground is one of the more diverse trading services I’ve tried so far. There is a lot more activity when compared to trading chat rooms like Timothy Sykes and Fous Alerts. Nathan and the other traders are trading many different stocksand setups each day. They will trade $1 stocks and they will trade $100 stocks. They will place long trades and short trades. At first, it can be difficult to keep up with this fast-paced trading style, but once you get the hang of it, you learn A LOT.

You can better understand the trading style by checking out this clip from Tandem Trader:

Investors Underground Stock Watch Lists

The team at Investors Underground is constantly stressing the importance of preparation. You need to come to the market prepared if you want to become a successful day trader.

Every night, Nate and a few other moderators send out a stock watch list. The watch list includes a few stock tickers, stock charts, and an explanation of what the moderator is looking for in the trade.

Each moderator has their own unique trading style, so the watch lists are unique as well. Cody (@oddstocktrader) often includes penny stocks or sector-specific watch lists. Dante (@dgtrading101) puts out watch lists with great short opportunities). Nate puts out watch lists with great momentum trading opportunities.

The daily watch lists are just as much an educational tool as they are a resource. You can learn a lot by analyzing Nate’s approach to the market. You can think about why he is watching certain stocks andhowhe came up with his game plan.

Investors Underground Chat Rooms

Investors Underground has three different trading chat rooms: Momentum, Swing, and OTC. The majority of the action is in the momentum chat room, but the other rooms are helpful as well (especially if you have a different trading style)

Momentum Chat Room

Day 1 in the Investors Underground momentum trading chat room was a new experience for me. By the time I joined Investors Underground, I had already tried a few different services. I had heard that Investors Underground was one of the best trading chat rooms and I was excited to learn more.

Here’s what stood out to me:

  1. No Off Topic Chatter is Allowed – In many of the other chat rooms I was in, there was room for conversation. The IU chat room is all about business. Every single message posted during market hoursneeds to add value or you will get muted. While this can seem harsh at first, you understand the value of it once you’ve been a member for a month.
  2. More Key Traders/Moderators – Many trading services are focused around a single day trader. Investors Underground has many more experienced traders who share trade alerts throughout the day. Moderators posts are shown in different fonts so they are easy to follow. Some prominent members include InvestorsLive, OddStockTrader, TexMex, Elkwood, OzarkTrades, Tim Grittani, and more. These guys all have different trading styles so there is a lot to learn.
  3. Faster Paced Lingo and No “Follow” Alerts – Some of the other chat rooms I was in before IU offered trading alerts that were very easy to follow (i.e. “In 10,000 shares of $XYZ at $6.50). Investors Underground is more about trade ideas and commentary than it is about buy and sell alerts. They don’t want traders simply copying alerts, which is probably for the better due to the size of the chat room. Instead, you will get alerts like “Taking a starter position in stock $XYZ” or “$XYZ hitting nHOD.” There is a lot of lingo and jargon you need to familiarize yourself with, but they have a getting started page to help.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (4)

If you are an active trader, this is easily the best trading chat room you can join. There are alerts for price action, news, filings, etc.

Swing Trading Chat Room

The swing trading chat room is run by Michele Koenig, who also runs her own service, Tradeonthefly. The swing trading room is also focused on technical trades but they will often hold stocks for a longer period of time. Michele (@offshorehunters) is constantly sharing annotated charts and trade ideas in the chat room. This room is a great place to learn more about technical analysis. It is also beneficial to those who cannot watch the market all day.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (5)

OTC Trading Chat Room

The OTC trading chat room activity varies relative to the OTC market activity. When there is very little going on in OTC land, the chat room is pretty slow. When the OTC market picks up, I will always open up the chat window. There are a few great traders in there that provide great insights on penny stocks. Some of the key moderators include OddStockTrader, bbstock, and oilgusher. These guys all have great commentary that helps you stay safe in the OTC markets and learn more about how to trade penny stocks.

Investors Underground Trade Recap Video Lessons

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (6)

As I mentioned above, keeping up with the IU trading style can be tough during your first few days. Your best bet is to focus on some of the day trading video lessons so you can better understand the rationale behind the trade alerts. There is a library of hundreds of video lessons. Nathan Michaud also puts out a few new trade recaps every week. I still watch the video lessons on a regular basis and learn something new. Nate goes over the trades and explains why he traded the way he did.

This is a great way to learn at your own pace so you can make sure you get a good understanding of the trading methodology.

Here is a Free Video Lesson Example

Investors Underground Webinars

Investors Underground hosts a few members-only webinars every month. Members can send in questions and get answers during the webinar. The webinars also go over recent trading activity in a bit more depth than the video lessons.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (7)

Historically, Nathan was the only person who did webinars, but recently more moderators have started doing them. Webinars are hosted by Nathan, OddStockTrader, and Emil. Each of these guys has a different trading style so it’s helpful to watch a few of each.

Here is a Free Webinar Example

Investors Underground Courses

Investors Underground offers two comprehensive trading courses: Textbook Trading and Tandem Trader. These courses are sold separately from the main subscription. Our Investors Underground review is focused primarily on the membership, but here’s a quick rundown of the courses.

Textbook Trading is an eight-hour course that serves as an introduction to day trading. The course covers everything you need to know to get started with day trading. While this is a beginner’s course, the educational content is far from basic. While the basics are covered, the course also introduces a lot of advanced trading strategies that will serve you well in the long run. This is easily the best trading course for beginner traders. I’ve watched dozens of different trading courses and have learned the most from Textbook Trading.

Tandem Trader is a twelve-hour advanced day trading course. This is easily one of the best trading courses on the market. There really isn’t anything like Tandem Trader. This course features recorded trades with commentary. Nathan Michaud spent a year recording his screens so he could capture trades in real-time. Tandem Trader features these recordings with Nate’s commentary layered on top. Watching this course is like trading alongside a top trader.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (8)

If you want more information on these courses, leave a comment and maybe we can write a review for each of them.

Mentorship at Investors Underground

Investors Underground has some of the most trading talent when compared to other services. This isn’t a “guru” service where everyone follows the leader. Instead, the chatroom is more of a day trading tool (similar to a stock scanner but with more context). Education and self-sufficiency are promoted.

There are a lot of people to learn from and lots of opportunities for mentorship. At Investors Underground, mentorship consists of personalized support. If you have questions during the day, you can send a private message to Nate or one of the other moderators in the chat room. I was surprised at how helpful Nate was when I had specific questions about my trades throughout the day.

There are two things to keep in mind before sending any message. First, the moderators are traders and they are actually trading. It may take them some time to get back to you. Second, make sure you ask the right questions. You’ll get the best answers if your questions are well thought out. Broad questions (i.e. is this stock a buy?) and questions that can be Googled (i.e. what is VWAP?) are discouraged. Like any good mentorship, it’s only effective if the mentee is willing to put in the work.

If you’re looking for further support, there’s an entire chat room called “The Trader’s Lounge” for off-topic chatter and support. You can use this room to ask questions or discuss trade ideas during the trading day. Sometimes Nate will go live (mic and screen share) during the day to answer questions.

If you have questions outside of market hours, you can get them answered during members’ webinars. There are a few webinars each month for continued learning and personalized attention.

Who is Investors Underground Best For?

Investors Underground is best for traders who already have a decent understanding of how the market works. If you just started to learn day trading yesterday, you will get confused in the chat room (as you would with most chat rooms). Focus on educating yourself for a month before joining so you can make the most of the service.The IU free trading course is a good starting point. I also highly recommend checking out Textbook Trading and Tandem Trader.

Investors Underground provides the most value to traders who are able to watch the markets during market hours. There are a ton of valuable alerts and you learn something new every day. That said, you have to be dedicated tolearning. This is NOT the type of service where you can try to emulate the alerts. If you are looking to trade actively, IU is the best chat room you can find. It’s not easy to become a day trader, but having access to the right resources can make a world of difference.

When you join IU, you get instant access to some of the best traders in the world. If you are dedicated to putting in the work and taking the time to learn, this is easily the best trading service out there.

Is the Service a Good Value?

As part of our review process, we always like to focus on “value.” Simply put, is a service worth the price it charges? A cheap service isn’t always “cheap.” If you are looking for mentorship in the markets,quality education and resources can save you thousands of dollars by helping you avoid common mistakes.

Investors Underground offers subscriptions starting at $297/month. This is a bit pricier than some of the options out there, but I found it to be well worth it. If you are interested in actively trading, this service provides the most value for your dollar. You get access to a lot of great traders, tons of actionable alerts, video lessons, and much more.

Investors Underground is one of the best trading communities on the web.The service provides a lot of value, especially for active traders.

You can also get better deals by opting for longer-term subscriptions. For example, a quarterly subscription is $697 and an annual subscription is $1,897. These deals are better options for two reasons. First and most obvious, the savings. The annual subscription is almost 50% cheaper than the monthly service (when broken down to monthly costs). Second, if you are really committed to trading, you shouldn’t expect to master the art in a month. Day trading is difficult and learning how to trade takes time. Investing in a longer-term subscription allows you to pace yourself as you enter the world of trading.

Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (9)

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Investors Underground Review - Is It Worth the Money? (2024)


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Investing works by putting your money into assets like stocks and bonds with the goal of growing your wealth over time, though it comes with the risk that you could lose money.

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While there is no guarantee that you will make money or be able to predict your average rate of return over any period, there are strategies that you can master to help you lock in gains while minimizing losses. It takes discipline, capital, patience, training, and risk management to be a successful day trader.

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Investing $100 per month, with an average return rate of 10%, will yield $200,000 after 30 years. Due to compound interest, your investment will yield $535,000 after 40 years. These numbers can grow exponentially with an extra $100. If you make a monthly investment of $200, your 30-year yield will be close to $400,000.

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First, pattern day traders must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account on any day that the customer day trades. This required minimum equity, which can be a combination of cash and eligible securities, must be in your account prior to engaging in any day-trading activities.

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The answer is simple, the guys making real money are quants, and none are billionaires. The only billionaires are self made from the 70s, 80s, 90s who traded client money and started hedge funds or quant funds. There are also those who started brokerage firms but good luck trying to do that.

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The market has, on average, returned 9.6% a year. 10-year government bonds have returned an average of 4.8% a year. In comparison, the average savings account currently pays 0.23% per year. That's why investing can help investors get to their goals faster than saving alone.

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Staggering data reveals 90% of retail investors underperform the broader market. Lack of patience and undisciplined trading behaviors cause most losses. Insufficient market knowledge and overconfidence lead to costly mistakes.

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Investing can help you turn your money into more money, even when you start small. A $1,000 investment—whether you pay down debt, invest in a robo-advisor, or get your 401(k) match—can help lay the foundation for a prosperous financial journey.

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Money for a long-term goal, such as retirement, should be invested. Time allows your money to grow and bounce back from short-term market fluctuations. The potential payoff: $500 invested at a 10% return for 30 years could grow to around $10,000 before inflation, 20 times your initial investment.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5571

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.