Informal Commands in Spanish: How and when to use tú commands (2024)

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As you probably know by now, you often need to choose between using formal vs informal languagein Spanish, depending on who you’re speaking with. This applies whether you’re addressing someone directly, asking them a question, or giving informal commands in Spanish.

Your first introduction to this concept was probably early on in your Spanish lessons when you studied the differences between usted vs tú. Today we’re going to revisit this concept, specifically with respect to giving informal Spanish commandsin the form.

We’ll look at how to conjugate tú commandsin Spanish in both the affirmativeand the negative, we’ll touch on sentence structurefor both, and then we’ll review the contexts where it’s suitableto give these informal commands in Spanish. We’ll finish up with some exercisesso you can practice what you’ve learned.

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What is an informal command in Spanish?

A command in Spanish is used to directly address another person, and give them an order or instruction. The command form uses the imperative mood, so we can also refer to it as the imperative formin Spanish.

In today’s post on informal commands, we’re looking at orders being given to a single person using informal language. In other words, we’re considering conjugations in the second-person singular: the form of youin Spanish. For this reason, these are often referred to as informal tú commands.

What is the difference between formal and informal commands?

In Spanish, informal commandsare used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child, whereas formal commandsare often used for elders, employees, authority figures, and people you don’t know.

If in doubt, you can always err on the side of caution and choose the formal approach. As you engage with Spanish speakers over time, you’ll understand these little nuances better.

In this article, you will find the most common informal commands in Spanish, but if you need a more comprehensive guide to formal vs informal commands in Spanish, you can always check out our in-depth post on the Spanish imperative mood. We also have several specific posts for using the imperative mood, including nosotros commands, useful commands for teachers and babysitters, and Spanish dog commands.

How do you make an informal command in Spanish?

When making informal commands, Spanish has two different formsdepending on whether we’re making them in affirmative or negative. We’ll start with affirmative commands. Spanish negative commandswill follow.

Since we’re giving orders here, Spanish exclamation pointsare very common around the conjugated verb: Remember this!¡Recuerda esto!

Imperative conjugation: Affirmative informal commands

When we think of Spanish imperative conjugation, we’re usually considering the affirmative form. In this section we’ll take a look at the conjugations specifically for these informal tú commands.

For almost all Spanish verbs (we’ll see the 8 exceptions in a moment), the affirmative tú imperativeconjugation is identical to the present tensethird-person singularconjugation.

This is good news for Spanish learners, because once you’ve learned a verb’s present tense conjugation you automatically know its affirmative imperative tú conjugation! This means that even for irregular verbs, you just use the exact same conjugationthat you would use in present tense for él, ella, and usted.

Let’s review these regular endings for regular Spanish verbs. We’ll use estudiar(to study), leer(to read), and vivir(to live) to demonstrate the regular -ar, -er, and -irconjugations.

Verb groupsEndingRegularinfinitiveConjugation
-ar verbs-aestudiarestudia
-er verbs-eleerlee
-ir verbs-evivirvive
  • Studyfor your final test! – ¡Estudiapara tu prueba final!
  • Readcarefully, that book is a little bit confusing – Leeminuciosamente, ese libro es un poquito confuso.
  • You livewherever you want, it is your life! – ¡Viveadonde quieras, es tu vida!

Remember that even most irregular Spanish verbs follow this same rule, so as long as you know the irregular present él/ella/usted conjugation, you know the affirmative imperative tú conjugation. Here are some of the conjugations for important irregular verbs.

Irregular verb infinitiveEnglishÉl/Ella/Usted present conjugationAffirmative tú imperative conjugation
recordarto rememberrecuerda¡Recuerda!
entenderto understandentiende¡Entiende!
dormirto sleepduerme¡Duerme!
pedirto ask for, to orderpide¡Pide!
jugarto playjuega¡Juega!
encontrarto findencuentra¡Encuentra!

Important exceptions to the rule: There are only 8Spanish verbs that have irregular affirmative tú imperative forms, whose conjugations differ from their third-person singular present forms. We present these Spanish irregular imperative verbshere.

Irregular verb infinitiveEnglishÉl/Ella/Usted present conjugationAffirmative tú imperative conjugation
serto bees¡Sé!
salirto exit, to go outsale¡Sal!
irto gova¡Ve!
venirto comeviene¡Ven!
tenerto have, to holdtiene¡Ten!
ponerto putpone¡Pon!
decirto say, to telldice¡Di!
hacerto do, to makehace¡Haz!

Imperative conjugation: Negative informal commands

So far we’ve just seen the imperative forms for telling someone to do something. In Spanish, the imperative form is different if we tell someone notto do something. These are negative commandsin Spanish.

To make negative commands in Spanish, we use the conjugation of the present simple subjunctive. For the negation, we just precede this second-person singular tú conjugation with no.

Let’s review these second-person tú conjugations of regular verbs. We’ll use saltar(to jump), beber(to drink), and abrir(to open) to demonstrate the regular -ar, -er, and -irconjugations.

Verb groupsEndingRegular infinitiveConjugation
-ar verbs-essaltar¡Nosaltes!
-er verbs-asbeber¡Nobebas!
-ir verbs-asabrir¡Noabras!
  • Do not jumpon the bed, it is dangerous! – ¡No saltesen la cama, es peligroso!
  • Do not drinkrum on an empty stomach! – ¡No bebasron con el estómago vacío!
  • Do not openthe window yet! – ¡No abrasla ventana todavía!

For negative informal commands in Spanish, there are no exceptionsto this rule about using the tú conjugation of the simple present subjunctive. For verbs with irregular subjunctive conjugations, these same irregular forms are used to give negative commands.

Irregular verb infinitiveEnglishTú simple subjunctive conjugationNegative tú imperative conjugation
serto beseas¡No seas!
salirto exit, to go outsalgas¡No salgas!
irto govayas¡No vayas!
venirto comevengas¡No vengas!
tenerto have, to holdtengas¡No tengas!
ponerto putpongas¡No pongas!

Object pronoun placement with informal commands

Before we move on to our section on when to use informal commands in Spanish, we need to mention some particularities about using Spanish object pronouns with the imperative. We have full posts on directand indirect object pronounsso we won’t go too deep here, but we’ll at least cover the essentials and demonstrate them with some examples.

When we use object pronouns with affirmative commandsin Spanish, they are attached directly to the end of the conjugated verb. If the command takes both, they are attached in the following order: [affirmative command] + [indirect object pronoun] + [direct object pronoun].

In addition, some commands need an accent markwhen they have these additional syllables added to them. This rule goes beyond the scope of today’s lesson, but we cover it in more detail in our post on Spanish accent marks, while also mentioning it in our post on Spanish syllabication rules. We spend more time on it in our post on nosotros commands.

For now, let’s just see how we use object pronouns with affirmative commands. In these examples of informal commands in Spanish we’ll continue to put the command in bold, while putting the object pronouns in italics. Note the added accent mark on the imperative conjugation of the verb.

  • I brought you your lunch. Takeit. – Te traje tu almuerzo. Tómalo.
  • These flowers are for your mom. Please givethem to her. – Estas flores son para tu mamá. Por favor selos.
  • Deb has a crush on Pedro. Tellit to him! – Deb está enamorada de Pedro. ¡selo!
  • Do you know this song? Singit to me! – ¿Conoces esta canción? ¡Cántamelo!
  • What’s your boyfriend like? Describehim to me. – ¿Cómo es tu novio? Descríbemelo.
  • Your room is a mess. Cleanit! – Tu cuarto es un desastre. ¡Límpialo!

The rules are different when we use object pronouns with negative commandsin Spanish. In this case, we just place the object pronouns betweenthe noand the conjugated verb. The sentence structure takes the following order: no + [indirect object pronoun] + [direct object pronoun] + [negative command].

We’ll use the same examples as above to demonstrate this word order and conjugation.

  • Don’t takeit. – Nolotomes.
  • Don’t givethem to her. – Nose losdes.
  • Please don’t tellit to him! – ¡Por favor nose lodigas!
  • Don’t singit to me. – Nome lacantes.
  • Don’t describehim to me. – Nome lodescribas.
  • Don’t cleanit. – Nololimpies.

For a more in-depth lesson on using object pronouns with the imperative, check our post on nosotros commands.

When to use informal commands in Spanish?

Now that we’ve covered the conjugations and the sentence structure, we can review three common scenarios that require you to use informal commands.

Scenario #1: Talking about manners

  • Do not talkwith your mouth full, it is rude! – ¡No hablescon la boca llena! es de mala educación!
  • Learnto be on time because it is vital! – ¡Aprendea ser puntual porque es fundamental!
  • Treatpeople with respect, kindness, and friendliness! – ¡Trataa las personas con respeto, amabilidad y cordialidad!
  • Listento the person who speaks to you without interrupting them! – ¡Escuchaa la persona que habla contigo sin interrumpirla!

Scenario #2: Asking for information

  • Tellmethe time, please. – Dimela hora, por favor.
  • I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Repeatitagain. – Lo siento, no escuché tu nombre. Repítelode nuevo.
  • Tellmeabout your job, it sounds interesting – Cuéntamede tu trabajo, suena interesante.
  • Please, showmewhere the pharmacy is. – Indícamedónde está la farmacia, por favor.

Scenario #3: Giving directions

  • Turnright when you get to the intersection. – Doblaa la derecha cuando llegues al cruce.
  • Walkfive blocks and crossthe street. – Caminacinco cuadras y cruzala calle.
  • Askfor help if you really need it. – Pideayuda si la necesitas realmente.
  • Takethe train to the next stop. – Tomael tren hasta la siguiente estación.

Conclusion: Informal commands in Spanish

In today’s lesson, we covered everything you need to know about making informal commands in Spanish.

We started off by defining what we mean by informal vs formal commands in Spanish: the focus of the post has been on the Spanish tú imperativeform. Then we got into our lessons on imperative conjugation, with the important distinction between affirmativevs negativecommands. We wrapped up with an overview of imperative sentence structureusing object pronounsbefore reviewing the common scenarios where we commonly use informal commandsin Spanish.

We also included plenty of links to our other detailed postsin case you want to dig deeper on those topics. With today’s lesson, you should have a strong grasp of informal Spanish commands!

Informal commands: Exercises

Now it’s time for some practice! Choose the correct conjugation to complete each sentence. Keep in mind the differences between negative and affirmative forms! The answers and translations are below.

1. No ___ (haces, haz, hagas) ejercicio, necesitas descansar.

2. ¡___ (Dices, Digas, Di) la verdad ahora!

3. ¡No ___ (vas, ve, vayas) a esa fiesta, creo que será aburrida.

4. ___ (Eres, Sé, Seas) una buena persona con los mayores.

5. El día está muy lluvioso. No ___ (sales, sal, salgas) hoy.

6. Verónica me dijo: «___ (Vienes, Ven, Vengas) a mi fiesta de cumpleaños, es esta noche».

7. ___ (Hablas, Habla, Hables) más despacio, por favor, no puedo entenderte.

8. No tengo tu número de teléfono, pero ___ (dices, dime, digas) tu correo electrónico.

9. ¡ ___ (Haces, Haz, Hagas) silencio, no puedo escuchar la canción!

10. No te ___ (metes, mete, metas) en problemas de nuevo, por favor.


1. No hagas ejercicio, necesitas descansar. – Don’t exercise, you need to rest.

2. ¡Dila verdad ahora! – Tellthe truthnow!

3. No vayasa esa fiesta, creo que será aburrida. – Don’t goto that party, I think it will be boring.

4. una buena persona con los mayores. – Bea good person to the elderly.

5. El día está muy lluvioso. No salgas hoy. – The day is very rainy. Do not go outtoday.

6. Verónica me dijo: «Ven a mi fiesta de cumpleaños, es esta noche». – Verónica told me: “Cometo my birthday party, it’s tonight.”

7. Hablamás despacio, por favor, no puedo entenderte. – Speakmore slowly, please, I can’t understand you.

8. No tengo tu número de teléfono, pero dime tu correo electrónico. – I don’t have your phone number, but tellme your email.

9. ¡Haz silencio, no puedo escuchar la canción! – Be quiet, I can’t hear the song!

10. Note metasen problemas de nuevo, por favor. – Don’t getin trouble again, please.

Informal Commands in Spanish: How and when to use tú commands (2024)


Informal Commands in Spanish: How and when to use tú commands? ›

Tú commands: The singular informal way to say this command is used when you want to speak to a friend, colleague, someone younger than you, or a child. For example: Compra la ropa/ Buy the clothes.

What is the difference between tú commands and usted commands? ›

The singular “you” form can be formal (usted) or informal (tú or vos). The forms for tú and vosotros have one form in the negative and another in the affirmative. Object and reflexive pronouns go in front of the verb if the command is negative or attached to the command if affirmative.

How do you know if something is a tú command? ›

Informal Spanish Commands. We use affirmative commands in the tú form to tell just one person to do something in informal settings. Affirmative tú commands use the él/ella/usted form of the present simple indicative. To make the negative command, we use the word no followed by the verb in the tú subjunctive form.

What is the difference between formal and informal commands in Spanish? ›

What is the difference between formal and informal commands? In Spanish, informal commands are used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child, whereas formal commands are often used for elders, employees, authority figures, and people you don't know.

When should you speak to someone using tú? ›

Tú is used with friends, casual acquaintances, neighbors, family, coworkers, complete strangers who appear to be around your age and children. In South America usted is used with everyone, including coworkers and strangers who appear to be around your own age or younger.

Why do we use informal commands in Spanish? ›

Informal commands are used to tell anyone you would address as tú to do something. That is friends, close family members, etc. When using informal commands, it is not common to add the pronoun tú.

What is the rule between tu and usted in Spanish? ›

In English tú and usted both translate to “you.” The main difference between these two words is that usted is only used to address people formally. In most Latin American countries we only use tú with family members, friends, or people we estimate are of a similar age and social status as us.

What is the informal tú command of dormir? ›

Subject PronounImperativeTranslation
duerme(you) sleep
ustedduerma(you formal) sleep
nosotros/ nosotrasdurmamos(we) let's sleep
vosotros/ vosotrasdormid(you all) sleep
1 more row

How do tu commands work in Spanish? ›

Tú commands are the singular form of informal commands. You can use affirmative tú commands to tell a friend, family member the same age as you or younger, classmate, child, or pet to do something. To tell somebody not to do something, you would use a negative tú command.

How to form tú commands in Spanish? ›

Most verbs that stem change in the present tense stem change in the yo form, so this will also occur in the negative tú command. In the present tense, the yo form almost always ends in – o. To create a negative tú command, remember this mantra: form of yo, drop the – o, add the opposite ending.

How do you tell if a Spanish sentence is formal or informal? ›

The two main forms of 'you' in Spanish are usted used for the formal 'you' and tú used for the informal 'you. ' Formal should be used when speaking to professionals, the elderly, and strangers. Verbs like es and esta meaning "you are" go with the pronoun usted which is abbreviated as 'Ud.

What do informal commands mean? ›

Informal Commands or tú/ usted(es)-commands are directed to one ore several persons with whom you are familiar. You use formal commands with. friends. people who have the same social position or age.

What is the informal form of TU? ›

In Spanish there are two ways of saying "you": There's the informal form, and the more formal usted (often abbreviated as Ud.)

What is the informal version of TU? ›

Use for informal situations such as with friends, children, young people, people you know very well. Use usted (Ud.) for formal situations such as in a job interview, in a bank, with elderly people, with someone you don't know or somone you have just met.

What are the rules for creating an informal tú negative command? ›

Use the yo form of the present tense verb then drop the “o” and add an “es” for –ar verbs and “as” for –er, -ir verbs. Process: escribir → yo escribo → escribo → escribas → ¡No escribas!

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