Indiana Hip Income Guidelines 2021 - (2024)

Could You Qualify For The Healthy Indiana Plan Find Out

How the Indiana tax cut package will impact Hoosiers

Could you or someone you know benefit from HIP 2.0? This program could provide health coverage for up to 10,000 eligible residents in Reid’s service area.

Of the estimated more than 25,000 uninsured people in the Reid service area, up to half or more of them could be eligible for HIP 2.0. The plan pays for medical expenses and provides incentives for members to be more health conscious, according to the state HIP web site. Generally, coverage is for qualified low-income Hoosiers ages 19 to 64 with incomes of up to $17,443 a year for an individual, $23,615 for a couple or $35,960 for a family of four.

HIP participants also need to be up-to-date on the new Gateway to Work program. Gateway to Work is a part of the Healthy Indiana Plan that connects HIP members with ways to look for work, train for jobs, finish school and volunteer. Starting in 2019, some HIP members are required to do Gateway to Work activities to keep HIP benefits.

Signups for HIP can be done with the help of Reid’s ClaimAid team and benefit specialists, including:

The documents needed to sign up include a birth certificate, photo ID, and the last 30 days of income verification for everyone in the household. Once signed up, coverage begins in from 40 to 60 days.

Household size

How Many People Are On Medicaid

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, as of November 2020, here are the number of people enrolled in Medicaid and Chip in the entire United States:

  • 78,521,263 individuals were enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP
  • 72,204,587 individuals were enrolled in Medicaid
  • 6,695,834 individuals were enrolled in CHIP

What If My Power Account Contribution Is Not $10

If you are found eligible for HIP and you make your $10 Fast Track payment, this payment will be applied toward your POWER account contribution. Your monthly POWER Account contribution will be based on your income. This may be more or less than $10 per month. If your POWER account contribution amount is less than $10 per month, your $10 payment will be applied to your initial coverage month with the remaining amount applied to future months.

For example if your POWER account contribution is $4, then your first two months of coverage will be paid in full, you will owe a balance of $2 in the third month, and then $4 for every following month to maintain HIP Plus enrollment. If your POWER account contribution is more than $10, then you will owe the balance in the first coverage month. For example if your POWER account is $15, then your $10 payment will be applied to your first months coverage. You will owe an additional $5 for that month of coverage and $15 for each following month.

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Do I Have To Make A Fast Track Payment

While making a Fast Track payment can help ensure you get enrolled in HIP Plus as quickly as possible, you are NOT required to make a Fast Track payment. From the date you receive your initial Fast Track invoice you will have 60 days to make a payment to start your HIP Plus coverage. You can pay either the $10 Fast Track payment or your POWER account contribution amount. If you do not make your contribution or Fast Track payment within 60 days and your income is less than the federal poverty level you will be enrolled in HIP Basic where you will have copayments for all services and you will not have dental, vision or chiropractic. If you wait more than 60 days to make a payment and your income is more than the federal poverty level, then your application will be denied and you will have to reapply for HIP coverage.

Federal Poverty Level Thresholds To Qualify For Medicaid

Indiana Hip Income Guidelines 2021 - (1)

The Federal Poverty Level is determined by the size of a family for the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia. For example, in 2022 it is $13,590 for a single adult person, $27,750 for a family of four and $46,630 for a family of eight. To calculate for larger households, you need to add $4,720 for each additional person in families with nine or more members.

The Federal Poverty Level, which the Department of Health and Human Services determines, is higher in Alaska and Hawaii. The amount is adjusted each year to take into account inflation and takes effect 1 January.

The percentage of a households income to qualify for Medicaid, besides varying by state, is also higher or lower depending on who it is for. Many states that expanded Medicaid coverage have set income limits for both parents and single adults at 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

Greg Abbott claimed Texas provides expectant mothers necessary resources so that they can choose life for their child, but it is now one of a dwindling number of states not to offer Medicaid coverage for a full year after residents give birth.

Texas Tribune

The District of Columbia has the highest income limits set at 221 percent for a family of three and 215 percent for a all other adults. Texas, which hasnt expanded Medicaid coverage, has the lowest threshold to qualify at 16 percent for a family of three. Pregnant women and children tend to have much higher income thresholds to qualify.

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Indiana Medicaid Income Limits Summary

We hope this post on Indiana Medicaid Income Limits was helpful to you.

If you have any questions about Medicaid in the state of Indiana, you can ask us in the comments section below.

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Be sure to check out our other articles about Medicaid.

Welcome To The Healthy Indiana Plan

The Healthy Indiana Plan is a health-insurance program for qualified adults. The plan is offered by the State of Indiana. It pays for medical costs for members and could even provide vision and dental coverage. It also rewards members for taking better care of their health. The plan covers Hoosiers ages 19 to 64 who meet specific income levels. See below if your 2022 income qualifies.

  • Individuals with annual incomes up to $18,764 may qualify.
  • Couples with annual incomes up to $25,276 may qualify.
  • A family of four with an annual income of $38,300 may qualify.

The Healthy Indiana Plan uses a proven, consumer-driven approach that was pioneered in Indiana. The program continues to build upon the framework and successes of the original Healthy Indiana Plan that started in 2008.

If you have any questions, or to find out if you may be eligible to participate in the Healthy Indiana Plan, please consult the menu on the left of this page, or contact 877-GET-HIP9 .

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What Are The Different Types Of Medicaid

When you apply for Medicaid, information about you and your family is collected. Theres quite a bit of information required to complete the Medicaid process, so be prepared to gather and provide documentation in order to complete the process. In fact, you can apply for Medicaid with only a few pieces of information and the system will mail you a list of everything else you need to provide.

Once you apply for benefits and provide all the requested information, your eligibility will be determined by the states computer system. It will look at everything youve provided and figure out if youre eligible for Medicaid and, if you are eligible, which category of Medicaid youll receive.

The system is set up to find the best benefits for you, in the event that youre eligible for multiple categories of Medicaid. In the next section , you can learn about the different categories of Medicaid.

Indiana Has Accepted Federal Medicaid Expansion

Indiana sitting on $3.9 billion in reserves, promising refundable income tax credit

  • 1,939,436 Number of Indianans covered by Medicaid/CHIP as of October 2021
  • 818,762 Increase in the number of Indianans covered by Medicaid/CHIP fall 2013 to October 2021
  • 41% Reduction in the uninsured rate from 2010 to 2019
  • 65% Increase in total Medicaid/CHIP enrollment in Indiana since late 2013

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Once I Make A Fast Track Payment Can I Change My Mce/health Plan

No. Once you pay your Fast Track invoice you may not change your MCE/health plan. You may change your health plan selection before paying your Fast Track invoice by calling 1-877-GET-HIP-9. You can pay your Fast Track invoice or POWER account contribution to your new health plan and your coverage will start the month in which your payment is received and processed. Only make a payment to the health plan that you want to be your HIP coverage provider. You will not have the opportunity to change your health plan until Health Plan Selection in the fall.

What Happens If I Dont Make A Fast Track Payment

If you do not make a Fast Track payment, you may face a delay in the start of your coverage. For example, if you apply June 5 and receive a $10 Fast Track invoice on June 12, your HIP Plus coverage could be effective beginning June 1 if you make your $10 payment in June. From the date the invoice is issued, you have 60 days to make either a Fast Track payment or your first POWER account contribution to be able to begin HIP Plus coverage . If you make your Fast Track payment or first POWER account contribution in July then your HIP Plus coverage will begin July 1. If you make the contribution in August, you will begin HIP Plus August 1. If your 60 days to pay expires in August without you making either a Fast Track payment or POWER account contribution, then you would default to HIP Basic coverage effective August 1 if your income is below the federal poverty level.

Unlike HIP Plus, HIP Basic does not cover dental, vision or chiropractic services. Since you do not make a monthly contribution for HIP Basic services there will be a payment required for most health services including seeing a doctor, filling a prescription or staying at the hospital. If your income is more than this amount, you will need to reapply for coverage to begin HIP.

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How Do I Apply For A Medicaid Waiver

Starting February 2021, you can now apply for Medicaid Waivers through a new Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services online application gateway: .

Using the online application gateway is the quickest way to apply for services and you should prefer applying through the online application. Additional information and a video tutorial can be found on the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services home page: .

Payments Made While Your Application Is Being Processed

Indiana Hip Income Guidelines 2021 - (2)

If you do not apply online, or choose not to make a Fast Track payment when you apply, you will still have the opportunity to make a Fast Track payment while your application is being processed. You will receive a Fast Track invoice from the Managed Care Entity you selected to provide your health coverage. If you did not select an MCE you will be automatically assigned to one. If you pay the Fast Track invoice and are determined to be eligible for HIP then your HIP Plus coverage will begin the first of the month that your payment was received and processed.

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What If I Didnt Get A Fast Track Invoice

Only those individuals who may be eligible for HIP will receive a Fast Track invoice. If you applied and did not receive a Fast Track invoice it could be because you are eligible for another coverage program such as if you indicated that you are pregnant, disabled, a former foster care child or on Medicare when you applied. If you are ultimately found eligible for HIP, you will receive an invoice for your POWER account contribution, and your coverage will be effective the first of the month in which your initial POWER account contribution is received and processed.

Community Integration And Habilitation Waiver

The Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver is a Home and Community-Based Services waiver focusing on providing services that enable individuals to remain in their homes or community-based settings and also assists individuals who are transitioning from state-operated facilities or other institutions into community settings as mentioned on the Indiana Medicaid Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver Page.

Which services are available with the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver ?

As referenced in the Home and Community-Based Services Waivers Provider Reference Manual , the services available to individuals who are eligible for the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver are the following:

Adult Day Services Workplace Assistance

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Indiana Medicaid Expansion Update

Indiana expanded Medicaid to adults without dependents in January 2015.

The state won approval from the Center for Medicaid Services for its amended Healthy Indiana Plan .

Indiana began accepting applications for Medicaid under HIP 2.0 in late January 2015, with coverage beginning as soon as Feb. 1, 2015.

In 2019, Indiana phased in a Medicaid work requirement before suspending it in November 2019 due to a lawsuit.

The state has suspended the work requirement program until the case is resolved.

Indiana Medicaid Income Limit Charts

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The Indiana Medicaid eligibility income limit charts are divided by groups.

For example, the first chart is focused on income limits for children who qualify for Medicaid.

Similarly, the second chart below focuses on the Medicaid income limits for adults in Indiana who qualify for Medicaid.

Indiana Medicaid Income Limit for Children

Below is the income limit for children by age category. Find the age category your child falls into and you will see the income limit by household size.

Indiana Medicaid Income Limit Children
Children Medicaid Ages 0-1


How to Read the Indiana Medicaid Income Limits Charts Above

You cannot have an income higher than the Federal Poverty Level percentage described for your group to be eligible for Medicaid.

Similarly, when you identify the income group that applies to you, the income limit you see refers to the maximum level of income you can earn to qualify for benefits.

For example, if you are pregnant, to qualify for Medicaid, you cannot have an income higher than 208% of the Federal Poverty Level which for a family of two is $36,234 as shown in the chart above.

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Income Definitions For Marketplace And Medicaid Coverage

Financial eligibility for the premium tax credit, most categories of Medicaid, and the Childrens Health Insurance Program is determined using a tax-based measure of income called modified adjusted gross income . The following Q& A explains what income is included in MAGI.

Note that many guidelines and thresholds are indexed and change each enrollment year. For reference, please see the Yearly Income Guidelines and Thresholds Reference Guide.

How do marketplaces, Medicaid, and CHIP measure a persons income?

For the premium tax credit, most categories of Medicaid eligibility, and CHIP, all marketplaces and state Medicaid and CHIP agencies determine a households income using MAGI. States previous rules for counting income continue to apply to people who qualify for Medicaid based on age or disability or because they are children in foster care.

MAGI is adjusted gross income plus tax-exempt interest, Social Security benefits not included in gross income, and excluded foreign income. Each of these items has a specific tax definition in most cases they can be located on an individuals tax return .

FIGURE 1:Formula for Calculating Modified Adjusted Gross Income
What is adjusted gross income?
What types of income count towards MAGI?

All income is taxable unless its specifically exempted by law. Income does not only refer to cash wages. It can come in the form of money, property, or services that a person receives.

Does MAGI count any income sources that are not taxed?

Healthy Indiana Plan 20

The state is requesting a three-year extension of the program,which is the maximum length allowed for such a Section 1115 Demonstration. Although there is much uncertainty around the futureof the Affordable Care Act, the state is moving forward with plans for renewingHIP 2.0. View a summary of the key changes contained in theapplication for what one might call HIP 2.1.

The new Healthy Indiana Plan is an affordable health insurance program from the state of Indiana for uninsured adult Hoosiers. The Healthy Indiana Plan pays for medical expenses and provides incentives for members to be more health conscious. The Healthy Indiana Plan provides coverage for qualified low-income Hoosiers ages 19 to 64, who are interested in participating in a low-cost, consumer-driven health care program. Hoosiers with incomes of up to $16,297 annually for an individual, $21,967 for a couple or $33,307 for a family of four are generally eligible to participate in the Healthy Indiana Plan.

The Healthy Indiana Plan uses a proven, consumer-driven approach that was pioneered in Indiana. HIP 2.0 builds upon the framework and successes of the original Healthy Indiana Plan.

If you have any questions, or to find out if you may be eligible to participate in the Healthy Indiana Plan, please visit or contact 1-877-GET-HIP-9 .

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Hip Eligibility And Contribution Calculator

This calculator is provided to allow you to see if you may be eligible for the Healthy Indiana Plan and to estimate what your POWER account contribution would be.

Important: Our calculator is solely an estimation tool, and any information resulting from its use should be used accordingly. This calculator provides an estimate of a potential members eligibility and how much the members monthly contribution would be. Eligibility results and estimates of POWER account contributions from this calculator do not guarantee the amount of contribution or that an individual will be approved for HIP. Contact 877-GET-HIP-9 for more information.

Please note: Only those aged 19 to 64 who are not otherwise eligible for a Medicaid program and not receiving Medicare may be eligible for HIP. If you are enrolling with your spouse this contribution amount may be split between the two of you. This calculator is provided AS IS. There is no warranty of any kind regarding the accuracy or completeness of this calculator or your results, and the user assumes all risk of use. Use of this tool constitutes your acceptance of these terms.

Indiana Hip Income Guidelines 2021 - (2024)
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