India spent $30 billion to fix its broken sanitation. It ended up with more problems (2024)

Urmila is a housemaid living in a South Delhi slum. Today she has a toilet at home thanks to the Indian government's massive sanitation program called Swachh Bharat. She's grateful for not having to use a public toilet, though she admits that many prefer not using any toilet at all.

This story is part of A Dirty Job, CNET's look at the toilets and tech saving lives in India.

Meanwhile, Meera, who lives in a slum in New Delhi, prefers to defecate in the open, at nightfall.

India has a problem with toilets. It doesn't have enough of them.

That means hundreds of millions of people in the country end up defecating outside, which can spread diseases including cholera, typhoid and COVID-19. Poor sanitation in India leads to over 126,000 deaths every year from diarrheal diseases.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to fix this longstanding issue through the Swachh Bharat, or Clean India, mission. A centerpiece program for his government, it started in 2014 as an effort to stop open defecation through promotion of better hygiene practices and the construction of millions of toilets.

While Modi essentially declared victory against open defecation in October 2019 to coincide with Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birthday, the work of this program is far from over, particularly as the coronavirus pandemic rages in the country.

Swachh Bharat has made huge gains so far, but many challenges remain. Let's run through them.

How does open defecation harm people's health?

Fresh feces is filled with viruses and bacteria, able to transmit ailments including diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio. Transmission occurs when flying insects land on deposits and carry the viruses elsewhere or when excrement contaminates water supplies in groundwater or wells. Poor hygiene practices, like not washing hands after defecating, are common in poor and rural communities, making these areas especially susceptible to diseases.

"Kids are particularly vulnerable," said Tom Slaymaker, a data specialist for UNICEF, who tracks sanitation and hygiene globally. He added that pathogens in fresh excrement are the biggest cause of diarrhea, and diarrhea is the biggest cause of death in children under the age of five globally.

Is the problem of open defecation getting better in India?

Yes, it is, but there's still a very long way to go.

India is the No. 1 country in the world for open defecation, with over 344 million people without regular access to toilets in the country, according to 2017 statistics from the World Health Organization and UNICEF. If you add up Nos. 2 to 10, it still wouldn't come close to India's number, showing just how big the problem is there.

Huge strides have been made to reduce that figure through Swachh Bharat and other sanitation efforts. WHO and UNICEF report the number of people practicing open defecation was twice as high in 2000, at 764 million.

"There's evidence to suggest they've dramatically reduced open defecation, especially in rural areas," Slaymaker said.

How did India become the No. 1 country for open defecation in the first place?

Overpopulation and a lack of sanitation infrastructure have contributed to this health crisis. Additionally, India has often failed to properly maintain public toilets after the're built.

Cultural behaviors play a big role too. Purity is an inherent part of toilet etiquette in India. According to common customs, toilets are often built outside the home and deemed unclean. That means many people in India still see open defecation as a more sanitary option than using a bathroom in or near the home. Because of this, even after the government builds new toilets for people, they will go unused, instead functioning as storage rooms.

"In order to change that you need to change people's behavior, and that can take quite a long time," Slaymaker added.

Layered atop this cultural issue is a societal one. Lower castes for years had been tasked with cleaning latrines in India. While the caste system doesn't hold the same sway it once did in the country, perceptions about lower castes being connected to toilets has put a negative light on sanitation.

A Dirty Job

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  • How smart toilets are saving lives in India
  • India's sanitation is broken, but there's a plan to clean it up
  • He's a street artist in India. His medium is toilets
  • A toilet museum meets decades of sublime sanitation

How has Swachh Bharat worked to counteract these problems?

The central government has spent over $30 billion over the past seven years to improve sanitation across a country of 1.3 billion people. A primary part of this work has been building over 100 million toilets, especially in rural areas where open defecation has been much more widespread.

While past sanitation efforts in India have focused mostly on building toilets, Swachh Bharat has included a much larger component of promotional campaigning, bringing in celebrities for ads and putting Swachh Bharat posters around the country. The government is also providing educational material to stigmatize open defecation and change people's behaviors so they use the new toilets.

India's sanitation is broken, but there's a plan to clean it up

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A 2017 Bollywood film, Toilet: A Love Story, explored this mindset from the perspective of a village couple and a wife's demand for a toilet. Film director Shree Narayan Singh wanted to send a message that a toilet doesn't dirty a home, but open defecation does.

Amid Swachh Bharat, he added, "I have seen things changing now."

What are the challenges involved with this project?

There are a lot.

Kabir Agarwal, a national reporter for news website The Wire in India, has been writing extensively about Swachh Bharat. He said the actual number of toilets built is inflated. Households are given 12,000 rupees -- about $160 -- to build a toilet, but Agarwal said the government rarely verifies that the toilets are constructed.

Without verification, these funds are often pocketed by homeowners, village heads or construction companies, he said. Or as residents of a Faridabad slum told CNET, shoddy toilets get built and the builders keep more money for profit.

In other cases, the task of maintaining the toilets after they're built is never settled, so they quickly go into disrepair or are vandalized.

"No one takes ownership of cleaning them," Agarwal said.

Swachh Bharat officials didn't reply to multiple requests for comment about these problems.

What are some of the other global efforts around this problem?

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a major investor in new sanitation technologies and infrastructure projects in India, Africa and China. The foundation's Reinvent the Toilet Challenge, which started in 2011, encourages the development of cheap toilets that don't need to be connected to an electrical grid, sewage network or water supply so they can work just about anywhere.

India spent $30 billion to fix its broken sanitation. It ended up with more problems (6)

In 2001, the nonprofit World Toilet Organization started World Toilet Day to raise awareness about the health risks of poor sanitation. The day is still marked every year on Nov. 19.

Swachh Bharat has inspired many new innovations, including Google Maps now showing people the locations of 57,000 public toilets around India. Several startups have been created to tackle the problem too. These firms include Garv Toilets, which builds tech-infused steel toilets that require less maintenance; Ekam, which developed odorless, waterless urinals; and Basic sh*t, which makes low-cost portable toilets from recycled plastic bottles.

How has sanitation helped public health in the past?

During the European Dark Ages, cities were densely populated and had poor sanitation systems. People didn't follow proper hygiene practices either. These factors contributed to people's immune systems weakening and diseases spreading faster, especially during plague years. In London in the 1800s, after the River Thames was used to dump wastewater for centuries, the Great Stink overwhelmed the city and sparked the construction of a new sewage system.

Thanks to sewage investments like those in London, stench, death and disease from poor sanitation were virtually eradicated in developed countries. But, these problems persist in many developing nations, including India, Nigeria, Indonesia and Ethiopia.

What's the future for Swachh Bharat?

After Modi declared India open defecation-free last year, Swachh Bharat has pivoted its mission to something called ODF Plus, or open defecation free plus. The aim is to build on recent gains by working on waste management and reinforcing behavioral changes.

While that work sounds positive, Agarwal warned that taking focus away from Swachh Bharat's original mission could result in toilets breaking down and people going back to defecating more often outside.

Added to that, the work to bring wastewater to treatment plants and prevent it from contaminating water supplies will be a huge undertaking, partly because large chunks of Indian cities don't have sewage lines, said Sushmita Sengupta, a program manager for the Centre for Science and Environment, a public advocacy and research group.

How has Swachh Bharat's mission changed by coronavirus?

This project's work, especially its focus on proper hygiene, has become even more critical during the coronavirus to help prevent more transmission of the disease. Studies have found that coronavirus can be spread through feces, so stopping wastewater from contaminating water supplies should help prevent the virus from spreading.

India spent $30 billion to fix its broken sanitation. It ended up with more problems (7)

But such progress has been limited: India is still experiencing a massive spike in coronavirus cases and deaths over the past few months. This week, India'a coronavirus case total became the second-highest in the world, after the US, reaching over 4 million cases.

Despite Swachh Bharat's shortcomings, Modi in August lauded its progress in helping contain the virus.

"Imagine the situation if a COVID-19-like pandemic had hit us before 2014," he said, according to the Hindustan Times. "Due to lack of toilets, could we have checked the spread of the infection? Would lockdown been possible when 60% of the population was forced to defecate in open?"

Suruchi Kapur-Gomes is a senior editor and journalist based in Bangalore, India. She contributed research, reporting and translations for CNET's A Dirty Job project about smart sanitation in India. She writes for the Sunday Guardian, among other publications.

India spent $30 billion to fix its broken sanitation. It ended up with more problems (2024)


What are the problems with sanitation in India? ›

Forty percent of India's waste remains uncollected and untreated, with human sewage directly flowing into rivers in many cities. Income inequality in India exacerbates these issues, with poorer communities often lacking access to basic sanitation facilities.

What is the cost of poor sanitation in India? ›

Inadequate sanitation causes India considerable economic losses, equivalent to 6.4 per cent of India's GDP in 2006 at US$53.8 billion (Rs. 2.4 trillion), according to The Economic Impacts of Inadequate Sanitation in India, a new report from the Water and Sanitation Program.

How is India improving sanitation? ›

India has made rapid progress in providing drinking water and safe sanitation to urban and rural households. As of June 2021, 43.5 million rural homes have been provided with piped water access. Due to the success of Swachh Bharat Mission, which for the first time focused on outcomes (usage) and not outputs (toilets).

What are the problems caused by lack of sanitation? ›

Unsafe sanitation accounts for 564 000 of these deaths, largely from diarrhoeal disease, and it is a major factor in several neglected tropical diseases, including intestinal worms, schistosomiasis and trachoma. Poor sanitation also contributes to malnutrition.

Does India have good sanitation? ›

Sanitation a Potential Contributor to Malnutrition

For India, the issue is not a lack of food, but rather a lack of toilets for its population—one-half of India's population, at least 620 million people, defecates outside. The interaction between diarrheal disease and malnutrition is well established.

Does India have a sanitation system? ›

India's largest cities have centralized sewage systems, complete with underground pipes, pumping stations, and treatment plants. However, these systems are expensive to build and to operate, requiring uninterrupted power, skilled operators, and extensive maintenance.

Why is it so hard to fix India's sanitation? ›

Overpopulation and a lack of sanitation infrastructure have contributed to this health crisis. Additionally, India has often failed to properly maintain public toilets after the're built. Cultural behaviors play a big role too. Purity is an inherent part of toilet etiquette in India.

Which country has the poor sanitation? ›

Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, have by far the largest number of people in the region with no access to basic sanitation services, while countries like Eritrea, South Sudan and Ethiopia have the largest proportions and numbers of people practising open defecation.

What is the rank of India in sanitation? ›

List of top 10 cleanest cities in India:
1Indore & SuratIndore
3Navi MumbaiVijayawada
4VisakhapatnamNavi Mumbai
6 more rows
Jan 12, 2024

When did India get toilets? ›

The British issued the first sanitation law in 1848 in England. The first sanitation law came to effect in India in 1878. The municipalities were mandated to construct toilets in the slums of Calcutta (now Kolkata), the capital of British India. Toilets got curtains in 1880.

Why is sanitation important in India? ›

Maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation is important for several reasons such as personal, social, psychological, health, etc. Proper hygiene and sanitation prevent the spread of diseases and infections.

Who is responsible for sanitation in India? ›

Responsibility for water supply and sanitation. According to the Indian Constitution, legislating regarding matters related to provision of drinking water supply and sanitation is responsibility of the State governments as it falls in the state list included in its seventh schedule.

Who does poor sanitation affect? ›

Poor sanitation puts children at risk of childhood diseases and malnutrition that can impact their overall development, learning and, later in life, economic opportunities. While some parts of the world have improved access to sanitation, millions of children in poor and rural areas have been left behind.

How to solve poor sanitation? ›

End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene reuse. Improve water quality, wastewater treatment, and safe reuse. Increase water-use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies. Implement integrated water resources management.

What diseases are caused by a dirty environment? ›

Therefore, a dirty environment can cause various diseases or what is commonly called environmental diseases. Types of environmental diseases include dengue fever, malaria, upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, pulmonary tuberculosis, skin diseases, worm infection, leptospirosis, and filariasis.

What is the problem of sanitation in rural India? ›

In another study by us in 2020, we observed that 27% of households in survey villages in Gujarat and 61% in West Bengal did not have their own toilets. Moreover, around 3% of households did not use their own toilets in either State.

What is the problem with women's sanitation in India? ›

Menstrual hygiene is often overlooked

According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), only 12% of Indian women use sanitary napkins during menstruation, while 88% rely on alternatives such as cloth, ashes, and husk sand, which can lead to infections and other health problems.

What are the water and sanitation challenges in India? ›

The death of over one lakh children and losses of a whopping 3.6 lakh crore are caused every year in India by poor sanitation and hygiene issues. 31% of the Indian population lives in cities. There is a high migratory pressure towards the Indian cities, mainly because of the poverty and deterioration of rural life.

What are the challenges of rural sanitation in India? ›

Still, nearly half of the rural population (52.1%) defecate in the open. Lack of piped water supply, poor construction of toilet substructures and misconception among people about toilet use remain as key challenges in the achievement of India's sanitation mission.

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