Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds: What Are The Key Differences? (2024)

Key Takeaways

    What is an index fund? |How do index funds work? |What is a mutual fund? | How do mutual funds work? | |

If you’re looking for a solid long-term investment, look no further than the US stock market. Over the last 140 years, the stock market has grown at an average annual rate of 9.2%. If you can match that kind of performance, you’re getting a better return than pretty much any other investment.

That said, this only works if your investments are tracking the market as a whole. You can potentially get even higher returns by investing in individual stocks, but that comes along with added risks. With less diverse investments, there’s a higher potential for loss.

In other words, you need to strike a balance. Do you want to take more risks searching for ever higher returns? Or would you prefer a safer, more reliable investment?

Perhaps the two most popular types of investments are mutual funds and index funds. Both types of funds are similar because they’re made up of pools of stock. However, there are important differences that you need to understand before you invest. Here’s a quick overview of mutual funds vs. index funds and why you’d want to choose one over another.

What Is An Index Fund?

An index fund can be either a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF). The mutual fund varieties have higher minimum investments, while the ETF varieties can be purchased in smaller dollar amounts.

What separates index funds from other types of funds is the type of investment. Instead of focusing on a particular industry or business sector, an index fund is designed to track the performance of a specific stock index. Various funds track the S&P 500, NASDAQ, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and other stock indexes. With something like the S&P 500 or NASDAQ, you’re tracking the broader US stock market.

As a result, index funds are well-suited for conservative investors who are willing to sacrifice upside potential for reliability. They’re also great if you don’t have time to follow financial news and want to invest some money passively.

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Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds: What Are The Key Differences? (1)

How Do Index Funds Work?

Traditional funds are run by active managers, who try to strategically buy and sell individual stocks to maximize gains. An index fund manager, on the other hand, is passive. Instead of maximizing gains on any individual trade, they build a portfolio that matches a particular stock index. So if that index consists of 4% small-cap biotech stocks, the manager will try to maintain a 4% proportion of small-cap biotech stocks in their fund.

In this way, an index fund manager tries to match the performance of whatever index they’re tracking. If the index goes up by 7 or 8%, so should the fund.

The most popular index funds in the US track the , but that’s far from your only option. There are funds for many other indexes, including:

  • Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index (tracks the entire US bond market)

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (tracks 30 of the largest US companies)

  • Nasdaq Composite Index (tracks 3,000 Nasdaq-traded stocks)

  • Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index (tracks the broader US equities market)

  • MSCI EAFE Index (tracks a collection of European, Asian, and Australian stocks)

Pros Of Index Funds

Index funds have several benefits, including:

  • Diverse investments – Funds that are tied to broad indexes will spread your investments across several sectors, reducing your risk.

  • Lower cost – Index funds are much cheaper to manage than actively managed funds, because the company doesn’t have to employ as many analysts and advisors. As a result, the management fees are lower, and you get to keep more of your gains.

  • Potentially better performance – Even the best active fund managers sometimes make mistakes. As a matter of fact, the majority of actively-managed funds underperform the S&P 500 in any given year.

  • No expertise required – Index funds are simple and straightforward enough that even complete financial novices can understand them.

  • Less tax liability – Index-based mutual funds have less turnover than other types of mutual fund, so there’s less tax liability. For index-based ETFs, there’s no liability at all due to turnover.

Cons Of Index Funds

Every type of investment has its drawbacks, and index funds are no exception. Here are some drawbacks to investing in an index fund:

  • Returns won’t exceed the broader market – An index fund returns a return that’s based on the average of all the stocks it holds. At least some of those stocks are bound to go down, which limits the overall returns.

  • You don’t get to choose your investments – You’re investing in all the stocks on the index, even if you don’t want to invest in a particular company.

  • Limited short-term gains – Since the market as a whole tends to move slowly, you’re not likely to see massive returns in the short term.

  • Not all indexes perform well – Some indexes only focus on certain sectors of the economy. Funds that track these indexes are more vulnerable to setbacks in a particular sector.

Example Of An Index Fund

One of the most popular index funds is also the oldest. The Vanguard 500 Index Fund was established in 1976 and tracks the S&P 500 index. It has an average annual return of 7.84%, virtually identical to the S&P 500’s 7.86% annual growth rate over that time.

Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds: What Are The Key Differences? (2)

What Is A Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund is an investment mechanism where groups of investors pool their money to share the same investment. The fund, meanwhile, employs money managers who decide how to invest the money. As a result, choosing the best mutual fund is often a matter of finding the best money manager.

The money manager buys and sells stocks, bonds, and other securities and tries to maximize the fund’s gains.

How Do Mutual Funds Work?

When you invest in a mutual fund, you’re buying a portion of the actual fund itself and all its assets. This allows you to earn money in a few different ways:

  • If the fund’s assets grow in value, the value of the fund itself goes up. Investors can then cash in by selling their shares in the fund.

  • If the fund sells stocks for a profit, it earns a capital gain. In most cases, these capital gains are distributed to investors on an annual basis. Investors can choose to reinvest their distribution in the fund, or receive a check for the same dollar amount.

  • Any stock dividends or bond interest payments earned by the fund are also distributed to investors.

A mutual fund works much like a corporation, with the fund manager acting as CEO. The fund manager is answerable to a board of directors, normally comprised of the fund’s largest investors. In addition to the fund manager, larger mutual funds will employ a team of analysts to perform market research and identify opportunities. And like any financial organization, a mutual fund will also employ an accounting team and a legal team.

Pros Of Mutual Funds

Here are some of the reasons to consider investing in a mutual fund:

  • Diversify or target your investments – Different mutual funds have different philosophies, from diverse index funds to more targeted funds that focus on a certain industry.

  • Can outperform the market – Depending on your money manager, you can potentially get a much higher return than the market at large. In any given year, you could outperform it by an extreme amount. Keep in mind, though, that on a long enough time scale, few active investors actually beat the market.

  • Can be affordable – Index-based mutual funds can cost less to invest in than similar index-based ETFs. That said, an actively managed mutual fund is almost always going to be more expensive.

Cons Of Mutual Funds

Then again, there are also some downsides to mutual funds. Let’s look at a few of them:

  • Finding the right fund can be hard – You have to do your research on a number of funds and managers. With an index fund, there’s far less research involved.

  • Will probably underperform the market – Despite some stellar years, money managers underperform the market more often than not.

  • Capital gains liability – If you get a distribution from your mutual fund, even if you re-invest it in the fund, you’ll be liable for capital gains tax on that distribution.

  • Expense ratio could be high – Actively managed funds have to employ a larger staff and a high-paid money manager, all of which cuts into your gains.

  • Some funds charge a commission – Many funds charge a commission, or “load” on your investment before you’ve even earned anything. Choose the wrong fund, and you could take a 2% or even 3% haircut.

Example Of A Mutual Fund

The Fidelity Investments Magellan Fund (FMAGX), was first founded in 1963. During the period from 1977 to 1990, under the leadership of Peter Lynch, its assets grew from $18 million to a whopping $14 billion. In the first quarter of ’22, Magellan’s portfolio is worth almost $28 billion, and it continues to slightly outpace the S&P 500.

Difference Between Mutual Funds & Index Funds

So, how are mutual funds and index funds different? Here’s a quick and dirty overview:

  • Index funds aim to match the growth of a particular stock index. Mutual funds aim to beat the market at large.

  • Index funds are passively managed, with funds allocated to track an index. Mutual funds are actively managed, and buy and sell individual securities with an eye to profit.

  • Index funds have an average management fee of 0.09% per year. Mutual funds cost an average of 0.82% per year.

Passive Vs. Active Management

Index funds often use computer algorithms to determine how to allocate investments. Since nobody is actively making any decisions, this is known as passive management. In active management, a human manager decides how investments are allocated.

Investment Objectives

Index funds are meant to mirror a particular index. On the other hand, mutual funds try to outperform the overall market. Different funds will use different strategies; for example, some funds prefer to invest in higher-risk, higher-reward sectors like the tech sector.

Mutual Vs. Index Fund Costs

Because they have to pay a larger staff, mutual funds cost more than index funds. Assuming a $1,000 annual investment and an average rate of return of 7%, the average mutual fund would charge you $15,000 in fees. A comparable index fund would charge only $1,800 over the same period.

Should You Invest In Mutual & Index Funds Actively Or Passively?

Whether a passively- or actively-managed fund is best depends on your goals. If you’re willing to take higher risks for a chance at a higher reward, look for an actively-managed fund. If you prefer a less volatile investment, look for one that’s passively-managed.


Mutual funds and index funds are both ways to invest in a collection of securities. However, index funds are tied to a particular stock index, while actively-managed mutual funds are designed to beat the market. We should also note that there’s some overlap: passively-managed index funds that are packaged as mutual funds. Deciding between mutual funds vs. index funds comes down to your personal situation, but no matter what your investment needs, at least one of these options will be worth a second look.

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Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds: What Are The Key Differences? (2024)


Index Funds Vs. Mutual Funds: What Are The Key Differences? ›

The main distinction lies in the types of risks: index funds are more susceptible to market risk, while mutual funds can have more diverse risks associated with their specific investment strategies or management decisions.

What are the key differences between index funds and mutual funds? ›

The main difference is that index funds are passively managed, while most other mutual funds are actively managed, which changes the way they work and the amount of fees you'll pay.

What are the key differences between index funds and mutual funds quizlet? ›

Index funds seek market-average returns, while active mutual funds try to outperform the market. Active mutual funds typically have higher fees than index funds. Index fund performance is relatively predictable over time; active mutual fund performance tends to be much less predictable.

What is the key advantage of index funds over traditional mutual funds? ›

Lower costs: Index funds typically have lower expense ratios because they are passively managed. Market representation: Index funds aim to mirror the performance of a specific index, offering broad market exposure. This is worthwhile for those looking for a diversified investment that tracks overall market trends.

What is the difference between index funds and equity funds? ›

Index funds offer a contrasting approach to equity investing. Instead of actively selecting stocks, they passively track a specific market index, such as the S&P 500 or the Nifty 50. The fund replicates the holdings of the chosen index in proportion to their market capitalization.

What is the difference between index fund and direct mutual fund? ›

Costs Involved

Actively managed mutual funds have higher operational costs due to the continuous research and selection of securities conducted by fund managers. Index funds, being passively managed, incur lower expenses. While fees may vary among fund firms, they generally have more reasonable expense ratios.

What is a mutual fund vs index fund reddit? ›

I've traditionally considered mutual funds to be actively managed while index funds follow a market index and are passively managed with lower fees.

What are the key differences between mutual funds and hedge funds quizlet? ›

Mutual fund activities are more transparent and provide a list of the assets that the particular mutual fund owns. Hedge funds are generally less regulated and take more risks for higher returns.

What is the difference between index fund and value fund? ›

Index funds don't often rule one-year performance, but they tend to edge growth and value funds over long periods, such as 10-year time frames and longer. When index funds win, they often do so by a narrow margin for large-capitalization stocks but by a wide margin in mid-cap and small-cap areas.

What are the differences between mutual funds? ›

Index funds offer market returns at lower costs, while active mutual funds aim for higher returns through skilled management that often comes at a higher price. When deciding between index or actively managed mutual fund investing, investors should consider costs, time horizons, and risk appetite.

What is the main advantage of index funds? ›

There are also several advantages to index funds. The main advantage is, since they merely track stock indexes, they are passively managed. The fees on these index funds are low because there is no active management. Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are often index funds, and they generally offer the lowest fees of all.

What is the most important difference between an index mutual fund and an exchange traded fund ETF )? ›

The biggest difference between them is that ETFs trade intraday at various prices during exchange hours and index mutual funds can be bought or sold only after the market closes each day, at a fund's net asset value. CNBC. “In One of the Most Volatile Markets in Decades, Active Fund Managers Underperformed Again.”

What are the cons of investing in index funds? ›

Cons of Index Funds
  • Less Flexibility. While your portfolio is less affected by a declining singular asset, it's not immune to the fluctuations of the larger market, including economic downturns and bear markets. ...
  • Moderate Annual Returns. ...
  • Fewer Opportunities for Short-Term Growth.
Oct 9, 2023

What is the difference between index and mutual funds? ›

One difference between index and regular mutual funds is management. Regular mutual funds are actively managed, but there is no need for human oversight on buying and selling within an index fund, whose holdings automatically track an index such as the S&P 500. If a stock is in the index, it'll be in the fund, too.

What is the difference between an index fund and an active fund? ›

Index funds track benchmark indices and deliver returns closely aligned with the performance of the underlying index, adjusted for expenses and tracking error. Conversely, active funds rely on the expertise of the fund manager to generate returns that may outperform the benchmark.

Do index funds pay dividends? ›

Dividend index funds can be mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Investors can select an index that includes multiple dividend-paying stocks. They generally provide steady income instead of high growth.

What are the pros and cons of index funds? ›

The benefits of index investing include low cost, requires little financial knowledge, convenience, and provides diversification. Disadvantages include the lack of downside protection, no choice in index composition, and it cannot beat the market (by definition).

What is the difference between index funds and large-cap funds? ›

Index funds tend to have lower expense ratios because they do not involve a lot of active decision-making by the fund manager. They simply follow a benchmark and create a similar portfolio of assets. Large-cap funds are actively managed by fund managers and may have higher expense ratios.

Are mutual funds or index funds riskier? ›

Index funds are generally less risky because they mimic market returns. Risk-averse investors may want to put a higher percentage of their cash into these funds compared with mutual funds.

What are the advantages of using an index fund or a fund of funds? ›

Index funds are a low-cost way to invest, provide better returns than most fund managers, and help investors to achieve their goals more consistently. On the other hand, many indexes put too much weight on large-cap stocks and lack the flexibility of managed funds.

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