If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (2024)

If you’re like me, you turn to the stars for relationship advice. But maybe the key to unlocking your love life has literally been in the palm of your hand this whole time.

Palm reading, a.k.a. palmistry or chiromancy, involves examining the lines, marks, and features of your hands to reveal a little something about what’s going on in your life. “We’re looking at the hand to discover different pieces of your personality and pieces of your life path,” says Helene Saucedo, hand analyst and author of the upcoming Handful of Stars Palmistry Guidebook and Hand-Printing Kit. "It’s a self-reflection.”

The divination practice centers around four main lines on your palm: the heart line, the fate line, the head line, and the life line. When it comes to analyzing your love life, it's all about the heart line. Saucedo says this line represents your emotional self, or your emotional style. To find yours, look for the line at the top of the palm on your dominant hand.

Typically, Saucedo looks to see whether this line is straight, arched, or extends between fingers. The shape of your heart line can tell you a little something about how you love, says Ellen Goldberg, author of The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery through Palmistry. The depth of the line is also worth looking at: Those with deep heart lines are more stable and grounded, whereas shallow lines nod to a sensitive personality.

Meet the Experts:
Helene Saucedo is a hand analyst and author of Handful of Stars Palmistry Guidebook and Hand-Printing Kit.

Ellen Goldberg is the author of The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery through Palmistry.

Ready to learn more about what your heart line can tell you about your love life (and yourself)? Read on for everything to know, according to palmistry experts.

What does your heart line mean?

Before getting into the nitty gritty of all the different contours and lines of your hand, you might be wondering what your heart line (a.k.a., the love line) even is.

As mentioned, the heart line is the topmost line on your palm that primarily indicates your romantic relationships. But it can also tell you about your personal emotions and how you deal with them. Are you someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, or someone who’s a bit more guarded? Are you open and flexible in your relationships, or sometimes closed off? These are the types of things your heart line can tell you.

Worth noting: Your heart line may mean something different on your dominant hand versus your recessive hand. “The recessive hand shows who influences your heart, and the dominant hand shows whose heart you are an influence on,” explains Goldberg.

While your heart line can reveal certain aspects of your love life, it’s important to look at your other palm lines to get the full picture. “Some lines give us more information than others,” Goldberg explains. “The heart line is one that doesn’t give us a lot of information.”

Remember those three other lines on your palm—the fate line, the head line, and the life line? They can give you the hot goss on yourself.

The fate line says a lot about your fate and future, hence its name, says Goldberg. It’s a line that goes down the middle of the palm of your hand. Usually, the fate line can tell you a lot about your career trajectory, as well as other life successes and achievements.

The head line, which is located underneath the heart line, is Goldberg’s personal favorite palm line to look at because it says a lot about one’s intelligence. A long head line that stretches to your pinkie finger, for example, speaks to an above average intelligence, says Goldberg. Daydreamers, look closely: The head line can also even tell you a bit about your imagination. If your head line is sloped downward towards your wrist, you are likely creative, artistic, and highly imaginative.

Before you DIY palm reading, watch the Selling Sunset cast get their palms read by a pro:

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (1)

Lastly, the life line is all about your energy, says Goldberg. The life line typically curves down and starts between your pointer finger and thumb. Looking at someone’s life line can uncover a lot about lifestyle changes within their life. For example, if someone has suffered from an illness or gut-wrenching heartbreak, their life line may develop some sort of mark to indicate that, Goldberg explains.

What can your heart line tell you?

Now that you know what your heart line is, here's how to read your own palm—or someone else's.

If your palm love line is straight...

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (2)

If your heart line goes straight across your hand, you are more stoic and guarded in your relationships. “It’s a very ‘my way or the highway’ type of person,” Saucedo says. The boundaries are defined sharply here, as you want to keep your relationship on a road you’re comfortable with.

A straight palm love line can also indicate rigid emotional feelings, adds Goldberg. You might have a tendency to be more closed off, both physically and emotionally.

If your palm love line is arched...

A bit of an arch in your heart line represents balance, Saucedo says. Someone with this love line shape puts themselves first and protects their heart, but remains open.

An arched palm heart line also signals flexibility and openness in the heart, Goldberg adds. Perhaps you’re more willing to let love in, or you’re willing to adapt to your needs in different situations. You bring a level of emotional intelligence to your relationships, so you’re able to realize when you need to take care of yourself, and when you should let a potential partner in closer.

If your palm love line extends between your fingers...

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (4)

A heart line that comes all the way to the top between your fingers signifies someone who is very nurturing. “This person is very open and giving, sometimes to her own detriment,” Saucedo says. Sorry to break it to you, but you might find yourself being taken advantage of in your relationships, while you give and give to those you care about.

If your palm love line has little spikes towards the end...

The heart line also reveals insights about your boundaries. At the end at the edge of the hand, you might find what looks like spikes or barbed wire right under the pinky. Congrats: You have strong, well-defined boundaries. “If you have a very open heart line and strong boundaries, you know who to let in and who to give your love to,” Saucedo says. If these lines are weaker or more shallow, strong boundaries may not be your forte.

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (5)

Now, you might also be wondering if your palm lines ever change. “It’s rare for the heart line to change between the two hands, but I do see it sometimes,” Saucedo says. Over time, someone might start to develop stronger boundaries, signified by a shift in the heart line that no longer reaches the finger.

If your Mount of Venus is tall...

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (6)

Hand analysts often look toward a few other features that can shed light on how you approach relationships. You know that joint area inside of your thumb that feels like a big squish? That’s called the Mount of Venus, which reveals aspects of your sensuality and how you show love to others. If your Mount of Venus stands taller than the rest of your hand, says Saucedo, you’re someone who likes a lot of pleasure.

If you have an affection line...

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (7)

Underneath your pinky finger on the outside of your hand, you might find one or two small lines. Those are your affection lines, often called the marriage line.

If you have an affection line or two, you have a strong relationship that will span your whole life. Think: one marriage. On the other hand, many little shallow lines hint that you’re not having the most impactful relationships. This is obvious, but if you notice a break or split on one of the lines, it means you might face a messy breakup at some point.

More than a party trick, palmistry can act as a reality check and excuse for a dose of self-reflection. After all, understanding who you are in relationships helps strengthen your current or future partnership. Next time you’re on a hot date, bust out your newfound knowledge. You might learn a thing or two about the person in front of you, and at the very least? The Mount of Venus will be a great conversation starter.

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (8)

Zoë Hecht

Freelance Writer

Zoë Hecht is a California-based writer and editor who enjoys writing about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and pop culture. She graduated from Loyola Marymount University, where she received her B.A. in English. Other than Women’s Health, her work can be found on Byrdie, Teen Vogue, and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, sipping coffee, and scrolling through Pinterest.

If Your Palm Has A Straight Heart Line, You Might Be More Closed Off In Relationships (2024)
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