IELTS Speaking Daily or Morning Routine: Below are the sample answers talking about daily or morning activities. Study this post by learning topic vocabulary words and collocations. Also, understand how the speaker develops his answers targeting the criteria, Lexical Resource, Fluency and Coherence, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

Talking about a daily or morning routine is never complicated at all as it is one important part of your life. Ace your exam and aim for a higher band!




Do you like getting up early in the morning?

(Answer 1)

No, I don’t because I’m a night owl (a person who is habitually active at night). I usually get out of bed at 11 AM since my work is at night time. Well, in all fairness (in justification of one’s action), I tried getting up early in the past, however, I realized that I wasn’t productive at all. I couldn’t focus on my work since I always felt groggy (weak and unable to think clearly).

(Answer 2)

Yes, I really love getting up early in the morning because I can do a lot of things before other people in our family get up. Actually, I can focus on doing house chores and some things that I need to do for work since there isn’t any distraction (interruption). I can’t imagine myself getting up when it’s already 10 or 11 in the morning. If I do that, I surely feel that I’m missing a lot of opportunities already.

Answer 3

Yes, I do, I’m an early bird (refers to a person who gets up or arrives early)! What I love about starting my day early is that I can do innumerable (too many) things such as doing housework, running errands (going out and doing many things such as: buying something; taking or fetching clothes from the cleaners; sending mail to post office, and the like), and many other things. And right after fulfilling (achieving) all those things, I can always feel a sense of productivity (being effective). My time is always spent well.

What do you usually do in the morning?

(Answer 1)

Well, I don’t do a lot since I usually wake up at 11 AM. That’s very late so there’s nothing much I can do except for taking a shower and preparing my brunch (a meal usually taken late in the morning that combines late breakfast and early lunch). I take a shower for 15 minutes, then cook my meal for about 30 minutes and have my meal. That’s actually my morning routine.

(Answer 2)

My early morning routine includes making my bed (tidying one’s bed after sleeping), meditating, taking a shower, cooking, and preparing for work. I’ve been doing this for the last ten years and I couldn’t be happier (to be very happy) because doing all these things in the morning helps me master self-discipline.

Do you spend your mornings doing the same things on both weekdays and weekends?

(Answer 1)

No, I don’t! Although I usually wake up late on weekdays, every weekend is different. I wake up at 9 in the morning so I can go to the gym as I only have weekends to exercise since I work on weekdays. It’s sometimes tough (difficult) to wake up earlier than usual but I really have to do that as I want to take care of my body. I don’t want to get fat and get some illnesses.

(Answer 2)

Of course not! I only have weekends to be lazy. So, on weekends I get up at 7 in the morning which is two hours late than my usual getting up time on weekdays. I normally go for a walk in the park for about an hour, after that, I head home (return) and prepare my breakfast. Then, I do my laundry and go out with friends.

What did you do in the morning when you were little?

(Answer 1)

Well, the usual things that children do – that is, waking up early and preparing myself to go to school. I needed to make sure that all of my assignments were ready before leaving home and had to eat breakfast and finish my food, or else (used to say what will happen if something is not done), my mom would get mad (get angry) at me.

(Answer 2)

Let me recall…well, on weekdays, I needed to wake up at 5:30 in the morning since I had to go to school before seven. And on weekends, I had to get up one to two hours later than my usual wake-up time on weekdays since obviously, I didn’t need to go to school. Actually, my mornings on weekends were always fun since my parents took me to the park and I could play with my friends there for quite a long time. Wow, remembering those days is bittersweet (containing a mixture of sadness and happiness).

What is your daily routine?

(Answer 1)

It’s nothing special. I believe my routine is similar to what a lot of people are doing every single day. Like, I get up at 6 AM, take a shower right away, then prepare my breakfast, and head to the office at 7:30 in the morning. After work, I immediately go back home and cook dinner. After that, I read or watch a movie until 10 in the evening and hit the sack (go to bed) after.

(Answer 2)

Well, I get up at 8 in the morning and that’s actually late for some people. Right after that, I take a shower and eat my breakfast. I’m lucky enough because my mom prepares my breakfast. Then, I start working. I don’t need to commute since I’m working from home. In the afternoon, I take a nap at two, then I go back to work till 6 in the evening. I have dinner at around 7 PM and have my personal time until I hit the hay (go to bed) at 10.

Have you ever changed your routine?

(Answer 1)

Since I started working, I haven’t changed my daily routine yet. I’ve been religiously (doing it regularly) following this routine for 10 years now and I can’t complain. Perhaps, if I change my job, I may do some adjustments but for now, I’m happy with my work and my routine.

(Answer 2)

Yes! I used to get up quite early last year because I was working in the office then. But because of the pandemic, our company asked us to work from home. And you know what, I realized that working from home is the best. It’s pretty convenient and I can save so much money. I just hope that this won’t change. (Smiling)

Do you think it is important for students to have a daily routine?

(Answer 1)

Personally, yes! Especially in this new generation where there are so many distractions (interruptions). Students are easily tempted to spend so much time playing computer games or interacting on social media instead of doing their school work. Having a routine helps them become productive.

(Answer 2)

Yes, I believe so because by following a routine students will understand the importance of finishing a task and not wasting their precious time on things that can’t help them develop skills or improve their character. When a student has a routine, he will be trained to become an organized person.

What part of your day do you like the best?

(Answer 1)

I love mornings because they remind me of a brand-new day. A new day to live life meaningfully; a new day to try again after failing; a new day to seize an opportunity; a new day to improve myself; a new day to be grateful. Mornings are the best!

(Answer 2)

The evening is the very best for me! It’s the time that I can relax after working like a dog (working very hard). That is, I can watch my favorite drama series, sip some wine, and more importantly sleep. I think a lot of people can surely agree with me.

Tip 1:The speaker gives his answer straightly plus he uses a good expression to describe himself.You don’t always need to paraphrase,a direct answer will do most especially if you are not sure of the correct synonyms to use.

Tip 2:In the second sentence,the line“What I love about starting my day early…”is a very good paraphrasing of‘getting up early’.

What is your morning routine?

Well, first of all, I make the bed after getting up since for me doing that shows that I’m responsible and organized. Then, I take a shower to refresh myself, and right after that, I fill my growling stomach with cereal for my breakfast.

And just before I’m ready to start my day to work, never should I miss brushing my teeth. For me, nothing makes me feel more comfortable and happy in the morning than wearing a confident smile.


Make the bed [phrase] - to arrange the bed coverings neatly into the original position before it was slept in

Growl [verb] - rumbling sound caused by hungriness

Tip 1: Since the question asks about a routine, the speaker uses the chronological order (first, second, then, right after…) of stating the things that he does in the morning.

Tip 2: The way the speaker ends his answer is excellent, he uses the construction “Nothing is...than…+ -ing form of the verb. This means there are no other things important than the thing being mentioned. This kind of expression is used to emphasize something really important. This sentence structure is considered advanced, if you can make this sentence construction correctly, you’ll surely get a good mark in Grammar.

Is breakfast important?

Absolutely! It’s considered the fuel of our body, without it, it’ll be more than difficult to kickstart our day by doing the activities that we usually do all through the day. Surely, people who miss their breakfast feel groggy and become ineffective in working or studying.


Fuel [noun] - power

Kickstart [verb] - to start

All through the day [expression] - the whole day

Groggy [adj.] - weak; disoriented

Tip 1: The speaker uses the expression ‘Absolutely’ instead of saying Yes. This is a good alternative in expressing affirmation. Other expressions can be: Definitely; Certainly; For Sure; Without a doubt

Tip 2: In order for the speaker to support his answer better, he states the effect of skipping breakfast. That makes his answer coherent as it surely supports to his reason ‘fuel of our body.’

Do you want to change your daily routine in the future?

To be honest, I’ve never thought about it but I’m always open to change. As the adage goes, ‘Change is the only constant thing in this world.’ So yes, I won’t resist change and embrace a new routine that I may do in the years to come. But for now, I couldn’t be happier doing the same things in my everyday life.


Adage [noun] - proverb; saying

Resist [verb] - to counter

Embrace [verb] - accept

In the years to come [expression] - another way to say ‘in the future’

(I) couldn’t be happier [phrase] - to be happy or content

Tip 1: The way the speaker starts his answer makes him sound so natural. Of course, there are some questions that are startling or surprising, you can always be honest about your feelings as it makes you sound natural.

Tip 2: The speaker uses an adage that connects to the question about ‘change’. Knowledge of sayings or proverbs always comes in handy from time to time during your IELTS Speaking test.

Learn how to answer questions on the RECENT IELTS TOPIC in PART 2 about SOMEONE TALKATIVE on this link

And that’s all about the recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic about Daily Routine or Morning Routine! Talking about this topic is never complicated at all. You neither can be wrong nor make any mistake since you yourself know about your daily or morning routine.

Meaning of Words and Phrases Sources: Collins, Macmillan, Cambridge, Oxford

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What is your morning routine answer? ›

It's a set of habits or motions that you go through when you wake up. It helps to set your day up in the right way and can have some drastic effects on your focus and productivity. You could do anything from exercising and journaling to reading and meditating.

How to write daily routine for IELTS? ›

I have a daily routine that I enjoy, which helps me to feel organized, productive, and happy. I typically wake up at around 6:30 in the morning and begin my day with some light stretching exercises to get my body moving and energized. After that, I'll take a shower and get dressed for the day.

How to answer IELTS Speaking test? ›

Tips for the IELTS Speaking Test
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers. ...
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words. ...
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures. ...
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent. ...
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think. ...
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers. ...
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers. ...
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.

What did you do in the morning when you were little why? ›

Sample answer 1: Well, when I was a small kid, I needed to get up really early to go to school. So in the morning, it was like a battle. I hurried to get up, to clean myself, and to have breakfast, very chaotic.

How do I write my daily morning routine? ›

The daily routine is:
  1. I wake up early.
  2. Refresh my self.
  3. Brush my teeth.
  4. Take a bath.
  5. Take Breakfast.
  6. Get ready for school.
  7. Spend hours for studying.
  8. Come back home.
Sep 5, 2022

What is an example of a morning routine? ›

Morning routine:

5:15 A.M.: Wake up. 5:30 A.M.: Spend some time quietly reflecting and reading. 6:30 A.M.: Go to the gym, go for a run, or do some yoga. 8 A.M.: Get ready for work and tidy up my apartment.

Can you describe your daily routine? ›

I wake up at 7.00 a.m. I freshen up and then I brush my teeth. After finishing my early morning routine, I go for a morning walk and then practice Yoga. Later on, I take a bath and get ready for my school/college/workplace. I have my breakfast and then I catch my cab/bus to my school/college/workplace.

What's your daily routine? ›

I relax on my couch and watch TV. Then, I get things ready for the next day, I set out things for breakfast the next morning and lay out my clothes to wear the next day. I lock the door and brush my teeth and Get ready for bed. At around 10.30 I set the alarm and read a book for about 30 minutes.

How can I impress my IELTS speaking examiner? ›

You may want to impress the examiner with big and complex words in your Speaking test. But to be safe, avoid using words you are not familiar with. There is a higher chance of making mistakes by either mispronouncing words or using them in the wrong context. Mistakes can affect your final band score.

How can I introduce myself in IELTS speaking? ›

You can frame a good self-introduction by including the following points, which are as follows:
  1. Be confident in your tone and body language.
  2. Make sure you find yourself at ease and greet the examiner with a smile.
  3. If the examiner asks you a question regarding your country, then answer in brief.
Apr 26, 2023

Do you like to plan what you will do each day? ›

1.Do you like to plan what you will do each day?(Why?/Why not?) ✤ Yes,I like to plan what I do each day. If I do not plan I tend to procrastinate and then all my work piles up and I start getting stressed.

What do you do from morning? ›

What To Do After Waking Up To Start Your Day Right?
  1. These activities are curated to rejuvenate and refresh your body and mind. ...
  2. Water is a must.
  3. Get some sun.
  4. Stretch your body.
  5. Get started with some early morning snacks.
  6. Meditate for 10 minutes.
  7. Read for half an hour.
  8. Prepare your routine.
Apr 5, 2023

What would you like to change in your daily routine answer? ›

I would wish to be more active and bring the health consideration into my life. Often it so happens that I am unable to take proper breakfast or have to miss my dinner because of work, I'd like to focus on them more.

What is a nice morning routine? ›

Go for a brisk walk around your neighborhood, or get some sun, fresh air, and exercise at a nearby park or beach. Journal or write morning pages, which involves penning a stream of consciousness in your journal and filling three pages every morning, to help you reflect, analyze, and ideate.

What is the 5 5 5 30 morning routine? ›

My 5-5-5-30 morning routine: • 5 push-ups • 5 squats • 5 lunges • 30-second plank Do it right when you get out of bed. It gives you a beautiful natural energy boost to start the day.

What is your morning routine in english? ›

Daily routine: in the morning
I wake up at 6 am.I drink a cup of coffee/tea.
I get up around 6:30 am.I check my social media.
I make my bed.I check my emails.
I take a shower.I walk my dog.
I get dressed.I go to the gym.
5 more rows

What is daily routine questions and answers? ›

Daily Routine Questions: in the Morning
  • What time do you get up?
  • What time do you wake up?
  • What time do you have breakfast?
  • Where do you usually have breakfast.
  • What time do you take a shower?
  • What time do you start college?
  • What time do you start school?
  • Do you do exercises in the morning?
Jun 19, 2023

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