I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (2024)

Table of Contents
  1. Welcome to the “Inaka” (Countryside)
  2. Who Am I?
  3. How Did I End Up in The Countryside?
  4. What Are The Good Things About The Countryside?
  5. What Do I Like Specifically About Where I Live?
  6. What Is My House Like?
  7. What’s My Daily Routine?
  8. What Do I Do In My Free Time?
  9. Who Do I Spend My Free Time With?
  10. Conclusion

Welcome to the “Inaka” (Countryside)

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (1)

There’s more to Japan than just the cities. Although a hard majority of the country lives in urban areas (and over 30% of those people are in Tokyo alone!), a lot of those urban areas end up being small cities in the countryside. These are cities of 100,000 to 200,000 people, dense at the core but only several kilometers from rice farms and forested mountains. Going further out from them, you’ll find small towns and hamlets. These are communities with 50,000 or less people who all live close together in residential clusters interspersed with agriculture and thickets of trees. For a lot of people, this is Japan.

Many who come to Japan do so imagining life in Tokyo without considering these many small towns and cities. Life in these small towns is different from life in the big city, but this is often for the better, as countryside life comes with many unique advantages that many don’t realize exist. As an American English teacher working at a Japanese school in the countryside, I can talk to these benefits. Through looking at a day in my life, we can uncover many of the hidden charms the Japanese countryside has to offer.

Who Am I?

The name’s Joe, I’m an Assistant Language Teacher who works in the countryside area of a midsized prefecture in Kanto. I teach classes and assist English teachers at three prefectural high schools. My job is full-time, and for the most part, I switch between planning lessons in the teacher’s office and teaching students in the classroom. It’s a fairly relaxed job in a fairly relaxed area of the country.

How Did I End Up in The Countryside?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (2)

Like most people who come to Japan to teach English, I didn’t have much of a say in where I eventually ended up. My program allowed its participants to name their top three locations in Japan, with the heavy implication that the requests were very much secondary to the program’s priorities. Request Tokyo as much as you want, there are only so many spots in the city while there are thousands elsewhere. Personally, I didn’t put down any particular requests as I was happy to be placed anywhere in the country.

What Are The Good Things About The Countryside?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (3)

I was quite happy to be placed in the countryside. Having grown up in suburbia, I lived very close to a major metropolitan area in America. I’ve never really lived anywhere where I wasn’t surrounded by people. Ever since then though, I’ve found more and more to love about living in the countryside. Here are the things that stand out to me the most.

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (4)
  1. It’s close to nature. The biggest positive of living in the countryside is closeness to the natural world. I live five minutes from an extremely wide and open beach, where I can relax and swim a good portion of the year. A thirty-minute bike-ride takes me into the mountains, with lush Japanese forests, fresh air, and cool shade during the summer. Walking to and from work I am surrounded by trees and the occasional farm field full of crops. Even looking out my work window now I see forest, a collection of picturesque redwood pines and the ubiquitous Japanese cedar. If green makes you happy, the countryside makes you happy.

    On a similar note, while this may depend on where you come from, being in the countryside in Japan doesn’t usually mean being surrounded by farms. While it is true most farming is done in the countryside, Japan’s topography is poorly suited for large-scale farming. Countryside towns are therefore often dense affairs broken up by small tracts of farms with forests in between. Being in the countryside is more about being close to nature than to agriculture.

  2. It’s quiet. In tandem with nature, as a close friend who visited me once remarked, the countryside is quiet. In summer the drone of the cicadas and other insects will be your background music, with the sounds of traffic and rail pushed to the periphery. During particular windy or stormy periods, the roar of the ocean will dominate, filling the air with a soothing sound and the smell of salt. At all other periods though, there is room for thought. No one talking, no cars driving by, just you and the world. It’s a lovely break from the continual human presence that is urban living.
  3. It’s cheap. Japan is an expensive country, and the cities are exemplary in that regard. Rent, food, transportation will all set you back and eat into your salary. In the countryside, however, the purchasing power of your salary increases immensely. With little competition for housing, the apartments you rent will cost half as much as their city equivalent while also being generally newer, nicer, and bigger. As you will be living close to where food is produced, prices drop and bulk sizes increase (and as a bonus it’s also much fresher!) If you like disposable income, the countryside is the place for you!

What Do I Like Specifically About Where I Live?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (5)

Besides the rather broad strokes above, my city is quite lovely for a number of unique reasons. I consider it an “urban-rural” area, which might seem a bit strange but it makes sense in context. My city (like a lot of Japanese countryside cities) is serviced by a main rail line. What this means is even though I live out in the countryside, I’m about a half-hour away from my prefectural capital of 200,000 people and all its urban amenities. It also means that if I pay for the express train I can visit Tokyo in less than an hour and a half. Essentially, I live where it’s quiet, but I’m not cut off from the urban world. When I want to I can easily dip my toes into both; I get to have my cake and eat it too.

Along with easy access to urban areas, I also still get most of the big city amenities. Amazon and other websites deliver next day, I have an affordable high-speed internet connection, and there’s a variety of great restaurants and shopping is within easy reach. The countryside has everything you need to live a modern life.

Finally, although my city is small, it isn’t tiny. This means that although there are not many people around, at the same time, there are still plenty of people to interact with. It’s the perfect size where I can run into people I know quite often while at the same time blend into the background when needed. The sort of population where festivals feel like both an impromptu meetup with friends and an opportunity to meet new people. Since the population is low, social networks are tight and relationships strong. Make one friend and you suddenly find yourself with an entire web of friends.

What Is My House Like?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (6)

I’ve rented two apartments since I’ve arrived in my countryside town. The first I lived in for three years, and the second for about a year and a half.

My first apartment was an older building, built in the ’70s presumably during my town’s boom-era. It didn’t show much age though. All the floors were hardwood, I didn’t have a wash*tsu (a Japanese room with tatami), and I had plenty of space. I had three rooms of about equal size, each being a rough square: one dedicated kitchen and dining area, one living room, and one bedroom. Attached to the kitchen I had a shower, toilet, and laundry area. On the far side, past a sliding glass door, I also had a balcony with a view over the city and room to hang my clothes. I had the living space of several single Japanese apartments combined into one for only about 50,000 yen a month. A steal, basically.

My second apartment is in a building that is about twenty years old but with a renovated interior that was, at the time I first started to rent it, less than a year old. I get a modern toilet, new hardwood floors, a built-in stovetop, and a massive balcony with two air conditioners (one for the living room and one for the bedroom.) Along with this, and unusually so for Japanese apartments, I have a ton of floor space, over 70sq meters despite it being the same layout as my previous apartment. All of this for only 60,000 yen a month is what I like to call peak countryside. It’s cheap, big, and very modern. In comparison, most city apartments at a similar price are far older and out-of-repair.

What’s My Daily Routine?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (7)

During the workweek, I switch between teaching at three different schools. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I work at my main school, located in my town. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I visit schools in other towns, a bit further away. This changes my daily routine slightly.

  • Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays
    • 6:00-30 a.m. Wake up: This usually gives me about an hour to shower, eat breakfast, and make lunch. I don’t like relying on instant food and with the countryside produce being so fresh I cook/prepare all three of my meals on a daily basis.
    • 7:50 a.m. Leave for work: As my main school is nearby, I commute by walking. Using a couple of quiet countryside streets, it takes about 15-minutes and I arrive around 8:10 a.m. This gives me enough time to sit down and prepare for the morning meeting at 8:25 a.m.
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays
    • 5:30-6:00 a.m. Wake up: On these days I need to push back my alarm by about 30 minutes in order to account for my longer commute.
    • 7:00 a.m. Leave for work: I need to ride the train in order to commute to my visit schools. This takes about 30 minutes. After the train, just like my main school, I then walk about 15 minutes and arrive at work around 8:00 a.m.
  • After work: Work ends at 4:15 p.m., and I usually go straight home. Oftentimes I’ll drop by the supermarket or the grocery store on the way home, as both are within walking distance of my apartment. On Mondays, at around 6:00 p.m., I volunteer at my local community center, teaching English to senior citizens.

What Do I Do In My Free Time?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (8)

Hobbies and socializing! I enjoy collecting a variety of different hobbies, so no matter what’s going on I usually have some sort of project I’m working on. From biking to 3D printing, board games to DnD, camping to Japanese archery, there’s always something to do! During the work week, for the most part, I tend to go home and relax/do hobbies. Usually once or twice during the work week I’ll visit friends, either to grab dinner at our favorite local curry place or to go to one of our apartments. The weekend on the other hand is for hanging out, whether or not it’s a camping trip in the woods, a board game session at a cafe, or a cooking party, I spend it doing shared hobbies with friends. Being on a train-line means most everyone is in easy reach and getting people together is never a problem.

Who Do I Spend My Free Time With?

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (9)

Friends, almost always. Making friends of course comes different to everyone, but it’s almost always a matter or just meeting people who introduce you to more people. Most people who come over to Japan will do so through a program or a company which already sets you up with a decently sized social circle. They’re the easiest to reach out to and hang out with. Beyond them, it’s a matter of getting involved in your community. Go to festivals, do events, sign up with the community center. In my second year, I taught a cooking class on traditional Jewish food. Through just that one event I can trace meeting a majority of my current Japanese friends. The rest came from visiting local restaurants/bars, the local Japanese class, and work.


I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (10)

Living in the countryside is great. From the Kanto plain to nestled mountain villages, life in the countryside is quiet, relaxing, and modern. Compared to urban life, living in the countryside nets you all the benefits of modern life with very little of the cost associated with cities. You also get fresher food, cleaner air, closer relationships, and the greenery and quiet required to understand it all. Living in the countryside in Japan isn’t just an experience, it is the experience.

If you want to give feedback on any of our articles, you have an idea that you’d really like to see come to life, or you just have a question on Japan, hit us up on our Facebook!

Title image: Joe Bryer

The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.

I Live in the Japanese Countryside: This Is What It's Like - tsunagu Local (2024)


What is it like living in the Japanese countryside? ›

Living in the countryside has many perks, and the availability of fresh produce is a big one. Agriculture is popular in rural Japan, and you'll see fields of vegetables, grains, and fruits around almost every town. As people live in houses in the inaka, nearly all houses have their own gardens as well.

What is the Japanese countryside called? ›

In the countryside (known as the 'inaka' in Japanese), you can stay in a 'kominka,' a traditional and quaint Japanese house.

What does Japan countryside look like? ›

Around you there will often be tall mountains, green valleys, deep forests, and clear rivers. It can feel like a land of magic. If you're a nature lover you will enjoy it there a lot. Since most of you will not live there.

Is it expensive to live in Japan countryside? ›

The cost of living in rural Japan is less on average than in cities, mainly due to lower rent. It's also a more affordable setting to purchase real estate and raise a family, making it ideal for those planning long-term. Other factors such as transportation, food, and energy are similar to cities.

Is Japan cheap to live at? ›

It is one of the most expensive cities to call home, globally and nationally. On average, a single person spends ¥143,000 per month in Japan's capital, while a family of four might spend around ¥510,000 (excluding rent – 家賃, yachin). When compared to other major cities, Tokyo is: 50% higher than Shanghai.

Is Japan a stressful country to live in? ›

Share of people having worries or stress Japan 2019, by gender and age. As of 2019, the highest share of men in Japan with concerns or stress was, with 49.5 percent, in the age group of 40 to 49 years. The highest share of worried or stressed women was aged 30 to 49 years, with around 60.4 percent.

What is the most beautiful countryside in Japan? ›

Shiretoko, Hokkaido

Shiretoko, situated on the north-eastern tip of Hokkaido, is one of Japan's most beautiful and remote natural areas. This peninsula is known for its rugged beauty, diverse wildlife, and dramatic landscapes, which include mountains, forests, and the sea.

What is the richest village in Japan? ›

This is Sarufutsu Village, Japan's richest village.

What are the cons of living in rural Japan? ›

Living in the Japanese countryside can be a rewarding experience. But it can also come with its own set of challenges. From the language barrier to limited access to goods and services, transportation difficulties, social isolation, housing issues, and cultural differences.

What are 3 major physical features in Japan? ›

Geography of Japan
Highest pointMount Fuji 3,776 m (12,388 ft)
Lowest pointHachirōgata −4 m (−13 ft)
Longest riverShinano River 367 km (228 mi)
Largest lakeLake Biwa 671 km2 (259 sq mi)
15 more rows

What do normal houses look like in Japan? ›

Traditional Japanese homes are made of wood and supported by wooden pillars, but today's homes usually have Western-style rooms with wooden flooring and are often constructed with steel pillars. More and more families in urban areas, moreover, live in large, ferroconcrete apartment buildings.

Is it true you can buy a house in Japan for $500? ›

Yes, you really can buy a house for under $500 in Japan

Yes, there are really houses in Japan that are listed for $500 — in fact there are many. But what those articles don't show is what $500 will actually get you. Here's an example of an abandoned house listed for sale for 5万円 (about $360 at the time of writing).

How much money is enough to live comfortably in Japan? ›

Cost of Living in Japan for Indian Students in 2024: An Overview
FactorAverage Cost Per Month (YEN)Range
Accommodation30,00012,000 – 60,000
Food & Groceries28,00020,000 – 40,000
Transportation10,0004,000 – 20,000
Household Bills10,0008,000 – 15,000
4 more rows
Feb 20, 2023

How much is a house in countryside Japan? ›

In a country known for sky-high real estate prices, buying a large country home (or “kominka”) in Japan is still affordable. “You can buy a home with a modest lot for as little as $20,000 USD, depending on location.

What is the land and terrain like in Japan like? ›

Located in the Circum-Pacific "ring of fire", Japan is predominantly mountainous - about three-fourths of the national land is mountains - and long mountain ranges form the backbone of the archipelago. The dramatic Japan Alps, studded with 3,000-meter peaks, bisect the central portion of Honshu, the main island.

Is Japan a good place to live for introverts? ›

If social distractions from the company of others are your thing, Tokyo, Japan may not be for you. For introverts, it is a place where they can do what comes naturally to them without fear of being judged, doing things alone in solitude.

Is it nice to live in Japan as a foreigner? ›

Well, if excellent food, a healthy lifestyle and constant excitement are high on your list of priorities, you're in for a treat. As one of the world's leading economies, with a rich history and natural beauty spilling from every corner, Japan has much to offer for the intrepid expat family.

Is Japan good country to live in? ›

Japan is one of the most favorable countries to live in in the world. The island country has excellent public transportation and a safe living environment. It has rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and seasonal variety.

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