How to summon witherstorm in Minecraft  (2024)

There are all kinds of mods available in Minecraft. They can do almost anything, even turn players into villagers or make trees explode randomly. There are mods that let gamers play as phantoms, completely randomize the game, and change how every block looks. These are mainly used on the Java Edition, though there are add-ons for the Bedrock Edition as well.

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One of the more interesting mods is the Wither Storm mod. The Wither Storm is something that originated in Minecraft: Story Mode. This was an offshoot of the base game that introduced a few new things.

Thanks to mods, this feature can be in regular Minecraft. Here's how to do it.

Minecraft Wither Storm: A complete guide

The first step to summoning the Wither Storm is to download the mod. Unfortunately, while the Wither is a part of the vanilla version of the game, the Wither Storm is not.

How to summon witherstorm in Minecraft (1)

The mod can be downloaded and installed from CurseForge:

  1. Download the mod from the CurseForge website. Files should be saved to a known and easily accessible location.
  2. Open File Explorer.
  3. Navigate to: %appdata%\.minecraft\mods\mods. This is the standard location for mod files.
  4. Copy and Paste, or drag the downloaded mod from its original location to this folder.
  5. Open the Minecraft Launcher.
  6. Select Installations.
  7. Hover over Forge.
  8. Click Play.

Follow the above steps and install the mod, which should now be running on the Java version of Minecraft.

How to summon witherstorm in Minecraft (2)

Here's how the creators described it:

"This mod is... designed to be mainly a survival challenge mod in where the player(s) try to defeat the Wither Storm while running, hiding, and gearing up as they go along... One of the goals of this mod is to abstract the Wither Storm from the game as much as possible, so anyone can play."

The description continues as the creators explain how to summon the Wither Storm:

"To summon the Wither Storm, locate the rundown house at X: 0, Z: 0, and place the last wither skull on top of the incomplete wither-like structure!"

In this mod, the Wither Storm is the main change. In this new world, there is a generated house, and inside that house is the Wither Storm spawner.

It should look like the standard Wither spawn structure, with just one difference. The middle block of the soul sand base should be a command block and it should be missing one skeleton skull.

Once the final skull is placed, the Wither Storm will spawn and begin wreaking havoc on the world.

How to summon witherstorm in Minecraft (3)

Here are the key features of the Wither Storm that potential players need to know about:

  • Grows and evolves by absorbing the surroundings
  • Has the ability to track the nearest gamer from wherever
  • Will occasionally chase the said player
  • Has the ability to chunk load wherever
  • This doesn't depend on the player's presence, so it is constantly active no matter what
  • Can be seen 10,000 blocks away
  • Can pick up clusters of blocks, which can be entire trees or even full villager houses
  • Any and all mobs can be picked up and consumed by the Wither Storm

Fighting the Wither is a challenge, but the Wither Storm is significantly more dangerous and challenging.

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Edited by Sohan Dasgupta


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How to summon witherstorm in Minecraft  (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.