How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (2024)

How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (1)

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Kerry Hood

How do you say hello in English when you need to be formal, but you also want to convey enthusiasm? And how do you greet someone in English if you’ve never met them? Is there a difference between hi there and hey you, and why does the same greeting change meaning when spoken in a different way?

It’s vital to be able to recognize and understand the different contexts of how we say hello in English. After all, you don't want to be too informal in a corporate meeting, nor do you want to be overly formal if you're saying hi to close pals.

This article will explore the many ways we say hello in English and will look at the unspoken and subtle wealth of meanings that accompany our greetings and how you can learn to recognize and use them.

And if you need to know how to say hello in different languages, we've written a post for that too.

How do you actually say “hello” and “hi” in English?

“Hello” is pronounced /həˈloʊ/, and “hi” is pronounced /haɪ/. Both are exclamations; we pronounce them strongly and clearly because we use them to signal for someone’s attention.

However, hello and hi can carry extra meaning. This is because we naturally intensify our greetings if we know someone or cool our greetings if we are uncertain about them.

107 ways to say hi in English

It’s incredible that we can express so much with a single greeting!

Let’s go casual

HihyWe know the person well, and we see them quite often
Hi therehy thehrWe know the person well but have not seen them so recently
HeyhayWe know the person very well
Helloheh lowWe know the person, but not so closely
Hey youhay yooWe know them so well, we can become playful
Hi (person’s name)hyWe know the person and like them very much

Let’s go formal

Hello, nice to meet youheh lowYou don’t know the person
Hello, nice to see youYou know them, but not very well
Hello, how are you doing?You know them in a formal and regular situation, such as at work
Hello Sue, how are you?You know them a little more closely enough to use their name
Hello thereYou know them but haven’t seen them for some time

Do greetings change at different times of the day?

They do, but to mix these up is often ok, and even useful as an “icebreaker” for a formal conversation:

  • Good morning/evening/afternoon are quite formal, but morning/ afternoon/evening are casual.
  • Goodnight is the same as goodbye, and is not used as a greeting
  • We use good morning, how are you when we know the person
  • We use morning when we are in a hurry or not planning to stop and chat
  • We say good morning or is it afternoon already as polite conversation and as a humorous reference to being so busy that we don’t know what time it is.

Do our greetings change if we know the person we are addressing?

How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (2)

They certainly do, and they change even more if we like that person.

  • Hi will become hiiiiiiii. We lengthen and add volume to the end of the word. This signifies pleasure and warmth.
  • Hello becomes helloooooo. Again, we lengthen and emphasize the word. Using hello instead of hi can also indicate that we really like this person but haven’t seen them for a while.
  • Hey becomes heeeey. We emphasize this form to get someone’s attention who we like.
  • Hey you or hey you there spoken with an emphasis on the you signals that we know them. However, this form can also signal displeasure.
  • Howdy / Hey mate / Hey man / G’day / and Gidday mate all indicate that we know a person quite well.
  • How are you? / What’s up? / How’s it going? are casual ways to say hello in English and indicate that we’ve known that person for some time.
  • How’s you? is a casual and tender way to ask after someone’s wellbeing. It indicates that you know them well.

Greetings in English to use when you haven’t seen that person for some time

  1. Long time no see
  2. Heeeeeey, good to see you
  3. Hellooo, how are you?
  4. Hey, is it really you?
  5. Is that you?
  6. Is that seriously you?
  7. Hello stranger!
  8. Are you kidding me?
  9. This can’t be true!

How to say hello in English when you’ve never met the person before

  • Nice to meet you. This is simple and courteous. You would use this form in a new English class, for example, when you are attending in person.
  • So nice to meet you
  • I’ve been looking forward to meeting you
  • I’ve heard so much about you
  • Hello and welcome. You would formally greet a group this way.

How to say hello on the phone, in a text, or email

How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (3)

  • We use hello, hi, and our name on the phone. If we know the person, we might say hey, it’s me or just hi because the other person likely has us listed in their phone.
  • In a formal text, we always use hi or hello. For an informal text, we don’t use any greeting because texting with people we know is usually a continuing conversation.
  • We always use Hi for emails, or Dear… if it is very formal.

How to say hello while also emphasizing something else

  • Hello again – we use this to greet someone we have only met once before; we say “again” to emphasize that we remember them.
  • Well hello! – we use this to greet someone we’ve only met once, but very much liked.
  • Helloooooo – this is a written form, and is used in short messaging as a greeting, but also to query an absence (where have you been all this time?)

How we say hello in English when the situation is tricky and we aren’t sure how we feel about it

English is full of voice tones and gestures that express courtesy. These are vital to keep conversations smooth and flowing and can also prevent conflict.

For example, when we greet someone we don’t like much, we often say, hiiiiiiii with a lilt. This sing-song tone can express tension and uneasiness and can be used to express enthusiasm that we don’t actually feel.

  • Hiiiiiii, fancy meeting yuuuu here
  • Heeeey, how r yuuuuu
  • Oh My God….I did NOT expect to see you here!
  • Oh wow. Ok. Hi…
  • Oh hello. Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you!

When we’ve had a falling out with someone, we might say hello or hi in clipped tones that do not invite further conversation.

  • Hey.
  • Hi.
  • Hello.
  • A nod (with nothing actually spoken)
  • A smile (and nothing actually spoken)
  • A stiff smile (and then look away)

How to say hello in English in other English speaking countries

What all of these forms have in common is each one is simply stating “hello”. The question format is irrelevant; we aren’t asking an actual question, and we don’t expect any other answer except “hello” or a format that means “hello”.

Like a BritLike an AmericanMeanwhile in Australia
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • How do you do?
  • What’s new?
  • Well, look who it is!
  • How have you been?
  • What’s up buttercup?
  • What’s up doc?
  • How are you?
  • What’s up
  • How are you going?
  • Yo, what’s up?
  • Where’ve you been?
  • Whassup?
  • Hey man
  • Hey dude
  • How are you guys?
  • Oi!
  • Mate!
  • Hey, what’s up
  • Cheers
  • You right?
  • How ya goin?
  • How are ya?
  • Howdy
  • What’s going on?
  • What do you know?
  • How’s this weather?
Like the IrishIn New ZealandAnd in Scotland
  • How’s the form?
  • What’s the story?
  • Alright there?
  • How’s she cutting?
  • Kia Ora (a Maori greeting)
  • Morning!
  • Hello. It’s cold out!
  • Hi, how are you?
  • Guid mornin
  • Guid eenin
  • Welcome!
  • How are ye?
  • How’s it gaun?
  • Hou's aw wi ye?

FAQs about saying hello in English

What are some English greeting faux-pas?

To greet a formal acquaintance very casually can cause discomfort, while to greet close friends over formally signals that something is wrong, and they may ask you if everything is ok.

To add physical touch to your greeting must be handled carefully. We usually only greet with a physical gesture if we know the person very well.

What is the best way to practice greetings in English?

How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (4)

The most effective way to learn how to say hello in English is to use these greetings in real life groups. A great way to do this is to join a group class, for example.

Why are knowing English greetings so important?

Saying hello in English is how we begin every interaction. Greetings set the scene and can influence the tone of the rest of the conversation; a faltering conversation can be difficult to continue.

Getting our greetings right feels good and starting well can make up for mistakes we might make later in the conversation.

Learning to say hello in English is a useful skill and a vital part of successful interaction with others. English has many different greetings, and a variety of ways to express them.

Pay attention to conversations and practicing expressions, and you’ll develop a repertoire and manage conversations with comfort and ease.

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As a language enthusiast and expert, I bring a deep understanding of linguistic nuances and cultural implications tied to greetings. My extensive knowledge encompasses not only the phonetics of greetings but also the contextual variations that make language a rich and dynamic form of communication.

In the provided article, the author delves into the multifaceted realm of English greetings, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and adapting to different contexts. The article provides a comprehensive overview of greetings, covering various expressions, pronunciation guides, and situational nuances.

Concepts Covered in the Article:

  1. Pronunciation of Greetings:

    • "Hello" is pronounced /həˈloʊ/, and "hi" is pronounced /haɪ/.
    • Both are exclamations used to signal for someone's attention.
  2. Casual Greetings:

    • Exploring informal greetings like "hi," "hi there," "hey," and variations like "hey you."
    • Highlighting the subtle differences in meaning based on the level of familiarity.
  3. Formal Greetings:

    • Discussing formal greetings such as "Hello, nice to meet you" and variations for different levels of acquaintance.
  4. Time-Dependent Greetings:

    • Exploring how greetings change based on the time of day, including formal and casual variations.
  5. Intensifying Greetings:

    • Examining how the length and tone of greetings change based on familiarity and liking, such as "hiiiiiiii" for expressing warmth.
  6. Expressions for Prolonged Separation:

    • Providing phrases for addressing someone you haven't seen in a while, like "Long time no see" or "Hello stranger!"
  7. Greetings for First Meetings:

    • Offering polite and courteous ways to greet someone for the first time, both in person and in a group setting.
  8. Communication Mediums:

    • Discussing appropriate greetings for different communication channels, such as phone calls, text messages, and emails.
  9. Emphasizing Greetings:

    • Exploring expressions like "Hello again," "Well hello," and "Helloooooo" to add emphasis or inquire about absence.
  10. Tricky Situations:

    • Addressing the nuances of greetings in awkward or tense situations, including voice tones and non-verbal cues.
  11. Cross-Cultural Greetings:

    • Comparing English greetings in different English-speaking countries, showcasing variations in expression.
  12. FAQs About Greetings:

    • Answering common questions, including faux-pas to avoid and effective ways to practice greetings in English.

Understanding and mastering greetings in English is highlighted as a crucial skill for successful interactions. The article encourages readers to pay attention to conversations, practice expressions, and develop a repertoire for comfortable and effective communication.

How to Say Hi in English in 107 Interesting Ways (2024)


How do you say hi in a unique way? ›

Here are 50 ways to say hello and bid someone a good day so pick a way and start saying hello today.
  1. Hello.
  2. Hello Beautiful.
  3. Hey Friend.
  4. Hey Boo.
  5. Hey Sunshine.
  6. Hey Sweetart.
  7. Hey Girl Hey.
  8. Hey Luv.
Jun 7, 2017

How do you say hey in an interesting way? ›

Howdy / Hey mate / Hey man / G'day / and Gidday mate all indicate that we know a person quite well. How are you? / What's up? / How's it going? are casual ways to say hello in English and indicate that we've known that person for some time.

How do you say hi in the most complicated way? ›

Formal Ways To Say “Hello”
  1. Good morning/afternoon/evening. These are classic, formal phrases to use when greeting someone, whether it's the first time meeting them or if you've already met them before. ...
  2. Pleased to meet you. ...
  3. It's nice to meet you. ...
  4. It's good to see you. ...
  5. How are you?

How do you say hi to your crush? ›

Greet them casually.
  1. It may sound silly, but using your crush's name can induce some warm fuzzy feelings right off the bat. Saying, "Hey, Brad!" sounds much more personal than "Hey!"
  2. If you can't make "What's up?" flow off the tongue naturally, open with anything that feels natural to you.

What are 5 ways to greet? ›

Now that you've learned how to greet someone informally, let's check out some of the most common formal greetings in English.
  • Hello! In formal greetings examples, hello is preferred to “hi” or “hey.”
  • Hi there. ...
  • Good morning. ...
  • Good afternoon. ...
  • Good evening. ...
  • It's nice to meet you. ...
  • It's a pleasure to meet you.

Is Hey flirty from a guy? ›

“Hey you” is a playful greeting a guy might send if he's being flirty. If he's your crush, try sending him a similar message like “Hey yourself.” If you're not sure if he's flirting or just being friendly, keep it neutral with a simple “Hi” or “What's up?” Or, respond with an emoji or GIF if you don't know what to say.

Is Hi there flirty? ›

The interpretation of “Hi there” as flirty or merely friendly depends largely on contextual clues and the tone in which it is delivered.

How do you say hello in 18 languages? ›

To help you along, here is how to say “hello” in 18 different languages.
  1. French: “Bonjour”
  2. Spanish: “Hola”
  3. German: “Hallo” or “Guten Tag”
  4. Italian: “Ciao”
  5. Portuguese: “Olá”
  6. Hindi: “Namaste”
  7. Icelandic: “Halló”
  8. Danish: “Hej”
Nov 21, 2016

How do you say hi elegantly? ›

There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:
  1. “Hello!”
  2. “Good morning.”
  3. “Good afternoon.”
  4. “Good evening.”
  5. “It's nice to meet you.”
  6. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)
Jun 29, 2021

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“Hey you”

This is one of those cute ways to say hi in a text message that is seriously so simple, but it never fails. When someone who likes you gets this text, instead of just “hi,” they feel like you're thinking about them. Just the simple use of the word 'you' makes you feel more seen and attracted.

How do you say hi without being awkward? ›

When you catch their eye, just smile lightly and/or say "hi." Most people seem to prefer a simple smile. Sometimes a nod also helps. We don't recommend that you wave unless the person is sitting on their porch or gardening or something else far away. You'll look awkward and dorky.

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bonjour, buenas noches, buenos dias, good day, good morning, hey, hi-ya, how are you, how goes it, howdy-do, shalom, what's happening, what's up.

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Casual/Funny Ways to Greet a Friend in English
  • Hey there / Hiya / Hey you (used when talking to one specific person)
  • How's it hanging?
  • What's doing?
  • What's cooking good lookin'?
  • Ahoy, matey!
  • What's crackin'?
  • Top of the mornin' to ya!
  • Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in!
Apr 9, 2021

How do you say hello with Rizz? ›

Saying hey with rizz is all about getting someone's attention with a hint of charm and self-assurance. That means embracing your inner confidence and approaching a conversation with a unique flair and sense of calm. Stand tall with open posture, project your voice well, relax your arms and hands, and smile lightly.

How do you say hi without flirting? ›

  1. Open up with a joke.
  2. Ask for their opinion.
  3. Use a meme or gif.
  4. Be nostalgic.
  5. Give them a nickname.
  6. Share a funny story.
  7. Remind them of something funny.
  8. Send a funny video.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.