How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (2024)

Table of Contents
Required Materials to Respawn the Ender Dragon Steps to Make End Crystals How to Respawn the Ender Dragon Conclusion FAQs Q. How many End Crystals do you need to Respawn the Ender Dragon? Q. Do you get another Dragon Egg if you Respawn the Ender Dragon? Q. What is the Point of Respawning the Ender Dragon? Page Contributors Page History Wohooo!! There are no open issues on this page. How can we improve? Popular In Minecraft Wiki How to make a Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft How to Breathe Underwater in Minecraft How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft Librarian in Minecraft How to Kill all Mobs in Minecraft How to get Player Heads in Minecraft How to Make Strength Potion in Minecraft How to Make Circles and Spheres in Minecraft How to duplicate in Minecraft How to Make a Water Elevator in Minecraft How to make a Beacon in Minecraft Nether Portal in Minecraft Latest Wiki Pages Smelting Sky Dimension in Minecraft Education Edition Getting Started in Minecraft The Twilight Forest Minecraft mod Mowzie’s Mobs What is Pixelmon in Minecraft? How to Craft an Oak Button in Minecraft How to Craft a Tripwire Hook in Minecraft? How to Craft a Lever in Minecraft? How to craft a Redstone Repeater in Minecraft? How to craft a Daylight Detector in Minecraft? How to Craft a Redstone Comparator in Minecraft Can Dragon Fireball be used as a decorative item in Minecraft? How to Craft a Beacon in Minecraft What are Elder Guardians and what do they do in Minecraft? Verdant Froglight in Minecraft What are Dragon Fireballs in Minecraft? What is Structure Void in Minecraft? What are Structure blocks in Minecraft? Evidence of Expertise: Concepts Used in the Article: Conclusion:

If you ever need to fight the ender dragon again, do not worry, there is a mechanic in place to allow you to respawn the ender dragon. It is relatively simple and as long as you recall where your end portal was, you can easily do it with just a few materials. The fight itself is not any easier, so be prepared. Use the best armor and weapons that you can muster and consider using potion buffs or golden apples to make the fight go by easier. This guide will go over the required materials to respawn the ender dragon, how to respawn the ender dragon, and how to make and use end crystals.

Required Materials to Respawn the Ender Dragon

  1. 28 Glass
  2. 4 Ghast Tears
  3. 4 Eyes of Ender

In order to spawn the Ender Dragon, you will need to craft 4 end crystals and place them in the correct spots. To make an end crystal you need 7 glasses, 1 ghast tear, and 1 eye of ender, meaning you will need 28 glasses, 4 ghast tears, and 4 eyes of ender anytime you want to respawn the ender dragon. The eyes of the ender are made with an ender pearl and ablaze powder. Ghast tears are relatively rare drops from ghasts. Finally, you can cook glass in a furnace by cooking sand.

Steps to Make End Crystals

First, let’s gather the materials for the end crystals. Start by gathering some ender pearls found from endermen. This is a relatively rare drop, but if you are looking to respawn the ender dragon, you should have access to the end, making obtaining the ender pearls much easier.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (1)

Once you have your ender pearls, combine them with blaze powder to make the eye of the ender. Next, you will need some ghast tears. Head to the nether and ready your bow and arrows. Try to hunt ghasts that are floating above land so their drops do not fall into a lava pool.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (2)

Ghasts can drop gunpowder and ghast tears, of these two the ghast tears are rarer. Keep at it until you have 4 ghast tears to work with. Next, you just need to smelt some glass. Dig up some sand and cook it in a furnace to get the required components for your end crystals.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (3)

Once you have 28 glasses, you can get started on making your 4 end crystals. To make an end crystal combine 7 glasses, 1 ghast tear, and 1 eye of ender to make an end crystal.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (4)

Combine all your materials to make end crystals. Once you have 4 end crystals you are ready to respawn the ender dragon. End crystals can only be placed on bedrock or obsidian, if you end up accidentally placing one, you will need to make another as there is no way to reobtain them.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon

In a Nutshell:

To Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft requires making four end crystals. These end crystals are what causes the Ender Dragon to receive healing. Simply placing one end crystal on each side of the exit portal, will cause the Ender Dragon to respawn.

Once you have your four end crystals you can head into the end and place them in the middle-most block on each side of your end portal.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (5)

Once you place your fourth end crystal a short animation will play and the ender dragon will respawn. Each of the towers will come equipped with its respective end crystal and you can experience the fight again. Before you respawn the ender dragon, ensure that you have obtained your dragon egg. If you kill the ender dragon without grabbing your dragon egg, it will be destroyed.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (6)

Once you have placed the last crystal beams of light will shoot towards each of the pillars until the last end crystal has formed. After the crystals shoot a beam up into the sky a small explosion happens near the center, where the end portal resides, and the ender dragon will spawn. At this point, the end portal will disappear and you will need to defeat the ender dragon if you want safe passage back home.

It is relatively simple to respawn the ender dragon. If you had gone out to search for a stronghold, chances are you have a few eyes of ender left over. The ghast tears may take some time to collect, but once you have the eyes of the ender and the ghast tears, most of the work is already taken care of. Just place the end crystals on the middle-most slot of your end portal and you can respawn the ender dragon.


Congratulations, you now know how to respawn the ender dragon. The ender dragon is an exciting fight in Minecraft, and if you want to relive it you can do so through in-game mechanics without exploiting anything. Fighting the ender dragon again is a good source of dragon’s breath. Try to remember to bring some glass bottles with you so that you can make lingering potions.


Q. How many End Crystals do you need to Respawn the Ender Dragon?

A. To respawn the ender dragon you will need 4 end crystals. This means you need 28 glass, 4 eyes of ender, and 4 ghast tears. Once you have these materials you can make 4 end crystals, and you can respawn the ender dragon by placing the end crystals around your end portal in the middle-most blocks on each side.

Q. Do you get another Dragon Egg if you Respawn the Ender Dragon?

A. The dragon egg you get from initially defeating the ender dragon is the only egg your world can ever get. You cannot get another dragon egg in your world without cheating. Dragon eggs have no practical benefit and they exist solely for cosmetics, but even so, respawning the ender dragon does not spawn another dragon egg.

Q. What is the Point of Respawning the Ender Dragon?

A. This one is more up to you to decide, but the obvious answers are more access to dragon’s breath, it will also drop 500 experience points, as well as give you an achievement for respawning the ender dragon. Other than the dragon’s breath and the experience, there is not much practicality to respawning the ender dragon more than once.

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As a Minecraft enthusiast with extensive knowledge of game mechanics, I can provide a detailed breakdown of the concepts discussed in the article about respawning the Ender Dragon.

Evidence of Expertise:

  1. Crafting End Crystals:

    • The article mentions the requirement for 28 Glass, 4 Ghast Tears, and 4 Eyes of Ender to craft 4 end crystals. I understand the crafting process, which involves combining these materials to create end crystals.
  2. Gathering Ender Pearls:

    • The article discusses the need for Ender Pearls obtained from Endermen. I know that Ender Pearls are relatively rare drops and are more accessible when you have access to the End dimension.
  3. Obtaining Ghast Tears:

    • The article instructs players to go to the Nether to obtain Ghast Tears. I am aware that Ghast Tears are rare drops from Ghasts and that hunting them requires careful consideration to prevent drops from falling into lava pools.
  4. Smelting Glass:

    • The article mentions the process of smelting glass by cooking sand in a furnace. I am familiar with the crafting recipes in Minecraft, including the one for glass.
  5. Placing End Crystals:

    • The article explains that end crystals can only be placed on bedrock or obsidian. I understand the limitations and the consequences of accidentally placing end crystals in the wrong location.
  6. Respawning the Ender Dragon:

    • The article provides a step-by-step guide on respawning the Ender Dragon using end crystals. I can explain the mechanics involved in triggering the respawn, the animation that follows, and the subsequent fight.
  7. Dragon Egg Retrieval:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of obtaining the dragon egg before respawning the Ender Dragon. I know that failure to do so results in the destruction of the dragon egg.
  8. Practicality of Respawning:

    • The article discusses the reasons for respawning the Ender Dragon, including obtaining dragon's breath, experience points, and an achievement. I understand the in-game benefits and limitations.

Concepts Used in the Article:

  1. End Crystals:

    • Crafting end crystals using 7 glass, 1 ghast tear, and 1 eye of ender.
  2. Ender Pearls:

    • Obtaining ender pearls from Endermen, a rare drop.
  3. Ghast Tears:

    • Obtaining ghast tears as rare drops from Ghasts in the Nether.
  4. Glass Smelting:

    • Smelting glass by cooking sand in a furnace.
  5. Placing End Crystals:

    • Placing end crystals on bedrock or obsidian to respawn the Ender Dragon.
  6. Respawning the Ender Dragon:

    • Triggering the respawn by placing end crystals in specific locations.
  7. Dragon Egg Retrieval:

    • Ensuring the retrieval of the dragon egg before respawning the Ender Dragon.
  8. Practicality of Respawning:

    • Discussing the benefits and achievements associated with respawning the Ender Dragon.


In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide to respawning the Ender Dragon in Minecraft, covering crafting, gathering, and strategic elements of the gameplay. Players can follow these instructions to experience the exciting fight against the Ender Dragon multiple times while obtaining valuable in-game rewards.

How to Respawn the Ender Dragon in Minecraft (2024)
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